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Let's not create a paywall, please...



Hello Devs and more,


My example that I'll be discussing in this post is the vaulting of critical parts for Syndicate advancement.  Specifically, the Arbiters of Hexis require a "Kronen Prime Blade" that is currently in the Prime Vault.  My premise is that this effectively creates a paywall.

The short issue is that the greatest games that have a real world monetary system should never create a paywall to advance (I'm looking at you, EA).  My specific example above in this regard has a potentially easy fix by simply not vaulting relics (and therefore items) that are required as rank upgrade components.  Let me also be clear that I completely agree with the prime vaulting system.


I joined Warframe less than a year ago.  The story is engaging and fun, the fairly constant advancement and improvement feels great and keeps things fresh.  As I am a person frequently with little time to play, I was actually happy to even buy some platinum and such early on to keep advancement going quickly early on.  What pleased me most was that at no time did I feel that I was required to do so.  Everything was able to be farmed to continue advancement.  This creates a great sense of value as it feels like you are paying for things you choose to because you want to rather than the concept of a paywall where you feel like you are blocked from advancement (For specific in-game concepts such as Syndicates rather than "quality of life" concepts such as more Warframe slots) without paying money that you would normally never spend.

I actually understand and in most parts agree with the places where real-world money equivalents are required, such as Warframe slots (And other slots) and concepts of "speeding up" advancement by buying particular items that would normally require farming for some time.

This stated, a new player who has not done deep investigation could begin with Arbiters of Hexis and then feel somewhat blocked and railroaded by finding that they cannot advance without paying real-world money for an item that has been vaulted.


In short, I really enjoy the game, but this particular issue left a bad taste in my mouth and I'm hoping to open discussion around the issue.

Thank you all for all your hard work.

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3 minutes ago, ChiquitBanana said:

Specifically, the Arbiters of Hexis require a "Kronen Prime Blade" that is currently in the Prime Vault

Kronen Prime isn't in the Vault, currently. Any time that something gets vaulted, the items are removed from the requirements to rank up standing.

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Seriously though. You couldn't have just went to region/clan/alliance/discord/etc and asked, "Hey, what happens if a Syndicate upgrade part becomes vaulted?" "Well, it's very simple, Jimmy, they just rotate it out with an available part." "Gee, thanks mister."

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Again, fairly new player... I went online to find out which relic has the part, and was told Axi K2, which is currently vaulted.  If folks are stating it's in another, non-vaulted, relic, then hooray.  Extremely fast feedback, too, which is great.

For reference, this is where I found that it was in Axi K2: https://todowarframe.com/melee-weapons-kronen-prime/?lang=en

I'm very glad this isn't actually an issue.  Thank you all.  I tried to search the forums, too, and couldn't find anything either.  Maybe I need to find new, better sites to use?

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2 minutes ago, ChiquitBanana said:

Again, fairly new player... I went online to find out which relic has the part, and was told Axi K2, which is currently vaulted.  If folks are stating it's in another, non-vaulted, relic, then hooray.  Extremely fast feedback, too, which is great.

For reference, this is where I found that it was in Axi K2: https://todowarframe.com/melee-weapons-kronen-prime/?lang=en

I'm very glad this isn't actually an issue.  Thank you all.  I tried to search the forums, too, and couldn't find anything either.  Maybe I need to find new, better sites to use?

They actually announce the changes to sacrifices in the patch notes when something is vaulted.

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Useful tip is to search the codex on your ship.  Universe>Arcane/relic then type the name of what your looking for in there.  It will show all the relics that item can come from.  Most parts can be obtained from multiple relics.

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2 hours ago, NekrosMancer said:

Kronen Prime isn't in the Vault, currently. Any time that something gets vaulted, the items are removed from the requirements to rank up standing.

This !!!

If Prime item needed to rank up gets vaulted then that syndicate will change the item it requires....

You can put the pitchfork Down.... for now...

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