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Fortuna weapons


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1 minute ago, (PS4)teacup775 said:

Sure but as an opening its nothing to write home about. We also had POE which was mostly a bunch of talk and no action. Cetus at no time is under threat. The Unum has it all in hand. Nothing changes doing the quests other than getting a two frame stories and both of whose parts are in POE.. um no, one is farmed in sanctuary onslaught, an area completely unrelated to planes.

And this is different to any other MMO with a story how exactly? Of course Cetus is at no point under actual threat of being destroyed, because if it was destroyed they'd have to delete PoE. Of course nothing actually changes from doing the quests because then you'd most likely wind up locked out content. DE's a relatively small studio, they actually can't afford to make various versions of the Plains for every possible point of progression, or even more than one point of progression. Khora's situation was created out of development issues, not story reasons.

In that same vein, I'm pretty sure the reason why most of Fortuna's citizen's look the same is for development reasons. DE doesn't want to waste resources on producing individual models for each Solaris, so they make three or four basic models, and, boom, you can pretty much have as many NPC set dressings as you want without breaking suspension of disbelief or the bank. You don't even have to make separate models for males and females. As an added bonus, since the whole theme is that they're downtrodden and of questionable repair, you don't have to give them fancy texture-mapping with shiny reflections or good animations. Make them cheap and the players will intuit that the bodies these people have are cheaply made.

It's amazing what can be done by abusing your budget restrictions like this.

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Its clear that these two weapons(the primary and secondary) weapons are a hybrid of sentient and corpus tech together, we already know that the corpus are researching the sentients on Orb Vallis. im really excited to see how a hybrid with a sentient tech weapons will work,

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4 hours ago, sonyseva6055 said:

Its clear that these two weapons(the primary and secondary) weapons are a hybrid of sentient and corpus tech together, we already know that the corpus are researching the sentients on Orb Vallis. im really excited to see how a hybrid with a sentient tech weapons will work,

Yes I'm wanting to brake into the mmm I'll hazard 10 labs and 2 or so secret labs. I'm starting to think that the orbs might be the same kind of hybrid of the corpus proxy and sentient fragments, or their power source will be sentient in origin. 

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5 hours ago, sonyseva6055 said:

Its clear that these two weapons(the primary and secondary) weapons are a hybrid of sentient and corpus tech together, we already know that the corpus are researching the sentients on Orb Vallis. im really excited to see how a hybrid with a sentient tech weapons will work,

ok glad someone else noticed it appears the pistol is using a shwakk prism and the rifle a battlysts arm

personally i want the rifle to be a rail gun so i can try and be the tau  

Edited by seprent
Grammer.Exe (Not Responding)
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21 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

If the Battacor ends up being a sniper instead of a DMR, I'm going to be really friggin disappointed.

Honestly, if it's a Sniper instead of most thing's I'll be quite disappointed. There's really only so many ways you can 'shoot really accurately in a scope'. Besides, we got the Rubico Prime recently. Plus, it looks awesome so I want to actually see it in action.

Though its description implies it might have a secondary fire, so that at least indicates it isn't a sniper.

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25 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:


the new weapons show to me have sentient influence in the design , but are corpus at core

Shwaak prism for the pistol and thats just a battalyst arm with corpus tech mushed around it 
again looks like a rail gun and i want it 

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5 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

i want them both , if they work how i think they will

im hoping the rifle si a laser rifle that then does a huge blast 

explosive railgun
That is all i want

Edited by seprent
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