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Everything posted by (PSN)MoonshotMonk

  1. I am not a big fan of the Exodia Contagion build or how it was implemented here. While this is apparently the source of a bug, it’s been incorporated into many builds by players using the functionality as it has existed for a long time now. Due to the nature of how these build often play out, frequently this will also include use of umbral forma which is a very rare material. My issue here comes in two parts: First is that DE made a change players invested in based on term knowledge of how mechanics work out of the blue. Second is that a change was made that actually affects player game play and how builds function, and the change itself was hidden in the Patchnotes where simple bug fixes go, vice being highlighted at a minimum and preferably, discussed at a DevStream level.
  2. Have been seen these popup for a handful of people in the community. Still waiting to see if I get one. Wanted to find the main forum post for this and post my thoughts on this as an alternative. As it exists right now, this is effectively an insult to Console players. Its essential that as we get closer to full parity between systems with Cross Save that the fundamental differences between Consoles and PC be getting smaller and not bigger. When this system was announced my initial thought was, "yeah that seems like a good system for bringing the PC and Console systems to some sort of parity." I was hopeful that the bonus plat would be structured such that console players could get the same general value for say 10$ or 50$ that a PC player gets by reducing the cost of the actual purchase. I was disappointed to find that clearly DE has decided to see how little value they can get away with giving. Like I said previously, this is insulting as someone who has given DE a decent amount of my money via Prime Accesses, and a lot of my time in their ecosystem on my road to LR3. I do not get a sense of Pride and Accomplishment from being treated like a second class citizen of their game when compared to PC players. I understand that this is a trial system. I also understand that negotiating with Sony / Microsoft / Nintendo is likely tricky and difficult. I do however feel that this is by no means and acceptable system as it stands, and it needs to not only be rectified so we can move forward, but also DE needs to think more carefully about how they are uniting vice dividing the community as we get closer to full XS.
  3. Honestly the ones that end in like 2-3 hours is the best metric for what is high value. The problem this would be solving indicates what the issue is, it’s not really a mystery. Some of the weapon part invasions last for days.
  4. It would be awesome if invasions for high value items (mostly Reactors / Catalysts) ran longer. As it stands the invasion goes live and it’s so lopsided for participation that it finishes in about 3 or so hours frequently. Seeing an invasion go live with a valuable item, and having it complete and become unavailable before even a normal working shift is completed is saddening.
  5. Making fine adjustments to 0 -100 gradient sliders on a controller is very difficult. As it is keyed to joystick I frequently find that it slide rapidly out of control and minute adjustments cannot be made. Recommend when a slider is selected, D-Pad controls allow coarse and fine adjustment of that parameter. Specifically Up/Down on the Dpad adjusts by units of 10, and Left / Right on the Dpad adjust by single units.
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