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How can Vazarin be improved


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The Vazarin focus school is currently the only school I have full unlocked and I love using it. However, based on my own experience and what I have heard from other members of the community, it is the least applicable focus school in Warframe. Therefore I thought I'd share with you guys how I think Vazarin could be improved to make it a more applicable choice in the game whilst maintaining its status and the supporting school.

Void Aegis - Enemies cannot pass through the shield.

This would mean that as the shield grows, nearby enemies (up to a certain size of enemy and collision with objects) are pushed away from the operator. This would make Void Aegis useful for defending allies and objectives and once you are out of charges for Mending soul, whilst you're reviving an ally, the enemy(s) that harmed them are pushed away.

Sonic Dash - Enemies that are stunned by the shockwave take more damage from Void Blast.

Vazarin is the only school that has no buff to damage dealing in any manner (excluding Sonic Dash opening enemies to finishers) and this is one of the reasons why Vazarin isn't viewed to be as useful as the other schools. Therefore I think that by making Sonic Dash's stunned enemies take more damage by Void Blast, Vazarin Operators will get the much needed boost to usefulness when attacking enemies, both in solo and in cooperative.

Guardian Shell - Enemy bullets and projectiles such as rockets and Eidolon homing projectiles are attracted to the shield (from a certain range).

The Guardian Shell shield is to small to effectively protect the operator even when maxed out with damage absorption. It is also no good for protecting your allies unless all your enemies are conveniently in a tight corridor. However, that could all change if enemy bullets and projectiles are attracted to the shield. This would mean you can defend your allies from loads of damage when either the enemies start to hit too hard or your allies have other things to focus on such as Eidolon hunting. The bullet and projectile attraction would already be balanced by the energy drain per damage number.

I believe the other nodes in the Vazarin school tree are good as is and if the changes I've described above are implemented, I also believe that the Vazarin Operators will be as much a viable option in any mission as their four counterparts. If you have any ideas on how to improve this or any other Focus school please share in a reply and also let me know what you think about my suggestions.

Edited by (PS4)dylan2911
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I allways though vazarin was the best focus school.

But hey! i only tried naramon zenurik and vazarin, so i can't tell for the other 2. (probably not better) ((There might be the case where you fighting lvl 300+ enemy where madurai would be a better pick))

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Vazarin has, arguably, two of the most useful waybound passives of all the Focus Schools. Extra HP and HP regen for Operators? Yes please!

2 hours ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

Players would still flock to Zenurik and Naramon.  Pretty difficult to top those.

Agreed - particularly with Zenurik and its ability to let players spam abilities.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)dylan2911 said:

Guardian Shell - Enemy bullets and projectiles such as rockets and Eidolon homing projectiles are attracted to the shield (from a certain range).

Or how about something more useful? Like, I don't know, ALLOW TEAMMATES TO SHOOT THROUGH THE BLOODY SHIELD. Why does it protect enemies, FFS?!

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5 hours ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

Players would still flock to Zenurik and Naramon.  Pretty difficult to top those.

perhaps adding other, more accesible ways to get energy so we don't have to spec zenurik might be in order.

like say, making that node a way bound. 

or even an energy arcane like magus repair.

some thing to help open up choices of schools would be nice.

sadly as it is, zenurik is pretty much locked on almost all my frames b/c it's mandatory to play effectively.


Edited by iuki.
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6 hours ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

Players would still flock to Zenurik and Naramon.  Pretty difficult to top those.

mostly zenerik, naramon offers a very good but narrow benefit.  While it makes melee substantially better it only helps with melee and therefore is only good in melee focused combat.  it works best with frames that have health and excellent energy economy.  vaserin is a good option for similar frames but has a support rather than a DPS bent.  

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I use vazarin a lot, people don't know about the perk very well to know about, you can heal dash allies, but allies don't know I can do that so I was doing for myself self-healing  because reason why is allies busy not caring their hp at all and until they fall down and use vazarin to ris them instance.  Funny thing is ppl call me hack 1 time for that ris part then I have explain to them its my focus lens I am using.

I do guardian blast and all the perk in vazrain because its base on tanking/support as operator or solo job and using vazrain weren't explain or have tutorial how to use vazrain skills properly.  All these perks aren't useless and they do block enemy's bullets from spray down on your face and understanding you have to work right amp with it.  I've been using this sense the war within time moment that when it came out so I had long time using it.  So base on protection shield it does block Eilidon's AOE bombard rainingy sky that why I was able shield some the players from the great radius blast, but the down point you need lots void power to hold it out, holding the guardian blast is only meant for protecting in front, not side, not in the back of you.  Guardian shell works way better then blast, but blast is meant to save up your void power temporary until you need shell to cover it.

Sonic Dash, I use that alot to stun enemies its more of the assist other players, its better to use excal umbra because if you don't have have teammate you can do it solo and the kills can start off umbra and sonic dash just stun them temporary.  This is base on lots teamwork or solo with your umbra and note please make sure you got the right gun for your umbra.  I don't see any of these skills in vazarin has absolute useless, I only find small flaws, but easy to loop around it.

Edited by ChaoticEdge
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