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Update 10: Hype-Merge-Mega-Thread.


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I'm watching anime. For the first time ever. It's weird.


Stop while you can. Once I started, I couldn't stop. For years. It's a deep, deep hole that you can never ever climb out of. And that hole leads to a labyrinth of caverns that will lead you going on for days, and you might even come back to the same cavern once or twice and not even realize it. Don't do it man. Just don't. Save yourself.

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Well, armor is getting rebalanced. The chances of certain enemies being invincible/insanely tanky/extremely squishy and so on is pretty high. Also, Golem will probably be completely broken :P


Some of the new mods will probably be broken, maybe even for quite a while since it'll take a while till community collects them. I hope they can avoid drop rate bugs, but I wouldn't count on it either.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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OK seriously if you actually managed to time the countdown to match the release I'm gonna be something... confused merged with &!$$ed merged with laughter i guess.

Or perhaps he's smart and managed to make the correct prediction based on history or a dev simply whispered it to him because he asked so nicely.

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"Armor 2.0


The Armor 2.0 / damage system is taking longer than expected and will not be in day 1 of Update 10. Know that we have not stopped working on it, it just simply isn’t ready for Update 10."


There goes all my interest in update 10.


This would've probably been a gamechanger, as most powers and some weapons scale horrible with enemy armor - something you wouldn't expect in an open Beta after 10 updates.


Hopefully the content-dump will be enough to make you guys happy, because I'm tired of seeing gameplay changes foregone to add more layers of grinding.

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