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Everything posted by (XBOX)Player244024418

  1. Between pilot spot and front cannon there is a raised console. Walk up to it and interact. The railjack map will appear
  2. I see Inaros is getting a facelift on the 27th. Hopefully Inaros will also be unvaulted
  3. Xbox prices are always higher, like double PC. Not sure why
  4. Just use Limbo with Rush and other Sprint speed stuff. Go into the rift, enemies can't harm you. Focus on following the orbs. Run the practice a couple times. Bring an AoE kitgun to exit/enter rift for energy if you need it. Very easy test with Limbo/LimboPrime
  5. If you have any rare Ember, Ash or Inaros parts I'll gladly accept! 😁
  6. Hildryn only gains shields at the end of the pillage cycle. FYI so low level are probably dying too quickly. I recently learned this having been using Hildryn with elemental ward set to electricity. If you have range for your 3, the electricity cc's enemies in range. Pretty good all-around frame for 80% of content. Hildryn would be a great frame if one could replace both her 4 and her 1.
  7. These are the only three frames I need still. How do I know if/when they will be available at Varzia? Where does one find this info on offerings (besides going there and engaging with Varzia a couple days before the switch). Is there a list somewhere of rotations?
  8. When you have multiple Riven slots and multiple rifle Riven and equip one to reveal, then select it and swap with a new unveiled Riven to reveal, WF does not reveal the Riven. This is consistent behavior happens every time. See image of equipped Riven that is not revealed.
  9. I'm not a bow guy,, but is this sellable?
  10. Keep in mind a gift of the lotus mission will be hammered with players who want to get it done, quickly. An attitude to experience the game in other regular missions is more appropriate.
  11. This. DE, this is the .ost annoying thing, when some JA loads i to your mission 2 sec before you open the door then they backtrack to search for resources ignoring the door for 2-5 minutes doing who knows what?! Make the door console switch to a security console to hack after 30 seconds so one doesn't have to be STUCK there!
  12. Yeah but this gets over complicated and clunky for me. Example, chroma should just seep elemental ward automatically and they should replace that ability with something else and make it a passive. It's based on emissive so it ahould always be present but no, you have to activate it every 20-30 seconds. I appreciate this from you but again for me, I don't have all day to "play" in the orbiter at mod stations and arsenal. I actually just want to run missions. Glad the game offers discovery for those inclined though. Agree. Wish WF would allow multiple of the same weapon but not use slots. Duplicate weapon slots shoukd be allowed or allow to expand beyond three build types. Aegrit is one of the few I still don't have. Need to get that one.
  13. As L2 I was surprised that I don't have this mod yet ... Hmmm. I don't think ive ever run a regular Circuit, only SP and I suppose the 100s of necralisk 15-25 bounties have produced unkind rewards. Considering this is a 10 year old mod, is Bladed Rounds worth farming?
  14. You'll have 100s of the same mod eventually. Yeah initially to share mods across weapons you don't want them leveled up too much. Focus on maximizing crit chance (cc), crit damage CD, status chance 60/60 mods and damage % mods and maybe heat and electrical. Always have a forma being made in your foundry Go to strata relay and wait for affinity blessing or resources blessing before playing missions to help boost progress Pledge a syndicate and get the medallions for both syndications Check overframe website for warframe builds people put together Research how to get mods you don't own After every mission view summary page and look at high damage/kills and see what warframe and weapons that person used Get oxylus and the scan mods from cephalon simaris to get resources faster Get warframe app and extractors and use extractors daily Run night wave missions each week For new planets to defeat the guards if you have revenant cast mesmer skin and run right up to the frame, let them attack you to get stunned then just kill them while they are limp lol Ugh...my thumbs are tired....most of all enjoy the journey!
  15. I always set a waypoint where reactant is dropping. I always set another waypoint when I get my 10th. This alerts others to where reactant is. It doesn't drop everywhere.
  16. You need to wait until after the enemies get "corrupted" then kill them. Are you waiting a bit?
  17. Just got worked over by a pub squad. One was AFK, another ailed for some reason during second undercroft, the third bailed just before I finished the last ring on the orowyrm, then it was me and AFK. I had sevagoth with two pea shooters. After dying three times I had to bail. It's like no one wanted to actually play the mission they just wanted someone else to do the work for their 7k. I need to learn how to play sevagoth. Seems like a sponge. Never liked him.
  18. True but MR level doesn't stop you from running syndicate missions, buying relic packs and running void fissures with them. Although MR5 would be handicapped with void traces, sure.
  19. Run missions each day to acquire syndicate points / standing. Once you've maxxed out the day, run syndicate medallion missions which still give you standing and find all the medallions for more standing. Trade standing and medallions at your syndicates for relic packs to get gauss prime relics here and there. I had gauss prime in two days. No plat needed. Just play the game.
  20. Ive run every netracell available to me and only have one melee duplicate. Yeah drop rates and RNG are bot my friend
  21. Being on console, viewing and "typing" using the virtual keyboard would take so long I'd die. So I don't bother. FYI if Xaku was a console player this is perhaps another reason for the silence. I almost never ever type anything because of that.
  22. Good point. Perhaps no weapon shoukd be time gated? I actually do like it. It just doesn't produce a lot of damage. Earlier in the game i may have used it. Sorry i wasn't clear.
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