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Official Necro Ability Discussion


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SOUL PUNCH: Direct X% damage that knocks the soul out of them, 5% armor debuff, stacking.


TERROR TOTEM: Necro deploys a totem of terror, causing X number of enemies within radius to

freeze in fear; the rest will flee.


SEARCH THE DEAD: Generates loot from corpses (health, energy, ammo, etc).


CLONE THE DEAD: Necro creates friendly nano bot clones of the last X enemies he has killed.


All abilities should be renamed, sadly I can't do it.


1) Should be a frontal cone ability that gives the same stuff.

2) Summon a black puddle on the floor that stuns the enemies.

3) An aoe cloud of fog that slows the enemies inside and drain their life by X%.

4) Extends his tendrils(those 6 things on his back) spreading technocyte virus making enemies explode into pieces because of the rapid mutation of genes.

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i was really hoping for another support frame. This warframe could have taken the cake as the best support character. In a similar fashion to trinity his powers could have been about buff's and debuffs of enemies and allies.


hIS power focus would have been around the concepts of enthalpy and entropy.


His first power could have been entropic burst which is a single target attack damaging significantly. if enemy is killed they turn to dust as the life is sucked out of them.


His next power could be enthalpic aura and allies within a certain radius are granted a small boost to some stat for a period of time, maybe someting like a boost to armor rating or effective health.


His ultimate could have been entropic miasma a huge AoE similar to sound quake that weakens enemies and reduces armor on the ones that survive.


Maybe he could have an enthalpic ult that helps the team somehow and his other ability could be entropic aura and it sucks energy very slowly (faster then energy siphon) from enemies maybe health (small percentage).


I like the idea of the entropy and enthalpy because it maintains the sci fi feel while being scientifically accurate and still fits the theme of life and death or decay that the necro frame encompasses.


I am however satisfied that the entire frame isnt some $&*&*#(%& zombie nuke that had been suggested over and over and over and over and over and over in the DC and by randoms on the forums.


even though there is one power that seems pretty gay at least the rest fit and dont seem OP as F#(%. all in all a well built frame. will be spending plat on this frame because of looks alone. (black metal fan until death)




OH SNAP just realized the scythe's gonna be epic as F#(% with this guy.




on another note.


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Soul Punch: Necro's only offensive ability should have some really neat perks with it. Perhaps if the projectile that is knocked out from the initial target would do an explosive AoE damage effect, that'd be really awesome. The enemy whose soul is knocked out from this attack should be debuffed, more than just an armor reduction. Maybe he'd have his health constantly drain by X amounts for an X duration.


Terror Totem: This seems like more of what Necro should be consisting of: crowd-control and enemy debuffing. Scaring some enemies and stunning others seems pretty usable, and I have nothing to consider fixing with this. Extra debuffs sounds cool, such as frightened enemies attacking less aggressively for X period.


Search the Dead: At first, I was really turned off by this ability, both by name and by effect. Looting dead corpses as the third ability? Really, that's it? Then I decided to give it a chance. Ammo and energy loots sounds alright, but it doesn't fit his theme of being a necromancer. Seems more like an ability you'd find in an MMORPG from a Bandit/Pirate/Thief class than something that raises the dead. I suggest that Necro would take the remaining souls of the corpses and convert them into health and energy, and perhaps even a small buff (Speed? Damage? You name it.) for a short period of the time.


Clone the Dead: Other than its awfully similar name to the above ability, this is what everyone expected from Necro. Unfortunately, the OP makes it sound like a re-theme of Nyx's Mind Control mixed with Chaos, which doesn't really amuse me. I think the "risen" troops should be given traits to differentiate them greatly from their living counterparts. You could make them melee only units that have been buffed with more speed, power, and health/armor/shields. Something that would make me use it on anything that ISN'T a dead Heavy Gunner.


Anyway, my point is that if Necro isn't going to be an offensive Frame, he should make one hell of a good team support and crowd control guy. Warframe needs more debuffs (Nova's Molecular Prime making enemies slowed and taking x2 damage is a start!) and I think Necro should be one of the first debuff-role'd Warframe. Make the enemies slower, frailer, less aggressive, do something that isn't being an immortal tank, a catastrophic nuke, or an invisible-for-the-entire-match Warframe.

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I like all the skills and the Frame in general and in all honesty this is the Warframe Ive been waiting for (even though when I started playing this i didnt know what it was I was missing)


yes I feel they need to look at Search the dead carefully lest it become a farmers paradise frame but the rest of the powers are solid and I kinda like the names for them EXCEPT Terror Totem something a little more like Sigil of Fear or some such.


I like that its not magic but "metascience" what with nanomachines and all cloning and reanimating the dead this again will have to be balanced (which DE will do)


as for the name I really like Necro but if not that I like Thanatos as sugested earlier and because im vain howabout Unlife? (JK on that one)


thing im curious about is what alternate helmets will look like?

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Soul Punch: great ability and the stacking armor debuff is going to make this useful in boss fights.


Terror Totem: I'm not really sure how this is going to go well with gameplay at the moment.  It forces enemies away from a location and in doing so rarifies them which makes other abilities less effective.


Search the Dead: while I would actually probably use this if it gave resources when on farming missions, it's still something that should be a sentinel precept (and from the sounds of the masters on the first few pages, that's what the new sentinel will do?)  Overall, I don't think this ability belongs.


Clone the Dead: not a fan.  It'll just be a mass mind control and mean that Necro uses Ogris, Flux, and/or Despair.  The reason I'm not a fan though is that the AI is dumb.  There's a reason that when I suggested abilities for a necro frame that was all about raising the dead, it was almost like I treated them like Orianna's ball in League: a stupid mindless thing that you can order around with your other abilities for great effect.  As long as the AI is stupid, I don't see this being of much use.

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I only have problems with the 3rd ability. It seems really lackluster since the drops are already high enough especially in mobile def/defense missions. I'd rather have something like a "Coprse Explosion" which does dmg according to the targets hp or something like that.

Edited by R4yn0r
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is soul punch 5% armor debuff at 1 or 3 level?


1-BIG problem with soul punch.

it debuffes armor, right? but the armor system is going to be changed. none of us now how good it actually is going to be with the new armor system


2-until i see how it works, i can`t say nothing


3-DE, this is the most boring ability ever. even if it makes enemies drop 10 neurodes each, i wouldn`t like it because of it´s boringness (is that a word? no idea)


EDIT: well, the fourth ability says something about using nano machines to clone bodies.

what about using those nano machines to attack?

make it have some kind of AOE debuff (less powerfull than soul punch) and make it take 20% of the enemie health over maybe 10 seconds


4- i actually like this skill a lot. it`s not a "press4towin" ability, you have to first kill your enemies, then use it to kill the next room of enemies more  easily

Edited by lautalocos
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If I had veto on the powers and had to change search the dead to something else, I think i would have some skill where like Clone the dead he sends nano machines out that copy a foe then when you kill them they rise up and attack but in this case he primes targets with nano machines then when they die the little swarm of nanodes fly into the Tenno who walks over them (like a health orb) but both this and clone the dead would end up being high end powers with clone being slightly more expensive.

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Ok, I did this in like, Half an hour so... Yeah




This is My concept for the Golem power replacement for the Necro's Search the Dead. 

I figure its like the necro forms sort of flat digital constructs out of his nanobots to make a skeletal torso around him gthat attacks nearby enemies.

Kinda like a shield but with FISTS.


So there you go DE. Hope you like it. I sure love the Necro.


I think the Frame looks GREAT! You guys are awesome and i love Warframe. Sorry this is kinda my first post. Anyway, I like Soul Punch, the name's badass. Terror Totem is Great. And Obviously Clone the dead is awesome though i think it needs a better name, Maybe "Exhume" or something creepy like that. I'm not really a fan of Search the Dead. Kinda weak when it comes to a power seems like more of a mod effect. I like Life Drain but i had this crazy idea i was actually doing fanart for. Youre saying that the necro uses nanobots and in assuming that the totem is constructed of them too, so how about a power that envelops the Necro in a skeletal torso that defends the necro for some time, attacking enemies. Like an offensive defense. You could call it "Golem." Oh im definitely finishing that Fanart now. Thanks DE for this great frame. Good luck!

Edited by SinistrWanderer
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The totem freezes a set number of enemies, then the rest run away. The fact that you can position where you place the totem makes this useful, as you can place it to make enemies run towards you blindly. Although having it be a "totem" does sound sort of lame, I have yet to see the art for it.

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Personally I would really hope that they dont get ride of the 3rd ability until after the frame is implemented. The description is vague but there could be potential to it.


I would hope for a fair increase in what is given. Increased health/energy drops, resources drops, and mod drops. Not just one over the other but fair numbers (there is such a thing as too much ammo, go to Xini)


I personally would like to see it as an AOE where the targeted enemies are tagged and once they die, their loot comes flying out. Because in the mix of battle you might not have time to stop and check one body but if you can at least have several targeted bodies that would be convenient.


Also if it is possible, I would rename "Search the Dead" as "Grave Robber" or "Crypt Raid" or even just "Raid"


"Clone the Dead" could be "Recreation" 


A potential name, without being very long, could be Set/Seth,Masaw or even Ammit (though Necro works just fine)


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