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15 Syndicate attacks in 4 days.


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EDIT: The number is now 33 attacks in 9 days.

So for the past several days (and following a long-ish stretch of silence after a PREVIOUS large series of attacks), I've had attacks from Syndicates on either myself or one of my squadmates, and I think I may know why that's the case. 

All I did was talk about Perrin in my Alliance chat.

I got a riven for the Dual Cestra (Which is now a negative multishot meme of a riven) and wanted to get a Secura Dual Cestra. I asked around my Alliance and Clan chats if anyone would be willing to give me one in exchange for a Vaykor Hek (because, to be honest, I wasn't about to spend plat on something I was ultimately going to slap negative multishot on). I mentioned in passing that I couldn't get it myself because Perrin absolutely hated my guts, and later that day there were five, yes, FIVE attacks from Perrin and Hexis. Next day, more attacks. Next day, even more, and just today, I was attacked by Suda while leveling some weapons in Hydron. WHAT IS Y'ALL'S DEAL.

But anyways- As annoying as it is, it honestly is kinda funny. I mention Perrin once and all of the sudden 4 of the 6 syndicates contract super-rabies. I do kinda wonder, though, if the aggression of Syndicates was amped up in the time I had taken a break from Warframe, because I have NEVER been attacked this much by people who just can't get the fact that I can make something explode just by looking at it funny.

(P.S. I will be editing in a counter for additional syndicate attacks if more happen to, well, happen.)

Edited by AlexanderDMoon
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Probably confirmation bias, but if your in a squad and they attack and you dont get the message from them then they were after a squad mate. but they are pretty common anyway i dont think there is a limit to how many times they attack, its more of a dice roll per mission

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Pretty sure it's linked to the relay rebuild event.  They've been popping up a lot more, especially in the lower levels, where you might encounter the g3 which are required for the relay tasks, so I wouldn't be surprised if the 'change to the code' to enable more g3 to appear more often has also triggered increased number of syndicate attacks. 

Nothing to worry about in all honesty, they usually die pretty quickly.  

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