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Something worse than a leech


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Eh I just kinda sit out lephantis sorties at this point. 

Not quite as hard a NOPE as a sortie with a Defection in it. Meaning I might maybe possibly do a Lephantis Sortie........ but it's highly unlikely. 


Because Lephantis is a super boring bullet sponge that just takes forever for the sake of taking forever.

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3 hours ago, rsod25 said:


what's your problem? 

I mean, really, noone is going to make entirely new weapon, potato+forma it and buy riven just to make your sortie run 2 minutes faster

sniper rifle works and works well, so I see no problem with it

By the time you hit sortie or even regular Lephy you should already have a decent weapon of each class with a tater and formas in them. Pretty much any automatic or burst weapon that has decent crit and the two basic +90% electric and toxin mods on it will do alot better than pretty much any sniper rifle you can find. You dont even need rivens.

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2 hours ago, SirTobe said:

I had Plasmor in yesterdays sortie assassination 😄 Not intentionally though. After previous mission the host left and "squad disassembled". So I went to take a piss, but when I came back someone had returned and started the final Lephantis mission before I could change weapon, lol. Not my fault!

Its cool as long as your energy color isnt bright ass white

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Supra Vandal seemed to melt "plainphantis/rainbowphantis/pimplephantis"...was over and done with under 7 minutes


Turns out to also be true for sortie lephantis...

But as people have said already. He didn't receive the ridiculous anti-sniper/low fire rate buff.

Edited by Orblit
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