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Social Anxieties


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I see many people having difficulties to communicate.


"Cheating" and bypassing the difficulty by more secured ways sometimes work for them.

I know people that change and became able to speak to others after using the internet media or the tabletop RPG's.

Because they can "train" to interact with others not excessively exposing themself.

A avatar or a player character can be a good tool because this give the posssibility to do things that are perceived like dangerous or difficulty by a person.

"It's not me it's my character that take the risk."

But the experience acquired with this tools can serve the "real" social interaction when these persons were ready.


But keep in mind using these masks to evolve not to imprison yourself behind them.


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17 hours ago, Kiheiji said:

... Hey... I... don't talk much to others in M.M.O.s that much. I tend to avoid clans, clubs, or other gatherings. I have so. for years. That being said I wish to apologize to everyone I've played with over the past thirty days, I was the one who didn't talk back in the chat box and left as soon as the mission was over. I'm sorry. 

I want to change. Not just so I can talk about the cool abilities or the way this game makes you feel, no. I... just want to be able to talk about random things, not just the game... to anyone. But as I stand there in the Orbiter stareing out at the vast expance of space I feel... alone. Ya'know? 

I do this irl too... right now I'm escaping into a game to avoid talking to anyone, and even then I don't talk there either! 

I know what's wrong with me, I know I have insecurities and that it's effecting me socially. I don't even know why I'm making this post... 

Maybe... maybe... I'm just trying to reach out...

No need to apologize to anyone.
99% of players leave groups when the mission is over with without saying a word.

Hell, I can count the number of times I see actual Group chat in the chat box on 1 hand (And I've been playing daily for over 2 years now.).

As for battling your Anxiety. I suffer from Severe Social Anxiety too.

Take Baby-Steps. Also take your time. Use Thought-Catching. & try (easier said than done I know) to not beat yourself up when you run away/run off or bail on people.
Also, be content with your personal time. It takes quite a while to get use to having others around. Pace yourself.

If you over do it you'll end up overwhelming yourself.
Believe it or not. Trading in this game s a good way to start.
90% of trades have very minimal social interaction.

Trader says: WTS Mesa Prime for 170p  (You want Mesa so...)
Step 1: Send Message to that player.
It doesn't need to be big. Just a simple: "Hello. I'll buy Mesa for 175p."
Step 2: They will reply with either: "Sorry already have a buyer.", "Sure. Invite me." or "I'll invite."
Step 3: Meet them and perform the trade.
Step 4: Say "Thank You" then return to orbiter.

Yes, its small. But as you trade more, you'll feel that barrier come down. You'll be a lot less afraid of small talk.
That comfort will slowly expand & you may find yourself talking to folks more often about bigger things.

That's what helped me overcome the majority of my anxiety in game.

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im in your boat OP sorta i've been working on it granted this is from a introverts point of view so idk how well it applies to you but here is what i do

  1. if you have any friends even one works to play with do so that helps ease some anxiety as you can use then as a balance kinda like the one person you know at a party kinda deal it lessens the stress of the situation to have someone familiar 
  2. if not well don't stress remember your all playing a game you have a common interest in start with a simple hello maybe ask hows everyone doing small talk topics that keeps talking points broad you be surprised how talkative some shy people are when you get them going on a topic they like
  3. don't force yourself too much it will become a mental chore and you only shove yourself to avoid it more this isnt something you can force if you find your self mentally drained take a break next mission and relax
  4. This game has voice chat bear that in mind or you will get scared out of your socks if someone actually uses it though ive used it its pretty decent
  5. Try to have fun situations become less stress-full if your having fun while doing it like listening to music to make chores feel easier or go faster 

Hope this helps at-least abit :thumbup:

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  • 1 month later...

I am the very same. I cannot interact with people in real life due to my mental illnesses, so I resort in videogames and be social without seeing the peoples eyes. I quit back in 2015 to pursue Trophy Hunting (PS4). A month ago I joined Warframe again after building my first PC and went into a hard grind. In so many lobbies I start a conversation or something during a Defense or Survival and at the end with the whole "gg" and sometimes I comment on peoples fashion as well asking about their warframe abilites (Which i know since I played Warframe on console). Some people actually talked back to me and it felt good. It felt really good.. Until the end of the mission then they leave ASAP. I finished most of the starchart in two days(i think) all by myself with no taxis and people occasionally are in the game. I finished most of Warframe story(Chimera) eidolons,Sanctuary and so many stuff in less than a month do I can catch up with people and make friends.. so far nothing. I went to YT to see how it is and saw it all(from big Youtubers to small time YT)  Towards the end of the videos I told myself, "I want to have friends like these, play with them sorties\eidolon hunting and laugh at stupid mistakes, and I want to be them to come to my ship at the of day and chat about lore and other stuff". It hurts when you see both IRL people and online people ignore you or judge you. Even with a mask on i cannot make friends.

Edited by SkeithCXIV
edited the text so people can read properly
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Good thing to do is ask people how yesterday was that you see at work. Guys gals all good. 


Theyll go yesterday? And you’ll go ya yesterday you do anything interesting watch anything on Netflix? 

Gets a little meat and great going. You won’t have to talk about you and you seem a little less like a cereal killer 😄

It works I use to shake around people now I’m open and happy. 

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I never want to see that again...
That is quite literally one of the worst things a stranger can do when someone has Social Anxiety.
The very daydream/imagining of that happening to me on a mission makes my heart stop beating.

Realized you were commenting on another post.
Uh! Shame on you @(XB1)Opiate42!

Edited by (PS4)Zero_029
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Like really, who cares if you talk in WF or not? I think people are overreacting. If you just do pubs and leave, surprise surprise, there is completely nothing wrong with you at all!

If you have RL social anxiety ofc that is a separate problem to fix. It may not even be social anxiety, just a dislike of people in general.

Personally, unless someone's IGN is the name of an anime girl of good taste or related to anime, it is unlikely for me to talk to them. Mainly because I like to call people's "waifu" trash and talk crap about anime.

Doesn't mean when I don't talk I am an anxiety ridden person.

Not all humans are extroverted individuals. There is no necessity to force integration with others as long as it is not a life critical circumstance. An introvert pretending to be an extrovert is going to crash and burn. 

Warframe is just a game after all.

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Welp its story time.Im glad i can tell it here actually. i usually don't make lasting friendships with others nor really like people that much  but when i was in the region chat, I have actually found the best person i've ever met in my life. Reaching out to help her find clarity and good in her life and being that someone for her to lean on when no one else would was the best decision that i've ever made in my life for me.So my advice is to try to find someone that actually needs help and help them. It could change your life for the better and break your anxiety more like it did for my anxiety     

Edited by (NSW)jja209
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On 2019-01-10 at 2:13 PM, Kiheiji said:

... Hey... I... don't talk much to others in M.M.O.s that much. I tend to avoid clans, clubs, or other gatherings. I have so. for years. That being said I wish to apologize to everyone I've played with over the past thirty days, I was the one who didn't talk back in the chat box and left as soon as the mission was over. I'm sorry. 

I want to change. Not just so I can talk about the cool abilities or the way this game makes you feel, no. I... just want to be able to talk about random things, not just the game... to anyone. But as I stand there in the Orbiter stareing out at the vast expance of space I feel... alone. Ya'know? 

I do this irl too... right now I'm escaping into a game to avoid talking to anyone, and even then I don't talk there either! 

I know what's wrong with me, I know I have insecurities and that it's effecting me socially. I don't even know why I'm making this post... 

Maybe... maybe... I'm just trying to reach out...

Well this isn't a bad place to do that. There's a fair few friendly folks who will happily chat about pretty much anything game-related (and lots of stuff that isn't).

You need any help with your gameplay, just pop a question into the "Players helping Players" section and you'll likely get a response in just a few minutes.


Anyway, you're not alone...we all lift together, remember? :wink:


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I am offering a hand if you want, I know what you are dealing with, my entire discord is like that, so if you want I can give you an invite to the clan and also the discord, if you want to join feel free, just message me on the forums (username UniversalPixle)

You have taken a big step already, good job man!

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