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The Setup | 2018 (IC)


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On 2018-10-18 at 4:37 PM, Arunafeltz said:


Another Tenno! Morroc merrily bid the dark-suited male to join them.

"What I have? Well we'll find out soon enough, I'm sure. But you probably already had 'peerless combat prowess', 'sharp wit' and 'good looks' in mind." he continued, slowly getting to his feet as a smug grin formed on his face. "But for the sake of our new comrade here, let me reintroduce myself."

What many might have mistaken to be another beverage-dispensing Osprey appeared, shining a little spotlight onto Morroc.

"The gunslinger in grey... the scarlet swordsman. Defender against Grineer, and the cure to Corpus corruption! Agent Ten-Eleven, Hans Morroc!"

He punctuated his grand introduction loudly with a superhero pose of sorts, undoubtedly practiced countless times in front of a mirror. The Osprey sidekick projected some holographic confetti, playing a distorted tune that sounded like some kind of Old World orchestral fanfare. His eyes closed in satisfaction, and they could hear him saying something quietly to himself.

"Heh. Nailed it."


Narakis' eye flicked to the drone, then back to Hans.

"You have a drone follow you around just for that?"


On 2018-10-21 at 7:07 AM, IceDragonofAmber said:

While talking Sab spared a glance to where the third musketeer had drifted off to, and was just in time to catch an introduction that left her staring blankly in utter amazement.

"By the Void... I'd never even thought, I'd get beaten for weirdest one here."


The pale figure sitting across from the flamboyant man turned as Sab spoke, searching for the source of the speech. She stared at Sab impassively then laid her palms upwards and shrugged.

Edited by Askaris
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Takar heard the flamboyant display behind her as she headed towards Aegia.

That one has more charisma than brains, and more of both than common sense. I will have to watch him. He seems the type to bug out or sell out if it will save his own skin.

Takar continued towards Aegia, stopping a few feet from her table, mostly out of respect for the serving drone desperately trying to keep up with the growing pile of dishes.

"It's good to see you again, Aegia."


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On 2018-10-24 at 10:30 AM, WilcotheWolf said:

Wilco takes the Krank's Wine and gives a nod to the Corpus, before sipping the Krank's Wine and humming happily to himself in delight.


Wilco chuckles and watches the Corpus do a pose of sorts, he saw that it seemed to fluid to of been improvised instantly. "I take it you've practiced that a lot, haven't ya?" He asks Hans.


14 hours ago, Askaris said:


Narakis' eye flicked to the drone, then back to Hans.

"You have a drone follow you around just for that?"



The pale figure sitting across from the flamboyant man turned as Sab spoke, searching for the source of the speech. She stared at Sab impassively then laid her palms upwards and shrugged.

"A hero should have a sidekick, wouldn't you agree? Though this little guy here is a hero in his own way, I'll admit." Morroc replied, still grinning. He returned to his seat and shrugged at the Tenno lad's question.

"Well, not everybody in the System knows me right now, so I need a memorable introduction. Give it a decade or two, and parents will be telling stories of me to their children!"

He chuckled merrily, evidently pleased with that thought. He drained his glass of water and returned the topic back to the new arrival.

"Now tell us your name, friend. I'll remember it, for in due time we'll be forging our titles in fire."

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On 2018-10-23 at 11:11 PM, Agent_Maine said:

Sanera glanced over to where Sab was looking, a slightly curious expression on her face as she wondered what Sab was talking about. "Hmm? What do you mean? Who are you talking about?" She asked Sab.

"You don't see the cosplayer over there?" She pointed a clawed finger in Morroc's direction. "Sitting next to our former friend and the pale pirate?"

Sab finally released the Carrier, which resumed floating merrily next to its financial partner. "I know you guys cosplay the Stalker for a living so it's not that unusual, but the pose atleast warrants some mild attention."

On 2018-10-27 at 10:25 PM, Askaris said:

The pale figure sitting across from the flamboyant man turned as Sab spoke, searching for the source of the speech. She stared at Sab impassively then laid her palms upwards and shrugged.

Upon seeing Narakis shrug the 6'1'' feminine feline Orokin flesh golem responded by pointing a finger to its helmet and twirling it in a circular motion.

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On 2018-10-24 at 1:30 PM, WilcotheWolf said:

Wilco takes the Krank's Wine and gives a nod to the Corpus, before sipping the Krank's Wine and humming happily to himself in delight.

"I hope you enjoy it, mister WIlco. Krank's Wine is a highly popular drink within the system that originates from human civilization on Earth." The Serving Osprey said, before floating away to take the orders of other invited guests.


22 hours ago, IceDragonofAmber said:

"You don't see the cosplayer over there?" She pointed a clawed finger in Morroc's direction. "Sitting next to our former friend and the pale pirate?"

Sab finally released the Carrier, which resumed floating merrily next to its financial partner. "I know you guys cosplay the Stalker for a living so it's not that unusual, but the pose atleast warrants some mild attention."

Upon seeing Narakis shrug the 6'1'' feminine feline Orokin flesh golem responded by pointing a finger to its helmet and twirling it in a circular motion.

Sanera glanced over to where Sab was pointing, before slowly nodding. "Ah...yes, I see." She remarked, before chuckling at Sab's remark about the Veil's common choice of attire, which was suspiciously similar to the infamous Tenno Hunter known as the Stalker. "Well, the Red Veil is mainly full of edgelords and people who are too serious for their own good. Most of them deep down are good people, they just have a really weird way of showing it. I guess you could say that I'm an exception and someone who actually knows how to socialize like a normal person." Sanera remarked, turning her glance back over towards Sab.

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A considerable deal had traipsed past Hemlock's notice in the last few moments. A few details had slipped past considering that his short-term memory was altogether poor, but he caught the important bits - Lucas was fine, Bananasandra was along for this ride, Felon was a cocky felon, and this other Tenno was babbling on about his...modifications. Ah well, time to meet them properly, and in the proverbial flesh.

"I wouldn't fret too much, Aria. You ain't the only Zariman 'ere."

Concluding his handshake with Lucas, and stepping his Nidus backwards, and it's frame glimmered not with the coppery-poison of it's energy but a rich orange-red shimmer that heralded the Zariman within it. The young lad was little different then he was back at the yards, save for the fact he was wearing a full set of navy-blue Koppra attire with the tell-tale latticework that screamed Composite-Weave, and finished in it's metallic regions with a simple gunmetal-grey sheen. As for for his facial features, they were rather stock for a seemingly 18-year-Void-demon-that-was-really-in-his-1000's, with a mid length crop of unkempt, dark blonde hair and grey-blue eyes that lacked any of the typical glow that most Zariman children possessed.

But that's as far the term 'Stock' goes, for present upon Hemlock's skin were two things - The golden somatic pins and links signature of all Zariman children, and a vast amount of gnarled, bark-like void-scarring around his eyes and their sockets, in varying shades and tinges of steel and pink, not unlike the infested derelicts lurking in the depths of the dark sectors.

Now, garish character descriptions aside, let's get to what he's intending to do, yes?

As he gave everyone present a quick once over, he slightly leaned back and crossed his arms with a simple little smirk on his face, before chuckling softly. 
"I must say, Felony, you're a gauzy one indeed. Openly stating that you even considered taking a mark on a Tenno in the first place, let alone say it to-his-face. That sorta stuff takes a bit 'o gall dunnit?" His smirk changed into a small smile. 

"I think we'll get on right and proper. And Lucas? If you're wondering why I'm so amicable right now, It's cause we're nowhere near that little hamlet that's been the analogy of home for me. That, and two folk I consider good company are here, even if there was that initial little hiccup back at the yards." He continued, before turning his attention onto Aria. 

"And before you begin, I caught onto some of the babbling from earlier. You haven't seen a Nidus Warframe before?" He asked, his tone almost derisive in nature as he gestured to the warframe behind him.
"Though, to-be-fair, You aren't exactly half wrong either." 

Following this and another quiet chuckle, Hemlock's face returned to a neutral game-face. Just what was he hiding?

Certainly not the fact that Scab was currently investigating the two newer faces - Currently preoccupied by Felon's boot, the mass-of-mutation was getting acquainted with the various scents of the new people. It might be an infested kubrow, but a Doggo was a Doggo and should Felon not notice it's presence it would rear up and attempt to get closer to his head. 
And by 'Closer' that implies rearing up on its hind-legs and placing it's forelegs onto Felon's back for support. Problem? It was a techno-organic golem much like Nidus, and was made of various fleshmetal composite materials.

It would be more than heavy enough to accidentally push him over and pin him to the floor under Scab's own weight.
How fortunate, then, that Scab had entirely different agenda than 'Din-Dins' on this occasion.

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On 2018-10-24 at 11:02 PM, Ghost333 said:

Lysandra couldn't help but burst out laughing at the suggestion of being Lucas's girlfriend. She wasn't adverse to the idea, but the fact that it was (and, possibly to the betterment of both of their sanity, completely wrong) guess.

"Oh, if only!" She laughed, wiping a non-existent tear from her eye. "Nah, Lucas and I 'ave run into each other 'ere and there since the...ah, what was, it, Operation: 'Ammers an' Nails? Cripes, already can't remember it. Mr Buzzkill here," She said, thumbing towards Hemlock, "was there too. Hey, Lucas, how's that Nox doin'? What was 'is name again?"

19 hours ago, InfiniumV said:

A considerable deal had traipsed past Hemlock's notice in the last few moments. A few details had slipped past considering that his short-term memory was altogether poor, but he caught the important bits - Lucas was fine, Bananasandra was along for this ride, Felon was a cocky felon, and this other Tenno was babbling on about his...modifications. Ah well, time to meet them properly, and in the proverbial flesh.

"I wouldn't fret too much, Aria. You ain't the only Zariman 'ere."

Concluding his handshake with Lucas, and stepping his Nidus backwards, and it's frame glimmered not with the coppery-poison of it's energy but a rich orange-red shimmer that heralded the Zariman within it. The young lad was little different then he was back at the yards, save for the fact he was wearing a full set of navy-blue Koppra attire with the tell-tale latticework that screamed Composite-Weave, and finished in it's metallic regions with a simple gunmetal-grey sheen. As for for his facial features, they were rather stock for a seemingly 18-year-Void-demon-that-was-really-in-his-1000's, with a mid length crop of unkempt, dark blonde hair and grey-blue eyes that lacked any of the typical glow that most Zariman children possessed.

But that's as far the term 'Stock' goes, for present upon Hemlock's skin were two things - The golden somatic pins and links signature of all Zariman children, and a vast amount of gnarled, bark-like void-scarring around his eyes and their sockets, in varying shades and tinges of steel and pink, not unlike the infested derelicts lurking in the depths of the dark sectors.

Now, garish character descriptions aside, let's get to what he's intending to do, yes?

As he gave everyone present a quick once over, he slightly leaned back and crossed his arms with a simple little smirk on his face, before chuckling softly. 
"I must say, Felony, you're a gauzy one indeed. Openly stating that you even considered taking a mark on a Tenno in the first place, let alone say it to-his-face. That sorta stuff takes a bit 'o gall dunnit?" His smirk changed into a small smile. 

"I think we'll get on right and proper. And Lucas? If you're wondering why I'm so amicable right now, It's cause we're nowhere near that little hamlet that's been the analogy of home for me. That, and two folk I consider good company are here, even if there was that initial little hiccup back at the yards." He continued, before turning his attention onto Aria. 

"And before you begin, I caught onto some of the babbling from earlier. You haven't seen a Nidus Warframe before?" He asked, his tone almost derisive in nature as he gestured to the warframe behind him.
"Though, to-be-fair, You aren't exactly half wrong either." 

Following this and another quiet chuckle, Hemlock's face returned to a neutral game-face. Just what was he hiding?

Certainly not the fact that Scab was currently investigating the two newer faces - Currently preoccupied by Felon's boot, the mass-of-mutation was getting acquainted with the various scents of the new people. It might be an infested kubrow, but a Doggo was a Doggo and should Felon not notice it's presence it would rear up and attempt to get closer to his head. 
And by 'Closer' that implies rearing up on its hind-legs and placing it's forelegs onto Felon's back for support. Problem? It was a techno-organic golem much like Nidus, and was made of various fleshmetal composite materials.

It would be more than heavy enough to accidentally push him over and pin him to the floor under Scab's own weight.
How fortunate, then, that Scab had entirely different agenda than 'Din-Dins' on this occasion.


Although Lysandra's answer to FAlon's (😛) rambling did not dispel any confusions the 25 year old had, he did not care anymore. He dropped the topic of their unspoken history aside, while the Infested Warframe had seemed to awaken from his short dreams.

Energy crackled through the said Warframe, revealing the operator from within.

"Hm," Falon sounded off, to no one in particular.

The intimidation the once burning Warframe gave off seemed to have dissipated when the person controlling it was revealed. Nothing more than a man made of flesh that could bleed. Still, Falon had heard what these kids were capable of; seen what they could do to a whole Grineer army. The power of the Void condensed into them; the power of Death.

Falon simply chuckled in response to Hemlock's statement.

"Ah, well. No one is stupid enough to mess with the Tenno, the research I did was more of a...confirmation...of my previous statement," Falon replied, smiling back at the teenager.

The man felt an odd tug on his black boot.

The darn Infested dog, Scab.

Not caring, Falon glanced back to the party present.

"Contracts come my way, but I know which ones let me live to spend the credits."

But the dog just had to get the gunner's undivided attention.

The next second, Falon felt a heavy weight leaping onto his back. Remaining very still, Falon tilted his head as far back as he could; meeting the dog eye to eye. He didn't know what to do, except remain as still as a rock, or be squashed by the heavy mutated mass.

"You having fun back there?" Falon asked.

Not like Scab could understand the man's words...

Sure it was one ugly thing, but the creature was like any other dog...just ugly.

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On 2018-10-29 at 7:26 AM, Agent_Maine said:

"I hope you enjoy it, mister WIlco. Krank's Wine is a highly popular drink within the system that originates from human civilization on Earth." The Serving Osprey said, before floating away to take the orders of other invited guests.

After the spat with his Cephalon/Sentinel thingy Eis noticed the Osprey moving away from its latest customer and made himself known with a hand raise.

"Over here!" he waved to the floating machine. 

The Cephalon on his shoulder let out an exasperated sigh  as he knew what was coming next. "Please try to keep yourself somewhat composed." it chided the Tenno.

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On 2018-11-03 at 7:03 AM, (PS4)SuperShadic445 said:

After the spat with his Cephalon/Sentinel thingy Eis noticed the Osprey moving away from its latest customer and made himself known with a hand raise.

"Over here!" he waved to the floating machine. 

The Cephalon on his shoulder let out an exasperated sigh  as he knew what was coming next. "Please try to keep yourself somewhat composed." it chided the Tenno.

The Serving Osprey floated over to him, turning its glowing eyes over towards him. "How may I assist you, sir?" It asked, its mechanical voice curious to the Tenno's answer. "We have a large list of drinks for you to choose from. The Frostburn Horizon and Krank's Wine are particularly popular today. Shall I show you the list?" It asked once again.

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The birdbrain giggled at the unfolding sight. It wasn't exactly rare to see silly, foolish or absurd things happen - such things happen all the time when you bother to take note of them - but they were always interesting.
Besides, she had yet to see a infested dog actually act like a dog. Normally they were a lot more nippy.
"See, Eddie? Things are already turnin' out better than last time." She said, standing up straight so she could gently nudge his shoulder with her elbow. "No stupid Phobian standoffs, weird void anomalies or drunk yahoos testin' their luck against a room full o' Tenno."

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Lucas, rolling his eyes at the comment, decided that now was a good time to but in again, replying to Lysandra first off.

"Lysandra? You do know that you've just made that an inevitability, right? So could you please stop breaking cardinal rules of pre-mission banter to save our sorry skins when things go head over heels? Thanks, that'd be great."

As he finished, he looked around, seeing the other members of this rag-tag recruitment draw making their ways towards the elevators, some of them even passing the gaggle of misfits as they entered. Lucas figured that they'd spent enough time bumming around on the hangar deck, and decided that the correct course of action was to travel to deck five before they annoyed whoever was in charge here.

"Alright people, I'd love to stay for more introductions, but I think that whoever wants us here wouldn't like to have us blocking the elevator entrance. It'd be just plain embarrassing for us all to be fined for loitering before even getting our brief, huh? So - I'm headed off, see you all topside"

As he turned around to walk off, he grabbed lysandra, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and dragging her closer so he could utter his next few words.

"Oh, and one more thing - if you want to keep that brain-case of yours in one piece, NEVER call me that in public. Are we crystal clear on that?"

Without even waiting for a response, he continued to the elevator, nodded to the attending guard, and proceeded up to the main meeting area.

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The birdbrain let out a laugh after she recovered. It was a shame she respected their purely professional relationship.
Her laugh was cut out when she realized that Lucas had taken the elevator up. Alone. Leaving her with everyone else. Grumbling, she hit the call button and held it in. Hopefully it'd register before Lucas managed to get off the lift.
"Bastard." She muttered under her breath, leaning on the wall next to the door.

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On 2018-10-13 at 8:21 PM, Agent_Maine said:

"Very well." The Osprey said, floating away, before coming back a minute later with a large drink. It was the same 'flaming' drink that Aegia had witnessed earlier. "One Frostburn Horizon, as you ordered." The Osprey said, putting the drink on the table in front of Aegia.


On 2018-10-13 at 10:17 AM, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

Takar turned back to her current companions. "I do not think it was courage or bravery that directed his actions, Narakis. He has had an aura of nervousness and fear around him since we met him. He probably wanted to impress us, or maybe he just wanted to act like he knows what he is doing. Emotions are easy to see; intent, if not murderous, is far more nebulous."

"Now, if you will excuse me, I see a friend I would like to catch up with."

And with that, Takar turned and began making her way towards Aegia.

"Frostburn Horizon, eh? Catchy name!" Aegia once more pats the osprey, her armor-clad hand producing a few muffled clangs upon the proxy's metal exterior and once more making the poor thing bob a little too much in midair. Not to be outdone by a human of all things, she too ends up downing her newly received drink while it's still burning. Her reaction is... Noticeably less animated than the little human mercenary's. She clenches her fist and inhales deeply, opening her eyes after exhaling. 

"Whew! Now that's a drink!" The woman exclaims, using her mouth to rip a piece of roasted meat right off the bone to serve as a chaser. She was definitely going to have to ask what spices they used for this stuff so that she could try and make it herself. Aegia doubted that the Reaping Olympians would allow her to simply hang around in their dojo to eat their food, unfortunately. She made a mental note, before glancing to the side after something had moved in her peripheral vision.

"Takar? Is that you? Ahaha, I hadn't realized you were here! Come, come take a seat!" Aegia was -by far- the loudest Tenno in the room at the moment; not that that bothered her in the slightest as she didn't particularly mind the extra attention. She'd also noted the appearance of another Rhino, whom she would have to meet with in due time. It was surprisingly rare for her to spy another Rhino, out in the wild as it were.

"The feeling is mutual! Glad to see a face I recognize."

Edited by Aegia-
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On 2018-10-28 at 12:44 PM, Arunafeltz said:


"A hero should have a sidekick, wouldn't you agree? Though this little guy here is a hero in his own way, I'll admit." Morroc replied, still grinning. He returned to his seat and shrugged at the Tenno lad's question.

"Well, not everybody in the System knows me right now, so I need a memorable introduction. Give it a decade or two, and parents will be telling stories of me to their children!"

He chuckled merrily, evidently pleased with that thought. He drained his glass of water and returned the topic back to the new arrival.

"Now tell us your name, friend. I'll remember it, for in due time we'll be forging our titles in fire."

"The names Wilco. Not much to tell ya'll about me, except just stay on my good side, for in the end, those who I remember as the more friendly ones, they'll be the ones I'll protect over the ones that have irritated me."

On 2018-10-29 at 10:26 PM, Agent_Maine said:

"I hope you enjoy it, mister WIlco. Krank's Wine is a highly popular drink within the system that originates from human civilization on Earth." The Serving Osprey said, before floating away to take the orders of other invited guests.

Wilco nods to the Osprey, before downing it, and looking towards the Boisterous Rhino in the room. He chuckles to himself and relaxes, humming to himself.

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On 2018-10-29 at 11:26 PM, Agent_Maine said:

Sanera glanced over to where Sab was pointing, before slowly nodding. "Ah...yes, I see." She remarked, before chuckling at Sab's remark about the Veil's common choice of attire, which was suspiciously similar to the infamous Tenno Hunter known as the Stalker. "Well, the Red Veil is mainly full of edgelords and people who are too serious for their own good. Most of them deep down are good people, they just have a really weird way of showing it. I guess you could say that I'm an exception and someone who actually knows how to socialize like a normal person." Sanera remarked, turning her glance back over towards Sab.


"So they sent you because you're the only sane member of the Spandex Enthusiasts Club." The Valkyr tilted her head. "Or are you here because it's your day off?"

The magic trick where someone made an entire dojo's worth of food disappear had caught the attention of the Carrier,  who immediately began calculatng the potential profit margins on a Rhino themed and centered eatery, to the point of developing a mathematically proven Calorie to Credit ratio. The order of supplies for initial investment were so large it pushed back Sab's shipment of Neurodes and nutrient suspension liquid for several days. Not that it mattered much anyway, Sab was behind on payments as it is. Only reason she bothered to come here, really. 

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On 2018-10-26 at 2:01 PM, MetroFallout said:

"Can't say I know the answer to that question. I'm clanless." said Farah, shrugging. "I just drift around looking for clues as to what my past exactly is. My Cephalon isn't much help in that regard and my memory's too hazy but it's clear that I've been woken up before some others before put into stasis again."

Monty shrugged. "I am part of a clan, but its more an alliance of convenience and a place to pool resources than a community. I've never been very close to any of them, though I think some of the others are becoming close and working together more." He sighed, then shook his head. "I think everyone's piling into the lift. Come on." 

He stepped off, Kavat at his side, walking quickly to enter the lift. When he got there, he'd take up a position next to one wall, nodding at those present in greeting.

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Following the departure of Lucas and Lysandra, it left Hemlock within the company of Falon and Aria. Scab too, o'course. 

Closing his eyes and taking a step backwards, he reached out through the void's calamity and transferred back into the Nidus he had arrived in earlier - culminating in a reflexive crack-and-stretch of his neck and arms. Hemlock would then turn to the other two before him - Not before prying Scab off from Falon's back, soliciting a whine of discontent from the overgrown-mutant-puppy-creature. 

Clearing his throat to garner their attention, he began to speak.
"Not to cut our little assembly short, but it appears that two of our newfound associates have departed - I must say, would it not be expedient to, Ahem, 'Hit-the-pub' as it were? I imagine that's where our friends would'a scampered off to." Hemlock stated, crossing his arms as he had no actual intent to loiter around the hanger when he knew there would be alcohol present on this damned station. 

"I for one don't have any intent to li...Goddammit, Scab." The Nidus stated derisively as he gazed down at the oversized-mutant-pup who had manoeuvred his way in front of Falon, and in between him and Aria and was attempting to get some more attention by grovelling at their feet.

Which was kinda hampered by his Metus-pattern decorative armor, with all of the spikes and winglike protrusions keeping the charger within a fixed axis of movement as it squirmed on the floor in an attempt to draw attention to itself. In regards to Hemlock however, he had pinched where his nose would be in an expression of begrudging acceptance.

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On 2018-11-04 at 8:33 PM, Agent_Maine said:

The Serving Osprey floated over to him, turning its glowing eyes over towards him. "How may I assist you, sir?" It asked, its mechanical voice curious to the Tenno's answer. "We have a large list of drinks for you to choose from. The Frostburn Horizon and Krank's Wine are particularly popular today. Shall I show you the list?" It asked once again.

The Rhino thought for a second before perking up in his usual loud and boisterous self. "Give me the strongest drink you have."

A groan was heard as the sentinel floated to the right of the Osprey. "Please be careful with him. He gets very...rambunctious under the influence of alcohol" The Cephalon warned

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Watching his associates depart, Falon knew he had overstayed his welcome in the hangar. Guards had already been shooting the group impatient glares and it was only a matter of time before a Rhino came by and forcefully tossed his ass into the elevator.

Something Falon wasn't too keen about.

Hearing Hemlock's remarks about hitting the pub, it reminded Falon that he had not really had the chance to enjoy his short stay in the Reaping Olympians dojo; and alcohol would definitely suffice for a temporary enjoyment.

"Well, guess I would be making my leave too. See you guys at Level 5, otherwise...we'll see each other when we're out on the field," Falon concluded.

He turned his head to Aria, giving the Tenno a look and a bob that conveyed a simple word of "goodbye". Just before the gunner could do the same to Hemlock, something was tugging at his boot...again. The damn dog. As much as Falon hated to admit, he did find Scab to be one cute little creature, and started to enjoy the mutated mass's company. In fact, he had already been considering to adopt one for himself; if only they weren't so ugly, nor be some sort of disease carrying beast.

Falon squatted down, scratching Scab's chin with one hand and the back of the dog's neck with the other.

"Alrighty, see you around you cute lil bastard," Falon said, smiling.

Falon then headed for the elevator; slapping Hemlock's shoulder jovially as he brushed past the Nidus. Before the elevator doors closed, the man gave another casual wave; then ascending up to Level 5 as he had been instructed to do so so long ago.

"They used to play music..." Falon uttered under his breath as he stood alone in the rising, silent elevator.

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On 2018-11-15 at 2:37 AM, IceDragonofAmber said:

"So they sent you because you're the only sane member of the Spandex Enthusiasts Club." The Valkyr tilted her head. "Or are you here because it's your day off?"

The magic trick where someone made an entire dojo's worth of food disappear had caught the attention of the Carrier,  who immediately began calculatng the potential profit margins on a Rhino themed and centered eatery, to the point of developing a mathematically proven Calorie to Credit ratio. The order of supplies for initial investment were so large it pushed back Sab's shipment of Neurodes and nutrient suspension liquid for several days. Not that it mattered much anyway, Sab was behind on payments as it is. Only reason she bothered to come here, really. 

"Nah, I was sent here by the higher-ups. You see, there's been a lot of interest on Pluto lately. After Frohd Bek's failed Ambulas Project, there was apparently some kind of revolution on the surface where a bunch of civilians forced the Corpus out of their area. So that kinda caught a lot of people's attention - the Red Veil wants, among other things, to see if this 'Reaping Olympians' mission is in any way connected to what's going on down on Pluto's surface." Sanera explained.

"So no, not my day off. Unfortunately."


On 2018-11-18 at 5:57 AM, (PS4)SuperShadic445 said:

The Rhino thought for a second before perking up in his usual loud and boisterous self. "Give me the strongest drink you have."

A groan was heard as the sentinel floated to the right of the Osprey. "Please be careful with him. He gets very...rambunctious under the influence of alcohol" The Cephalon warned

The Serving Osprey glanced its eyes over to the Cephalon, before resting them back on the Rhino. "So...the strongest drink, you asked. Krank's Beer is a very strong alcohol, made by the same company on Earth which created Krank's Wine. Would you like to try that?" The Serving Osprey asked.

Edited by Agent_Maine
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"You'd think that with all the tech at their disposal, they'd make the elevators a bit faster......"

Lucas, now thoroughly wondering why the hell designers make elevators so damn slow, was nearing the general common area of the dojo, situated on level five. He busied himself with the oh-so-engaging task of admiring his shoes, while silently thanking whatever god exists that there was no generic elevator music to whittle down his sanity as he ascended. Somewhat unexpectedly, the door opened with a charm, snapping the human out of his daydreaming, with said chime probably alerting whoever was within any proximity to the entrance to begin with.

Quickly getting off, as to allow the others downstairs to follow up in a reasonable amount of time, he took a moment to gauge his surroundings. While evidently just as opulent as the rest of the massive complex, it certainly wasn't overstated like in some *other* places he's seen in his time, seeing a well equipped bar along side a plentiful buffet table.

As he looked over to the buffet table, despite a few characters in various states of social interaction, he instantly recognised one certain rhino. Just following the voice would've sufficed, but he put in the actual effort to seek out Ageia before the opposite happened to him.

"God knows what could happen then....if I even survive that type of encounter in the first place"

Steeling his nerves, he made his way over, though even while trying his best to blend in, he looked well and truly out of place amongst the other patrons. As he got closer, he recognised another figure in the form of Takar, though to be honest, he hadn't bothered to catch much more than her name on the previous assignment. Despite that, he made his way to a nearby seat at the bar, not quite intruding on their ongoing conversation, but still close enough to butt in when an opening made itself apparent.

Deciding to bide the time for the moment, he ordered a straight bourbon-whiskey on rocks, and nursed it while the boisterous conversation continued.

Edited by Locky122
Didn't read the damned character sheets...again...
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On 2018-11-15 at 6:04 PM, Spikey844 said:

Monty shrugged. "I am part of a clan, but its more an alliance of convenience and a place to pool resources than a community. I've never been very close to any of them, though I think some of the others are becoming close and working together more." He sighed, then shook his head. "I think everyone's piling into the lift. Come on." 

He stepped off, Kavat at his side, walking quickly to enter the lift. When he got there, he'd take up a position next to one wall, nodding at those present in greeting.

Since she really didn't have much else to do, Farah followed suit and offered a friendly nod and a smile to those in the lift and stood by Monty's side, playing with Sara by tickling the Kavat's chin and scratching her head between the ears. Playing with Kavats was rather soothing for Farah despite the added anxiety from meeting new people that she doesn't know what to think of.

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As her ship approached the dojo Zeur looked at her invite to this mission she sighed "Let's hope i can find some friends that won't find chaos terrifying."  As she reached communication range she contacted the dojo "Reaping Olympians this is Zeur requesting clearance for docking, identification code alpha-beta-gamma-zodiac13.  Also is there any weapon restrictions i need to know of so i can leave such weapons on my ship?"  Her ship halted to a stop as she waited for confirmation.

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On 2018-11-19 at 6:13 AM, Agent_Maine said:

The Serving Osprey glanced its eyes over to the Cephalon, before resting them back on the Rhino. "So...the strongest drink, you asked. Krank's Beer is a very strong alcohol, made by the same company on Earth which created Krank's Wine. Would you like to try that?" The Serving Osprey asked.

"Bring me two!" The Rhino shouted in glee.

His behavior seemed akin to a young child opening presents on Christmas.

"I've never tried this Krank's stuff before! Better be good or I'm going be thoroughly disappointed."

"Sir" The Cephalon interjected. "Are you sure you haven't tried it before? I'm pretty sure you have given the amount of times you visited earth to deal with the Grineer camps popping up every now and then"

"More than likely I have, but I was probably so s***faced I couldn't remember it" He mused calming down a bit. He turned to the floating Cephalon and thought for a second. "Don't ruin it for me then. I like a nice surprise"

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Lysandra sighed as she stepped into what seemed to be the elevator doors, but was actually a lengthy plot hole used to justify why she didn't step on at the same time as Falon. Instead of simply getting distracted by something shiny and/or appealing and missing her chance.

Actually, that's a much better excuse. She was instead distracted by something shiny and appealing, not noticing that the lift opened and closed as she admired a particularly shiny rivet. She cursed herself when it arrived back, jumping in and holding the button in for the fifth floor.

"Wonder if they have any cereal up there?" She wondered to herself. "Suddenly craving froot loops."

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