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Everything posted by Probably_Asleep

  1. I like the Felarx's primary fire mode much more than the Incarnon Form. Occasionally though, I use the Incarnon Mode as a means of saving up Ammo. While doing so however, I may want to exit Incarnon mode if I encounter a strong enemy. So for at least the Felarx, being able to go in and out of the Incarnon mode fits my playstyle nicely.
  2. Are you talking about Loadouts? I know you can swap which Loadout you want active from Navigation, but to actually manage them you need to access it from the Arsenal.
  3. Those are good points. I do get the sense that this is a remnant of much older features and decisions that just haven't aged well. And it's true that there are a LOT of Kitgun/Zaw combinations, so it that had taken off then we'd probably be having a different discussion. I did look at the drop table data for Sorties as well. Maybe I'm just unlucky, but it feels like I'm always getting Kitgun or Zaw mods from Circuit and Sorties. (Or at the very least I'm getting them just as often as everything else) That one does sting. When it's a random drop that's one thing. But when I'm looking Palladino in the... face(?), I feel like she should take my needs into account.
  4. Then I humbly add my voice to the choir of outcries asking for this! In a (somewhat tragic) way, it's sort of cool that the solution is so obvious that we'd come up with it independently from one another. (Now if only it was just as obvious to the right people...)
  5. There are 6 Kitguns and 11 Zaws (in Riven/MR terms). There are (last time I checked) 168 Primaries, 128 Secondaries, and 196 Melees. Clearly, a player needs more Rifle, Shotgun, Piston, or Melee Riven Mods than they do Kitgun and Zaw Mods. (by a ratio of 96.66% if we're just going on numbers, though that's going to change if we consider weapon families) So I think Zaw and Kitgun Riven Mods should be taken out of the reward pool for Sorties, Palladino, Circuit, and so on. Instead, these Rivens should be purchasable at Hok and Rude Zuud respectively. It can be a typical 1/week purchase limit.
  6. I love imagining what might have been the reason why Lotus would change plans suddenly mid-mission. The scenario that I find to be the most entertaining is that Lotus is listening to the enemy communication and she hears something insulting: Grineer Commander: "I'd like a status report on the Galleon 0383 currently stationed around Cassini." Grineer Captain: "Commander! A Tenno is on board! Need assistance." Grineer Commander: "A Tenno!? Sending reinforcements now. Why are they on board?" Grineer Captain: "They're targeting someone in particular. It seems to be an agent who just got back from a mission." Grineer Commander: "That filthy old witch! Why does she keep harassing us with her dimwitted Tenno?" Grineer Captain: "Sir? Maybe you shouldn't use that kind of language. This isn't exactly a secure channel." Grineer Commander: "Ha! What's she going to do? Just keep shooting until the Tenno goes home crying to 'mommy.' Not that she can even have kids, or that anyone would want to have one with her." Lotus (to Tenno): "Change of plans, ignore your original objective. Leave nothing alive."
  7. You know, I don't normally do this, but I am just so impressed by my pun right here! I was cleaning my browser tabs, saw this, and thought: "Did I just come up with the best pun of 2023?"
  8. Nice Mathing! I forget exactly what it was, but I remember figuring out something with Glaive Prime's bleed procs not being affected by something and thinking it was counter-intuitive. (Let me check my account and see if I can remember... well it looks like I don't have Buzz Kill, Power Throw, or elemental damage so it could be any of those) There was also this testing I did with Sibear (trying to make it useful somehow) and the most damage I could get out of it was with the Parry mod. In testing though the math suggested that Pressure Point didn't actually affect the Finisher Damage. It's conundrums like these that led me to want a room dedicated to exposing the hidden mechanics behind damage, armor, speed and so on: Your Final Fantasy VII story was so funny! I have to admit that I relate to that a little. I try really hard not to let my code be that bad now, but there are some old projects that fill me with absolute terror at my job. If something ever goes wrong with them then I'm going to have to just scrap everything and rebuild it from scratch. I'm 100% confident that it would take me longer to understand the existing code than it would to rewrite it all. One thing that does impress me about Warframe is how unintentionally educational it is. School tries to teach math to students, and very few actually like it enough to learn it well. Warframe on the other hand hides mechanics behind math, and suddenly players are becoming mathematical detectives to expose and exploit those mechanics. I bet parents would actually be happy to hear just how much thought, research, and creativity Warframe encourages in its playerbase.
  9. I've wondered about this! I'd really like to be able to dig through their source code. There are so many similar systems with such different behaviors that it's likely to be a patchwork quilt of independent scripts all sewn on top of the core game engine. I think it's a miracle it works at all.
  10. OR--here me out--they could not make Helminth Ability vs Warframe Inventory mutually exclusive. Instead, what if Warframes that get consumed by the Helminth can be regurgitated back up upon request? When you do, all current assignments using that Warframe's ability get reverted back to the original, and your Warframe goes back into your inventory. Then people wouldn't have to farm two of every frame to have a full Helminth menu and a full Arsenal. The problem would be solved organically because there would be no punishment for having a great subsume ability. For animation, I'd like to see the flower representing that frame wither and die, then the camera goes over to the Helminth mouth. The mouth does a "ptooey" and the Warframe flumps down on the ground, covered in slime, in the fetal position, silently shaking as though it's seen things no one should ever see. Then you get whisked to your Arsenal and a dialog box tells you that your Warframe is back in your inventory." I guess you could make it go back to Unranked so people don't think this makes it too easy.
  11. It would be cool to see pull do tumble damage. I think it's only fair considering we get damaged when we run into things with our Archwings. (And Warframes lose no HP when they're literally shot through the metal hull of a spacefaring vessel, so something tells me a Grineer soldier should be less durable) Yeah the Crush damage stat had me confused; it's misleading. I agree, this would probably be the easiest thing for them to modify as well. And this actually makes a lot of sense now that I think about it! ESO needs more enemies for smaller squads based on the objective of the mission. I get that lower spawn rates is a courtesy for solo players in missions like Exterminate and Defense. But that courtesy ends up being a disservice in this case.
  12. I like the idea of making companions a teammate rather than a accessory or a mod extension. Here's an idea (rather than mods): Companions can be Interacted with Directly to activate unique assistance abilities: Carrier: Fill Weapon You hand it your equipped ranged weapon. That weapon becomes unavailable, and every second Carrier restores 5% of the Ammo of that weapon. Carrier gives it back automatically when it finishes. Deathcube: Choke Point Death Cube stays at location and continues killing all enemies in range. Stops when you get too far or if you trigger the AFK penalty. Diriga: Aim Assist Diriga attaches itself to your weapon, increasing the enemy weakness tracking strength and range while aiming. Stops when magazine depleted. Djinn: Bodygaurd Djinn hovers by nearest Defensible Target and sacrifices its own life if the target would receive lethal damage. Restores 30% HP of target. Helios: Highlight Enemies are visible through walls as though a scanner is being used. Lasts for 60 seconds. Nautilus: Assist Crew Refreshes On Call Crewmember's time with you. Must activate before Crewmember departs. Oxylus: Defend Wildlife Prevents you from accidentally killing wildlife while in combat. Shade: Ghost Now Turns you invisible for 15 seconds even if no enemies are nearby. Can be recast. Still breaks when attacking. Taxon: Help Teammates Taxon transfers teammates damage to yourself for 30s. Will not work on squad members that have already activated the same ability. Wyrm: Disguise Worm covers you and makes you look like an enemy soldier. You cannot parkour, but enemies will ignore you and you can walk through security beams. Para MOA: Become Sword Anime Mech-Style transforms into a sheathing that is wrapped over your Melee Weapon. Doubles Range and Attack. Do a backflip to unequip. Allies can interact and equip it on themselves if you are not using it. Lambeo MOA: Become Armor Anime Mech-Style transforms into chest-armor that is worn over your Warframe. Adds +600 Armor. Do a backflip to unequip. Allies can interact and equip it on themselves if you are not using it. Oloro MOA: Become Jetpack Anime Mech-Style transforms into jetpack that is worn behind your Warframe. Gives you 10s airtime with Archwing-like controls. Do a backflip to unequip. Allies can interact and equip it on themselves if you are not using it. Nychus MOA: Become Legs Anime Mech-Style transforms into leg-armor that is worn on your Warframe. Gives you double sprint/jump/parkour/aim-glide specs. Do a backflip to unequip. Allies can interact and equip it on themselves if you are not using it. (In case your wondering, a 4-squad team can create a full MOA Mech armor for 1 member) Bhaira Hound: Find Eximus Bhaira marks all Eximus on your map by within 50m. Arrow on Map match Eximus aura color. Redo every time you want to rescan for Eximus. Dorma Hound: Find Orbs Dorma opens Lockers and runs toward all orbs. Stores up to 20 orbs and will give them to you as you need them. Hec Hound: Find Exit Hec runs toward extraction zone even if objective is not complete. Leaves visible footprints on the ground. Will come back after completing trail. Huras: Raptor Maneuver Huras goes around enemy while cloaked and scratches ground. Enemies turn toward sound while remaining unalerted, making stealth kills easier. Raksa: Deter Intruders Raksa uses Howl to scare enemies away from current spot for 60s. Draws aggro from enemies that are CC-immune. Sahasa: True Fetch Sahasa runs around picking up resources that outside of Fetch range and brings them back to you. Sunika: Sick 'em Sunkia attacks the strongest nearby enemy, including bosses, but biting on to them tightly and persistently. Enemy is slowed and occasionally distracted. Continues biting until wither the enemy or Sunkia dies. Chesa: Bury Bodies Chesa instantly disposes of all nearby corpses before enemies have a chance to see and and enter an alert status. Helminth Charger: Canibalize Helminth eats Infested corpses, growing +1x stronger and +0.01x larger with each one. Max 250 stacks. Vizier Predesite: Corrosive Reprojection Doubles the effect of your Corrosive Projection Aura Mod Value Pharaoh Predesite: Spread Plague Pharaoh blows a wind that causes enemies to transfer their current status effects onto one another. Medjay Predesite: Greek Fever Medjay charges your next attack with +100% Toxin. Toxin status effect has an infinite duration. Adarza: Slash Ball Adarza puts up a see-through ball that, when fired through, adds +100% slash to your shots. Smeeta: Charming Gamble Spend resources you've accumulated on the mission to roll Charm. 20s cooldown. Resources that will be used appear above Smeeta's head. Uses common, uncommon, rare, resources in that order. Will not offer if you've used all your resources. Vasca: Accept Transference Vasca stays put. While in Operator Mode, you can transfer into Vasca and move around. Will not draw Aggro, but cannot attack. Transferring out exits Vasca where you are. Sly Vulpaphyla: Assess Threat Enemies get color coded according to their threat level. Crescent Vulpaphyla: Contagious Lift Crescent gives your next slam attack a boost to the lift status duration. Enemies that are attacked while lifted puff out spores that lift nearby enemies for remainder of the original's lift duration. Panzer Vulpaphyla: Quill Ammo Ask Panzer to drop an Ammo Case. When picking up the Ammo, current Magazine has +60% Viral damage and status. Lasts until next reload. I'm imagining these abilities can be triggered just be interacting with the companion, except in the case of Sentinels. For Sentinels, I'm not actually sure. Do we have any buttons left to map to? Maybe marking the ground and quickly unmarking it could be the trigger. Regardless of trigger condition, I think these abilities would make them helpful and fun partners to take into Battle. It would make me want to be aware of them and create builds that capitalized on their contributions. I'd also love to see a full Mech MOA set on one of the squad members. (I'd have to YouTube it though because I play solo 😐)
  13. I think "Smol-runa" sounds good, but Dagath... "Smol-agath" is the best I can come up with. (Sort of sounds like a cowardly assistant to an evil overlord: "Smolagath!" - "Yes, m'lord?" - "Take this 'hero' to our dungeon." - "At once, m'lord!")
  14. I was going to begin with speculating on whether or not this is actually true. I know that the Dagath update seems to line up with a post from earlier this year: ...but that brings up the question: "Did DE actually read this? Or did they just coincidentally come to the same idea?" (We have horses + it's October = Dullahan) So I was going to say that I've got my doubts. Then I remembered Sevagoth. That's a well known "community-driven" frame. Although, I'm reading up on it in the Wiki and it looks like the user who pushed the idea happened to be a graphic designer that also got hired on to DE. I wonder what the order of events was there. Maybe I'll need to go get myself employed by DE first... I'm curious now what has been taken entirely from the Forum. I don't know how I'd get that data (short of scraping the forum/Wiki contents and developing a correlation function with open-source NLP algorithms...). And if there is something taken from the Forum, how was it presented? Maybe I could increase the volume of my "voice" if I train to become a graphic designer. (A friend actually convinced me to buy a Huion Kamvas and Clip Studio Paint over the pandemic so we could have a virtual "art group." But then he and his wife had a baby... now they have two babies, and I have an expensive "additional monitor" that's actually an art tablet) But I digress! I want to believe you, so I'll indulge in the assumption that you're speaking from experience and that there is reason to hope.
  15. I can relate and I'm inclined to believe. I'm not even sure if DE can use any of these suggestions, really. With hundreds if not thousands of players wanting their voices to be heard, just what kind of chaos would ensue from the rest if someone actually did get listened to? But to live without dreaming is to accept the nightmare of reality. (I say as I shoo away those existential worries)
  16. I think the Dojo should have a combat training room. Here are the amenities I'd suggest putting inside of it: "Fantasy Arsenal" station that allows you equip Weapons/Mods/Forma even if you don't have them You want this, DE; you want people to want things they do not have yet While you build it, have it display an "Acquisition Guide" Locations/Mission Types for Mods and Blueprint Components A tally of the Endo/Forma you'd need to get this build "DPS Dummy" that can help you test actual damage values of your builds A wooden-dummy that cannot be destroyed, with a monitor above it The monitor shows Highest single hit Average DPS (10 second memory) Damage Reductions and Bonuses from Health/Armor/Shields Can interact with Dummy to change Health/Armor/Shield type "Stance Stance Revolution" An area where you can practice Stance Combo Moves Has a display that you can interact with to select which combo you want to learn When you get in the ring, the display shows the buttons and timing needed to perform the Combo As you perform it, the display praises you for good timing and says useful things like: "Forced Bleed Status!" "Hoshi Mato" (Star Target, a traditional Japanese Archery Target often used in Archery clubs with a single bullseye and no rings) A target practice station with three modes: Stationary Patrolling Aggressive Have a display on the wall behind showing hits/misses Lines on the ground at 10/20/30/40 meters from target "Audiometer Traffic Light" Green by default Turns Red for 5 seconds if it hears a noise loud enough that an enemy would be alerted Use it to see how noisy your weapon is at varying distances "Wind Tunnel Treadmill" Can move side to side, but not forwards or backwards Looks like a treadmill and rotates faster depending on how fast you are running Has fans that visually blow when you bullet jump (just so it makes sense why you aren't moving forward while airborne) Has a display in front that shows how many meters/second you are moving Has a vertical tube overhead that blows you downward at a certain height Display also shows how long your airtime was and how high your jump would have been if uninterrupted "Pain Booth" Select a damage type and value A tiny turret appears and fires at you twice per second with the selected type/amount of damage A stopwatch is displayed showing how long you've been able to endure When you get downed, the turret stops firing and a robotic arm comes out and revives you Free energy orbs are outside the booth That's all I can think of at the moment. I think a room with all these stations would let me gather some very valuable insights on various game mechanics, make very informed decisions on builds, and practice some core skills. Not to mention, it would be the most "Dojo" room the "Dojo" has ever had.
  17. Keep it! I have a Felarx Riven as well and I'm quite happy with it: BUILD LINK (Ignore the element choices, I play with those a lot) I ran the numbers for DPS (that site doesn't account for Incarnon conditions), and the Riven puts it at 677,120. But if I apply a Faction mod in place of my Riven, then that goes up to 724,281. (An increase of 6.96%) Done deal, right? Use the Faction mod! BUT: For all other Factions, the DPS goes down to 467,278. (A DECREASE of 30.99%) So the Riven costs me 7% damage on one Faction, but gains me 31% damage as an all-rounder weapons. (Which is a no-brainer for me) (The negatie-crit is applying to the 20% original base, so the margins will change if DE fixes that to apply it to the 10% Incarnon base crit) But still, I think even low Disposition weapons can have useful Rivens. (Which I guess does sort of go against the purpose of Rivens...)
  18. This week is pretty nice. I'm not sure if our ESO lineups are uniform across all accounts, but my 8 zones are: Zone 1 Uranus Underwater Facility Grineer Zone 2 Earth Forest Base Corrupted Zone 3 Lua Lounge Corpus Zone 4 Eris Infested Corpus Ship Infested Zone 5 Jupiter Hangar Grineer Zone 6 Mercury Asteroid Mining Facility Corrupted Zone 7 Venus Corpus Ship Infested Zone 8 Europa Crash Site Grineer (I'm just guessing on what these tilesets are named) And this lineup is perfect! I can tell there is room for improvement on the way I parkour around these different areas. There are build-choices like "survivability vs. lethality" and "visibility vs. mobility" that have a significant impact on my effectiveness. And finally I'm starting to see that there's a hidden (possibly unintended) mechanic of pacing and coverage. (In some rounds I actually get higher effeciency by moving slower, almost like there's a way to influence the spawn frequency and location) It's fun with this lineup. So what I'm getting from this is that I'll have to just go really heavy on ESO when the week has a fun lineup, and don't even both wasting my time when it's got a bad lineup. But you know what would make it fun every week? A small advantage that just pushes Mag's lethality forward by a small margin. You know, something that makes it possible to get past Zone 8 with the right build and skill even if there's a tileset that hides enemies across a wide area and inside many tiny hideaways. Something like, oh, say...
  19. It's been too long! I've been super busy at work and in Warframe. At work there was this team who had an entire year to complete a project that was given a rather hefty budget, and they have nothing to show for it. So they've put together a special team to do a year's worth of work in the next two and a half months. I've been asked to be a part of that team. 😨 But Warframe has been busy too! I've been doing every mission that might give me a weapon blueprint or component. Zariman Bounties, Sentient Anomalies, ESO, Invasions, Void Fissures, and Deimos Bounties. I've obtained enough to get me almost to MR27 (I just got to 25 two days ago), and I have identified enough unobtained equipment to make it well into MR29. I'll still come up short by 9 weapons (or 4.5 companions) to actually be able to make it to MR30. Even though the Wiki says there should be enough, I can't figure out where the last 27k points are supposed to come from. But I believe by the time I get through all the Prime Resurgence events they'll have been enough updates to add that amount of MR Points. It's exciting though! I'm quite certain I'll be the first human in history to get to MR30 without playing any other frame aside from Mag and Mag Prime (Excalibur Umbra doesn't count, but I made sure to register 0 kills while I did that mission). I'm certain because it's only become a mathematical possibility this summer, and the Prime Weapons are an absolute necessity toward this goal. That update aside, I have missed generating Lotus Lines! Let's get back into it with another set, here we go with Lines 941-950: "Is that..." *GASP* "IS THAT A FEVERSPINE!? And it's got a genuine Gristlebuck reactor! Ooh! And check out these Nodulite nose pieces! Oh, and the Steeba jets! Have I died? Am I an ethereal in the heart of Tau? Can I touch it? Can I?" ... "AH! I'll never wash these hands!" "The Ventkids love watching you ride. It's your wipeouts. Getting tossed that high into the air and then landing ragdolled on rocky terrain would kill a normal person. Kids like seeing people fall but don't like seeing people die, so you're perfect entertainment for them." "It's kind of odd, isn't it? Lua was in the Void nearly as long as the Zariman was, but look how unaffected it is by comparison. The only difference I can find--apart from total mass--is that one had Tenno children while the other did not. You really do have a stabilizing effect somehow." "It's nice having the Zariman around. If something ends up happening to the Heart of Deimos again then I'm pretty sure we could use the Zariman now as a back up." "The Holdfasts seem to not know of any connection between Void Angels and the Man in the Wall, yet from what you tell me it seems Teshin believes them to be his servants. I wonder where the disconnect is. For that matter, how would Teshin actually come across that information?" "Life isn't always fair. Take weapon specs as an example. Some weapons are far more difficult to obtain than others, and yet their performance does not live up to some easier-to-get weapons. Let that be a lesson to you! Hard work doesn't pay off by itself; it must be paired with informed planning." "Ordis is obedient to a fault. You'd think he could make your life easier by managing your Forge for you even while you're away, but he won't. He'd probably say: 'The jobs in the Forge can only be initiated and confirmed by the Operator! I would NEVER take away the job of my Operator!'" "You're probably curious why the Bounty rewards are random, right? I mean, who works like that? 'Do this for me, and I might give you any of the following things...' Well, it's actually random for them too. They've got a minimum reward, but they'll do their best to get you something better for your efforts. (With varying success)" "DON'T TOUCH THAT!" ... "Sorry. That's not something a child should get their hands on. I need to properly dispose of it, but I haven't found a good opportunity." "Our enemies don't actually install Mods into their weapons. They would if they could; they just don't know how. Instead, they 'modify' the weapon through conventional means with higher quality components and special ammunition. It adds power, but makes them 'un-modable' and useless to us."
  20. Does anyone know if the new Incarnons might be able to help with this? I haven't played a lot with the "bouncing" weapons, but I'm wondering if there are any weapons that would excel in something like the Kuva Fortess. For example: ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ │ ↓ ← • 😃 • → ↓ │ │ ┌ ─ ─ ┐ • ┌ ─ ─ ┐ │ │ │ │ ↓ │ │ └ ─ ─ ─ ┐ │ ↓ │ │ │ │ → → C │ │ A │ │ │ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ └ ─ ─ ─ ┘ │ ↓ │ │ B │ └ ─ ─ ─ ┘ (Not sure how that's going to actually show up to other people but...) For a tileset with tight corridors, has anyone found a weapon that can be shot into multiple paths from an intersection? Because something like that might solve the Kuva Fortress problem without having to rely on punch-through AoE attacks.
  21. I do kind of worry they'll swing the other way and say LOS is a requirement for all wide-area attacks. I'd be public enemy #1 if they ended up saying: "You're right! Saryn nukes while Mag cannot... let's make sure Saryn cannot nuke anymore..." You hit the nail on the head saying DE has always been weird with Mag. It's noticeable. It feels like Excalibur gets honored as the firstborn, Volt gets spoiled as the baby, but Mag's just the unwanted middle child. Mag: "Please Papa, I'm thirsty for energy, and enemies keep hurting me." DE: "Silence! We gave the cheap energy-cost to your brother Volt. And you should be like your brother Excalibur and fight enemies head-on. Now go clean the house with your weak version of Vacuum." Mag: "Can you at least make my abilities work as designed? Pull can't group more than ten enemies, Magnetize has such a small base radius, Polarize hardly strips any armor or shields, and Crush won't scale." DE: "They ARE working as designed! LOL! Here..." (throws a few trinkets on the ground) "...take these Augments and stop bothering me." Mag: "Fine, I'll do things my way from now on..." (I don't know why, but it felt right to turn that into an anti-hero origin story. Maybe I've read too many "Kicked out of the Hero's Party" Mangas lately.)
  22. LOL to Putting "buttfaces," "whiff," and "dentures" in the same sentence. Polarize does seem like the 2nd worst ability that Mag has (her 1st being her Passive ability). The Augment for it is, in my opinion, one of if not the best CC in the game. It disables all enemies that matter (melee enemies don't matter) and can even lock down Eximus. But it has the same problem that all Augmented abilities have: It's an Augment. I think at the very least Augment Mods should have some generic benefit for the Warframe so that it's not quite taking up a valuable Mod Slot. Something like +30% Range or +15% Efficiency, less than a dedicated Mod but at least something. And to your point, there's a subsume that can jam weapons without a Mod. But yeah Polarize without the Augment needs some love. It's a nice Shield Gate, but only with a Dragon Key equipped. (And later this month that means that this ability will lose even more of it's utility because it will take yet another Mod Slot to retain it's usefulness) The Shrapnel it causes doesn't do enough damage unless you're juicing it with Duviri Decrees, and it discourages bright-colored energy because the shrapnel likes to hover right in from of the camera. That's why I'd love it Polarize did something useful like help you generate energy. If every Shrapnel Shard you picked up gave you 5 energy, then it would be a great ability in dense crowds. Or if Polarize added +1% (Affected by Ability Strength) additional vulnerability to Magnetic damage for every energy point spent (maxing at +325%, same as Viral proc), that then would actually encourage low-efficiency builds. (It would actually just hit it's cap if you used a fully ranked Blind Rage and no efficiency Mods) That would be an amazing effect that could get Mag's Crush ability above 10k damage (over 20k with Arcane and all the Strength Mods). That obviously wouldn't let you level cap, but it would let you nuke non-Eximus enemies in ESO rooms.
  23. Totally agree! I also think that if blast weapons damage through walls then a blast attack should do the same. I like conceptual consistency. Also there with you on Polarize. I love its augment, but I hardly ever use it if I'm not planning on using the augment. It's my usual subsume slot. 🤦‍♂️ (Actually the thought did cross my mind, but I dismissed it because I thought: "But what it there are other people that really love the Kuva Fortress Zone?" ...Saying it out loud though makes me realize how ridiculous that is) Beautiful formatting! Colors, italicizing, boldness, and strikethroughs are all used in a symphony of meta-writing. I'm always glad to hear what the squad-scene is like because I only solo. I can't imagine how stressful and frustrating it would be to have randos join and sabotage a mission. You so have a skill. The skill of mental endurance. Happy 10th anniversary, by the way! 2 YEARS!? If they make cross-trade a thing and if I ever get a spare part, please let me trade it with you for like a Vitality Mod or something. It sounds like this problem is much deeper than I realized, especially for the squadsters.
  24. My like was because of your Edit Comment - Truer words... So two things: I too choose to believe that the ears are not always deaf. Fair point! I will elaborate: IF Warframe is supposed to be playable solo, then all content should be solo-able. IF (also) Warframe characters are playable, then all content should be doable by all characters. SO: Elite Sanctuary Onslaught needs a redesign, or Mag (probably others) needs better KPM through walls. I believe the above statements are true, I've beat all missions in the game with solo-Mag. (Even 8+ ESO) So the Kuva Fortress tileset seems like an outlier. And with that, there are only two real options: Raise Mag (and others frames) KPM potential, OR lower ESO's requirements. Personally, I know that lowering the requirements of ESO is probably the most reasonable choice. But I'd like to take my shot first at getting my character upgraded.
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