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Stalker Mode. Simple implementation idea.


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Just watched DKDiamantes on Stalker Mode and  well..

How about the Man in the Wall coming over to you, like he usually does, and corrupting your tenno momentarily. (Showing the "other" side of the battle for what it's worth)

Then you get a popup saying, resist the forced transference or not to resist.

If you let go, you become a stalker for 1 mission.

Chance of this event can be small.

Simples 🙂

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This is good idea!

Of course people opting in or not has to be possible. 

There should be interesting rewards for "stalker" players and for "normal"/hunted players. Different for each "side" of game mode (like resourses to craft new weapon and maybe possible forma for players and possible exilus/reactor/catalyst blueprint for stalker side? Or rivens? SOMETHING GOOD so people play it, unlike Conclave rewards. 

If game mode is bad but has good rewards people WILL play it. XD

However I hope it will be great.

As of balance issue, it is quite easy:

-give him object health type so he can not be one shot cited with any sniper rifle etc,

-make him immune to all status effects and CC (it will be fair since he himself can not use any status/CC)

-his weapons should deal some % of max HP as finisher damage, (to not this be Inaros or Valkyr meta...)

-he should have special abilities to counter warframe buffs and skills:

1 - removes all channeled abilities and BUFFS (like ironskin)

2 - "silences" enemy warframe abilities for few secounds (to counter atlas 1 spam and so on)

3 - forces enemy operator back to warframe for the next 10 secounds or something 

4 - become invincible and and reflect some of damage he takes in this state (like nyx 4???) to counter very high anty object weapon/skills etc. burst = very skill based 

This kind of kit would make him very VERY skill dependant and impossible to one shot kill with Opticor/Snipers/Shotguns, he will be able to remove buffs such as Ironskin or Hysteria which would make his win impossible. Also cooldown inducing ability would make him possible to at least fight vs Atlas and other frames like him. Also transference "CC" is VERY impprtant couse Magus Elevate can heal just too fast otherwise.


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Way too easy for the stalker player to abuse it and make it utter garbage for this to work.
Especially if rewards are involved.

After all: Whats to stop the stalker from attacking the objective?  In a Def/MDef/Rescue he could just instantly ruin the objective before he's taken out with next to nothing teh players can do about it.
In a spy/rescue he could trigger the alarm and cause a mission failure that way (and please note: AI stalker can actually cause this if he spawns at the wrong time, he's just not programmed to abuse it force mission failures, and a player will abuse it if given the chance)
What stops him from just running away and hiding until it forces a mission failure for not killing for long enough?  Or waits until the life support in survival runs out?
What stops him from trolling low MR players endlessly by not killing his target and instead repeatedly killing the other squad members until they are out of revives?

Simply put there is way too much griefing potential in this, with very little that could be done to prevent it.

Further they can't really put rewards behind it other than cosmetics, like conclave has, because I don't want to be forced into play PvP in order to get new weapons or frames or something else.  And I don't think a large amount of the player base wants to be forced into playing PvP for something.  If we wanted PvP we would be playing conclave...but seeing how dead that is...

Edited by Tsukinoki
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Personally I don't care about the stalker mode because I play this game as a PvE, but it could get implemented I guess.

En 18/11/2018 a las 17:23, Dariel77Angel dijo:

How about the Man in the Wall coming over to you, like he usually does, and corrupting your tenno momentarily. (Showing the "other" side of the battle for what it's worth)

Then you get a popup saying, resist the forced transference or not to resist.

If you let go, you become a stalker for 1 mission.

I don't know about this. It's part of the lore and we don't know anything about the stalker. Also I get that it would be RNG based? (You need to wait for him to decide to corrupt you). I don't like RNG.

hace 1 hora, Tsukinoki dijo:

Way too easy for the stalker player to abuse it and make it utter garbage for this to work.
Especially if rewards are involved.

After all: Whats to stop the stalker from attacking the objective?  In a Def/MDef/Rescue he could just instantly ruin the objective before he's taken out with next to nothing teh players can do about it.
In a spy/rescue he could trigger the alarm and cause a mission failure that way (and please note: AI stalker can actually cause this if he spawns at the wrong time, he's just not programmed to abuse it force mission failures, and a player will abuse it if given the chance)
What stops him from just running away and hiding until it forces a mission failure for not killing for long enough?  Or waits until the life support in survival runs out?
What stops him from trolling low MR players endlessly by not killing his target and instead repeatedly killing the other squad members until they are out of revives?

Simply put there is way too much griefing potential in this, with very little that could be done to prevent it.

Further they can't really put rewards behind it other than cosmetics, like conclave has, because I don't want to be forced into play PvP in order to get new weapons or frames or something else.  And I don't think a large amount of the player base wants to be forced into playing PvP for something.  If we wanted PvP we would be playing conclave...but seeing how dead that is...

The Stalker player shouldn't be able to interact with anything from the mission but the player's squad. It should be level capped at MR15 or so, so it doesn't allow you to "invade" a new player and also avoids players creating new accounts to kill new players. You can only get invaded if you previously tried or succeded to kill a player as a Stalker, kind of like the current Death Mark but backwards.
Still leaves the problem of the player's squad. They are being dragged to PvP even if they don't participate in this game mode.
Options to fix this:
-Can invade only on solo mode
-The Stalker can only kill and be killed by the host (the mission could fail because of the player Stalker, so this doesn't fully fix the problem)

Being invaded shouldn't stop the mission from progressing. And no exclusive rewards other than, maybe, rewards that can only be used in this mode.

Changes should be made lorewise. I don't think we should control the Stalker itself, he is another character already. Maybe a corrupted version of our frame or whatever, but not the Stalker scince it doesn't make sense (with the current lore at least, it doesn't seem to).

I would not play this mode anyways, and I don't think it's a good investment scince Warframe's playerbase is interested in PvE not PvP.

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PvE and PvP is so separate that Conclave is different game, 

Put Conclave on starchart, and make PvE/PvP mode where stalker alwats invade and has to kill all players with no revives. Not in normal missions unless someone is wiling and maybe has some special option on or something.

Rewards being only usable in this mode is bad idea, Conclave shows this. Mods for Conclave are ONLY used by like maybe 1% of playerbase, so noone wants them and noone plays Conclave for them.

However COSMETICS even old PvP cosmetics are wanted by quite few players so Stalker Mode should reward many Many cosmetics

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19 hours ago, Uzuden said:

Keep PvP and PvE separate. That is a huge selling point of this game.

Yeah.... I am MR22 and only touched PvP once.
Do not play any other games that are PvP based. Hate them with passion.

But for Stalker. It's usually 1 on 4. If they plug in some story behind it AND make it optional in some way, like "Give in" to MITW transference, then sure i will play it.

DE can also give an option with the MITW to make you immune to others invading your game until this orbiter event pops up again.

Just some thoughts

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2 hours ago, Aramil999 said:

good rewards

Define "good rewards" please?
Because a large part of the playerbase would throw a riot if they were forced into PvP for these "good rewards" if they weren't purely cosmetic and stalker mode was the only way to achieve them.

I mean DE had a winter themed PvP event once for a ship decoration....and it caused a fit to be thrown by a large part of the playerbase, as well as conclave diving hard because people joined matches and sat in a corner to just farm the reward which ruined the experience for everyone....

People don't come to warframe to play PvP.  if they did there would be more people playing conclave....and no, locking non-cosmetic stuff behind PvP with no other way to achieve it won't make conclave a popular mode...it'll just ruin conclave with boosting parties that people make to farm the rewards as quickly as possible since they aren't really interested in playing PvP.

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Now look at Destiny, almost pure PvE game with BIG "planet" in starchart named "Crucible" which is PvP, you get daily rewards THAT MATTER for playing it, and can farm few things there BUT you can just ignore mode.

And people PLAY PvP there, it is fun and  is very similar to Conclave. Same should be true for Conclave. 


1. it is not present on starchart so most new players don't know it exists

2. litteraly no quest, alert, invasion, small indicator leads to Conclave

3. starting loadout always has ONLY melee equiped.... DE fix this for new player plz....

4. lots and lots of players are talking about conclave being bad 

5. there are almost no good rewards

6. all 5 above reasons lead to very few players playing PvP so new players can not find matches and if they find they get owned by this one veteran who is online.........

1,2,3 and 5 can be fixed and would lead to more players playing PvP and maybe that would fix some day problme number 4... 

i doubt

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why everyone saying stalker will ruin the objectives this never has to be the case. the mission of the stalker is to take down the tenno so in other words simply make the tenno player only targetable the entire battle. the mission can end in 2 ways. 1 the player or tenno finishes the mission and reaches evac zone before the stalker takes him/her out or 2 the stalker takes down the tenno and get rewarded from doing so.


the whole objective ruining BS of the stalker was just a video preview of what the dev team was showing the community. you guys need to use your brain a little because the dev team will never allow that kind of power given to the player base. too much griefing involved.

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