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Official Necro Ability Discussion


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I'm pretty sure DE made Equilibrium Mod mainly to complement Neggkro's Desecrate ability.

Currently running a high level Vitality Mod, Rage Mod, lvl 3 Equilibrium Mod, Stretch Mod and Streamline mod, rocking through mobile defense and doubling my normal mod collection amount.

Not even wanting to use Redirection Mod for this set up unless I want survivability over petty mods in T3 levels.


Normally poison myself with a Torid in Corpus/Grineer mobile defense and hugging Toxic ancients in Infested mobile defense.

Since Desecrate "Looting Vision" is kinda similar to Mag's pull in a cone shape, I usually hop before using it for the best efficiency.


Just gotta avoid Power 4 Creeps to allow efficient usage of corpses instead of losing a lot. Even with P4Creeps, with a good timing Desecrate ability can work on corpse that's starting to disintegrate (bright particles grouped together before splitting up). Interestingly enough, Desecrate seems to loot separately from eviscerated parts of corpses. Hence, Serrated Blade/Blade weapons are good choices to let you increase the output of loots as corpses have chances of not dropping a single loot.   

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nekros has no place in warframe what so ever as either utility or nuke. lets start off with the thought that you cant use half its skills half the time and the other half is useless filler skills.


soul punch- Henceforth be known as the tickler. what is this suppose to be? a boxing glove in a box? half the time mobs run past you before your animation finishes and the effect of the tickler is wasted. the other half, the tickler dosent knock them down either


terrify- mobs run in all direction while other mobs closes in on you...wait i thought this was suppose to HELP ME?! what is its role? improve ai rear fire movement drills? and then to make matters worst its NON SPAMMABLE? What the hell man!....WHAT? nuf said


desecrate- wut.


shadown something something- 100 energy for a handful of entertainer....what were they suppose to do? dance around running in circles for my enjoyment?....what were they suppose to do? if they are designed to entertain me, they arent doing it.


Is this some sort of april fools joke? because if it is it really isnt funny....an undead based necro warframe...theres like a thousand different ideas (not literally) that could suit well within that scope of ideas and this 4 make it in to the game...really now.

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oh, and desecrate sucks as much as everyone thought it would. bodies dont stick around long enough to make it useable... needs to be an aura mod or sentinel ability

It's funny because it'll prolly get changed before most people realize how good it really is.

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It's funny because it'll prolly get changed before most people realize how good it really is.

oh, it'd be AMAZING if it was a passive effect, but having to actively use it? it feels like i'm wasting 50 energy and only one or two corpses get affected after all is said and done.

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oh, it'd be AMAZING if it was a passive effect, but having to actively use it? it feels like i'm wasting 50 energy and only one or two corpses get affected after all is said and done.

Mobile defense/surivival, vortex+#4 aoe (ex mag, rhino) that doesn't destroy corpses.

Edited by Aggh
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I've play Nekros for a couple hours. This is just some observations and feedback from game-play.


Soul punch: fun to watch, the explosion and the rag-doll effects. I'm curious to see how it will play on higher levels.


Terrify: I think this has interesting CC potential, has pretty cool results if you pop it on a narrow part of the map or drive enemy mob into a narrow part and then get to soul punching.  cost 75 energy so bit  expensive for a #2 but that can be fix with mods.


Desecrate: (a.k.a search the dead) defiantly the most lacking of all the abilities.  From my experience it kinda interrupts the flow of the game IMO, I didn't like focusing on the dead while I was still in a fight, I'm more use to playing where I flow and move target to target.  That being said it was still cool to run and slide into a room dual vasto some Grineer and have their corpses pop more ammo.  I've seen ammo, health and energy orbs drop from this skill. I have heard it can drop resources and mods but it hasn't happen for me yet. Cost 50 energy which I think is the biggest draw back because while I find this an interesting skill I don't myself wanting to gamble 50 energy, if it were like Excalibur's super jump 10 energy cost then I would be fine with it.


Shadows of the dead: (Ult ability) cool skill but it can get kinda hard to keeping track on the enemies that you killed. Works with heavy enemies which is nice, when your defending the pod from ancients and you bring out your own little ancient army.  Can pay off if you can coordinate with your team otherwise you might struggle to get the kills you want to make the ability reach it's full potential.


Overall Nekros is OK, for me I don't really see him in a front line role, more support.  He feels a bit on the slow side but that can be fixed with some mods.  I recommend using a shade with him because most of his skill have a casting animation and it's come in handy to cloak if someone gets too close.

Edited by Silver_Villian
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I bought Platinum, just to buy nekros.

And ofcouse i wasn't happy with my puchase.
Nekros Soul punch is a single target, mostly, which makes It one of the worst first ability, But It's fine vs bosses. It needs a buff from 500 maxed to 1500 maxed, or else give it more upgrade slots. make the soul seek nearby enemies and steal their soul too, and then you regain 30 hp each soul?
The Totem is slightly weird, since i have never seen the totem. Nothing happends really, when used.
The loot skill is WAY to `Unneeded` and expensive. Should be changed to an Ability which summons a hand from ground and take all enemies in a radius down the ground.
The ultimate seriously needs a buff. And It's quite a low ammount of bots which gets summoned. And they don't last that long.  And it would be cool if they followed you too. 
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What would be really helpful is if someone power leveled a Nekros, got it to Xini and detailed their experience after 30 or so waves.
How does it handle against hordes of enemies? Pod hugger or door hero? How viable is Desecrate, without ammo conversion mods or ammo packs? Who does he work well with?

Edited by Archwizard
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Shadows of the dead: (Ult ability) cool skill but it can get kinda hard to keeping track on the enemies that you killed. Works with heavy enemies which is nice, when your defending the pod from ancients and you bring out your own little ancient army.  Can pay off if you can coordinate with your team otherwise you might struggle to get the kills you want to make the ability reach it's full potential.




So this does work only on enemies that get counted as you killing them?


I guess this frame is going to be the shotgun frame, put up Strun and Broncos with a bunch of multishot and just start spraying and praying.

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I regret my purchase.
The Ult. seems fine but the rest kinda sucks?
Terrify costs 75 energy wich makes them run away, wow, hardcore! Efficient!

Desecrate? I checked it out quite often but it should be replaced by some other utility skill wich wouldn't be so cost heavy for nothing. :(


EDIT: I'd say the idea of a totem for Terrify would be great, so one will be able to CC properly. That totem will last as long as the snow globe does or near that time.

And the Ult. makes all my ghosts start to shoot walls! :D

Edited by Jamukha
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Which part of Terrify freezes enemies?

word around town was that it was supposed to lock down everyone in initial cast radius and scare off incoming enemies, but i guess they decided to nerf it to the ground before we ever got to touch it. they say the game is in beta, but it sure doesnt feel like i'm getting to beta test anything. feels more like my WoW days, with everything getting nerfed all the time. i want someone to bring the fun back to videogames, please.  =(

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And you completely forgot the fact that by the time those bodies drop, they disappear and Nekros' casting time will fall behind the enemy poofs.


wut u mean, I get no loot all the time, its like 30% chance for me get any loot from 10-30 bodies will end up with 4 hp orbs and no ammo.  like I said nekcro is been glitched, it need fixing again and buffing


I regret my purchase.

The Ult. seems fine but the rest kinda sucks?

Terrify costs 75 energy wich makes them run away, wow, hardcore! Efficient!

Desecrate? I checked it out quite often but it should be replaced by some other utility skill wich wouldn't be so cost heavy for nothing. :(


EDIT: I'd say the idea of a totem for Terrify would be great, so one will be able to CC properly. That totem will last as long as the snow globe does or near that time.

And the Ult. makes all my ghosts start to shoot walls! :D

no joke, I was happy, but didn't know any good changes.  Which "There was none" :(.  its only name change and it was only that the soul punch is really hard control to let the enemies hit another enemy which I prefer have frost's ability ice spikes to be my prime instead. desecrate is need fixing still.  I think the idea I had before about having scarabs eating live enemies still would work of zero complain about it, cuz it attackive and still helping gain loots.  summoning the dead...it feel like they aren't doing anything against the enemies still...it feel, not strong at all even thou u had increase ability power strength and also duration...the AI have to be smart, not completely dumb when you summon accidentally with no fight at all going on, it would be nice they follow you around instead wondering off to their death (I mean litter-y they had fell to their death in the pit).  *sigh*


Please, please I beg you fix it or before my eyes blows out though my brains and be mind blown to become a pure $&*&*#(%& person.

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Haha, I didn't read all through this, but I just had a bad experience and thought I'd throw in my two cents.


I guess I misunderstood but I thought his final ability was about creating shadows of the dead? I guess it's now clone the dead... but my suggestion would be to not make them corporeal. I've played with Nekros on defense missions, and it wasn't that big of a deal (still a little annoying visually) but I just finished playing a random raid on a Grineer ship and the Nekros used this ability constantly and these guys TRAP you. In tight corridors, they block shots, block doors, squish you in -- it's just a pain.


Sooo...if they could become figments that you could walk through, I think that would make his ability much more doable for everyone else. I fear playing with multiple Nekros on a Grineer ship. What a nightmare.

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I personally really like this Warframe. 

The only thing I could say I really dislike is it's 3rd ability.

Don't get me wrong, I get the whole looting more from the dead, but the energy cost to use it weighs the advantages down a significant amount.



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I regret my purchase.

The Ult. seems fine but the rest kinda sucks?

Terrify costs 75 energy wich makes them run away, wow, hardcore! Efficient!

Desecrate? I checked it out quite often but it should be replaced by some other utility skill wich wouldn't be so cost heavy for nothing. :(


EDIT: I'd say the idea of a totem for Terrify would be great, so one will be able to CC properly. That totem will last as long as the snow globe does or near that time.

And the Ult. makes all my ghosts start to shoot walls! :D

^ I agree with the Totem idea.

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