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Shields are underpowered - Buff?


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7 minutes ago, Ekemeister said:

Okay. I'm going to keep this simple. 

The buff to shields has already dropped. You're looking for the mod called: ADAPTATION. 

dmg reduction stacks also proc when shields take a hit. 

Shields fade behind health because of a couple reasons: 

1: Health has a higher EHP value (mentioned ad nauseum) 

2: Health now has ways for players to control its regen (various frame abilities, life strike, magus elevate / nourish / repair, equilibrium, healing return, et cetera)

3.0: Health Damage Gives bonus energy (Rage / Hunter Adrenaline). 

3.1: Energy can be used as backup health (Gladiator Finesse & Quick Thinking) 

I'm keen on the idea of mods affecting the behavior of shields.

Modding for Hard shields or a dmg reduction cloak sounds awesome. Armor affecting shields would affect the meta. 

"Thermokinetic capacitors" (shield damage gifting energy) would be a needed analogue for Rage / Hunter Adrenaline.

I definitely second the prior / above motions.  

Actually most of that sounds decent with the mods affecting shields though i think just adding the health mods for shields isnt enough they'd need more damage dealing values perhaps keep health mods to health mods and have shield mods do damage etc sure they go down but not without taking a few enemies with it

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15 minutes ago, Muzure said:

i have no idea in which level range you play, that shields are not instantaneous down
i think thats already in sorties the thing
you could argue, that the starchart will become to easy then (lets pretend status is a thing then), but then make the ressistance a 3rd Potato you can only get through sorties (as a replace for endo and ayatan, lol)

I play lots of level ranges and again i explained i have a tanky shield build try reading it


Oh my bad just understood what you meant and i think leaving it as a passive thing as opposed to a potato effect but having the resistance as opposed to immunity since all the work for immunity to physical status effects isn't worth it

Edited by (XB1)Darthgollum 01
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Gerade eben schrieb (XB1)Darthgollum 01:

I play lots of level ranges and again i explained i have a tanky shield build try reading it


Aren't the sorties supposed to be difficult anyway...

the only thing difficult in sorties is spy on uranus with randoms
besides that, sorties are the same as usual missions with a few levels above

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Lv 80-100 enemies and the random buffs and debuffs aren't difficult? I can't solo them with my stuffs though i rarely try em it starts as just a few levels above yeah but very quickly gets a lot worse plus the random effects such as additional resistances and damage etc i believe they stack to the end of the sortie (not too sure) 

2 minutes ago, Muzure said:

the only thing difficult in sorties is spy on uranus with randoms
besides that, sorties are the same as usual missions with a few levels above


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Gerade eben schrieb (XB1)Darthgollum 01:

Lv 80-100 enemies and the random buffs and debuffs aren't difficult? I can't solo them with my stuffs though i rarely try em it starts as just a few levels above yeah but very quickly gets a lot worse plus the random effects such as additional resistances and damage etc i believe they stack to the end of the sortie (not too sure) 


the shield buff i want goes on both sides, tenno and corpus
you think the game is already "easy enough" so dont need a buff, but you cant hande sorties? you said you are doing a wide range of levels..... do you even know what that means? ._.

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I understand that people can solo them with super tanky meta builds but i intentionally avoid the meta and make my own crazy little builds some are broken some are awful my point being i can't solo them with my stuff so why would I want to run em for a single frame to get resistance/immunity to physical status effects 

(i usually go with randoms for the additional firepower and revives (not for the meta stuff))

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2 minutes ago, Muzure said:

the shield buff i want goes on both sides, tenno and corpus
you think the game is already "easy enough" so dont need a buff, but you cant hande sorties? you said you are doing a wide range of levels..... do you even know what that means? ._.

I can handle them just not solo because i actively avoid meta builds and for everything else the game is completely plausible 

How would the 3rd potato work then one single frame gets enemies that are immune to physical status and the rest of the team Magically gets their own set of enemies to deal with? 

I've taken the entire system and play whatever mission i want to for as long as i want to 

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people are soloing sorties, profit taker, and even eidolons (plural), people go up to 1 or 2 hours in missions... you dont need a super meta op build to achive this (for the long runs, yes, maybe)
as soon as you know what you are doing, and you got your mods its pretty much open end
there is potential and utility in the game left DE just doesnt uses
i am not talking for ppl who play under 100h (at least not now, but those players will come there, where i am.....and even you will think the same....)
i myself am 2.2k h in mission and 4k h according to steam
and i know that some frames just draw the short straw, and balancing out the shields would fix many of the problems

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11 minutes ago, Muzure said:

the shield buff i want goes on both sides, tenno and corpus
you think the game is already "easy enough" so dont need a buff, but you cant hande sorties? you said you are doing a wide range of levels..... do you even know what that means? ._.

Anyone can copy a build and use it to beat the game but i just get bored doing that so forgive me for not using saryn or Mesa to destroy everything

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Adaptation does make my Mag considerably tankier... to a point. Past level 150 its back to being one shot again because adaptation has to build up to the damage reduction cap and if you take a big shot at a resist not being currently covered you just die anyways.

My take on it should be that shields innately always regenerate even if you are taking fire... but it does so only at half rate until the recharge delay for being out of combat goes through. And then beyond that instead of shield gating you instead get shield "surges" that regenerate over time. Taking a hit bigger than 10% total shields while you have a shield surge stored reduces the incoming damage by a percentage against the shields for the next 2 seconds. Fast Deflection would increase the rate at which you recover shield surges. Fortitude increases the damage reduction granted by the shield surge.

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And this thread reached it's inevitable discussion point about levels and viability. So I'll drop in my 10 cents. 

Not a single design decision DE makes about the game should take into account ANYTHING above standard solar map missions. Meaning as soon as enemies go above level 40-50, you are on your own. 

Lets be fair here. MOST of that "super high tier gameplay" revolves around (ab)using mechanics and features that specifically negate the effects of such high level ranges. And we can only go that far because some bright sparks figured out how to push the game far beyond it's intended parameters. And DE is left in the unenviable and quite frankly thankless position of having to find ways to provide "challenge" to the end-tier crowd without them crying foul and accusing DE of being "anti-fun" because they actually tried to provide some challenge by looking what the players are doing and how to counter that while still seeming fair. 

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On 2018-12-22 at 6:28 AM, Muzure said:

I think everyone knows that. I think it would make sense to buff shields just a little bit

for example

as long as you got at least 1 shield point, you wont get physical procs - corpus would get tankier and players wouldnt build for grineer only

(they are always tankier than corpus, in any way, even if you build for them, corrosive will over strip and does less dmg then, or you build a viral/slash which even then corpus are more fragile.)


-armor and shield would be kinda even

-magnetism element wont be a waste anymore

-slash would get nerfed

-frames like mag or hydroid would get tankier (shield mods are no longer garbo)

-the impact proc will get buffed (because it wont appear that often anymore, lol, impact vacuums posterior)


i would love to see this, even as an event for a weekend as a test, thats just an idea

just to take the fear from overpowered buffs, which some ppl tend to have

thank you for reading, merry christmas

I don’t know why DE abandoned this idea but Shield gating used to be in development with the release of Harrow. It was supposed to be coming with Damage 3.0 but they scrapped the idea so it was considered before. Basically, shield gating worked kinda like your idea but much more simpler. As long as you have 1 point of shield, any damage you take would be completely negated. Many were anticipating this change but I guess it wasn’t meant to be or it was just very difficult to implement. 

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vor 15 Minuten schrieb (PS4)godlysparta:

I don’t know why DE abandoned this idea but Shield gating used to be in development with the release of Harrow. It was supposed to be coming with Damage 3.0 but they scrapped the idea so it was considered before. Basically, shield gating worked kinda like your idea but much more simpler. As long as you have 1 point of shield, any damage you take would be completely negated. Many were anticipating this change but I guess it wasn’t meant to be or it was just very difficult to implement. 

i wonder if they droped the idea, just because it was to much work
i hear all the time that the invulnerability would be overkill, but i wonder why- now that rolling guard is is ingame....
copy and paste that, with the same CD
the only difference. is that you wont get supprise 1shot, which i think no one is a big fan of
and at least I dont see 1shots as a difficulty you can overcome...

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8 hours ago, German said:

I was thinking about adding a new stat: shield strength. Basicly armor (so damage reduction) but for shield, since right now shield isn't affected by armor. Obviously balancing needed.

That's properly the simplest solution, while keeping the other stats and mods as it is.

Shields should have priority as it's a cover OVER actual armor. it's sole purpose is to block damaging the armor. Much like oil to prevent rust.

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Am 22.12.2018 um 15:28 schrieb Muzure:

I think everyone knows that. I think it would make sense to buff shields just a little bit

for example

as long as you got at least 1 shield point, you wont get physical procs - corpus would get tankier and players wouldnt build for grineer only

I like the idea, but "at least 1 shield point" sounds a bit to good for me. Perhaps something less reliable like shields granting physical proc immunity equal to their remaining percentage (Shields at 900 of 1200 ? A remaining 75% immunity). Overshield would count as 100%. This way losing shields is risky, yet, having higher shields is better than lower ones (after 300 DMG: compare 900/1200 (75% immunity) with 100/400 (25% immunity).


Just my two cents, giving shields a buff would be nice.

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