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Dojo Decoration System 2.0


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@(PS4)Deadwood_Lane told me to come here to add my idea with the thread.

So me and my friend are just decorating our dojo and we went to the trophy room we had a amazing thought that be a great decoration! DE You have the mannequin that looks like our player warframe, my question is can we please get a decoration mannequin so we can place them in the dojos for a more personal touch to the place?? What do you all think? I'd love to hear everyone else's opinion on this!

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Ressource donation tracking system: Your explanation is unclear but it makes me think about:

On skyforge, there is a donation ranking system for the clan, helping the staff to track the resources' donations from clan members. I think having a similar system would be helpful. this system allow players to sort clan members according different criteria, such as resources donations, credit donation, etc.
An other option would be to add chart tracking donation according to the time (cumulative donation, donation per month, etc)
A simpler system would be to add a ressources and/or credit taxation system, which would put all members on an equal footing. The taxation would be definable by the warlord. To compensate for the tax, it could be interesting to add a passive system (+x% ressource, +x% credit, +x% drop chance, etc) unlockable according to the clan level and against resources and credits.

What do you think about it?

Ascension Altar: It seems like something the dev's add because they had project then they abandon this project.

Reward system: Having a reward system integrated into the clan, could be effectively a good idea to give more interest to the clan system, helping to create events. I would like to have more discussion about it, to better define its integration.

MOTD: MOTD? Message of the day? I don't use this option

More Clan Rank: the clan rank are connected to research, so it will come the same way than warframe rank, by adding new research to the game. According to me, events and research requesting clan farming sessions to be completed, give more the feeling to be part of a community. I see more the ascension event as a bonus.

Customable activity room: don't get me started on this subject, or we're not out of the woods yet. I could be talking about public course room with ranking and event system, with DE selection, etc. or I could be talking about dueling room with customable environment, customable restriction (ex ember only + no weapons + infinite energy) and customable script. or I could be talking about customable skatepark or archwing racing. What ever...

We can talk about it, it's just that it's going to be a very long discussion

It's like, I still don't understand why DE dont add a skatepark in fortuna to allow player to do their daily reputation together, creating a meeting and socialization point.


Old room: I delete those one for these reasons, I was more talking about the lab.


More decoration capacity: the FX decoration are power hungry and a lot of pc players are already struggling because their configuration is not powerful enough. Besides, I'd also be careful with consoles.

@(XB1)ZenithLord 42

What do you mean? we're in writing, so we don't have the intonation for insinuations. was that declarative, ironic or sarcastic?


Mannequin Decoration: check in "More Decoration" > "Articula Statue". I think it's pretty similar to your suggestion 🙂

do not hesitate to suggest other ideas

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I am trying to get more people to add their ideas in the thread. 🙂

I got one more idea.
I would like to be able to mirror add stuff in the dojo in a room, lets say you build a stair on the left side, I would like to be able to mirror that or at least be able to duplicate that side. At least we now have the possiblity to duplicate objects atm but i would like to be able to duplicate sections or maybe be able to mirror a selection... 

Edited by (PS4)Deadwood_Lane
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27 minutes ago, Redgard said:

@(PS4)Deadwood_Lane the mirroring decoration placement is a good idea, I will add it to the list later. i'm busy now.

What about the others ideas? donation tracking system? Taxation? etc

Ah yea sry I was still thinking about it.
Taxation might be a problem imo, if anything is forced you might have members that rather leave and such and maybe end up with their own clan instead. I was trying in my clan before to promote donations as activities instead of making them forced by tax or similar, in the end it becomes interesting for some members if there's a lot of buzz surrounding something and hopefully some of them join and contribute. At the other hand you will always have more silent inactive members who maybe just wanna do their thing and such. Taxation might break that and will be only an advantage for those who play much...

Chart tracking donation might be the right way imo. any easy way to see what donations made recently or since last time and how much donated.

Message of the day or week should be added though if you ask me, it is very limited as it is. Maybe we could add an information board or something in the main hall. A long message board or similar if you will. As a  founder as i was back then it was a problem giving information to everyone if MOTD was used for something else at time by other warlords...

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@Redgard I like the Skatepark idea in Fortuna, it would be awesome. They could replace it instead of vent kids, vent kids doesnt make any sense imo, where do they fit into the lore? Or lol maybe im picky. 😄

Maybe we need events then instead of more clan rank?  Maybe you could get a quota of Endo as a founder to give out the way you see fit? And use Ascension Altar for it?

I have seen some suggestions made by Veterans that the dojo should be made as a starting point in the game instead of the orbiter, I think that could be a good idea. since we are Tenno maybe it should revolve more around the dojo. hehe last I check we were space ninjas and not orbiter people. 😄

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Le 14/01/2019 à 20:50, Redgard a dit :

Room decoration layout: I'm not very interested, but it's a good idea. I will add it to the list

Woops, slipped my eyes ^^'

As for the placement of decoration in front of doors, you can't build over a console (but I think you can't build around things you can interact with, drums, bells & the Ludoplex have the same issue which makes realisations like the arcade room by Raw Steel very challenging), why not (but then I would appreciate the ability to move said console).
But you can't build over doors, period. Which means that is you want to block a dead end, it takes a lot more space than it should.

As for the Loki being replaceable & the kennels and all, I'm aware of that, but It's not a bad thing to remind them that's something we want ^^

Also, another suggestion (I don't know if it is technically possible, but why not): the ability to merge a succession of corridors.
As of now, regardless of the theoretical dojo space provided by generators, you are limited to 110 rooms or so, and a tiny connector is worth as much as an asciension hall in this equation. 
Could we have the ability to merge a succession of corridors as one room to save some room number?

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Taxation system: that's why I propose a passive bonus system to compensate (> +2% - 1% = +1%). then it's the warlord's job to intelligently set his tax level to find a compromise.

the clan's function is to bring players to play together and help each other. A person who is only there to take without giving of himself, I don't call him a member of the clan. After that, as usual, there will be plenty of clan types, ranging from factory clans to family clans.

The current true main problem is the absence of a clan list, such as a list with a search engine and a sorting system. As admin of community support, have got many complains about the difficulty to find a good clan. DE should add this clan list system, make some tweaks to valorize old, stable and active clans and add features to push people to play together.

chart tracking donation: chart are really powerful to summarize some situation, formatting their data.

Dojo as a starting point: It would need to rework the dojo, and it will not necessarily be efficient. You can already launch mission from the dojo observatory and from relay but nobody do it because it's boring and don't have any interest to stay in relay and dojo.

MOTD: the way it appears in the chat make nobody see it, so yeah it should be reworked. Adding an option to synchronize a text panel with the MOTD could be a way to partially solve the problem, but we need more to really solve it.

Fortuna Skatepark: the skate culture was a way of emancipation for certain generation in the past. I think they use that as a reference, vent's kids being orphans living in an oppressive social environment. the skatepark could be in an old disused cave. This subject is for another topic (Fix Fortuna 1.0?). Now I prefer to stay focus on the dojo rewonk.

Dojo place: you can decorate your dojo to give the impression, it is on earth or another planet. It's just a question of skin. The fact that it is indicated in space on the stellar map is more for a practical aspect.What we can ask is to ask for the possibility to change the sky box.


Changing color room from the console: We could change the color room from the console or from the decoration interface. having to place a decoration to be able to change the color room is a bit useless. I think it was to allow people without the architect rank to preview the color and be able to contribute. But the console room could be used to do the job.

Copy the color layout of a room: It gives me the idea to be able to copy the color layout of a room to paste it on another room



Building over a console: Yeah, it blocks me when i tried to do a orokin room. it's really boring. I will add it to the list.

Building around interactive decoration: Didn't really tried, I should make more test to properly figure it out.

Moving the console: could be an idea, it depends how the console are made.

Door preventing building: I personally meet the problem when i decorated the custom course room.

Merging corridor: I think it can be something difficult to do. The best way could be to increase the room limitation then give to each room a score according to their size.

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Added to the list:

  • Mirroring decoration placement
  • MOTD Synchronization to a text panel
  • Interactive decoration preventing placement of other decoration
  • movable console
  • Changeable skybox
  • Color layout
  • Room color adjustment from the room console
Still under discussion:
  • Merging corridor
  • Customable activity room
  • Resource donation tracking system/ Taxation system + passive clan bonus
  • Toggle on/off the room artifact coloration
  • integrated reward system

Idea for other posts/discussion feeds

  • A skatepark for fortuna in an old abandoned mine
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Currently remodeling my dojo and I would really appreciate an update for it as it seems highly outdated and a mess when it comes to constructing/moving, etc.

I feel like asking for more content for the dojo is a bit too much as organization should be prioritized or perhaps the simple things like immediate deconstruction of empty rooms. 


Some suggestions i think were not mentioned. 

  • Elevators, up AND down? I believe they only go up at the moment.
  • Text signs, im not sure if the current ones can have large text for visitors or something. Having something similar but also displays research contribution priorities or something would be nice. E.G. [Help Fund Our Research!] Arching Harness: Rubedo 600/9000
  • Smaller/Larger clan hall variants. As a ghost clan its really odd to have lots of large empty clan halls. Having one large clan hall would be better than 3 smaller ones due to prerequisite build requirements. The halls are so big, they could literally have the labs IN THEM, or even the dueling rooms. 

As for loligagging in the dojo here are some of my suggestions which were not mentioned or suggestions to the ones that were.

  • Kennel: Thats cool but what if we had a section were pets could fight each other? (pokemon yeah! totally not abuse) Or sentinel battles, operator only battles. Gear level is always a problem so I feel like equalization settings should be added E.g. Have both opponents have the same shield and HP, maybe even weapons for 1v1's, swords only, etc.
  • Obstacle courses: Rearranging the current obstacle course as i believe is already mentioned, but also courses not just for the fortuna board but also archwing perhaps?
  • Direct Courses: Shooting ranges, tanning dummies, even an arcade survival mode or boss practice would be interesting. 

These are just my random thoughts and suggestions, feel free to steal em :lotus:

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Toss my ideas in too.

Glass ceilings and Windows to go with skyboxes. Glass hallways and elevators too. If you've set your skybox to Saturn I'd want to look out the window.

Npcs? I know it's a long shot but. Even if they had a static location like in relays. It would make your space feel more populated. Then maybe attach one to syndicate standing. Or a trader. These guys would be somthing you'd have to be top rank for, But the non interactive guys could come from dojo specific rescue missions. 

The option to have no lights on should be free. Also the the ability to change the brightness.

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Elevator direction: there is an option allowing the player to rotate the rooms, this option allow the player to change the direction of the elevator. it's normal you didn't see it, it's a small button corner of the rendering screen. They should rework the interface to make it more clear. I will add it to the list (HUD unclear

Text panel: it's already in the list, with the idea to synchronize the MOTD, but add more options to broadcast information in live, such as research progress, is a good idea. I will add it to the list (live broadcasting of information

Adaptive Clan Hall: I don't like the idea. for me, it means multiplying the work done (money, time and people mobilized) for the same result. If you don't like some rooms just put them on a floor where no one goes with the reactors, and keep the wanted rooms on the same floor. In addition, it means some room model could be less used than other, meaning you invested resources for something not used/ useless.

Pet battle: could be add to the customable activity room.

Customable activity room: it's currently under discussion.


Glass ceiling and windows: I will add it to the idea "Room Skin".

NPCS: could be interesting to have a more lively dojo. They could be add as decoration linked to a room.

Light Switch: it's a good idea, i will add it (Light Switch).

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-1000% agree with them needing to give us the ability to rearrange dojo rooms, if they cant figure out how then  REMOVE build/remove time delays.  They can even do it like once or twice a year for a month only.   

-There are several dojo rooms that are super tall now and can not be built if you have rooms above them on a floor above.   Elevators need to go up and down alot further to accomodate huge rooms.  

-Its great that we can choose which clan hall we want as our warp in point.   But I would love a place-able spawn point where the game would force people to appear in that room.  (instead of randomly wherever like now lol).   Im sure people would put this to very creative uses also.


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Good idea. Setting the spawn point.

Going back to the skyboxes. (Coolest idea) could it be a location that your changing? So you could have your dojo set in any planet orbit, or on the surface of mars, earth, venus...ect 

Dojo missions, I think it might have been brought up before but here's my take. Really it's a set of dailys that get run from the observatory. They are all non endless missions (spy, rescue, exterminate, sabotage) Whatever you earn in mission goes into the dojo. The rescue missions will add 1 decoration of the static npcs. Each mission should have somthing cool to earn for dojos. Like a moveable statue, large sculptures, tortion beam device for funzies.


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Taller Elevator: good idea, i will add to the list

the ability to place the room spawn point: they could add some kind of transparent decoration, to do so. I will add it to the list


Choosing the orbit dojo: it is showed on the map like this for convenience. It's feel more like something which could create more problem than solve it.

Dojo missions: The idea is too raw, I don't see any interest in this idea.


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Some issues/ideias I got  
- the fact that we can't choose the main statue on temple of honor and can only have loki in there even though we can see (when we choose to build the room) an excalibur as the main statue
- We are limited to 100 rooms in the dojo (room capacity is a thing but it does not matter once you build every clan hall). My main issue is the fact that a hallway (cross conectons,straight, t-conections,etc...) counts as one room just like a bigger garden, even though those gardens are bigger and have much more decor capacity. Meaning if you wana have a dojo for decoration, building hallways is a waste of a room. Which leads to layouts made with connectors for a cooler or more sensible map layout to be sacrificed, in turn dojos are just made as an aglomerate of gardens, halls and labs.
It's a minor thing and won't affect most, but it does bother me how even a small straight hallway counts takes as much capacity as having a large garden.
- Can't save diferent obstacle course layouts in 1 course. Meaning we have to build multiple. It really limits the obstacle course use and creativity.
- No way to create a dojo layout/ rearrange rooms or to queue room destruction/building without having to wait for rooms to be done. 
Im currently recreating my dojo, which means I had to destroy a total of 93 rooms (due to wanting to switch from hallways to gardens for extra decor spaces) it's gona take me over 2 days to complete the destruction and weeks to finish the reconstruction. It's normal for people to not get their original layout as they want it to be, you should not punish them so hard for wanting to make a change.
- Oracle room provides no purpose aside from being a time wall making us have to wait for it, so then we can finally build our labs
Remove it or repurpose it for something else
- Remove the non acessable research from orokin lab, you can remove all the affinity it gives and put it on some weapons you add on a future update. Remove it while giving some weapons to basicaly trade clan mr for it, shouldn't create much issue. You can even have it so, that clans with the orokin research done will get the new research already done as compensation while other clans will have to gather resources for it.
That research may never be used again, so what's the point of being there.
- Give us a clear list of what gives the clan mastery, not just research but what type of dojo objects we have to build to get more mastery. Our clan had a bug, in which we had less 30k mastery then should due probably to a bug when we rebuilt some dojo rooms.
- Platinum to rush a decoration object as a moon clan is 750 to 1500 plat, for just ONE object. I understand we got more people, but you really expect us to spend that kind of plat on just 1 object? Even the latest dojo contest only awards 5 000 plat to a moon clan, the same for every tier, even though plat in dojo is only used to rush objects. Meaning that while a ghost clan can fully decorate a room and rush it all with the plat and still have some left and moon clan would only be able to rush a few decorations. Either there is something wrong  with the plat rushing multiplication or moon clans should be geting a 500 000 plat reward from the contest.
- K-drive obstacle/track room - specially with that mini-game the devstream talked about (kinda like mario-kart?) being able to build your own tracks for k-drive racing would be cool.
- Floof capacity - a floof costs 20 capacity yet things like plants, caged animals or big resource decor cost 5. Even those small resources decor cost only 1 and they are about the same size as a floof !

Edited by ---RV---Maniac
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  • Being able to change the loki statue in the temple: already suggested
  • Decoration capacity according to the size of the room: good idea.
  • Unability to save several course layout in one room: I think it's to keep it simple. If you observe, you can see that you can cross the gates, in any order you want. having several layout would create conflict. To fix this problem, we should be able to attribute a double ID to each gates (ID course, ID gates) to create a classification.
  • the Oracle room is useless: true, i will add it to the list.
  • Remove the non accessible research from orokin lab: because it costs times and money and they prefer to spend this time to develop new content. In addition, if one day they find a way to re-purpose it, it will need less work to re-use it than to re-implement it.
  • Complete the clan list giving mastery rank: good idea
  • Fix platinum price to rush decoration/room: good idea
  • K-drive obstacle/track room: already under discussion with Customable activity room
  • Floof capacity: I didn't understand what you mean
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@(PS4)Deadwood_Lane Feel free to propose a way to sort the list. What do you mean for the tax conversation?


Added to the list:

  • HUD unclear
  • Add to "text panel" more idea, such as the possibilities to broadcast information in live, such as research progress, etc.
  • Pet battle add to the customable activity room
  • Glass ceiling and windows add to Skin room
  • Taller Elevator
  • Placeable room spawn point
  • Decoration capacity according to the size of the room
  • Several course layout per room
Still under discussion:
  • Merging corridor
  • Customable activity room
  • Resource donation tracking system/ Taxation system + passive clan bonus
  • Toggle on/off the room artifact coloration
  • integrated reward system
  • Dojo missions

Idea for other posts/discussion feeds

  • A skatepark for fortuna in an old abandoned mine


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