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How Night wave burned out my full clan.


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On 2019-05-01 at 4:32 AM, Shalath said:

For reasons that escape me a lot of people became completely fixated on doing every single challenge when DE made it very clear that you could reach maximum level by only doing about 60% of them. That didn't even take into account the points you get for killing the refugees that randomly show up.

I play solo so I ignored all of the friend/clan challenges, I have no interest in sitting in missions for an hour or more and haven't done sorties in ages so those were also ignored. I missed one of the Fortuna fishing challenges because I didn't have the rep and I think I only did one of the bounty challenges. I've pretty much only done the challenges I could be bothered with and I'm currently just shy of rank 28. Do I care if I don't get the Umbral Forma? Not really.

If you completely ignored Nightwave and just played as you normally did you would have ended up with enough creds for the cred rewards and with minimal effort I'm pretty much on-track for the Umbral Forma as well so any burnout was down to your clan trying to complete everything.

It’s simple.  The ticking clock, as much as it is supposed to motivate, is also a negative, perception or otherwise.

So many of you coming here and throwing blame and shade and fault on this player and his clan, trying to foster the growth of younger players, which is what DE wants.

LISTEN to what he is saying happened, and not saying why it shouldn’t have because you are accomplished or have hours per day.

You can’t marry two disparate systems, with one of those systems being TREMENDOUS rewards behind a ticking clock and sense of urgency that are VERY hard for newer players to earn without fostered growth and clan help...and expect that newer players and those trying to help won’t face stress and burn out.

Nightwave is something entirely new, and they tacked alerts onto it more as an afterthought to legitimize content for both Vets and newer players.

But when you LITERALLY go top shelf in the UI, you think newer players aren’t going to crave those rewards and that good clan leaders aren’t going to do what they can to help them GET them?

*Tick. TOCK. Tick. TOCK.*

I’m not sure why they aren’t offered for real world $ as a choice.  It would benefit the business model.  Do they want people buying boosters?




Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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24 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

It’s simple.  The ticking clock, as much as it is supposed to motivate, is also a negative, perception or otherwise.

So many of you coming here and throwing blame and shade and fault on this player and his clan, trying to foster the growth of younger players, which is what DE wants.

LISTEN to what he is saying happened, and not saying why it shouldn’t have because you are accomplished or have hours per day.

You can’t marry two disparate systems, with one of those systems being TREMENDOUS rewards behind a ticking clock and sense of urgency that are VERY hard for newer players to earn without fostered growth and clan help...and expect that newer players and those trying to help won’t face stress and burn out.

Nightwave is something entirely new, and they tacked alerts onto it more as an afterthought to legitimize content for both Vets and newer players.

But when you LITERALLY go top shelf in the UI, you think newer players aren’t going to crave those rewards and that good clan leaders aren’t going to do what they can to help them GET them?

*Tick. TOCK. Tick. TOCK.*

I’m not sure why they aren’t offered for real world $ as a choice.  It would benefit the business model.  Do they want people buying boosters?

People are throwing blame on him and his clan because it was their choice and not their obligation. It isnt the systems fault in the end, it comes down to the choices of the players, nothing else. Even if the clan wanted to help out there is nothing saying the officers or leaders had to be there on every single baby-sit run. The clan members themselves could have just as easily grouped up individually without the supervision or meddling of an officer or leader. That is what clans are for in the first place, to find likeminded people to do stuff with.

The "blame" also comes down to the poor planning and lack of knowledge about how they need to approach this system to reach the end reward. They could have simply ignored every single 60min task throughout the whole series and still been well beyond the 30 mark long before the end of the series.

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On 2019-05-02 at 6:26 AM, White_Matter said:

Nightwave is the worst thing that happened to this game and pretty much killed the games only appeal ; casual gameplay.

So I'm not surprised to see people get burned out while doing basically a homework, a tedious task that can turn anything you like into something you hate.

And yet nothing requires any player to do the NW other than their desire for X item in it, the casual gameplay of Warframe is still there if that's what your after. The greater sum of tasks are things you could call casual gameplay ~ your going to Kill X number of things in a mission or two but this one encourages you do try it with a Gas/rad/blast weapon instead of whatever fetaweapon you would use otherwise, do some missions that you may not normally do ~ gets you experiencing the greater part of the game outside of whatever you'd normally limit yourself to doing. Some are going to require more thought and planning than others and if your getting burned out by stressing about doing "all the things" then its probably a good time to have a break from the game anyway. 

The only thing that Nightwave needs is for the Creds to be available earlier/ possibly paired with other rewards in smaller amounts for the players who are just after the items from the shop over the other things on the track. 

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7 hours ago, FlusteredFerret said:

So if thats a "f**k you" attitude, then fine. You are a perfect example of the entitled snowflakes I mentioned above.

It's pretty clear that the second poster is telling the first to go eff themselves. I'm pretty sure that constitutes an "eff you, got mine" attitude that is prolific in the games community.

Not sure why you're trying to take it out on me though. I blame reading comprehension.

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8 hours ago, AzureTerra said:

And yet nothing requires any player to do the NW other than their desire for X item in it, the casual gameplay of Warframe is still there if that's what your after. The greater sum of tasks are things you could call casual gameplay ~ your going to Kill X number of things in a mission or two but this one encourages you do try it with a Gas/rad/blast weapon instead of whatever fetaweapon you would use otherwise, do some missions that you may not normally do ~ gets you experiencing the greater part of the game outside of whatever you'd normally limit yourself to doing. Some are going to require more thought and planning than others and if your getting burned out by stressing about doing "all the things" then its probably a good time to have a break from the game anyway. 

The only thing that Nightwave needs is for the Creds to be available earlier/ possibly paired with other rewards in smaller amounts for the players who are just after the items from the shop over the other things on the track. 

Nah, you can't get any of the substantial rewards(umbral forma and the cosmetic) via casual gameplay, that is the problem. The whole thing is catered towards new players because guess what, as a long time vet, I'm not interested in doing tedious tasks on the same old missions I've been doing for the last 6 years.

And the only tasks that can be casually done(you complete them while playing the way you want) are the 1K point ones and maybe one of the 3k and 5k ones(likely not tho) so there is no way you can get to a substantial level.

I am still lvl 10 and I log in to do sorties and relics ever since the "event" came about.

If nightwave introduced new content, new tileset, new mission type, better rewards at earlier stages, any worthwhile reward on wolf cred vendor, anything new really then you could make the argument that it would be worth while investing the extra time and effort, but as of now it is a boring homework assignment that the only worthwhile rewards are locked behind a huuuuuuge grindwall that requires  you to play the game consistently.

Edited by White_Matter
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13 hours ago, FlusteredFerret said:

Actually that was my post...and I'm not even close to completing the event. Mainly because I haven't been trying that hard.


My post was in fact pointing out how lots of gamers (not just Warframe players - I've seen this in other game forums) have a grossly over-inflated sense of entitlement, generally poor attitude to anything that does not suit them, or inconveniences them personally in any way.

Basically special snowflakes who just cry "UNFAIR!" every time a dev does something they don't agree with, instead of taking a few moments to consider why.


Also, if you'd read the OP properly you would know they brought the problem on themselves by trying to do something they shouldn't have.


So if thats a "f**k you" attitude, then fine. You are a perfect example of the entitled snowflakes I mentioned above.

"I'm fine with that, it's your problem, lol f**k off"

So basically you are saying that your attitude against game is the "correct" way to play the game, and thinking everything who doesn't think like you is a entitled snowflakes?


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I feel like you all went around this the wrong way. 

Frist - new players should not be carried through elite challanges. The point of them is to challange higher level players. The fact you did them over and over is not a design intention and you did that to your selves. They're not designed for new players and by carrying them you're also burning them out and introducing bad habits. I should know, I was carried when I was new. For elite challanges, don't carry anyone, just do it once if you're a vet and if you're not, accept they're not designed for you. 

Second - there's still a few weeks left and even if you missed a few elites here and there, you can still easily get maxed without really trying. I never bothered getting every single mission all the time because there was no point. Treat it less seriously and just chill. Get the missions passively if you can. 

Third - don't treat this as a grind you MUST do every week but rather one you can do if there's nothing else. Don't care about the rewards as much.


As a vet, I can personally tell you the easiest way to stay relatively interested even with barely anything to do is actually NOT grind every single day. Purposefully limit the amount of time you play or the count of missions you do per day and don't set lofty goals. That way new content will eventually spread out and you'll have more to do. I haven't even done the boards yet or the newest amps 

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