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Official Necro Ability Discussion


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SOUL PUNCH: Direct X% damage that knocks the soul out of them, 5% armor debuff, stacking. - meh, unless it goes through targets, but even then still meh. Are we supposed to spamm it? Because its still only 20% armor debuff for 100 energy if it costs like others 1. The whole debuff thing is wonky unless amor sytem is revamped. Make it 15% so stack of 3 is already 45%.


TERROR TOTEM: Necro deploys a totem of terror, causing X number of enemies within radius to

freeze in fear; the rest will flee. Counterproductive in general play (enemies run away from you) since it doesnt allow your teammates to nuke crowds with Ults. May be sort of Vauban substitute in defences - everything depends on radius.


SEARCH THE DEAD: Generates loot from corpses (health, energy, ammo, etc). Bodies in this game are not persistent and alot of new skills and weapons just anihilate targets without leaving body. Also bringing Necro just for sake of loot farming will be anoying. But you atleast can make 1 UNIQUE feature here - the very first PASSIVE power which increases the rate ammount of loot droping. Just rename it to Vulture.


CLONE THE DEAD: Necro creates friendly nano bot clones of the last X enemies he has killed. The whole power of this skill will be hardly depndant on how clones will be implemented. Will they have fixed stats based on the enemy lvl or it will be exactly copy of the target? Because I can see how some smug Necros will be chery picking heavy targets and then leave whole business to X Toxic ancients steamrolling others infesteds for example.

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NECRO: In my opinion the name is perfectly fine as it is. With the exception of Vauban and Nyx, most Warframes have a name which is simple, descriptive, and gives you a feel for their overall theme. As a name Necro fits in with the current lineup pretty well.


SOUL PUNCH: Others have suggested cooler sounding names. As cheesy as Soul Punch sounds, it does have a certain ring of awesomeness to it. Even doing minimal damage, a stacking armor debuff could add a lot of late game viability to a #1 power, especially if it hits one or two targets directly behind the first.


TERROR TOTEM: Overall sounds like a useful CC ability. Freezing targets in fear has an element of Bastille to it, which has proven to be very effective both in offensive and defensive capacities. Having the totem placeable from a distance similar to decoy adds a lot of versatility.


SEARCH THE DEAD: Not that many details on this power revealed yet, but not too thrilled with the idea of searching bodies, especially since many powers don't leave any bodies. Maybe something like this as an alternative suggestion:


Death's Hand: Captures and drains all nearby enemies of psychic and electrical energies causing their movement to slow and attacks to weaken. Upon death the targets energies can be harvested.

-Casting radius of 15 / 15 / 20 / 25 in-game meters. Increased with Power Range.

-Duration of 8 / 10 / 12 / 15 seconds. Increased with Power Duration.

-Enemy movement is slowed by 30% at all levels.

-Enemy attack speed (or damage) is reduced by 30% / 30% / 50% / 70%. Increased with Power Strength.

-Enemies killed while affected have a 40% / 40% / 50% / 60% chance to drop additional Health or Energy orbs in addition to their normal loot. Increased with Power Strength. 


CLONE THE DEAD: Sounds like an overall awesome ability. Hopefully has a good balance of clone quantity and duration. Selective killing of only specific enemies could be problematic. Counting nano bot kills as Necro's kills might mitigate this. Waiting to see what DE has in store for this one!

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I think there's something important that people are missing with the Necro warframe, and that's that everyone assumes he uses magical necromancy. But 'Necro' just means dead, and if he uses his nanobots to manipulate life and death, and re-animate dead foes by cloning them. It is STILL Necro! It's just Necr-Cybermancy instead of straight Necromancy. Warframe doesn't really have magic, it has things that SEEM like magic, but as the famous quote goes, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."


Kind of tired of seeing people complaining about Clone the Dead, seriously, it's basically the best power from the line up, and the one that fits the most. Seriously. Soul Punch is fine as is, we kind of need to stop arguing over what a soul in Warframe is because in the end, it really doesn't matter. Terror Totem is thematically appropriate at least, in that many necromancers use fear as a tool and weapon(Especially in RPGs, mainly tabletops such as D&D etc. they get a lot of spells that cause Fear and Panic.), so its fine. Search the Dead is the only one that needs to be changed(I really don't want my Necro warframe spending energy to rifle through people's pockets a bit better), and Clone the Dead seems great, thematically appropriate, and fits with the lore of the game.


signed just saying, kinda bugging me seeing complaints about the CYBER NINJA not using MAGIC

Zylo the Wolfbane

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Please don't tell me he is going to be called "Necro."


I was excited for this Warframe before I knew what his abilities are probably going to be, but now that I know I currently have no desire to try and obtain him. These sound like the worst abilities to date in Warframe. "Soul Punch" is such a bad name, I can see "Terror Totem" infuriating players more than it helps them, I really hope it doesn't cost 75 energy to use "Loot the Dead," and I had hoped so much that DE was more creative than just having an "omg guiz lets raiz the ded!" ability.

(raiz the dead) dude its a necromancing frame what the F*** did you expect

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I think there's something important that people are missing with the Necro warframe, and that's that everyone assumes he uses magical necromancy. But 'Necro' just means dead, and if he uses his nanobots to manipulate life and death, and re-animate dead foes by cloning them. It is STILL Necro! It's just Necr-Cybermancy instead of straight Necromancy. Warframe doesn't really have magic, it has things that SEEM like magic, but as the famous quote goes, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."


Kind of tired of seeing people complaining about Clone the Dead, seriously, it's basically the best power from the line up, and the one that fits the most. Seriously. Soul Punch is fine as is, we kind of need to stop arguing over what a soul in Warframe is because in the end, it really doesn't matter. Terror Totem is thematically appropriate at least, in that many necromancers use fear as a tool and weapon(Especially in RPGs, mainly tabletops such as D&D etc. they get a lot of spells that cause Fear and Panic.), so its fine. Search the Dead is the only one that needs to be changed(I really don't want my Necro warframe spending energy to rifle through people's pockets a bit better), and Clone the Dead seems great, thematically appropriate, and fits with the lore of the game.


signed just saying, kinda bugging me seeing complaints about the CYBER NINJA not using MAGIC

Zylo the Wolfbane

well said

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Not a big fan of search the dead, any chance you could also make the corpses explode for AoE damage based on their health whilst searching the bodies?

I like this guy^ not sure if this has been covered already but his thoughts are flowing a good direction. An aoe corpse explosion that generates extra loot would be pretty sweet. It could be multiple corpses in a radius around the necro or even a single target with largish damage radius. However I must ask with an ability that relys on a corpse to function, will ya be changing the duration the dead hang around?


On another note, mayhap a dual purpose ability that could say... loot a corpse or revive a downed ally from a distance, possibly instantly?

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I really has grown to like the visual design, as shown in livestream 13 yesterday,


Not too impressed by the 4th power though..

Unless those raised corpses, will do some significant damage, they are just gonna be a nerfed version of Nyx*s chaos..


Other than that, sounds good.

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"SOUL PUNCH: Direct X% damage that knocks the soul out of them, 5% armor debuff, stacking."


Assuming it costs 25 energy that would be, 250 energy for 50% armor debuff. OR I could just use an acrid, boltor, or anything else that ignores armor.


Come back to me when you get a much more useful number, I'd recommend something seriously high such as 20-25% stacking.

Edited by Krovakon
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I got a question here.


If we asume that that Soul Punch uses Biblical definition of soul, than I guess it shall affect... apparently it shall affect nothing except corpus crewmen.


I really really sugest to change the name to avoid future questions like:

- What happens to your soul if you are degraded clone with 80% of your body being implants?

- Do you have soul if you are huge robot that is worshiped by stupid people?

- Do you have soul if you are walking cancerouse-bio-mass with hivemind?


Name it "Affliction pulse". 

I just dont want to see the future flamewars as it was with Saryn.

Edited by derclaw
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Not going to continue with the rest because it just has gone too far off.

Im still sticking with my original assessment.


not as of the latest Rebuild. At least a dozen Rei are active and all of them can use the light of the soul just fine


In what movie did this happen?

I've seen all three and i dont remember a dozen active Reis.

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After some thought, my opinions on the current skillset:


Soul Punch: definitely sounds interesting, and seems like it will scale well with enemy level given it deals percentage based health damage and debuffs armor.  Approved, pending further details.


Terror Totem: I don't see a lot wrong with this one, though making it a moving AoE a la Ember's World on Fire, as suggested by others, would be an interesting change and help distinguish it from Bastille.  I approve.


Search the Dead: this is a terrible idea for reasons already stated a thousand time over in this thread.  I don't think I have anything to add that hasn't been said already.


Clone the Dead: I think that having to kill the enemies yourself will be problematic in PUGs, where Novas and other nuking frame will kill everything with their ubers.  This aspect of the skill might need a rework, to promote synergy with other frames.  I have high hopes for how this skill turns out, hopefully there's no arbitrary time limit on the clones and the limit on the number you can summon isn't too low.  


I'm assuming these skill names are all placeholders so here's some suggestions as to renaming them:

-Soul Blast


-Reap (assuming it's not replaced, which it should be)



As to some other alternatives when it comes to adding skills maybe something like the following:

-Blight: applies low DoT and attack/armor debuff to all enemies within range for a period of time.

-Consuming Hunger: infect a single target with flesh-eating nanites, inflicting high DoT that moves to a nearby enemy if the current one dies before the skill duration ends.


The Vampire Walk skill suggested earlier is also a very good idea, maybe make it convert some of the damage inflicted during the skill's durating into Health or Energy for the user?

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