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42 minutes ago, AquaBerGer said:

If you Hack, you get a progress Bar.

Or hust scroll up in this Thread...

I think it's the overall progress. My question was about personnal progress, since some people here said that there's a personal limit of 100 hacks, unless I've misread that part.

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anyone already see this PlayWarframe tweet? 



/̶̻̋/̷̼̓/̶͕̍ ̵͎͠O̵̬͆ut̴̉wo̷͒rl̶̓dě̸̼rs̴̎͜, kẽ̵͈ep̸ ̶̡͆ḯ̴t ̷̉g̵͔̑o̷i̵̍͜ng̸̊.̵̈́ I̸̐’m̴̙̓ ̴̻̇ḋ̴̮o̸in̷͐g̵͕͠ ̶̺̆al̷l̶̇ ̵̰͐Ī̷ ̵͉͊c̶̀an̸̈́ ̶͠ͅtȏ̵ ̵͍̌h̷e̵lp̸̡͆ ̵̱̀y̷͗o̶u̷͆ oú̴t̴ ̶o̴ñ̵ ̶͊m̷y̶̋ en̴d̷͙͒.̴̎ ̶/̸̺̐/̵̺́/̷̬̊ #̴l̶i̶f̶t̴t̶o̶g̷e̶t̶h̵e̸r̷ http://tightbeam.biz 


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Just now, Kialandi said:

Yes, it's over 3 hours old.


2 minutes ago, FlatScreamer said:

anyone already see this PlayWarframe tweet? 



Id also like to point out again, that it seems like letters are freezing/catching ice on them, perhaps as the Fortuna and cold weather from it gets closer? 😄 It is subtle, but still ^.^


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