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Struggling on 20+ level enemies



So here's my loadout and Warframes (I am MR5 btw):


I was struggling a with Jupiter and Uranus is just rough. Can you guys suggest what mods and stuff should I put on here to buff up my warframes and weapons?

Any help is appreciated 🙂

Edited by TheGoldLegion
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Just now, -AxHx-Vile said:

Join a good clan so they can help you farm Endo and other mods so you can improve your builds, then level 20+ and way higher will no longer be a problem.

I am mostly an on/off kind of player, I usually play for about an hour or two and mostly prefer solo. Endo is not that much of a problem. It's the credits and I am currently farming survival Wahibi and Gabii for that. But is there any mods I need to add/remove or swap around; any "easy" builds I can attain at MR5?

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4 minutes ago, TheGoldLegion said:

Endo is not that much of a problem. It's the credits and I am currently farming

Ask in Recruiting if people can carry you to The Index for credits (check the wiki for the prerequisites of being able to go there). Then creditfarming becomes really easy. And then Endo will be the problem. When the mods on your builds are maxed, you'll find killing lvl 20+ is way easier.

Edited by -AxHx-Vile
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Just now, -AxHx-Vile said:

Ask in Recruiting if people can carry you to The Index for credits (check the wiki for the prerequisites of being able to go there). Then creditfarming becomes really easy. And then Endo will be the problem. When yhe mods on your build are maxed, you'll find killing lvl 20+ way easier.

I'll try doing that next time. Thx 🙂


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Yup join in clan, buy all weapons, archwing, and normal frames to rank them up then increase your MR.

But one more important thing is: Finish all junctions and unlock all planets then finish all missions and throught that u will earn alot endos to maximize mods like Vitality and Redirection which is neccesary for you that u can survive in low and mid lvl.

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8 minutes ago, TheGoldLegion said:

Here's the album

Okay, the biggest issue I can see is just the low level mods. Increasing them up a bit would increase your damage/durability. 

  • There are changes I could suggest to your frame builds. But I am not sure if you would have the mods.
  • Take Excalibur for example: I would drop redirection and toxic flight. Adding Streamline (efficiency) and Blind Rage (Power Strength) or Stretch (Ability Range). If your plan is to use Exalted Blade [EB], take Blind Rage over Stretch. I would also swap out Continuity (damaged) for an undamaged one. If EB is the intention, I would swap Steel Fibre for Narrow Minded (Duration).
Edited by krc473
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27 minutes ago, TheGoldLegion said:

Here's the album

at the beginning I am showing the builds I was using. This was a free2play account. So I didn't bought a single mod. Just farmed the easy ones from Void Missions or Spy. With these mods I "beat" the star chart.

And like krc said: drop Redirection. It's both bad anyways and also prevents you from using Hunter Adrenaline effectively

Edited by GnarlsDarkley
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49 minutes ago, TheGoldLegion said:


Here's the album

The easiest advise that I can give, that isn't something that gets you out of your way or you can't achieve yet is:

Your weapons are better off with 4-5 unranked mods than 8 unranked.


Use this for Boltor: Rank 2 Cryo Rounds and max: Serration, Speed Trigger, Infected Clip, Stormbringer and Shred. That's only 6 mods, but you'll do better damage.

Also, don't use Impact, Puncture or Slash mods at the moment, elemental are way better.



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see how most of the Mods on your Weapons are unranked? well thereygo.

you can save some more points by making sure that your Weapons always have some Elemental Mods on them, and never using Physical Mods. (even without any restrictions and having all Mods, they are only useful on rare occasions - in about 1-3% of Missions)
this will dramatically increase your overall Damage to any Enemy, and can massively Multiply your Damage to Enemies that you tune your Damage Types towards.


if you Scan Enemies, you can see what Damage Types(mainly Elemental Damage Types) different Factions are weak to (multiples of them for each, providing viable options and different specialization choices). the Enemies with the highest Health, Armor, and/or Shields that you can find (whatever has the highest total Health pretty much) are the Enemies you should pay attention to. what Damage Types are they weak to? if you have those Damage Types you'll deal a lot more Damage.
Enemy Stats don't all scale the same, and because of that and some other factors, you'll generally want to focus on targeting the Damage Types their Health or Armor(if applicable) are weak to.

you also don't need Mods like Ammo Drum - you'll gain more by putting a Damage Mod on since the effective Damage you can apply goes up if you make each Shot deal more Damage, and you can easily make each Shot worth a lot more Damage more than you can increase the amount of Shots you can fire.

i'll note that for early Players, Spy Missions(you'll have to play them all a fair amount, as low, mid, and high Level Spy Missions have different Mods) as well as Lv40+ Void Missions & Hive Sabotage all have Status Elementals / 60% Elementals - not only do they open your Weapons up to the capability of applying Status often, they are also significantly more Damage per Mod Point than the full Damage Elementals which is great when you're new and don't have the resources to invest into Weapons to put maximum Damage on stuff.
so obtaining these Mods will also dramatically increase your Damage simply by being able to Equip more of it without having to put a Catalyst or several Forma into every single Weapon (not yet atleast, you'll do that in the future but we make do with what resources we have to begin with).


to save you on your Resources for now before they bloat into giant piles - upgrading generic Damage, Multi-Shot, and Elemental Damage Mods will make the biggest jumps in the Damage all of your Weapons forever in the game will do. so these are good investments that you will be using at all times in the future.

for your Warframes, Ability modifying Mods and generic Survivability Mods (excluding Vigor, which isn't worth the Equip Cost - the Primed version is but don't worry about that for quite some time) will be used just about everywhere.
to get some quick boosts for the effectiveness of your Warframes, Ability Efficiency will go a long, long, long way. 

Edited by taiiat
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I tell everyone new that asks questions about damage this.

Use your endo.
Level up any +elemental damage mods you get.
Level up any +weapon damage mods you get.

Use them in your strongest weapon. Have fun destroying the map. 🙂
It took me until MR9 until I learned well enough that that is where damage comes from. You can be MR0 and do the EXACT SAME DAMAGE and perform EXACTLY the same as a MR26 player if your mods are the same.


Once you get going further into the game to min/max you will want to get other mods and start changing things out but for the map, all you really need is just 60/60, 90, and pressure point/hornet strike/serration/etc. Level them up, throw them onto your weapons. Enjoy.

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3 minutes ago, TheGoldLegion said:

One more thing, about the clan thing. Is it worth joining a clan eventhough I mostly play solo? If so how does one find and join a good clan?

There is loads of content you can only get through a clan dojo. And clanmates can help out a lot with all kinds of farming runs etc. Check Recruiting chat ingame or https://forums.warframe.com/forum/85-recruitment/

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2 hours ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

at the beginning I am showing the builds I was using. This was a free2play account. So I didn't bought a single mod. Just farmed the easy ones from Void Missions or Spy. With these mods I "beat" the star chart.

And like krc said: drop Redirection. It's both bad anyways and also prevents you from using Hunter Adrenaline effectively

I like the build, but where did you get the rejuvenation aura mod from

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Thing I always tell my new players is to focus your Warframe for defense and your weapons for offense early on, it's cheaper and it works. Unfortunately the pictures aren't loading for me, so I don't know what frame you're using.

I'd recommend getting rhino, he's a great solo frame for a lot of things.

However if you don't have him then it's this.

If you're playing Excalibur throw on steel fiber/vitality rank 5 will do fine, then you can add intensify for power strength for your exalted blade ultimate, which can shred the tougher targets quickly like heavy gunners.

For Volt/Mag throw on redirection/vitality r5. For mag do range and power strength for polarize and magnetize combo. For Volt do stretch and continuity for Discharge ultimate is great CC.

Then just focus damage/multishot for your weapons. You can easily handle enemies/content with these builds to keep progressing through your star chart. Also learn enemy weaknesses to elements, using those can boost damage greatly.

I noticed a comment about being an on/off player, but you're gonna need to join a clan or make friends, or you'll have a slow and inefficient grind to get to a good solo point. This will allow you to progress through most everything and you shouldn't run into any trouble until Chains of Harrow, because there are enemies that are pure bullet sponges that you have to kill. 

Or you will need to keep an eye out for recruiting chat, quite often you will have players offering to help with anything because they're bored, so have them help you progress or work towards attaining certain things.

Best of luck to you.

Edited by (XB1)BKRS Veeco
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2 hours ago, (XB1)BKRS Veeco said:

Thing I always tell my new players is to focus your Warframe for defense and your weapons for offense early on, it's cheaper and it works. Unfortunately the pictures aren't loading for me, so I don't know what frame you're using.

I'd recommend getting rhino, he's a great solo frame for a lot of things.

However if you don't have him then it's this.

If you're playing Excalibur throw on steel fiber/vitality rank 5 will do fine, then you can add intensify for power strength for your exalted blade ultimate, which can shred the tougher targets quickly like heavy gunners.

For Volt/Mag throw on redirection/vitality r5. For mag do range and power strength for polarize and magnetize combo. For Volt do stretch and continuity for Discharge ultimate is great CC.

Then just focus damage/multishot for your weapons. You can easily handle enemies/content with these builds to keep progressing through your star chart. Also learn enemy weaknesses to elements, using those can boost damage greatly.

I noticed a comment about being an on/off player, but you're gonna need to join a clan or make friends, or you'll have a slow and inefficient grind to get to a good solo point. This will allow you to progress through most everything and you shouldn't run into any trouble until Chains of Harrow, because there are enemies that are pure bullet sponges that you have to kill. 

Or you will need to keep an eye out for recruiting chat, quite often you will have players offering to help with anything because they're bored, so have them help you progress or work towards attaining certain things.

Best of luck to you.

Thanks for the suggestions. Here's an updated link to the album:



And my updated Boltor:


Edited by TheGoldLegion
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I do see that a lot of the weapons are simply max-rank but not forma,
it is not uncommon you will need 2 - 3 forma to cramp in all the mods especially at max rank.

Also, I do not see proper multishot setup, which might be why you are having inconsistency in damage output.

Here are the list of mods that are not too ridiculous expensive to trade for or farm for, 
but are more of a staple for getting your modding significantly better.






Also, Lex is high base crit, it might be better instead of concussion rounds (Lex is main puncture distribution mean adding impact will boost very little)
Modding it for crit + multishot will increase chance of hitting a crit.



For the excalibur consider efficiency mod + flow, this will mean you can spam ability more often, 



Do note that max efficiency cap at 175%, so you will only need +75% efficiency,
30% from streamline + 45% from fleeting.
meaning unmaxed fleeting is what usually advised since it does not reduce as much ability duration

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