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Chroma needs a rework


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11 minutes ago, Endrian said:

The only mechanical changes that would actually "complicate" Chroma's gameplay in my concept are:

  • Ability to choose a different elemental alignment by holding the Elemental Ward button down to rotate through different elements, then tapping to complete the switch.
  • Ability to charge a stronger attack by holding the Spectral Scream button down.
  • Everything else functions as a Chroma player would expect and should be used to.

If you consider that unnecessarily complicated gameplay, well... that's fine. We're all entitled to our opinions, I just want to make sure you don't think it's unnecessarily complicated simply because of how in-depth the rework and the explanations of the features are.


Actually, I think those gameplay changes are great. What I feel is too complicated is the amount of functionality each ability has without drawbacks - it also seems like this would make Chroma a bit broken, taking into consideration available focus abilities, arcanes etc. If I were to simplify/ammend or select items from your concept that IMO would be a balanced improvement:

  • Passive: Greed - Credit drops give Chroma energy/s.
  • Input Mechanics: Ability to switch elements with Elemental Ward (As well as the level up stages, I thought that was great progression for the ability) 
  • Elemental Ward: All the tier 2 changes - none of the tier 3 changes (besides level progression) - IE, not re-castable and maintains the same elemental effects for the duration - however, you can select a new elemental type that will affect Spectral Scream and your next cast of Elemental Ward. (Reason below)
  • Spectral Scream:
    • High status based on strength, Benefits from Fury in the way you described but does not do combined elemental damage off its own (see next point)
    • If Spectral Scream and Elemental Ward have the same Element active it receives an additional damage buff. 
    • If the damage type is different then, Spectral Scream does that elemental combination - IE, "Proud Roar" but instead of Heat+Blast damage it would do just Blast damage. (These two interactions lets Chroma inflict every elemental status in the game while following the same level progression)
  • Effigy:
    • Benefits from Scorn and Fury but also Increases them if it takes damage. (Simply, you don't have to be hit directly to increase the buffs)
    • If Elemental Ward is active and you cast Effigy; Effigy will also have those effects and apply them to allies in range. (Alternative: It becomes "Ruinous Effigy" with the respective elemental effect)
    • If you are downed while Effigy is active then "Pride" Triggers causing the effigy to return to Chroma restoring 25% health and giving you 3 secs invulnerability. Costing 50 energy, "Pride" has a 60s cooldown. (Gives Chorma some more survivability while not being exactly like Nidus/Oberon

I think this could still be tweaked but largely does what your concept set out to do while adding skill-based restrictions and ability management.

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32 minutes ago, BeardyKyle said:
  • Elemental Ward: All the tier 2 changes - none of the tier 3 changes (besides level progression) - IE, not re-castable and maintains the same elemental effects for the duration - however, you can select a new elemental type that will affect Spectral Scream and your next cast of Elemental Ward. (Reason below)

Why wouldn't you want it to be recastable? For one thing, one of the complaints I see about Elemental Ward is that it's aggravating to keep it synced alongside Vex Armor because if someone refreshes Vex Armor, they can't refresh Elemental Ward at the same time; they have to wait, possibly upwards of a minute, for it to completely run out before they can refresh it.

And if the ability to change elements is granted, the longer the duration of Elemental Ward is, that means the longer you're stuck in that element. I suspect people would immediately complain if Chroma got the ability to switch elements but was stuck in that version of Elemental Ward for the duration.

Also, the reason I have it requiring an activation in order to change elemental alignment is so there's an actual energy cost associated with changing elements; it shouldn't be a free ability to do so, because it's a fairly significant action that impacts three abilities: Spectral Scream/Proud Roar, Elemental Ward, and Effigy. Elemental Ward should become more than just the buff for this purpose, it should be where the elemental nature is determined entirely, and thus removed from the "main passive" and instead become an "ability passive."

39 minutes ago, BeardyKyle said:

Spectral Scream:

  • High status based on strength, Benefits from Fury in the way you described but does not do combined elemental damage off its own (see next point)
  • If Spectral Scream and Elemental Ward have the same Element active it receives an additional damage buff. 
  • If the damage type is different then, Spectral Scream does that elemental combination - IE, "Proud Roar" but instead of Heat+Blast damage it would do just Blast damage. (These two interactions lets Chroma inflict every elemental status in the game while following the same level progression)


Not sure what you mean by Spectral Scream doing "combined elemental damage off its own," unless you're getting Proud Roar confused with Furious Roar, which would be the rebuilt Spectral Scream ability augment mod Afterburn. In my concept, Spectral Scream on its own would only deal base elemental alignment damage, no secondary damage types. The secondary damage types are added purely by the Furious Roar ability augment mod.

Sorry if there was confusion! I'll try to be more clear in future.

Anyway, as far as allowing Spectral Scream to have a different element than Elemental Ward, and thus allowing elements to create combined damage, I'm worried that would just be too powerful, and it might not suit Chroma's theme (i.e. the D&D chromatic dragon types of red (fire), blue (lightning), white (cold), and green (poison)). If Chroma could suddenly do every elemental damage type, including not just the raw elements of Heat, Cold, Toxin and Electric, but also the significantly more powerful types of Blast, Corrosive, Gas, Magnetic, Radiation and Viral, without even needing an augment mod? I think there'd be justifiable complaints. That's why I required the augment mod, which even then only gave access to Corrosive, Magnetic, and Blast. The Puncture/Slash damage is based off the Cold Furious Roar spitting shards of ice, which would obviously cut and pierce, versus corrosive toxic spitbombs or electromagnetic breath or explosive fireballs.

But it is a neat idea.

47 minutes ago, BeardyKyle said:


  • Benefits from Scorn and Fury but also Increases them if it takes damage. (Simply, you don't have to be hit directly to increase the buffs)
  • If Elemental Ward is active and you cast Effigy; Effigy will also have those effects and apply them to allies in range. (Alternative: It becomes "Ruinous Effigy" with the respective elemental effect)
  • If you are downed while Effigy is active then "Pride" Triggers causing the effigy to return to Chroma restoring 25% health and giving you 3 secs invulnerability. Costing 50 energy, "Pride" has a 60s cooldown. (Gives Chorma some more survivability while not being exactly like Nidus/Oberon


I could agree with Effigy taking damage to help increase Vex Armor (sort of a shared Health pool that Vex Armor builds off of—wait, that gives me an idea...*), but because Effigy is shieldless, it would never be able to build the Scorn multiplier (requires damage to shields).

Interesting idea for the Effigy being the cause of the resurrection instead of the Pride passive, but I'm not sure (visually, on the UI) how you'd represent the 60-second cooldown... unless it's like a debuff icon.

The idea: What if, while Effigy was active, it was a literal shared Health pool? That whenever Chroma took damage, ~50-100% of the damage was instead redirected to the Effigy while you're within a certain radius of it?

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1 hour ago, Endrian said:

Why wouldn't you want it to be recastable? For one thing, one of the complaints I see about Elemental Ward is that it's aggravating to keep it synced alongside Vex Armor because if someone refreshes Vex Armor, they can't refresh Elemental Ward at the same time; they have to wait, possibly upwards of a minute, for it to completely run out before they can refresh it.

And if the ability to change elements is granted, the longer the duration of Elemental Ward is, that means the longer you're stuck in that element. I suspect people would immediately complain if Chroma got the ability to switch elements but was stuck in that version of Elemental Ward for the duration.

Also, the reason I have it requiring an activation in order to change elemental alignment is so there's an actual energy cost associated with changing elements; it shouldn't be a free ability to do so, because it's a fairly significant action that impacts three abilities: Spectral Scream/Proud Roar, Elemental Ward, and Effigy. Elemental Ward should become more than just the buff for this purpose, it should be where the elemental nature is determined entirely, and thus removed from the "main passive" and instead become an "ability passive."


There's really only the need for Vex armor to be recastable right now. I was thinking it shouldn't be recastable because of the interactions with spectral scream I suggested that i'll get to in my next point.

1 hour ago, Endrian said:

Not sure what you mean by Spectral Scream doing "combined elemental damage off its own," unless you're getting Proud Roar confused with Furious Roar, which would be the rebuilt Spectral Scream ability augment mod Afterburn. In my concept, Spectral Scream on its own would only deal base elemental alignment damage, no secondary damage types. The secondary damage types are added purely by the Furious Roar ability augment mod.

Sorry if there was confusion! I'll try to be more clear in future.


Ahh, yes looks like I was mixing up Proud roar and furious Roar. Which is why I thought before that it seemed a bit too much. Having the ability to do combo elements as an augment is actually fine - instead of the synergy with Elemental ward I suggested. And since that is gone, then I don't see any reason why Elemental Ward couldn't be recastable - other than if you wanted to use 1 element on spectral scream while having another on Elemental ward.


1 hour ago, Endrian said:

I could agree with Effigy taking damage to help increase Vex Armor (sort of a shared Health pool that Vex Armor builds off of—wait, that gives me an idea...*), but because Effigy is shieldless, it would never be able to build the Scorn multiplier (requires damage to shields).

Interesting idea for the Effigy being the cause of the resurrection instead of the Pride passive, but I'm not sure (visually, on the UI) how you'd represent the 60-second cooldown... unless it's like a debuff icon.

The idea: What if, while Effigy was active, it was a literal shared Health pool? That whenever Chroma took damage, ~50-100% of the damage was instead redirected to the Effigy while you're within a certain radius of it?

The way I was thinking of it is Effigy would just be able to build both Scorn and Fury Simultaneously if it's hit. While Chroma himself would still have the separation between Shields and Health damage. - At higher levels you'll can easily get one shot trying to build Scorn and Fury without already having scorn active, so it definitely adds some survivability. Since you'll have a constant energy drain in addition to casting Vex Armor I don't feel it's overpowered.

Debuff icon would be the way it's represented. TBH I don't like the idea of a cooldown on it but it would be too powerful an effect without some kind of drawback.

Hmm shared health pool would be good, like a Nidus link but with Effigy instead of an enemy. However, I don't think it would fit since the whole idea is chroma shedding his pelt to gain speed while losing some armor and survivability. 


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got a better idea for element/color swap. hold 4 and press 1, 2, or 3 to switch to available switchable elements easy way access elements. as the way i veiw this is well i can't really think of a reason to need elemental swapping when leveling as that effect would probably be best used when using a max leveled chroma. a personal opinion of mine is that i rather not remove the option of chroma's element being effected by energy color as it is one of the things i found very intresting and was one of the things that encouraged me to get the other color pallets. a thought i had was to just simply allow us to "equip" our elements to the energy color of our choosing. or to change the which element has priorities with which color. as chroma was the one frame that introduced me to "fashion frame" and has kept me intrested in it at least. just simply removing the effect of energy color has on his elements entirely might make me care about fashion frame less.

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1 hour ago, maddragonmaster said:

got a better idea for element/color swap. hold 4 and press 1, 2, or 3 to switch to available switchable elements easy way access elements. as the way i veiw this is well i can't really think of a reason to need elemental swapping when leveling as that effect would probably be best used when using a max leveled chroma. a personal opinion of mine is that i rather not remove the option of chroma's element being effected by energy color as it is one of the things i found very intresting and was one of the things that encouraged me to get the other color pallets. a thought i had was to just simply allow us to "equip" our elements to the energy color of our choosing. or to change the which element has priorities with which color. as chroma was the one frame that introduced me to "fashion frame" and has kept me intrested in it at least. just simply removing the effect of energy color has on his elements entirely might make me care about fashion frame less.

I doubt that.mif anything you’d have more colour options if his element isnt tied to energy colour

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42 minutes ago, BeardyKyle said:

I doubt that.mif anything you’d have more colour options if his element isnt tied to energy colour

true but then that takes his uniqueness away and thus remove the whole part that encouraged me into trying this fashion frame and thus make me incredibly bitter to excalibur, excalibur umbra, excalibur and umbra players, and fashion framers as a whole. as excalibur has that chromatic blade augment that everyone fricking likes and would make me incredibly pev'ed if chroma looses the energy color effect while excalibur keeps that dam augment. if chroma's color mechanic is going down then i want that dam excalibur augment deleted and replaced.

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dear god please rebuild chroma from the ground up, only 2 of his 4 powers are worth a damn, effigy is a glorified turret thats boring as hell and his 1 is actively nerfing yourself if you use it


dear god chroma is so boring, i wanna love him so much i mean come on! DRAGON!!!! who doesnt love a dragon? if chroma lived up to what he COULD be he would be so bad ass, so much potential i have so many ideas for what he could be but no, a lackluster ignis wannabe, a turret, and 2 powers that should basically just be one buff power since if you use one you wanna be using the other too...


so much wasted potential, id pay money for a chroma that lived up to his potential, he could be so much fun...

i posted this over a month ago but i still think this rework would be so cool, make the dragon frame a dragon, a beast

Passive: Dragon's Horde, armor buff depending on credit pickups, more credits you get as you play the higher your buff goes, could be fun and works off the idea in lore that dragons horde gold and valuables in their lairs


1, change his fire breath to basically his effigy hovering just off his back but still following him, allowing him full use of his guns and melee while the breath is going, basically the effigy but stuck directly to you instead of a turret


2. current 2 and 3,  i think they should be merged into one power, they are basically 2 halves of a whole ability


3. maybe a leaping aoe stomp? his wings flap sending him into the air and he comes down slamming his fist into the ground causing an aoe burst of elemental damage 360 degrees with a knockdown/push


4. give us the feeling of being a dragon, hover off the ground, speed buff, elemental claws and energyblasts linked to our primary and melee mods for each, quick melee does claws and blasts with mouseclick, that could be so much fun if done right

Edited by Ocerkin
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7 hours ago, maddragonmaster said:

true but then that takes his uniqueness away and thus remove the whole part that encouraged me into trying this fashion frame and thus make me incredibly bitter to excalibur, excalibur umbra, excalibur and umbra players, and fashion framers as a whole. as excalibur has that chromatic blade augment that everyone fricking likes and would make me incredibly pev'ed if chroma looses the energy color effect while excalibur keeps that dam augment. if chroma's color mechanic is going down then i want that dam excalibur augment deleted and replaced.

I don't get it. Your idea of "uniqueness" seems like "restriction." He would still have the ability to function four different ways via the four primal elements, and be able to choose whatever color we wish for each element, but... that's bad to you, because he isn't restricted to what colors he can use for each element...? Why is it so upsetting that we be able to Fashionframe him however we choose?

What if I want green lightning or purple toxin or blue flame or golden ice? We can't do that right now because of the way his passive currently works.

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6 hours ago, Ocerkin said:

2. current 2 and 3,  i think they should be merged into one power, they are basically 2 halves of a whole ability

I still think they'd end up massively nerfing either Vex Armor or Elemental Ward or both if they combined both effects into one ability, especially if it was a 50-energy ability, so I can't endorse such an idea. It'd end up neutering our dragon.

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11 hours ago, Endrian said:

I don't get it. Your idea of "uniqueness" seems like "restriction." He would still have the ability to function four different ways via the four primal elements, and be able to choose whatever color we wish for each element, but... that's bad to you, because he isn't restricted to what colors he can use for each element...? Why is it so upsetting that we be able to Fashionframe him however we choose?

What if I want green lightning or purple toxin or blue flame or golden ice? We can't do that right now because of the way his passive currently works.

well if you want green lightning or purple tox or blue flame or golden ice and not want to equip those elements to those colors then sorry  your asking too much from chroma which name is literally meaning "purity or intensity of color" and every frame name relates in some way or form to their theme. example ash is a indignant for some ninja's smoke pellets that could be a reasoning for ash's name. 

look i can understand a bit of wanting a element switching ability in a mission but just right out scrapping the color=elemental mechanic without tweaking the mechanic goes against the original design.

if you don't believe me about the chroma being an actually word describing the purity or intensity of color bit then just google the word.

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4 minutes ago, maddragonmaster said:

if you don't believe me about the chroma being an actually word describing the purity or intensity of color bit then just google the word.

"Chroma" is a reference to D&D chromatic dragons, which are color-based dragons that use certain elements in their attacks. The red dragon has fire breath, the green dragon has poison breath, the white dragon has cold breath, and the blue dragon has lightning breath.

So all "Chroma" really means is he's a dragon that uses those four elements in his attacks. It doesn't mean he should be locked into those specific colors for those elements.

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3 minutes ago, Endrian said:

"Chroma" is a reference to D&D chromatic dragons, which are color-based dragons that use certain elements in their attacks. The red dragon has fire breath, the green dragon has poison breath, the white dragon has cold breath, and the blue dragon has lightning breath.

So all "Chroma" really means is he's a dragon that uses those four elements in his attacks. It doesn't mean he should be locked into those specific colors for those elements.

just google"chroma"  where did you think the term chroma or chromatic came from? did you honestly think they thought it up by themselves.

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Just now, maddragonmaster said:

just google"chroma"  where did you think the term chroma or chromatic came from? did you honestly think they thought it up by themselves.

I just explained to you where his name comes from. Obviously the word "chromatic" comes from "chroma," that's the whole point of calling them chromatic dragons—their colors make it easy to identify their elemental type. But that doesn't mean his name is a reference to color; it's a reference to the D&D dragons.

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5 minutes ago, Endrian said:

I just explained to you where his name comes from. Obviously the word "chromatic" comes from "chroma," that's the whole point of calling them chromatic dragons—their colors make it easy to identify their elemental type. But that doesn't mean his name is a reference to color; it's a reference to the D&D dragons.

yet he is a dragon and the element of his abilities is dictated by his energy "color" he fallows the D&D's  rules for chromatic dragons and those dragons are dictated by their scale color.

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Just now, maddragonmaster said:

yet he is a dragon and the element of his abilities is dictated by his energy "color"

Yes, because he was the first Warframe to have an actual special passive ("energy color dictates elemental type"). This was over three years ago, before real passives became a thing, before "multi-ability" abilities became a thing, like Vauban's ability to change deployables or Ivara's changeable arrows or Khora's Venari modes. Passive mechanics have improved massively since then; not only are those Warframes able to change ability functions, they have their own real passives.

At this point, Chroma should rightly be revisited so that he not only gets an actual passive, but would be allowed to choose whatever color he wants for his elements, and be able to change his element mid-mission.

Your argument that "Chroma should never be able to pick his colors" is just an insult to Fashionframers, when you claim you only got into Fashionframe because he was so restricted. Restrictions only hurt Fashionframing.

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1 minute ago, Endrian said:

Yes, because he was the first Warframe to have an actual special passive ("energy color dictates elemental type"). This was over three years ago, before real passives became a thing, before "multi-ability" abilities became a thing, like Vauban's ability to change deployables or Ivara's changeable arrows or Khora's Venari modes. Passive mechanics have improved massively since then; not only are those Warframes able to change ability functions, they have their own real passives.

At this point, Chroma should rightly be revisited so that he not only gets an actual passive, but would be allowed to choose whatever color he wants for his elements, and be able to change his element mid-mission.

Your argument that "Chroma should never be able to pick his colors" is just an insult to Fashionframers, when you claim you only got into Fashionframe because he was so restricted. Restrictions only hurt Fashionframing.

i did not see any restrictions with chroma energy color gimmick  i saw a fun interesting mechanic that was interesting and peaked my interest since i first watched him on a video and to point it out his was what primarily peaked my curiosity of warframe and drawn me into the game. and i said over and over and over again and again on this forum post give the dam option of equip this element to this energy color bit over and over and over again yet you fashionframers are so dam persistent about having those edgy lightning or green flames and too lazy to think of a improved idea for this color mechanic that you just want the dam mechanic gone without giving it a dam chance to improve. 

i gave my ideas of allowing fashionframers to have their freedom of choice without destroying the dam color mechanic and if they just knock my idea down without respecting my reason for wanting this mechanic improved then i just will stop caring about what they want.

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3 minutes ago, maddragonmaster said:

i did not see any restrictions with chroma energy color gimmick  i saw a fun interesting mechanic that was interesting and peaked my interest since i first watched him on a video and to point it out his was what primarily peaked my curiosity of warframe and drawn me into the game. and i said over and over and over again and again on this forum post give the dam option of equip this element to this energy color bit over and over and over again yet you fashionframers are so dam persistent about having those edgy lightning or green flames and too lazy to think of a improved idea for this color mechanic that you just want the dam mechanic gone without giving it a dam chance to improve. 

i gave my ideas of allowing fashionframers to have their freedom of choice without destroying the dam color mechanic and if they just knock my idea down without respecting my reason for wanting this mechanic improved then i just will stop caring about what they want.

The whole basis of the mechanic isn't to lock him into a specific color—it's to allow him to use any of four different elements. At the time of his release, the game wasn't really set up for an advanced mechanic that would allow him more freedom to either change mid-mission or determine alternative energy colors for his elements. This was before the Arsenal UI expanded to include things like toggleable appearances in Arsenal (such as Equinox's other forms) or "exalted weapons." I've already suggested ideas of how that can be done:



This was all in my original rework concept post.

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13 minutes ago, Endrian said:

The whole basis of the mechanic isn't to lock him into a specific color—it's to allow him to use any of four different elements. I've already suggested ideas of how that can be done:

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This was all in my original rework concept post.

how does this pertain to removing the locking of his element to energy color? as thats my main reason of arguing here, chroma as a whole was  what i got into this game and if it wasn't for chroma then i wouldn't of even came to this game so i rather not have any of his uniqueness needlessly removed due to people whining about not having edgy lightning or something. and this whole suggestion has gotten me seriously pev'ed. so simply arguing me for wanting the color mechanic improved rather then removed is just going to make me more and more angry and i will be more hard to reason with. ok almost got a bit too aggravated there.

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6 minutes ago, maddragonmaster said:

how does this pertain to removing the locking of his element to energy color? as thats my main reason of arguing here, chroma as a whole was  what i got into this game and if it wasn't for chroma then i wouldn't of even came to this game so i rather not have any of his uniqueness needlessly removed due to people whining about not having edgy lightning or something. and this whole suggestion has gotten me seriously pev'ed. so simply attacking me for wanting the color mechanic improved rather then removed is just going to make me more and more angry and i will be more hard to reason with.

Being stuck in a certain color isn't unique. Being able to change the element type of your abilities is. He would still be unique if he could choose whatever colors he wanted for his elements. Not sure why you keep referring to "edgy lightning" when the point is to just be able to color your abilities however you want, which literally every other Warframe can do. Ember with blue flame? No problem! Frost with red ice? Done deal! Volt with green lightning? Sure, why not! Saryn with purple poison? Not an issue!

And yet you have this weird issue with Chroma having such freedoms. You keep calling it "unique," but being color-locked isn't unique, it's just an obsolete restriction. His mutable elemental nature is what is unique about Chroma.

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1 minute ago, Endrian said:

Being stuck in a certain color isn't unique. Being able to change the element type of your abilities is. He would still be unique if he could choose whatever colors he wanted for his elements. Not sure why you keep referring to "edgy lightning" when the point is to just be able to color your abilities however you want, which literally every other Warframe can do. Ember with blue flame? No problem! Frost with red ice? Done deal! Volt with green lightning? Sure, why not! Saryn with purple poison? Not an issue!

And yet you have this weird issue with Chroma having such freedoms. You keep calling it "unique," but being color-locked isn't unique, it's just a pointless restriction. His mutable elemental nature is what is unique about Chroma.

like i said over and over again i gave an idea for improve the color mechanic to were every has their freedom of color and energy choice but your just arguing about the fact i want to keep it without taking a deep look into my suggestion.  you just keep on ignoring the fact and keep on claiming that i want too keep him colored locked while ignoring my suggestions of  improving the dang mechanic. but you just so focus on your dam ranting about not having the dang freedom of choice you have with every other freaking frame that  your either ignoring my suggestions or you have read of them and dont care or like them because you too dam lazy to for the idea of setting up the elements to their energy colors  to make the mechanic personalized to your likes and whatnot.

as for asking what the "edgy lightning" comment ment. what do you thing it means? what color is synonymous to edgy? could it perhaps be red? red edgy lightning? 

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4 minutes ago, maddragonmaster said:

like i said over and over again i gave an idea for improve the color mechanic to were every has their freedom of color and energy choice but your just arguing about the fact i want to keep it without taking a deep look into my suggestion.  you just keep on ignoring the fact and keep on claiming that i want too keep him colored locked while ignoring my suggestions of  improving the dang mechanic. but you just so focus on your dam ranting about not having the dang freedom of choice you have with every other freaking frame that  your either ignoring my suggestions or you have read of them and dont care or like them because you too dam lazy to for the idea of setting up the elements to their energy colors  to make the mechanic personalized to your likes and whatnot.

as for asking what the "edgy lightning" comment ment. what do you thing it means? what color is synonymous to edgy? could it perhaps be red? red edgy lightning? 

I'm assuming you're referring to this post:

22 hours ago, maddragonmaster said:

got a better idea for element/color swap. hold 4 and press 1, 2, or 3 to switch to available switchable elements easy way access elements. as the way i veiw this is well i can't really think of a reason to need elemental swapping when leveling as that effect would probably be best used when using a max leveled chroma. a personal opinion of mine is that i rather not remove the option of chroma's element being effected by energy color as it is one of the things i found very intresting and was one of the things that encouraged me to get the other color pallets. a thought i had was to just simply allow us to "equip" our elements to the energy color of our choosing. or to change the which element has priorities with which color. as chroma was the one frame that introduced me to "fashion frame" and has kept me intrested in it at least. just simply removing the effect of energy color has on his elements entirely might make me care about fashion frame less.

This was your suggestion for "improving the mechanic"—holding the Effigy ability button, and then pressing the other ability buttons in order to change element. No other Warframe does something like this in order to change an ability function. It's extremely clunky and unintuitive; as far as changing ability functions, it's an unprecedented change compared to the existing mechanic. Any other Warframe that has a toggleable ability just needs to tap or hold the ability button in order to "rotate" the ability function, like Vauban's Minelayer or Ivara's Quiver.

And it does nothing to address color issues. If he changes elements without a setup like I posted, then that just means he's using one color for all four elements—if he starts with orange fire, then he ends up with orange ice, orange lightning, orange poison.

Conversely, if we use your proposed system of "equipping" elements to our chosen energy color... My post already covered that. You can see that in the linked screenshot mock-ups: you pick a color for each element for each loadout.

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16 minutes ago, Endrian said:

I'm assuming you're referring to this post:

This was your suggestion for "improving the mechanic"—holding the Effigy ability button, and then pressing the other ability buttons in order to change element. No other Warframe does something like this in order to change an ability function. It's extremely clunky and unintuitive; as far as changing ability functions, it's an unprecedented change compared to the existing mechanic. Any other Warframe that has a toggleable ability just needs to tap or hold the ability button in order to "rotate" the ability function, like Vauban's Minelayer or Ivara's Quiver.

And it does nothing to address color issues. If he changes elements without a setup like I posted, then that just means he's using one color for all four elements—if he starts with orange fire, then he ends up with orange ice, orange lightning, orange poison.

Conversely, if we use your proposed system of "equipping" elements to our chosen energy color... My post already covered that. You can see that in the linked screenshot mock-ups: you pick a color for each element for each loadout.

that is not the full part of my suggestion. a way back i thought up the idea of allowing us to switch the energy color designation of each element with a UI similar to something like octavia's mandicord. and the recent idea was in a half thought of making the element switching more controlled as either tapping or holding the said designated ability for this to be equipped would complicate things and it would take too long to cycle through 4 elements that way. the way i suggested was to hold 4 and press 1, 2, or 3 as to were your currently occupying the 4th element out of the 4 elements you have. besides if i was to guess to avoid any complications and prevent the downtime of elemental ward since into avoid any bugs elemental ward would have to be off during the elemental switching.

Edited by maddragonmaster
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3 minutes ago, maddragonmaster said:

that is not the full part of my suggestion. a way back i thought up the idea of allowing us to switch the energy color designation of each element with a UI similar to something like octavia's mandicord. and the recent idea was in a half thought of making the element switching more controlled as either typing or holding the said designated ability for this to be equipped would complicate things and it would take too long to cycle through 4 elements that way. the way i suggested was to hold 4 and press 1, 2, or 3 as to were your currently occupying the 4th element out of the 4 elements you have. besides if i was to guess to avoid any complications and prevent the downtime of elemental ward since into avoid any bugs elemental ward would have to be off during the elemental switching.

This is why my rework concept required activating Elemental Ward (which would be recastable) in order to change elemental types. It's a fundamental aspect of Chroma. Unlike with Vauban's Minelayer or Ivara's Quiver or Khora's Venari, if Chroma changes element types, it affects three different abilities. It should not be a free cost in order to get four wildly different effects out of three different abilities. So if you want to switch from one element to another, you'd need to rotate element choice with Elemental Ward, then spend 50 energy to actually activate Elemental Ward and switch elements, while also getting the Elemental Ward aura (if Effigy is active, its own element changes to match yours). Then you could freely use that new element with Effigy or Spectral Scream.

Otherwise, if it's a free change that doesn't require an ability activation, you end up with some weird issues. Like you could have a Heat Elemental Ward going, a Toxin Effigy, all while spitting Electric Spectral Scream. And that's just a mess.

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15 minutes ago, Endrian said:

This is why my rework concept required activating Elemental Ward (which would be recastable) in order to change elemental types. It's a fundamental aspect of Chroma. Unlike with Vauban's Minelayer or Ivara's Quiver or Khora's Venari, if Chroma changes element types, it affects three different abilities. It should not be a free cost in order to get four wildly different effects out of three different abilities. So if you want to switch from one element to another, you'd need to rotate element choice with Elemental Ward, then spend 50 energy to actually activate Elemental Ward and switch elements, while also getting the Elemental Ward aura (if Effigy is active, its own element changes to match yours). Then you could freely use that new element with Effigy or Spectral Scream.

Otherwise, if it's a free change that doesn't require an ability activation, you end up with some weird issues. Like you could have a Heat Elemental Ward going, a Toxin Effigy, all while spitting Electric Spectral Scream. And that's just a mess.

i see your point. though i meant to say when using my idea was to have all abilities that benefit from the element of choice be shut off when a switch happens to avoid that mess. but then again an idea of an augment has came into my mind titled "chromatic chaos" and it is a effigy augment that goes like this "allows you to tell you effigy to switch to this element by having effigy out and doing the hold 4 down and press 1,2, or 3 button. which effigy will switch to that element for a fixed ammount of time. recalling effigy during this time will temporarily combine effigies element with chroma's main element creating a combo element."  and the image i have with like spectral scream having dual colored breath.

Edited by maddragonmaster
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