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  1. What ever happened to k-drive races where you could skip a gate and still complete the race? Why is that gone? edit: before anyone gets any fun ideas on how to inform me I know why they removed it; but still before I had mods to let me jump super high I could still finish races even if I couldn't reach weird gates that were on top of Vallis mushrooms because I could just avoid that specific gate.
  2. Last week I earned progress for watching Emission Tenno but could not claim it via the app, I logged in thru safari and went to my drops and was able to claim it that way. So it appears you can earn progress thru the app, open a browser on your iOS device and claim thru there.
  3. How did you read my post about not wanting tips and then go "nah imma give 'em some tips" ??? Why are y'all in the feedback channel giving people tips? I'm not posting this in players helping players.
  4. I didn't even know about receiving an inbox message with the rewards on the iOS account, I just finished the first part of Vor's Prize loaded back to my orbiter then went to the site and linked my iOS account to my main account, were we supposed to know about this? How were we supposed to know about this?
  5. It takes a little bit of time to reflect the change, I changed my glyph to the Stardays Tagfer glyph last week and it still does not reflect that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. For most people on the forums a lot of interactions will be your first impression of the person, I don't imagine the forums are poppin off with tons of users chatting regularly. Also the forums are more static than the Discord so giving feedback here is encouraged so I think most people's comments on the forums could have a more negative tone. Also also it's low key weird you went to check out their profile because you were annoyed they made a "negative post", not to mention if this is their first post here and "making a good first impression" matters to you what sort of impression are you making?
  7. It's totally fine to be bad at something. As someone already stated here, this is an item that rewards mastery and there is no alternative to getting it, it's just either complete the race or go without, which doesn't seem to be in line with most of the equipment in the game, you can grind it, buy it or trade for it but this item is unique and I'm asking for the ability to pay premium currency in order to get it, I'm not asking for the race to be nerfed or a free route to getting it, I will happily pay for this item.
  8. This is the feedback forum for giving feedback to the developers, I'm giving my feedback.
  9. I literally already said I'm not looking for suggestions on how to complete the race and my initial post stated that I have less than 20 items to go til I've mastered every piece of equipment.
  10. It could say it on the page where you link/merge accounts and people still wouldn't read it.
  11. They made a post that went into the in-game news console that linked you to the forums post that detailed how cross trade would work which does open on consoles (so you can read it in-game) it was posted on Discord, Twitter, Facebook Instagram, Reddit and likely more places.
  12. I've been playing warframe since March 23 2019 and have done so only on the Switch so when cross save was made available I chose linking because I don't have accounts on the platforms I have (PC and PS5) since then I have come across two issues that are not in game issues but affect my account here on the forums and on the support site. The first issue is that my account here is now the PC account I made to link my Switch account to my PSN account all my post history has disappeared and it says my account was made on December 21st 2023 here is a link to my original switch account profile: https://forums.warframe.com/profile/5568493-nswalbadicentra/ The second one is that my zendesk/support history has been wiped entirely clean including the open support ticket I opened on December 6th 2023 concerning missing clan members from our in-game roster. All of my past support tickets are missing as well as the open ticket, I normally screen shot these things however this time I unfortunately did not.
  13. Yes I have all that and despite that I still can't do it, I'm not looking for tips on how to get it done, I'm asking for an alternative option for procuring this board as I can not do it.
  14. I have been playing Warframe for nearly 5 years, I'm not horrible at this game, I'm not horrible at k-drive, I've completed all the Orb Vallis races and even some of the Cambion Drift races but I can not complete Dead Drop. I've tried countless times and it just is not happening, I've got less than 20 items to go on mastering every pieces of equipment in game and this single k-drive is just out of my reach due to this race. I'd happily purchase this board from the market or from Roky's Daily Special, just please give the players an alternate way of acquiring this item.
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