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Ty for giving us difficulty


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I want to give you my thanks for giving us back the difficulty of fortuna and even more the promess of elite units and a new IA, and as a suggestion please don't make this new units explode killing all other enemies like in boringtrations, we just want to feel the rush of a real figth 🙂

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i am MR 18 and still do not get what difficulty means in this game. Sure the enemies hit like a dumptruck at level 70 or above and will one shot most warframes regardless of mod loadout so what more can you want. I for one do not find just making them do more damage fun i would rather more enemy variety and tactics rather than one shot kills.

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)KatyPerryIsMine said:

i am MR 18 and still do not get what difficulty means in this game. Sure the enemies hit like a dumptruck at level 70 or above and will one shot most warframes regardless of mod loadout so what more can you want. I for one do not find just making them do more damage fun i would rather more enemy variety and tactics rather than one shot kills.

Until we have more abilities/weapons that scale well with enemies, it will always be this way.  That's why there's such a disparity between frames like Octavia, Inaros, Ivara, Mesa etc and lower level ones like Vauban, Ember, Zephyr, Titania.....

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

Until we have more abilities/weapons that scale well with enemies, it will always be this way.  That's why there's such a disparity between frames like Octavia, Inaros, Ivara, Mesa etc and lower level ones like Vauban, Ember, Zephyr, Titania.....

to me it feels like how damage works needs to be redone. Warframe is a power fantasy your supposed to feel progressively stronger the more mods forma etc you put into your gear. More element combos less corrosive is king like we have at the moment. Melee is getting its rework hopefully its made fun rather than hold circle until enemy dies.  It seems armor scales poorly if i have 1400 armor on my valkyr prime i should not see my health drop like a rock in higher level missions. Hell any higher level gameplay i see is a guy jumping in place throwing a zennistar disc out and that's it that is not fun game design. Change up elemental s make armor matter more and scale better on enemies and you so you do not point blank a enemy with a shotgun and have it doe only a quater of his health. Maybe add some more mod variety as most weapon builds and frame builds boil down to the same set most of the time barring a few outlier cases.  I love this game but sorties kind of ruin the fun of warframe i find level 65 to be the final level before you start going down like  every 5 seconds unless you jump around like a lemur on crack and even then they still hit you most of the time. It is why half the player base uses only certain weapons because in high level stuff enemies are bullet sponges and you are paper unless you bring rhino but rhino is boring as hell to play.

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3 hours ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

Until we have more abilities/weapons that scale well with enemies, it will always be this way.  That's why there's such a disparity between frames like Octavia, Inaros, Ivara, Mesa etc and lower level ones like Vauban, Ember, Zephyr, Titania.....

Hold up, I love Ivara and Vauban. I bring both into sorties, arbitrations, and other "higher level" missions. The play style is different between the frames, but I don't have any issues w/ bringing Vauban into these missions.

Granted, I do use relevant frame/operator arcanes and invested lots of time in making Vauban awesome...


edit: I kinda think this is similar to an OW situation. Torb is awesome depending on the map, but you also have to be skilled w/ him

Edited by (XB1)peter1187
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8 hours ago, ShadowExodus said:

🤔 Arbitrations aren't giving you a hard time?

lol, no why should they? they just take more time.

3 hours ago, (XB1)peter1187 said:

Hold up, I love Ivara and Vauban. I bring both into sorties, arbitrations, and other "higher level" mission

well thats the Problem. those "high Level missions arent hard. you dont even need to use Forma to do them in under 15 minutes 

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15 hours ago, DerGreif2 said:

 "you lose no matter what you do!" 

Are we talking about the same thing,the easy vitus essence missions that i can do 5 hours in row without taking damage because they are super easy and give you 300% strength to make it not challenging at all?

They should make them 500levels higher and remove the bonus for specific frames.

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So just to make it clear, when human vauban trolls you with his bouncy mines hes a j**k and deserves 7 years of hell, but when developers/game Ai puts in a game a unit that has the same bouncy vauban balls but sticky that cling to players preventing them from doing anything for good 8 seconds and bounce you off the ceiling 2 times a second its called "difficulty". 

The more you know. 

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22 hours ago, Kyoresh said:

wait....Fortuna has difficulty?



At alert Level 4 enemies sometimes even stop spawning...and are only lvl 50 or something...

Kill at a base for awhile while maintaining the alert levels...

They increase as time goes on like excavation instead of survival...aka they spike at some point and suddenly you're eating lvl 120s.

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4 minutes ago, Orblit said:

Kill at a base for awhile while maintaining the alert levels...

They increase as time goes on like excavation instead of survival...aka they spike at some point and suddenly you're eating lvl 120s.

did that while farming toroids. I had to Re Enter the Vallis a couple of times as enemies just stopped spawning. and they were no where Close to 120( even that isnt difficult against Corpus)

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