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  1. I feel like the argument presented is disingenuous. Basically, the argument is upset/mad that female frames have not been the playable protagonist. This is presented in a fashion that willingly ignores and overshadows that the most universe shaking, ever changing, and overall most awe inspiring events/actions in the Warframe universe have been performed by Women/Female. That they often achieved and were willing to do what no one else (in this case: men) could bring themselves to do. Mirage single handed laid low armies of Sentients, to the point where they basically sent an entire fleet to capture her. Citrine literally created a permanent rift/tunnel in the fabric of the universe to protect Belric and Rania. Voruna fought back an endless tide of The Indifference's Eldritch manifestations and resealed the rift in the void (she basically fought God, God's Army, and won.) Gara took down what was essentially Hunhow's equal, to protect Cetus and it's people, and she did so Solo. Titania protected an entire Forest from an Orokin Battalion of the best of the best of their Dax (nearly immortal) soldiers and won. Protea literally controls TIME itself. Yareli got her ass handed to her by an everyday Corpus Overseer who fashioned a necklace out of her teeth before she had to be saved by the very enslaved children she attempted to save. ...actually let's scratch this one... ANd now we have Jade who has done the literal impossible by birthing a living and sentient Warframe child. A NATURAL born Warframe. Literally a new form of life. DE has done NOTHING wrong when it comes to women/females in the Warframe universe. If we consider the feats of Male Warframes, it's not even a contest. Quick references: Limbo literally blew himself up, Revenant got a case of the crazies and tried to become one with an evil sentient corpse, Ash just killed a bunch of people, Grendel ate a bunch of people, Dante wrote books, Inaros fought off Orokin and died fighting infested. The only Male frame to do anything of absolute significance to the universe was Harrow.
  2. It would make sense actually. Jade defended the basically Super Dax that was Sorren/Stalker (Stalker was as mindless/controlled as the Dax.) and got wounded by the Tenno in the process.
  3. The "is and is not" is what I was alluding to when it comes to the philosophical debate on a 'Perfect Clone'. If a Clone is for all intents and purposes a Perfect copy of the original, down to its very memories...is it wrong to consider it a copy/fake? Some say yes it is wrong, because the logical truth is that it is 'on paper' a duplicate/copy. The Original exists/existed. Other say no it is not wrong, because there is no factual difference at all. But if there is no genetic or mental difference between the original and the copy then both can be considered to be the 'true' entity. Hence, Jade 'is and is not'. Well despite folks claiming Jade Shadows revealed nothing about Stalker, it actually revealed A LOT about him. It just didn't pull a Destiny and exposition it in the player's face. IE: As you said, we believed Umbra to be the only one, but the Codex logs reveal that all of what I now call: Origin Frames were self-aware and sentient. (Living...) It was suspected after Umbra's reveal that Stalker might be like him but until Jade Shadows we had no hard proof that he wasn't just a twisted/tormented/tortured Tenno. (I personally would have preferred that...) Instead we learned that he suffered Umbra's fate. He was infected with the Helminth strain as punishment, and his mind/memories were ravaged. (I assume they tried to erase Jade from his mind or torture him by making him not even know the love of his life is right beside him.) Stalker's frame was not mass produced and it's hinted that Jade wasn't either because they both were not created with the intention of fighting Sentients. (I sense Jade Prime being another Valkyrie Prime, Revenant Prime, and the soon to be Xaku Prime situation. IE: The Prime existing makes no sense in Lore.) Jade was turned into an executioner, while Sorren/Stalker was relegated to the basically the same duties as a Dax. The brightside is... Knowing that Stalker is exactly like Umbra means that The Operator can save/restore Sorren/Stalker.
  4. You do realize that only the event alert missions and the event version of the Ascension mission are flooded with Jade Eximus. Play some normal missions and you'll find that Jade Eximus are as common as other Eximus units. This is a knee jerk reaction.
  5. My best fix/suggestion for this is to turn Cursor sensitivity to about 190 or 195. Makes navigation uh... 🤦🏾 Navigation 🤦🏾 quick and easy. But yeah the shortcut button for consoles was amazing. The layout menu on navigation is great for PC, and it doesn't hurt to be there for console but just like when the UI update hit during The Sacrifice... The shortcuts for console were a prime example of: "Don't fix what isn't broken." The same mistake being repeated again is slightly worrying.
  6. The Origin Dante is lost in the Void. According to Drusis, when Dante searched the labs, he found 'The Book's in which The Indifference's (MITW) voice began to rend his mend, so Dante wishing to prevent possession, willingly succumbed to the book, hoping to die. But the book teleported him into the endless nether of the void, where The Indifference's voice still hounds his every waking moment. So... He's basically dead. As, if we do find him, he'd be stark raving mad and void touched beyond hope of repair. Note: I say the void cause he was sent to 'Stars Unknown' where the 'wrong tongued voice' eternally hounds him. So he could be in Tau, but he's basically being tortured by The Indifference. So...
  7. The design of the overall gameplay loop of the mission type explicitly reveals that the planned intention of the mission is for it to run for a minimum of 8-10 minutes. (But the mission ends up running nearly double or triple the intended time.) This is deduced by the following factors: - Minimum requirement of 2 Crucibles No matter the difficulty, there are always 2 Crucibles to be filled. - Amphor drop rate Amphors do not consistently drop and are gated behind 2 (possibly 3, but I haven't quiet pinned down the 3rd) layers of RNG. Layer 1 being enemy kills. Layer 2 being the element of the dropped ampul. (I haven't confirmed it but if there is a layer 3, it would basically mean that only certain units actually drop the amphors. Duviri leads credence to this as the Dax are guaranteed to drop the correct Amphor for the Active Crucible. Which means that a similar mechanic might be in place for Entrati Labs Alchemy missions.) Factor in enemy density and you find that amphors have an low (but not very low) drop rate. - Elemental Replenishment Rate Typically the elemental replenishment rate is atrocious. On average it takes about a 8-12 amphors (depending on if the Amphor thrown is a direct hit) to fill one element, with both elements requiring 16-24 total to fill a crucible. This is diluted by the rng of the drop rate, and then comes the wildcat dog if the throw was a direct hit or not as I've seen amphors hit a crucible and replenish different amounts of the element. The short version of the above is: DE has intentionally created mechanics to pad out/slow down the mode. Which means, it obviously doesn't want players breezing through the mode. Which is why the mode has become vehemently despised. Personally, I feel like the mode should just drop the intended Amphors, make each element take 10 amphors (so 20 per crucible) and call it done. 20 may seem high, but when you factor in enemies (under my concept/suggestion) aren't dropping amphors at random, that 20 builds up lightning fast. Which would bring it in line with most non-defense/spy type missions. (🙄 At this rate we're due for Lua/Kuva Spy to get added to Duviri Circuit...)
  8. Ever since Jade Shadows Hotfix 3 it takes the PS5 a very long time to log in, connect to relays, and at times connect to squads. The connection to the Warframe servers feel/seem "Slow" and unstable.
  9. I would like that too. However, it's obvious (after 10+years) Stalker is going to be a slow burn unlock. We probably will have 2 or 3 more quests around him before he becomes fully unlockable. Until then I'd like to play as him more in the meantime. As after this event ends he'll all but disappear.
  10. Agreed. Hence why my inner loremaster is clawing for some explanations. I honestly hope the next Stalker quest answers this somewhat. We need answers.
  11. When it comes to her losing her life force, I believe it was a side effect of the absolutely unnatural/impossible birth. If you think about Warframe biology, it seems entirely impossible for her to do what she did. But more specifically, her death was Stalker's fault. As Hunhow even said, Stalker was waiting too long to get help. And unlike The Tenno, The Stalker doesn't have a Helminth chamber. (Maybe if he had brought Jade to the Orbiter she could have been saved.) Once Jade hit the point of nigh no return he finally came to the Tenno for aid. So there is a chance the Tenno Replicant Jades most likely won't share her fate. But as you said, she may have sacrificed herself to create a form for the child. Which...makes sense as The Operator states Jade wasn't even trying to keep living. This is where some clarification would do a service. Like what are the rules to Warframe growth?
  12. With the Lore Implications of Jade Shadows arguably removing Stalker from our adversary list. (Making him Protector Stalker) (Yes from a gameplay Standpoint he still hunts us Tenno. This is obviously to prevent players from being locked out of acquiring: Hate, Dread, Despair, Broken War, War, and Smoke Ephemera.) Can Stalker Mode PLEASE stay? Perhaps we can get a placeable Beacon or "Switch to Stalker" option for the Orbiter that allows players to assist squads as The Stalker. Keep the current risks/drawbacks associated with playing as him. IE: 1 Life, can't be revived if downed, can't be customized/equipped with the player's equipment, no Operator, no group chat. Make completing Jade Shadows a requirement to both: Play Stalker Mode and be open to Stalker Mode Add a Stalker Mode On/Off toggle. (For players/squads who do not wish to have Stalkers join their squads.) I ask this because... For the first time in Warframe history, I am enjoying Public Matchmaking. I like being able to swoop in as Stalker and turn a mission around (there have been a surprising amount of Ascension missions I've joined as Stalker where playing as him made a SIGNIFICANT difference/was the difference between a mission fail and a mission success.), aid other players, and then vanish without a trace, an unsung hero/ally. No one to talk to me, no one to know who I am. Just there and gone. I LOVE this mode. Would be amazing to see it expanded into other missions (excluding Eidolons, Orbs, Deep/Elite Archimedia for obvious reasons). The Rogue-Lite threat of death makes it such a thrill to play as.
  13. Going to try to keep this short and sweet. Are we going to see a Lore level (via cinematic quest preferably) revision or explanation detailing the difference between what I would like to call: Origin Frames - The Literally Mark I of a Framr. IE: The actual Human who was infected and converted, serving as the base for mass blueprint replication. Replicant Frames - The more golem-like recreations of the Origins. IE: The Frames the Player character controls. Prime Frame - Updated Replicants. Reason I ask... In Lore, all strains of the Infestation perfectly "Save"/"Retain" a 1 for 1 genetic blueprint of anyone and anything it assimilates. The Simaris data logs, The Emissary, The Sacrifice, and Entrati Lore all dramatically reinforce/hard canonized this. Giving the Infestation the ability to literally create perfect genetic clones that are as real as the original, complete with every single one of the original 's memories. Excalibur Umbra serves as the living paragon of this fact. (Tangent: The true horror of this is the philosophical question: If the flesh is the same, and the mind is the same, does the 'copy' therefore have the exact same rights as the original? For all intents and purposes...it IS the original.) Thus...we come to Jade and her deepest revelation... Going off Infestation Lore, especially when it comes to the Helminth strain (the strain that created a perfect clone of Excalibur Umbra, technically reviving him from death as the perfect clone of Umbra basically picked up right when it's memories left off)... This effectively means that every Jade replicated is: - With child. Not just any child either. A perfect 1 for 1 recreation of the child Stalker is now fathering. - The Operator now knows EVERYTHING about Jade and Stalker's past. As transferring into a Replicant Jade would allow access to all of her memories. - Every Jade recreated is on the clock. Destined to perish giving birth. I feel like this is a topic that needs to be addressed from a Lore perspective. Before we have hundreds/thousands of baby frames scurrying about. Some named Sirius, others Orion. Which brings me to the topic of the child. Warframes don't 'Grow'/'Age'. They are swordsteel golems that can be run into the ground like a machine....but generally, with proper upkeep they are more or less forever. Is this child...forever a child? Lore wise my head is spinning on this.
  14. This is the best option to be blunt. Should have been considered from day 1. Probably is being worked on as a result. Honestly, I have no issues with the plot element of her being pregnant and I absolutely loved the quest. Thought it was truly beautiful and the way it showed Stalker as an actual developed flawed and nuanced character was amazing. I don't even have an issue with the fact that going off the quest...my Male Operator has basically experienced the brutality and 'wonder' of giving birth (as we transferred into her and quite literally delivered it with/through her). I am also 100% okay with her golem-like clones (what we the players make and pilot) having the option of being 'pregnant'. I just feel like it needs to be that... An Option. Cause even folks as cynical and uncaring as me have some minor issues with the implications of her 'carrying' during basic gameplay. That said... If her kit involved the baby in some way. I'd recant all of my gripes as I could then say: "This is what she is. This is her theme. Ballas was one sick sob!" Right now, it feels tacked on to the 'playable' variant of Jade. Not even going to touch on the Lore implications.
  15. Honestly... I don't mind Alchemy in the circuit. The problem is the ampul drops. I know DE doesn't want us breezing through the mission but I would 100% be ok with: Enemies always drop the required ampules, but ampuls award less of the element. IE: If say right now it takes 10 ampuls to fill 1 element. Make it take 20. At least then it's not the current mess of spending 5 sometimes (and this happened to us in Elite Archimedia) 10 freaking minutes of the required ampules not dropping. Side Note: On the Elite Archimedia I mentioned....by the time we got an ampul to drop we as a team decided to use it ON THE ENEMIES because we the mission modifier was the: "Enemies must be hit with an ampul of the element to be opened up for damage." So by the time a single fire ampul dropped we literally had over 15 invincible enemies (I think was a freaking Necramech) just blasting us apart. For salt on the wound, none of them dropped and ampul too. 🙈🙃 So, some know me as the guy that raged when DE neutered Corrupted Jackal, turning a solid fight into a laughable punching bag.... I liked Duviri for its Rogue-Lite experience (which is all gone now) but Alchemy in it's current state isn't even challenging. It's just unpleasant and categorically not fun.
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