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Anyone Else Watching This Livestream And Being Dissapointed They Are Nerfing Overheat Tanking?


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only buff that matters is fireblast not gonna spam the other damage sources only have so much energy.

if they make this change all 4 abilities will be variations on the same thing.(ways to do damage).

now i have no idea how much they are nerfing it but its embers only skill that does something other than try to kill crap ineffectively.

Edited by dragonslayer667
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Fireblast was fixed, fireball had a damage increase, but no words on how to actually HIT it what with the slow projectile, and NO WORD on World on Fire which is currently useless due to bugs and damage resistances.


All in all, they slightly buffed an useless power without fixing the "useless" part of it, made it so mods properly interact with one of the powers, and nerfed her only useful power against high-end content.

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Fireblast was fixed, fireball had a damage increase, but no words on how to actually HIT it what with the slow projectile, and NO WORD on World on Fire which is currently useless due to bugs and damage resistances.


All in all, they slightly buffed an useless power without fixing the "useless" part of it, made it so mods properly interact with one of the powers, and nerfed her only useful power against high-end content.

 exactly the way i see it

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I'm a little dissapointed, but any DR is still good and I'll wait and see how it plays out before I get my nerdrage on. I think the main reason this is seen as problematic is it is currently Embers primary skill. I know I barely use anything else.


I'm on that too, but frankly, I'm not too excited about the changes.

What totally killed everything was no news on fixing world on fire.

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Nevermind the buffs to all the other abilities.


Buffs are less usefull since they just incrase fire damage, which becomes less usefull the higher the levels get.


The higher the levels, the more important utility and defensive skills become.


At levels over 40 enemies auto aim like crazy and can deplete your shield in seconds. What use are buffs in damage if Ember dies before she can even use them.


She is too slow to reliable dodge attacks, she is too weakly protected to withstand running through fire and she has no real utility skill to help her otherwise.


Overheat is necessary for Ember to stay relevant, buffs or not. This nerf sounds like it will throw her far back into being a second hand warframe.


Makes one wonder if they are playing favorits here or only look at stats without actualy playing the frames.

Edited by Othergrunty
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The only reason the increased damage will be useful is when they will apply the damage/armor changes to enemies. Right now, this buff is pretty pointless, while the nerf will change her quite a lot in effectiveness.


First Saryn, then Ember and Trinity, all of them my favorite frames. I'll have to adapt, but I'm still a bit unhappy.

Edited by Casardis
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I'm against the change of overheat.


Ember has the weakest stats, low armour, low health, low shields, low speed. Ember needs the overheat to stay alive, she depends on being close to the enemies.


Without overheat, Ember gets obliterated by enemies.

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"Disappointed," is an understatement. Do they realize how stupid it would be to try to play as Ember following that proposed nerf? Totally killed my enthusiasm for the rest of the stream and the next update. Why do I care about all this other stuff if my favorite frame is basically going to be trashcan status?

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Taken from the other thread I posted in:



This was extremely disappointing to hear.  


Overheat offers me gameplay I like that I can't get from many other frames: The ability to stick in close range and melee plenty.

Design redundancy is going on here. I can understand wanting frames to have more polarized kits, ie offense, defense, utility, but there should be some meaningful mix.

Ember is literally going to be Damage, Damage, Damage, Damage.  Its not even creative ways to do damage.  Fireball is awkward to aim, and even with a damage boost, unless it melts Ancients and Bombards, why bother?  If it makes a wider dot area, so what? Why are you making one ability do what ability 3 does?

Fireburst is a static area of damage.  WoF is a static area of damage that does more damage and follows the player.


Now Ember is going to have another ability that does damage around her?

What is this frame supposed to do?  Zone damage and control?  She's already losing out to Nova, where she basically has to kill things before Nova can to not be completely outshadowed, but at least currently she can stay in the fight and maneuver around.  Its not as if she's invulnerable with max focus and overheat.


I hope they reconsider this change, because it sounds like they're narrowing her kit instead of diversifying it and making sure each ability adds meaningful gameplay.

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Nevermind the buffs to all the other abilities.


That may not measure up to nerfing her signature ability. After Rhino's double nerf, she is the tankiest tank outside of Trinity's clutch play, which is now ALSO damage reduction.


Basically every defensive frame in the game except frost (guess who's next) is being turned into a caster: I mean they literally took rhino's max defense and then gave him a literal generic power that makes more damage happen, pretty much the most generic power in the game, and now the same has happened to Ember.

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This sucks. Ember was main alongside Rhino, because of their "Assault" playstyle and 1 surival and 1 decent Ultimate skill.


So after the update the skills will be

1) Deal 0 damage to enemy, I don't see myself ever using this, no matter the buff, maybe if it reduces armor. I rather just shot rather than waste energy.

2) Deal damage to enemies around you. I'm quessing with 20% damage reduction

3) Deal damage to enemies around you in large area

4) Deal damage to enemies around you in large area and damage area follows you around.


I get it that some games's casters areuse skill #4,#3,#1,#2. Repeat until everything is dead. But I want versatility in my warframes.  Not to mention I can just use Saryn or Nova for the killing warfame with simple kill everything in radius Ultimates. At the moment Overheat is the only thing keeping her wanted.


91% damage reduction is a bit much. Maybe 60-70%,

Edited by Garth_Tremor
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Resposting what I typed in the other thread because I dont feel like typing the whole rant again.


"Oh, we are aware that all frames are currently outclassed by Nova, but dont worry! We are planning to rework all other frames so they are all equal to her level"

Then they proceed to nerf the best skills of several frames.



Now Im sorry but I have to ask, are you out of your mind? She was already behing several other frames as a nuker, and you want to take her ONLY USEFUL SKILL, and turn it into yet another pointless damage skill? Seriously? I mean whats the point of it doing more damage when she will die before even getting in range of the ability? Whats the point of all her skills doing high damage at close range when she gets blasted before even casting them?


World on fire sucks against enemies past level 40, now that ability needs a BIG damage boost, not overheat. Are all her abilities going to be pointless AoE damage? I can see it now:


Overheat: Does fire damage in a tiny radius.

Fireblast: Does fire damage in a medium radius.

WoF: Does fire damage in a medium radius that follows you around.


Not only that but you also add a limit to the enemies bastille can hold. Which was also pointless since there will never be 5 enemies in it at a single time (Guess what? Nova killed them all!). There go two of my favorite frames, one of which was already basically in trash tier. Add a damage cap to snow globe and reduce invisibility duration. There, you will have thrown my 4 frames to the trash can. 


Are you going to nerf all frames to make them even MORE outclassed by Nova? Or are you going to nerf her too to make everyone outclassed by Necro?


I just want to finish saying that this update was the last bit of faith I had in Ember, and the reason I did not sell her after having put a reactor and a forma on her. But now it looks like youre going to make her suck even more, and take Vauban along with her. If this changes happen Im not playing this game anymore.

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Funnily enough, this is the same treatment that was given to Volt~ what originally looks like a fix is really a nerf in the long run. Fireball really isn't used all that often.


That, and a nerf to Vauban, all while ignoring Nova.

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