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Nyx 9.8: Feedback Thread


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Nyx is my most used Warframe in this game. I love Chaos, I feel it's fine how it is. With her high max energy, the duration they added way back when doesn't even matter. Mind Control is fine as well. When used in tandem with Chaos, it works extremely well when you Mind Control the "heavy" enemies, i.e. Ancients, Heavy Gunners, Corpus Techs, etc. Psychic bolts, I definitely agree needs a change, but i think they should just rework it, or replace it with a new power altogether. Buffing the damage and making it go through walls are good suggestions, but for a largely CC Warframe, she doesn't need more damaging abilities. Maybe slight damage, but with another sort of crowd control effect (I like the snare idea somebody mentioned earlier). Now Absorb: the one everybody is complaining about. My take on this...It does need to do damage through objects, and they need to end the invincibility at the end of the release animation, and I also feel it should have a stun. As for the aggro, it works fine right now, and it will most likely work better as DE improves the AI pathing, because the Grineer just run away. Corpus, in my experience, love to just stand there and light you up, with the exception of Crewman perhaps. Now the damage...I feel the damage is at a good place. Sorry to those who have not had a good experience with the damage output, but I've seen some fantastic numbers come out of it. This Ability works best on Corpus, especially when there's a Tech. In a Defense mission against level 80ish Corpus, I had about 10-15 standing around me, with a Tech shooting me literally the entire time. When I released, 7k damage. This isn't the only case either, as I've had 11k come up for Infested that were primed by Nova (I realize there's a damage buff there). Now the only problem I have with it, is that when you are not the host, there are a lot of inconsistencies with the damage. And by that, I mean it will register instantly on some enemies, late on others, and often not at all on some. I realize everybody has different experiences with different things, but I played using Absorb for a good 2 weeks after the buff, and I actually enjoy it. I didn't even expect to think it was any better.

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But, it does do those things.




It does that too. The invulnerability lasts until right after the ragdoll/knock-back blast.


I see, I will take your word for it, I have yet to have found a good situation for Absorb. Thank you for the response.

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nyx is my favourite warframe and I am sad to see her "number 4" power is the worst:

1st : don't hit through walls

2nd : low damage to "big enemies"

3rd : hard to scape when big guys are surrounding you instead of being dead.

I hope this is fixed / changed soon.


1. Yes it does

2. Par for the course then? All warframe powers suck against heavy units.

3. It ragdolls them and knocks them back, what more could you want?

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nyx is my favourite warframe and I am sad to see her "number 4" power is the worst:

1st : don't hit through walls

2nd : low damage to "big enemies"

3rd : hard to scape when big guys are surrounding you instead of being dead.

I hope this is fixed / changed soon.


Yeah thats shounds like absorb before the buff.


The current state of absorb:


1st: Already fixed

2nd: 1k-2k ult if enemeis focus you, if you are playing with friends who focus you the damage can easy scale to 10k or more


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Tested it out on T3 Mobile Defense. On average you won't get a good Absorb off because most players seem to prefer to shoot enemies or use their own Ult-Skill rather than wait the 10-15 seconds to let Absorb explode, yeah not much teamwork there. I get good ones by rushing FAR ahead and finding a group to explode in.


I will ask this. Has anyone figured out if Psychic Bolt's are working any different? I still feel they do a few things off:

- Have weird targeting.

- Seem to now go through walls, but fizzle if they cannot find a target (unsure too hectic in that last game to see).

- Deal low damage compared to Pull and Shuriken in terms of a "spam skills" then again Venom is also weak by comparison.


I would like to know what DE feels a 50 Energy Skill is worth in terms of damage output.  However Shuriken (A 25 Energy Spam Skill) fires two shurikens that deal 500 armor ignoring damage and deals triple damage to light infested while the more expensive skill deals 150 damage, damage seems to be reduced by armor not sure. but has less-consistent homing.


What is wrong with making Bolts act like Shuriken? At least in damage if the current mechanics are kept. I like that you can steer your own Psy Bolts (somewhat) but Nyx is feeling much better to play so far.

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I'm not sure if this would be a good fix, but this is my idea:

1) Psychic bolts - current level of usefulness, 25 energy

2) Absorb - mostly useful for AoE CC, so 50 energy

3) Mind Control - 75 energy, but permanent and spammable - if other 'frame abilities make things permanently dead, why can't Nyx make one permanently good? If it's too OP in that state, make a second cast stun and un-MC the first target, limiting Nyx to one minion again.

4) Chaos - Ummm yeah.... Current level of usefulness, 100 energy (possibly spammable?)

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I have a minor request... make the kills of mobs under the influence of Mind Control and/or Chaos count under Nyx's kill count. 




Now for a complaint:  While I can deal without the exp for each kill, I think this is silly since it is HER kills through her power and could help level the frame.  Frames with killing abilities get the exp for their kills, it should work the same for Nyx and Nekros using their abilities.

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I have a minor request... make the kills of mobs under the influence of Mind Control and/or Chaos count under Nyx's kill count. 




Now for a complaint:  While I can deal without the exp for each kill, I think this is silly since it is HER kills through her power and could help level the frame.  Frames with killing abilities get the exp for their kills, it should work the same for Nyx and Nekros using their abilities.


I would say that it's reasonable for Mind Control, but not for Chaos. A possible middle ground would be you get credit when one Chaos'd "minion" kills another one.


Edit: Oh, and maybe Nekros minion kills should count as if the minion was the "weapon" used so you don't get full XP? (and maybe for Nyx's Chaos/MC too) Because I don't think DE likes the idea of minion kills giving that sort of benefit.

Edited by L33tV154g3
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"I would say that it's reasonable for Mind Control, but not for Chaos. A possible middle ground would be you get credit when one Chaos'd "minion" kills another one."


I think we mean the same thing.  I don't want Nyx to receive kill credit for controlling the mobs, but when a controlled/chaosed mob kills another mob it should be counted in Nyx's kill count (as well as Nyx's frame exp).

Edited by Tuscarora
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I DO want Nyx to receive credit for controlling mobs. Right now she gets 75 exp for the entire cast plus however many she shoots up. Rhino comes in 1 second later and stomps, he gets exp for ALL the dead enemies. I think that mobs killed while under Chaos should give a percentage of exp to Nyx.

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Believe it's been mentioned already but I'm repeating it anyways - please make the enemy you use mind control on immune to friendly fire from all teammates apart from yourself. If this isn't implemented it's makes the power mostly useless as people don't care enough to not kill your MC'ed enemy. 


Oh and Psychic Bolts need a serious buff, they're exceptionally pathetic.

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Believe it's been mentioned already but I'm repeating it anyways - please make the enemy you use mind control on immune to friendly fire from all teammates apart from yourself. If this isn't implemented it's makes the power mostly useless as people don't care enough to not kill your MC'ed enemy. 


Oh and Psychic Bolts need a serious buff, they're exceptionally pathetic.

Or just have MC jump between enemies on death, granted the "ow my head" animation needs to be removed, it makes enemies just stand there for 2-5 seconds at a time.

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My only complaint:

Fix psychic bolts. 
Using that ability has no use whatsoever. Most of the time the tracking doesn't kick in before after half a second, and by that time all the bolts have crashed into a wall somewhere, with maybe a lone-wolf accidentally hitting A target, but not THE target. 


Something needs to be done about this ability. In it's current state, it's unreliability is it's downfall and gives any player a good reason to switch it out for an unranked vitality even. 

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My only complaint:

Fix psychic bolts. 

Using that ability has no use whatsoever. Most of the time the tracking doesn't kick in before after half a second, and by that time all the bolts have crashed into a wall somewhere, with maybe a lone-wolf accidentally hitting A target, but not THE target. 


Something needs to be done about this ability. In it's current state, it's unreliability is it's downfall and gives any player a good reason to switch it out for an unranked vitality even. 

I no longer slot it, sad since aside from Absorb it's her only damage skill and I want a skill to break up the CC-Train, I like having options in games and I don't want Nyx to be a "You must CC and only CC" type frame, having a roll is good. At least 2 skills should be devoted to that roll. The other two skills however, especially if one is the 4 skill should break that roll or achieve that roll with an additional effect.


Absorb does this by becoming an Invulnerability while Channeling and also can be used to shield allies, thus it's a Support/CC(the shockwave it makes)/Damage skill. Psy-Bolt needs to be a pure-reliable-damage skill to balance out her other skills being pure CC focus.

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I no longer slot it, sad since aside from Absorb it's her only damage skill and I want a skill to break up the CC-Train, I like having options in games and I don't want Nyx to be a "You must CC and only CC" type frame, having a roll is good. At least 2 skills should be devoted to that roll. The other two skills however, especially if one is the 4 skill should break that roll or achieve that roll with an additional effect.


Absorb does this by becoming an Invulnerability while Channeling and also can be used to shield allies, thus it's a Support/CC(the shockwave it makes)/Damage skill. Psy-Bolt needs to be a pure-reliable-damage skill to balance out her other skills being pure CC focus.


Well said. 

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I DO want Nyx to receive credit for controlling mobs. Right now she gets 75 exp for the entire cast plus however many she shoots up. Rhino comes in 1 second later and stomps, he gets exp for ALL the dead enemies. I think that mobs killed while under Chaos should give a percentage of exp to Nyx.


I don't understand how Nyx doesn't get credit for it when Nova can pull credit for laying M Prime on an entire room and running away. The concept is the same. It's indirect damage being done to a large group of enemies based on the warframe skill. Nyx' just works slower. 


My only complaint:

Fix psychic bolts. 

Using that ability has no use whatsoever. Most of the time the tracking doesn't kick in before after half a second, and by that time all the bolts have crashed into a wall somewhere, with maybe a lone-wolf accidentally hitting A target, but not THE target. 


Something needs to be done about this ability. In it's current state, it's unreliability is it's downfall and gives any player a good reason to switch it out for an unranked vitality even. 


I never understood the point of the skill at all. I think it should be fully retooled. I always assumed it would work something like throwing versions of Psylocke's psionic blade from X-men. Does a ton of damage and then incapacitates. It would fit in with her CC scheme as well. Basically they should work like a multi target Null Star with less damage. It an still take out a group of low levels when powered up, but at higher levels it switches them off for a few seconds taking them out of the fight. 

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