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Everything posted by Stormandreas

  1. Viral+Heat if you're apply status at the same time as damage. If you're going just for raw damage, it depends on whether it's the murmur or robots. Murmur = Radiation, Robots = Corrosive/Electric/Blast (only blast if armour is stripped). Otherwise, Viral+Heat. Given the Murmur are just gigantic health pools, Viral status becomes insane vs them. +275% extra damage to health types including the -50% damage Viral has against Murmur, puts it well and far beyond any other damage type, with it's status effects. If you're applying those effects and have the ability to put radiation on to, then do that. Heat will also just stack up infinitely if you keep applying it. This burns through anything in the game given enough procs (unless the procs are capped like vs Acolytes for example) After that, just armour strip the robots. If its vs the Fragmented Boss, or Necramechs, the former you just use pure Radiation (it's immune to Viral and cold????? procs), and for the latter use Corrosive.
  2. For basic gear, such as the braton, just sell that. Keep the Braton Prime and Vandal. Vandal because it's posterier pain to get, and also gives you options for the Incarnon. Same goes for Kuva weapons, might as well get rid of the OGs, except for the Hek, because Scattering Justice exists and can't be used on the Vaykor or Kuva versions. I would wait for the TGlaxion to come out before deciding on the VGlaxion. You never know how the stats will turn out.
  3. The issue is when joining the mission partway through, especially at the 3-4 minute mark. You'll only see, and be able to collect, the drops after the fact, which results in this, simply because the player who joined just doesn't see enough reactant drops in that short period of time. There's 1 possible solution, and that is to allow anyone joining midway through, to have a number of reactant equal to the lowest total collected reactant. So if there's a team with someone who has 9, 7 and 5 reactant, a new player loads in with 5 reactant. Having them load in with the highest, incentivises leeching. Having them spawn with the average could also cause this. If they load in with the lowest, they at least are incentivised to go around and collect the Reactant to open their relic, while not being completely screwed over for being put into a nearly finished round.
  4. Whenever I've used her, even before Dante, I've required LoS on Seeking Talons for the initial targetting for the talons. I would not call it garbage because it needs LoS, not by any means. The main bonus of Seeking talons is the forced slash procs on any hit after the Talons have hit anyway, so hitting that group you see, then smacking them with an appropriately modded weapon, and you're golden.
  5. I'm really ngl, you write massive paragraphs for very little reason. Your stance is "It's fine if the rewards are capped because some players wont grind a lot, and some players might be toxic, and some players just want to make plat, and some playe.........." My stance is "It's not fine because it removes player autonomy" Sympathy has no place for it. The fact is, removing player choice, is removing player choice. End of. Just because someone chooses not to grind out multiple sets of something, doesn't mean anyone else who wants to, should be robbed of the opportunity to do so. There's not much point writing a massive paragraph about player attitude towards others when it holds no place in this topic. The topic is "DE removing player autonomy" not "a minority of players lack self control, so lets removing options from everyone" Anyways, before this topic derails, we'll end it here. This topic is about DE removing player choice.
  6. It doesn't matter what way either of us interpret what she said. Either outcome is bad for the event, game and players. That I think we can agree on.
  7. Yes, she said they were wanting to do 2 sets [of one arcane] "max". This means 42 of that respective arcane max for the entire event.So, max of 42 Energize. That would mean you can still go and buy 42 Grace, but if you don't want to purchase those and you want more energize, well, tough luck, DE says no fun allowed. Either implementation is bad. One is of course worse than the other, but neither are good. Both are limiting Both chokehold players Both is essentially telling players "Stop playing our content and do something else", which is the worst message to ever send any player.
  8. Dante's existence makes most things pointless ngl. It's not Dante though, it's just the fact that Overguard is bonkers and easily the most broken thing DE have ever added to the game. It invalidates a lot of the game. Status effects? Who cares No shield gate? Whatever Need Primed Sure Footed? Naaaaaah The only caveat is that it doesn't have any form of DR (meh). Doesn't matter when you can make it instantly and regenerate it in 0s, which is certainly faster than the 0.5s Overguard gate.
  9. Pretty certain that the pool will reset either on every login or on daily reset. If your intention is to try and exhaust the pool to garuntee the next weapon being the new ones, I'm pretty sure you'd need to keep your game on and do it on the same day, which would be impossible as you're forced to re-log to even get the update.
  10. It's always used LoS. The new LoS checks just allow it to bypass terrain if the enemies are within 5m, otherwise, it's working the same as it used to.
  11. Was this during the updates going on? If you were booted/host migrated as the updates were deploying, you'll just lose everything. Does mean the ex-host will have lost everything as well if that was the case
  12. I understand they want to reduce burnout. I don't understand why they are trying to do it in the worst possible way. It makes no sense to flatout stop players being able to earn rewards in an TIME LIMITED EVENT. The time limit is already a cap. There's a deadline. Adding a daily cap is also not a good idea for a time limited event either. Rebecca said they are thinking on 2 Arcanes max. Not Arcane Energize, just Arcane (general). The issue here is it's choking player choice and autonomy. Something that is a MASSIVE no-no in games design for games like this. Removing player choice and action, removes the sense that the player is in control and can make their own decisions. It creates a feeling of dread and discomfort. This is why when they add alternate ways to farm certain things, it's praised, because adding player autonomy is a very good thing in an MMO. There are exceptions ofc. They have started doing this with the ship Sumdalis. Cosmetics that can only be acquired in certain ways is fine. Anyway, while yes, the main people this effects are those who want to grind the event. Key phrase there, want to. If you DON'T want to grind out multiple sets, then don't. If you DO want to grind out multiple sets, then do. Removing that choice removes player freedom. The other thing this removes is the ability for players to make use of the event to stock up on items to then either give them away, help out friends/clanmates or for trading. By limiting those who are grinding for giving items away and helping others, they are actually pushing players to the normal grind, which in and of itself, pushes players to trading. It will absolutely have the opposite effect of what you think they are wanting. Lets also not forget, this event will likely be inaccesible to anyone who hasn't done Whispers in the Wall, meaning that there is very likely a chunk of players who would want to participate, who can't. I for one grinded out multiple sets of Arcanes during Gargoyles Cry to sell and giveaway to my community. I didn't do this in Scarlet Spear or Orphix Venom because I couldn't be bothered. I farmed out 500 forma from Plague Star and I'm super grateful I did because I've already used 170 of them making and modifying builds. Did I have to? No. Did I WANT to. Yes. That's the difference. Stopping burnout =/= stopping players having choice.
  13. Alchemy is fine, if you don't just run off and kill enemies all over the place. The key, is to group enemies up next to the Crucible, and then just pick up and chuck any and all Amphor into the crucible. Boom, done. You'll be finished a round in about 2-4 minutes doing this.
  14. I'll keep it brief. In todays Devshorts, Rebecca mentioned that in Gargoyles Cry they "saw a lot of people doing a very serious amount of grinding". This led to her mentioning that they are going to cap the amount of rewards you can purchase from the Event shop. No. Don't. This is an absolutely terrible idea. Warframe, is a grindy game. That is fact. If players want to grind to insane degrees, let them. Thats what they want to do. Players wanted to grind out multiple sets of arcanes, so they did. All this will do is eliminate the events replayability if people ARE wanting to replay it and get rewarded for doing so. Completely removing that option, means you make yet another content island that players forget about. Do it once, get the stuff, never do it again. Many people grinded out multiple sets of Arcanes during Gargolyes Cry AND Scarlet spear, for trading, helping friends or new players out or even doing giveaways with. Why does DE feel the need to stamp all that out!? Imagine if Plague Star capped players at 20 forma. Now what? Or capping Dog Days to only 1000 Nakak pearls per week? How far is this going to go... If the problem was just that one event, maybe look at why players were doing "a very serious amount of grinding" for that one event, and improve drop rates on future events, rather than go down an extreme and very ridiculous route of capping players. Capping players from being able to even enjoy the game the way they want to enjoy it, is a surefire way to kill your game. DO NOT DO THIS!!!!
  15. You came to the forums claiming there is a cheat that is "bypassing the anti-cheat" Now you're saying the "cheat" says to press M and see where enemies are, which is just a normal function. Sounds like you're either trying to troll people and waste supports time, or have been baited hard.
  16. This is a normal thing ingame. We have a thing called Enemy Radar, so we can see where all enemies are. Pressing M normally just opens your map and you then see the red chevrons where the enemy is
  17. No exalted weapon is shown in the Equipment menu on your profile, because none of them give Mastery. So no, Garudas talons wont be added to the Profile Equipment menu.
  18. I'm honestly not sure I believe you. Cheating in Warframe hasn't really been a thing for like.... 8 years, and even then, it was so incredibly minimal and inconsiquential. The only "cheating" you can really do that would have any significant effect is if you somehow were able to remotely crash others games by spawning things in or triggering certain effects, or giving yourself or someone else obscene amounts of plat (which would automatically get picked up and get you banned) Things like "going super fast" or "nuking entire maps" is completely normal in this game. That isn't cheating, that's literally what this game has become. Teleportation to. We have that. That's an ingame feature. Flying? Yep, got that too. No-clip? That we can do, in certain ways, because the game engine just can't keep up. It doesn't help for the most part anyway. Making copy NPCs to fight for us? Those are called Specters If your claim is "aimbot", we literally have weapons that do that, plus provides no benefit given the way this game plays. Quite literally the only things that could be considered cheating is giving yourself Prime parts, platinum and tradable stuff through a 3rd party program, of which to my knowledge, is picked up almost instantly by the game servers. Even legitimate players get hit by this because of how aggressive it is.
  19. Calculated shot is the only one that has this problem with Arc Coil. It hasn't, and probably never will be, fixed, because Assault mode exists. Both mods do essentially the same thing, but assault mode doesn't break with Arc Coil. This has also been documented for a while on the wiki: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Arc_Coil
  20. Seconded. The fact mirror defence is still this arduously long gamemode with pretty much no interactions going on other than "shoot enemy. run around like a headless chicken picking up shiney air squigles", is what makes this gamemode awful. Add in the option for players to speed the mode up, immediately adds interaction and makes it more enjoyable. Giving players the option are better than not.
  21. For heirlooms, they added plat into the packs, which entirely was not what the community was saying. The community agreed that the Regal Aya didn't belong and only was included to inflate the price, and mostly agreed that adding a 4th pack that just included the 2 Warframe Heirloom skins and nothing else, for a reasonable price, would be sufficient. Instead, they ignored that, and added plat into the packs. While I can understand not taking the Regal Aya out and making the packs cheaper is scummy to the people who alraedy purchased, there would be nothing stopping them making a 4th pack for those who did not want to purchase the £80 version to get the skins. The plat was nice, sure, and did make up the cost of the packs, but it still didn't resolve the core issue. The cost and variety of the packs. For duviri, the complaints were the random loadouts, mod loadouts and partially the new player experience (mostly from new players being confused AF at playing a gamemode meant for after Angels of Zariman). The random loadouts weren't removed, but they eventually added checks to priorities equipment you don't own, then stuff you do own, and then finally stuff you sold. This was to try and force people to use new equipment, not just the stuff they have. It still isn't overly liked. The mod loadouts were bad too. Weapons/Frames used to only have your builds available, and not a pre-set loadout to them incase you didn't own the item. They added those, and they were AWFUL (most still are). It had a few tweaks but generally hasn't been vastly improved. We also still can't do any modding in Duviri even if we do own the item, which was one of the biggest most supported pieces of feedback. Lastly was the new player path. Duviri came out, new players chose the Duviri path, were confused AF, made posts on Reddit and the forums, and it fell on deaf ears. These players didn't come back. We then went through 3 devstreams before they finally went... "yea, we're gonna take it off of the choice... BUUUUTTT...". That "but" was, they kept Duviri Exp as a quest you can do immediately after Vors Prize. Some players did this, and got stuck in the Duviri quest because it just isn't overly suited for new players, and quit as well. This is how duviri is still today too. While it is good for new players because of Circuit, it's accessible far to early and just makes 0 sense in the games story for how early it can be accessed.
  22. Honestly... I'm pretty cetain DE just do not listen to any sort of negative critical feedback anymore unless it's extremely loud and will damage their stocks+reputation. Deep Archimedian has constantly been said to be annoying, tiring, and pretty offputting for a lot of people because of the random loadouts and how heavily stacked the modifiers are ontop of that. Challenge =/= debuff everything we have, buff everything the enemies have and then force players to play weak/random setups. Given they never addressed any of the feedback during the Devstream, an absolutely perfect time to discuss the new "endgame" gamemode, is a little telling that they just don't want to discuss it or change it. DE do this a lot. When they make changes, if there is poor feedback about a new thing, they tend not to discuss it on devstreams and instead just move on. The only exception is when there outrage enough that drops their player counts, tarnish their reputation, and fill everywhere with negativity, such as with the Heirlooms. Even Duviri, it took them 3 months to finally remove it from the New Player path, because they were adamant it was a good idea to have it there, and never did they say "Yea, it wasn't a good idea, our bad" (iirc) I think I've met... 1 person who stuck with the game after picking the Duviri path.... 1... only...
  23. You're making the assumtion that the enemies that Hydroid is killing aren't being caught by the tentacles when in a squad. This is a bad assumtion as you're assuming the team is not gearing towards looting and gathering the enemies to be caught in the tentacles. This immediately invalidates your math as you're not taking into consideration all variables, such as squad loadouts and actual teamwork. Plus, you're not even looking at them solo either. The assumtion is that all enemies are being killed in Nekros' range AND are being dismembered via slash weapons. You're giving Nekros a more ideal scenario and not Hydroid. The easy solution is to just... wait till they are caught, and gun down the completely stationary held enemies. Job done. This is especially easy if you have a Nautilus and someone using Magus Anomoly. Not only that, if you're considering a team, you'd then take 2 nekros with you anyway to maximise loot.
  24. Hydroid. 100% > 65% or 54% reroll. Hydroid will 100% give you more loot every time, the trick is to ensure enemies are actually being pulled into the tentacle swarm and you are killing them in decent time. Khoras Pilfering Strangledome might be easier to use, but has a lower loot drop chance. That's just a straight fact. 100% Loot drop chance is better than 65% any day. Nekros re-rolls the chance to reroll the chance for a drop from a loot table at 54%. This means, the enemy could 1 mod, then, desecrate gives you a 54% for the loot table to then function again and maybe drop something else. There is absolutely a chance for nothing to drop at all with this ability, which includes the natural drop and the re-rolled drop. Hydroid is the only one that will 100% garuntee drops from every single enemy, every single time.
  25. It's 100%. When you go to spawn a lich, you can see what weapon you'll potentially get first. If you don't want that weapon, simply complete the mission, go back on it, down the larvaling again. Check the weapon, and repeat until the weapon you want spawns. This will cycle through all choices before looping around again, so you're 100% garunteed to get the one you want if you just keep doing this. Then, go through the process of fighting your lich and vanquishing it, to then 100% garuntee you get the weapon that you've chosen to generate.
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