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  1. i got 4x Tau ... i like the rewards ... only they can put the stupid melee adapter away .... i can buy it with Standing when i need
  2. hahaha xd i feel the same ... with my second Account from my Friend, i cant do anything. They didn't understand again that you shouldn't force the players to use some rubbish weapons that you haven't made strong at all. (which is also not possible due to the small number of Riven slots). So you just have to sneak through and follow good players as luggage like a stone in a suitcase.
  3. I don't think it's intentional from the game developer. It just wasn't set up correctly. That's why it doesn't work at the moment.
  4. I just played Void Cascade Omnia Fissure with a full 4 man team. The relics are cracked after just 3 completed Exolicers. I play Void Kaskade every day. It is not feasible to collect the 10 reactants within 3 Exolicers. This is happening way too fast. DE has to start playing their own game and testing it properly. We were very disappointed that we could only open 3 out of 20 relics and left the mission after 45 minutes. Please change the mode for Omnia Fissure. Void Cascade consists of attack and defense. The attackers cannot run back but must continue to open Exolicer. A solution: 1.) counting the reactants that everyone collects counts for the entire team (like with Railjack) 2.) The relic doesn't open after 3 Exolicers, but only after 9-10 3.) the drop rate for reactants is greatly increased. 4.) The relics open after 5 minutes with a time limit like in survival
  5. https://youtu.be/jfobrKjuSYM?si=O7zV6NF7u48onYyq Clan Name: Shadow-Snakes-Deluxe ClanTier: Shadow Clan - Playstation Creator: Toom-Deluxe Platform: Playstation
  6. I lost over 5.000 PL because i cant trade with same Platform .... i hate it and nobody understand this .... big Problem
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