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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. well...they are making the needed changes to at least defense and interception...based on what they showed in...stream 82....basically every 5 waves/4 rounds you have 20 seconds to choose a new relic then get the 10 reactant.....I'm not sure if they are doing something similar tor survival....having to choose a new relic every 5 minutes that breaks the flow of survival would be...tough to get used to initially.

    and traces earned per relic opened would increase over the duration of the mission.

  2. 19 minutes ago, -BM-Leonhart said:


    Actually, I feel the same way. Exactly because Ash is my favorite frame, is that I want to see a rework so badly. Ash is almost unusable as it is now.

    his BS is almost sickening due to the horrible camera...a high duration ash with SS and Lethal teleport is fun :) (CL Dark Dagger ofc)

  3. the switching of the passives would make FAR more sense.....a radial blind with the dagger would open enemies to finishes...add CL and bam, death everywhere...even if you have to block :|

    and the shields for the sydon make even more sense...use the vaykore weapons to get the health and armor boost and the sydon for shield boost...

  4. 4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Drifting Contact applying to weapon ultimates that use melee mods (Exated Blade, Hysteria, etc.) is being treated as a bug at this time. 

    at least make it so that the status portion of it will affect the ultimate melees (so that way the combo part is being treated as the bug)....imo, the combo meter for ultimates SHOULD be at like 5-6 seconds anyways instead of the useless 3 seconds it is now.

  5. 1 hour ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

    30 is too long. You would be better off just making them immune to damage for 30 seconds after a revive.

    that would work great for the current regen....I've seen my carrier get popped immediately after coming back from a regen due to a bombard missile or a Toxic cloud.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Ex09 said:

    Yay! Thanks for updates DE. But I'm still hoping for the Stalker Sigil fix. Really can't play TWW with it. :(

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    Before: G6cIQ4.jpg

    After: jnb0Tz.jpg



    also with the acolyte sigil (well i wish it was matching like the stalker sigil)

    Sorry meant the Zanuka Sigil





  7. 6 hours ago, Helch0rn said:

    The week after Saryn rework I was playing some def and one of the pugs (yes I play public) was like: "hurr durr you are a noob because you use Saryn. Don't you know they nerfed her into the ground? Durr hurr"

    A minute later he complained that I was stealing all of his kills

    yeah...her spores do that :P she is almost as bad with kill count than a BS ash is :P

  8. On 11/3/2016 at 1:46 AM, Urska said:

    also. is Duality useless ? kinda feels like it is at 60+ ish

    imo, unless it gets changed to be 50% of the ability duration..its honestly only good for a short timed spectre....even with a 200+% duration buid, it only lasts for about 18 seconds compared to the actually ability lasting just under a minute (for me at least)

  9. Pox...because even without forma with a blast and corrosive build (Plus 125 base toxin dmg at all times) make it GREAT for shredding armor, and with the blast proc going off...well, enemies that cant get up are dead anyways :P...cant really say how many forma, as i havent forma'd mine ...yet...but the infested hate it :P

  10. 14 hours ago, (XB1)Oussii said:

    Melee are not primary

    Primary are 125k, secondary 100k.

    So following that logic, the melee should be 100k or less

    But who knows? have to wait and see unless pc players can confirm since i believe they got them already

    125k for melee...oh and they DO NOT have the syndicate procs...though they do have (imo, useless) special effects (which are in their descriptions)

  11. 2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    Hey all,

    Just a heads up that current PC Baro Ki Teer has been extended by 48 hours! Our time in Australia at PAX revealed that a large portion of our Aussie players would miss the 50th visit from Baro due to travel for the event. The extension is live!



    thanks :) and travel  safe Aussie players,

  12. 5 hours ago, -JT-Stepz said:


    I'm more concerned that you built a wall.....and havent made Baro pay for it :P

    he's getting filthy rich off these DE should keep it his shop Permanently (it takes awhile to get those creds without a x4 booster going (weekend cred + cred booster)...im down to 3 mil and only bought one (dang prime mods costing tons to max....)

  13. 46 minutes ago, Ivan_Rid said:

    Generic, do whatever on the starchart. Could care less about some duration as spores refresh all the time.

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    Generic with a little more melee focus. Some duration for Lash, just a QoL tweak really.

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    Tryhard, needs Zenurik active and enemies of 75+. Can swap Intensify for Continuity to get some duration.

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    what are the ability stats of each of those builds?

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