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  1. I have this issue on ps5 being to small to read the hud
  2. So with jade shadows on ps5 my hud is fixed no more weird resolution i don't know if anyone else has this or i'm just silly but on my ps5 the text for for the objectives and health bars everything is really small i can barely read the health bar on defense objectives and theres no way i can make it bigger to see it more clearly i tried everything my hud scale is 100 but theres no hud text scale so i can make it bigger to focus on the text which is really hard to read on my screen is there a reason its so small like that and i can't adjust it? Like in game on missions and playing in general everything is just really small the text is barely readable i'm only saying thats it the hud elements, text and everything that shows words even my energy bar is so small
  3. So i played gifts of the lotus elite survival steel path mission solo ps5 i don't know if it always happens or if it does reoccur on different missions but could you take a look at it just in case it's not a one time thing 8/5/24 So i was playing solo and i noticed that torment the acolyte came in i defeated torment and then after a while i noticed my weapons dealing zero damage to the corpus enemies like I was dealing no damage they were completely immune no numbers were showing up they would have taken damage if they weren't immune like none of them were taking damage so i was wondering is this a reoccurring thing that can happen because it happened to me and I don't know if it'll reoccur again
  4. So when whispers of the wall update came out magnetic proc got nerfed so it's more manageable now which is a good thing but this got me thinking I don't need arcane nullifer in steel path do I? I can't really do steel path just yet but building my builds up what proc is more dangerous in steel path to go against when it inflicts your warframe between the two slash or toxin I know that there's abilities but I run nullifer and want to swap it out for my tank build it's chroma prime but I mean for more or less squishy frames where they don't have much survivability in steel path what would be more priority you'd think toxin right? Well I think slash because how often it procs but toxin ignores shields so I like to hear your opinions
  5. I want to know if I created and used a new pc account because I can't change my merged cross save email because it's in use can I delete that pc account with the email because it's a different email from my xbox and ps5 account and will it delete my actual ps5 and xbox account while it's linked and then merged my ps5 is primary account under the pc account I used to link with then merge into one I want the email to be the one I actually use
  6. That example build should do nicely don't know about damage
  7. So I recently gotten wyrm prime from prime resurgence and was wondering what weapon is good for wyrm prime I have verglas and helstrum can I also get a build or what it should be built for mainly steel path I already have a build for wyrm prime itself just need a weapon for it in steel path.
  8. Repair as a solo player I'll get elevate I don't mind spamming elevate I'll probably take a look at the virtuous arcanes and fire one but thinking about the critical ones
  9. I mostly use my frame more than my operator I'm more or less wanting it to get back up with last grasp so less oh crap situations is probably when I use my operator although solo player I'd probably go for elevate I'll make a 747 also as well void strike I don't have madurai unlocked so I can't use that yet what arcanes you rock for void angels? maybe I'll look into it and see if it changed
  10. So I have a 177 and 777 amps crafted I'm going to guild them when I can for steel path and build my operator for steel path I'm still building my operator, companion and warframe for steel path I'm slowly working towards my builds so I can do it easier but I have these questions. Amp Arcanes: i seen that the external Arcanes are good for operator amps is this still the case or has this changed? Operator Arcanes: I have magus lockdown on my operator and another Arcane which you void sling you get health I'm going to replace this with magus elevate or repair which one is better I've seen that one says higher health pools benefits more and the other benefits more with lower health pools what's considered high or low health? High health pool like 1k or inaros with his 4k health or more I run warframes with health like 2k and under most don't reach 1k and barely over 1,500. Okay I should make it clear I'm probably only wanting stuff that can do what I'm asking for eidolon hunts I'm going to try see if I can beat one again got close to but it disappeared because sunrise I got 2 maybe 3 limbs just needed more time maybe even void angels and just general steel path that's all I want to know thanks.
  11. Well I was getting standing before for a syndicate then turned off my pledge for kuva lich missions the same person yes it's ergo blast decided to say your bad for business twice I was solo maybe because I gained standing before that's why they did it
  12. I have no idea what to put this under but why do syndicate attack you when not pledged to any? I had 2 in a row
  13. 1. I have a reason for this 2. There's a bug where he's completely invulnerable doesn't matter what you do 3. I've finished the game and have steel path unlocked I was just letting the dev team know about this I could beat him if it didn't bug out for me 4. I don't do things in squads unless absolutely necessary I'm a solo player because host migration and because of players leaving you lose everything and not everyone will do the objective I've seen this happen on reddit a bunch or mentions of it happening
  14. about the narmer commander is that the fact is he is invulnerable and I'll explain why this shouldn't be a thing and needs fixing the commander has an ability which is called "vomvalyst summon" as far I know you can't get vomvalysts in the day time so this ability makes no sense not only does it make him invulnerable and impossible to kill him you need to get rid of them they come back even after killing them he just pops out another two making him invulnerable his invulnerable state won't go away even if you kill the vomvalysts he's just permanent invulnerable no way kill to him no way to finish the bounty because of the way he spawns in this bounty this is a day time bounty and the vomvalysts which spawn at night shouldn't be in a day time bounty and the bounty isn't available at night so that ability makes no sense this is a bug has to be this is so bad that all 4 defence missions is not as bad I'm not sure why you can't win this bounty because of how this commander spawns in a invulnerable state with 2 vomvalysts can you please look into if you do the bounty and get to the last stage it'll break and you can't finish it this has happened more than once before to me.
  15. Yeah I think panzer might be still on top but the others are more viable now but I think I should should go for adarza kavat since I have a crit weapon and critical buff will now be useful to me now since they can't die
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