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The "Fetch" mod


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Just now, LosI3andit said:

Well the pet vacuums loot all around the map and you pick up the ones closest to you, simple as that.

well it's still useless because it doesn't loot what YOU want, which is why people loves vacuum mod. which bring us back to square one. everyone who were praying for this mod to be good got the middle finger, so they go back to sentinel, and then those who didn't cared still wont' care. this mod was nothing more than a a troll of very bad taste. it's bad in EVERY way. nobody will care about it because both side have better options. those who want it still have vacuum which works better, and those who didn't cared still won't using it because they won't get a vacuum that is totally random and keep their build the way it was. this mod is a bad joke.

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Sometimes I can't tell if there is a legitimate technical issue with Companion Vacuum being implemented or if it's just one of the devs being super passive aggressive because they've been told to implement a feature they personally don't want in the game. 

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6 minutes ago, Oreades said:

Sometimes I can't tell if there is a legitimate technical issue with Companion Vacuum being implemented or if it's just one of the devs being super passive aggressive because they've been told to implement a feature they personally don't want in the game. 

it's just impossible that the devs didn't knew what people wanted, by a vacuum for pets, or a univac. it can ONLY be the second option. which makes me kinda sad.

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4 hours ago, (XB1)SolsticeTheFox said:

Since it's on PC now, has anyone got it? Is it the same effectiveness as regular vacuum, and most importantly, will you die hard sentinel vacuum fans start to use pets more often now? I'm mainly asking for my own curiosity, the divide between Sentinels and Kubrows/Kavats seemed to revolve around the vacuum mod. I'm kind of hoping this will bridge that gap.

Fetch is like Vacuum but even though the Mod say from 13.5 Meters from it’s Master, it’s more like 11 Meters when i tested it? I don’t know if it’s bugged in the Simulacrum or if the mod is just bugged in general. It does make Pets a alternative to Sentinels if you are like me, who enjoy using a pet over a Sentinel. If you enjoy using Sentinels, then Fetch isn’t going to change your mind.

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Just now, VPrime96 said:

Fetch is like Vacuum but even though the Mod say from 13.5 Meters from it’s Master, it’s more like 11 Meters when i tested it? I don’t know if it’s bugged in the Simulacrum or if the mod is just bugged in general. It does make Pets a alternative to Sentinels if you are like me, who enjoy using a pet over a Sentinel. If you enjoy using Sentinels, then Fetch isn’t going to change your mind.

i personally, and many other players, would LOVE using our pets without having to sacrifice our vacuum, our loot collect, and the possibility to swoopt it in without being almost killed everything you need to walk right over an item. the devs are m,aking a bad joke with this mod, that need a rework.

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I'd like to see it equalized, but ever since the Helminth charger came out I've gotten used to just picking things up for most gameplay only switching to sentinel vacuums if I really need the convenience. So even having Fetch is at least a step forward, it's much easier to change/improve something that's already in the game.

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when u r sentiel is with u its just behind u so when it vaccum somehting it comes to u but when u r going to use a kavat or kubrow or whatever u say it will not just stand behind u or follow u its just going to kill some enimies so its useless be cause u r not going to get those loots because those pets dont stand with u or follow u and loots r the stuffs what we want


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well i got to test the mod: the items get vacuumed towards the pet and get picked up by them as well plus your pet now automatically paths towards loot/ammo/orbs resulting in a technically bigger and sometimes less accurate vacuum, out in fortuna or poe i actually prefer fetch over vacuum

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1 hour ago, VPrime96 said:

Fetch is like Vacuum but even though the Mod say from 13.5 Meters from it’s Master, it’s more like 11 Meters when i tested it? I don’t know if it’s bugged in the Simulacrum or if the mod is just bugged in general. It does make Pets a alternative to Sentinels if you are like me, who enjoy using a pet over a Sentinel. If you enjoy using Sentinels, then Fetch isn’t going to change your mind.

It should be 11.5m , maybe it's just a typo.

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So does it collect all the stuff around it and then give it all to you when you get near it or what? How can they possibly think this would work? When there's enemies around they're off doing their thing and you ain't getting jack. Man this might be the biggest primed disappointment ever, it actually feels like this was a joke at our expense and they're laughing at us right now. I'm sad. 

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vor 1 Minute schrieb YoungZ17:

So does it collect all the stuff around it and then give it all to you when you get near it or what? How can they possibly think this would work? When there's enemies around they're off doing their thing and you ain't getting jack. Man this might be the biggest primed disappointment ever, it actually feels like this was a joke at our expense and they're laughing at us right now. I'm sad. 

once the loot reaches the pet it gets collected, the loot basically teleports from your pet to your inventory

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vor 2 Minuten schrieb wtflag:

13.5m is pretty huge. Maybe don't level it. That way the Kubrow/Kavat will not run off to God knows where to pick scraps.

not leveling it will most likely result in you pet running around longer since the vacuum range around your pet is smaller, it will still try to get to every dropped loot in a ~40m radius around you

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Just now, DaFly1000 said:

not leveling it will most likely result in you pet running around longer since the vacuum range around your pet is smaller, it will still try to get to every dropped loot in a ~40m radius around you

I see. 

I misunderstood it's mechanism then.

I need knock off time to come quickly. 😢

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vor 3 Minuten schrieb DerGreif2:

Problem: the fetch mod is useless because because your dog gets it and you still have to run around and collect it. Thats the reason why this mod will change nothing on the situation at all. Funny because theis mod was created TO CHANGE this fact. Thats the reason why people ar upset.


you dont have to collect it, you pet collects the loot for you, it is a 13,5 pickupbox around your pet, meaning if you pet runs over a healthorb 40m away from you, you get healed, it indeed changes a lot

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3 minutes ago, DaFly1000 said:

you dont have to collect it, you pet collects the loot for you, it is a 13,5 pickupbox around your pet, meaning if you pet runs over a healthorb 40m away from you, you get healed, it indeed changes a lot

Ok thats good to know. I can play Fortuna in a few hours because: work. I thought that because I read a lot about this mod. But still because the companion AI is... "not smart"... sentinels will still be top for that reason.

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