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Please bring old content back so new players can relive and enjoy it


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Trust me, I understand why you may have chosen to make all of it "one time only, if you miss it, thats life". I've thought up a million reasons to justify this.

However, this is still kind of....messed up, maybe?

New players will never get to experience the joy brought on by old events, for example, the Gradivus Dilemma. No one can relive the cutscenes or dialogue, no matter how small or insignifact.

Pieces of history, content, gone forever.

Are there any plans to bring this back, at least, via the Codex? Although that would be extremely pointless without audio dialogue or video replays. Maybe not video, but at least audio.

Please consider bringing the past back to life in some way so new players can share the same experience!

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3 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

seconded i need to hear tyl regor call alad a jellyfish again.

i can picture it now, lol

1 minute ago, AvPCelticPredator said:

I want plague star back, 9 months is pass since last time is reopened.

iirc DE said something recently that its going to happen again soon? Soon TM

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My thought is to give access to this from Simaris. Technically speaking, this could be some form of history, past events. Who better to keep track of it then a "librarian", so to speak? Like how we can read about history from a library.

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1 minute ago, IllogicalLogic420 said:

i can picture it now, lol

iirc DE said something recently that its going to happen again soon? Soon TM

Which month?
This month?
There is no specific ETA for what they say, that's only rumours, and rumours are rumours, I didnt saw nowhere their specific announcement about any old event!

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1 minute ago, Gamma745 said:

My thought is to give access to this from Simaris. Technically speaking, this could be some form of history, past events. Who better to keep track of it then a "librarian", so to speak? Like how we can read about history from a library.

That's not a bad idea. Although DE will probably cuck us by locking it behind standing or limiting it to "one lore story per day, no matter how small" even if its like, 2 lines of text.

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1 minute ago, AvPCelticPredator said:

Which month?
This month?
There is no specific ETA for what they say, that's only rumours, and rumours are rumours, I didnt saw nowhere their specific announcement about any old event!

No, no time was given. They re-did plague star before and theyre going to again. Although I could be wrong about the "soon" part haha

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1 minute ago, IllogicalLogic420 said:

That's not a bad idea. Although DE will probably cuck us by locking it behind standing or limiting it to "one lore story per day, no matter how small" even if its like, 2 lines of text.

Let's not get too pessimistic here. Perhaps if the "replayed events" doesn't give any of its associated rewards, maybe they would let us play it indefinitely? I can see it being locked behind a synthesis target to even start it, though.

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Just now, Gamma745 said:

Let's not get too pessimistic here. Perhaps if the "replayed events" doesn't give any of its associated rewards, maybe they would let us play it indefinitely? I can see it being locked behind a synthesis target to even start it, though.

Yeah I try to remain hopeful 😛

Also, I can't believe I knew nothing about the 2018 plague star event......as I was playing a lot during that event. How the hell.......goes to show that people can miss anything even when it's all over.

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vor 5 Minuten schrieb IllogicalLogic420:

No, no time was given. They re-did plague star before and theyre going to again. Although I could be wrong about the "soon" part haha

Probably before or around Tennocon to keep us busy while they go into dark mode to prepare.

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5 minutes ago, IllogicalLogic420 said:

No, no time was given. They re-did plague star before and theyre going to again. Although I could be wrong about the "soon" part haha

I dont care for re-work of event, i care and i'm concern about "Duration" of event, 10-15 days is really really short for 1 event where u need to wait next 6 months to be repeated.

That is sucks, but 30 days of 1 event is enough time, if we use in consideration that will be unable for next 6 months.

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I completely support this, and I think it would be of tremendous benefit to the game's lore and questing experience, especially. One of the biggest problems with Warframe's lore I think is that, in the live game at least, it's full of holes: characters pop out of nowhere, refer to events the player supposedly participated in, but have no knowledge of, and end up just existing in this world without much context or explanation. Why does Tyl Regor accuse the player of murdering his tubemen? Why does Kela de Thaym call the player a cheater? Why is Alad V Infested all of a sudden? All of these bits of lore have explanations, they're just locked behind events that are no longer available to players who joined after they ended. I think it is necessary for older events to come back in some form, if Warframe's lore is to become more complete and consistent.

On top of this, I feel one of the benefits of adding back this old content, and avoiding cutting similar future content, is that it not only adds more unique content to a game that could always use more of it, it could fill out so much of the new player experience, which is still lacking: things are better than before, thanks to the Specters of the Rail update, but there's still a huge problem of new players feeling like the game lacks direction, and doesn't give them a clear way of progressing, at least not through the initial stages. Meanwhile, past Operations served to introduce new bits of content, including new planets and tilesets, and many of them do in fact feed into the quests we have today. Reintegrating these events back into the game would therefore make for a much more continuous questing experience, where players would get much more direction and progression out of the game, while also brushing up on the lore, discovering new characters properly, and situating them in much better context.

If there's one hurdle to this, however, I think it's going to be reintegrating that older content and making it fit the current state of the game, which is radically different from what it used to be, while also likely turning these Operations designed for mass simultaneous play into singleplayer-friendly experiences. Just as an example, many older events refer to what is now Mars as Phobos, because until SotR the tilesets for the two were switched (this is still a problem with the Sands of Inaros quest, which refers to Mars as Phobos). There would therefore need to be updates to some voice lines, but then there are also stark differences in voice acting (listen to the Lotus's earliest transmissions, for example, which you can also hear in some instances like Mobile Defense on Grineer Asteroids), and sometimes in the lore itself: the Red Veil in Specters of Liberty are nothing like the Red Veil we know today, for example. This is also putting aside the drastic changes to gameplay, which may affect certain modes (Arid Fear relies on an old version of Capture missions, for example). None of this would be impossible to achieve, per se, it would just take more work to reintegrate into the game than simply plugging old events back in.

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1 hour ago, Teridax68 said:

while also likely turning these Operations designed for mass simultaneous play into singleplayer-friendly experiences.

Prime example would be the Gradivus dilemma....more than 100 separate invasions (back when invasions were the old run 5 to get rewards instead of 3) to side with either Ruk or Alad V.
That would be kinda hard to turn into a single player experience...especially since the "lore" is only a very small handful of dialog lines said as you enter the mission and absolutely nothing else.
In fact even the missions didn't have lore it was "Choose one reward per invasion to get and hope your side wins!", without anything actually connecting them in game...

And with how that event canonically ended...how would that work in a single player experience since there wouldn't be a point to "choosing a side"?

2 hours ago, Teridax68 said:

the Red Veil in Specters of Liberty are nothing like the Red Veil we know today, for example.

To be perfectly fair: The red veil in Specters of Liberty had two inbox messages sent to us....and that was the complete extent of its "lore".
Cantis asked for our help and promised us specter rewards and it served purely to introduce the Rescue 2.0 missions.

The only lore from that event was the start and end bumper messages...and they don't really conflict with anything because it boils down to "Hey, we need some help saving some of our people can you do that?  We'll reward you".

This is another event that had the "lore" put outside of the gameplay and instead just into an inbox message or two....where sadly the vast majority of lore exists.  Most event missions didn't even have unique lines.

3 hours ago, Gamma745 said:

Perhaps if the "replayed events" doesn't give any of its associated rewards,

This is the only way I see it working.  After all the events were under tight time constraints back then, was in a very different place in the power charts, and usually had community goals to get some of the rewards.
Also it would invalidate some content to get the rewards.  If you can do the slimmed down version of the gradivus dilemma on your own time table?  Taking as long as you want?  Why should you get the brakk handed to you?

Same should even go for the event cosmetics...as they are one of the few things in the game to say "Yeah, I was here for this..."

3 hours ago, IllogicalLogic420 said:

Please consider bringing the past back to life in some way so new players can share the same experience!

My question is: What is brought back and what isn't?
There are tons of events that only served the purpose of "Oh hey, survival is a thing!" that didn't add anything to the game and instead just brought a new game mode.

And then there were some that the lore was only in the forums.  Gradivus Dilemma?  There was just a small handful of lines that were added to the game...but there were tons of back and forth between Ruk and Alad on the forums that contained the bulk amount of actual lore and interaction and explained what was going on.
None of the missions had special things, it was just for fairly standard invasion rewards.
Honestly that wouldn't even really work to "bring back in game" as the gameplay aspect was...doing 500+ runs on invasions missions for the same 3 lines while you wait for the forums to show the real lore and interesting bits.

Or there were events that introduced tilesets and the lore was again purely out of the game.  For example the sling-stone event had 3 videos of intel and lore that was in the patch notes and news section of the site...and the in game it was and introduction of the galleon tileset with a 2 stage mdef: First stage kill infested to get corrupter, second stage put it in the fomorians fuel well and defend, then leave. 
There was pretty much absolutely nothing in game that actually talked about why you were doing this, or what you were actually doing...again the lore was pretty much 100% out of the game.

It would take a lot of work to integrate some of that lore into the game in some way, as it was never meant to be actually in the game itself.

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Think about Switch players... We are missing large amounts of that content and we won't see it maybe ever. Take the ignis wraith event for example. Every clan in the Switch will always have that research missing, no matter how good they are. We won't have it unless they make it turn back.

I'd like the idea of doing all those operations, and if you think they are too grindy or that lorewise they wouldn't fit, just make them as a "flashback" of the past times with simplified versions of them. But please, let the new players live that content!

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