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Artificial Tenno?


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So i've been thinking, just how many tenno would there be cannonically? thousands? tens of thousands? the Zariman could only hold so many right, yet the orokin had so many experiments revolving around em, it begs the question, Did the orokin at somepoint try or succeed in creating new tenno by tossing more children into the void on purpose? I certainly wouldnt put it past them to do stuff like that.

Edited by Reaver_X
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well, the zariman was a colony/capital ship, so, probably a few millions

i mean, many people dont really think about it, but we are talking about a ficctional point in time where civilization have already extended across the entire solar system, you count the amount of people living in earth nowdays, now multiply that for each planet, plus people living in space colonies, we have billions of individuals in the orokin societly, so a colony ship making a jump to the tau system probably had a lot of people

Edited by Toppien
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To be fair, outside of the Relays have you ever seen more than 4 tenno at any given time? and even on the relays you might see 20-50 warframes..... Sooooooo canonically one could argue that there are very few tenno in the system. 

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There's enough of them to be a relevant force in the system, but not nearly as many as there are enemy forces. Looking at some of the Synthesis lore and Mag Prime's codex entry, it seems that during the Old War, the average mission wouldn't have more than one Tenno. It is likely there was a far higher overall population during the Orokin era, as the Orokin had set up a pretty peaceful empire before the Sentients returned. However, we know from Chains of Harrow that Operators seemed to have single Warframes assigned to them specifically, rather than the current day when we hoard them all to ourselves. Considering other lore that shows that most Warframes are made of unique beings encased in armour and special Infestation (as shown in the Sacrifice and in Rhino Prime's codex), it is also likely there isn't a colossal number of Warframes either.

I'd guess that the number of original Tenno is the same as the number of unique Warframes, maybe somewhere in the middle hundreds. That's obviously all over the place when you consider that Warframe's multiplayer system is structured like an MMO though, thousands of people all saving the world on their own, all at once.

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5 hours ago, Oreades said:

To be fair, outside of the Relays have you ever seen more than 4 tenno at any given time? and even on the relays you might see 20-50 warframes..... Sooooooo canonically one could argue that there are very few tenno in the system. 

Not really - you're talking about in-game versus Tennoverse lore.

For starters, the game engine couldn't handle showing the potential number of warframes that could actually exist...heck it already gives us those blank "placeholder" frames for several seconds, until all the data loads in.

And the reason we never see more than 4 at a time outside the relays / Cetus / Fortuna is because thats the game mandated squad size.


If we are talking about the lore here, then indeed there could be a few million.


Although that would still leave them pretty thinly spread out, when you consider each world could have a population of tens, or hundreds of millions, or even billions.


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3 hours ago, FlusteredFerret said:

Not really - you're talking about in-game versus Tennoverse lore.

For starters, the game engine couldn't handle showing the potential number of warframes that could actually exist...heck it already gives us those blank "placeholder" frames for several seconds, until all the data loads in.

And the reason we never see more than 4 at a time outside the relays / Cetus / Fortuna is because thats the game mandated squad size.


If we are talking about the lore here, then indeed there could be a few million.


Although that would still leave them pretty thinly spread out, when you consider each world could have a population of tens, or hundreds of millions, or even billions.


Yeah that's all fine and dandy but I can't recall a single place in the "tennoverse" lore where it goes into any speculation on how many tenno there actually where. So as far as we're concerned there could have only ever been a hundred or so and the fact that there are 27million registered losers has zero bearing on that. Which is exactly why I went for the in game comparrison because this line of thinking usually spawns from the "If there are 27million users, therefore that means theres one tenno for every user. WOW the Ten-0 was gigantic" 

Pretty sure millions is out of the question lore wise anyhow because the Orokin from a lore perspective likely wouldn't have been able to cope with suddenly absorbing millions of face melting half void demons into their "cure or kill" program. At which point it would have just been a kill program. I'd imagine a few hundred would be redlining their patience unless they outright quarantined the ship. At the point Margulis was executed in that scenario I'd have expected them to simply blow up said ship and be done with it, had that been the case. Again lending logical credence to the fact that there are likely only a few hundred tenno at most and probably significantly fewer. 

Let us also remember the Ten-0 was a highly experimental ship, even the Orokin aren't going to put all their eggs in one basket. So it's crew probably only numbered in the low thousands. If it had worked I'd expect them to have sent significantly more substantial colony ships but it didn't. 

About the only thing that we can be sure of numbers wise is that theoretically there was for the most part one tenno per Warframe so there are what 30ish confirmed at best to date.  


Course who knows I could be totally wrong, maybe there is a lore nugget out there that gives an exact crew manifest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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9 hours ago, Reaver_X said:

So i've been thinking, just how many tenno would there be cannonically? thousands? tens of thousands? the Zariman could only hold so many right, yet the orokin had so many experiments revolving around em, it begs the question, Did the orokin at somepoint try or succeed in creating new tenno by tossing more children into the void on purpose? I certainly wouldnt put it past them to do stuff like that.

Technically speaking the Orokin didn't seem to have many experiments surrounding them at all. There was pretty much Margulis who was trying to figure out a way to cure or at least contain them and the rest of the Orokin who just seemed to want the problem to go away (read: just kill them). The whole Warframe project was completely separate and only later folded into the second dream project or whatever the hecc the Orokin actually called it. There where probably hypothetical splinter projects, I mean IRL there usually are but thus far nothing worth mentioning in a lore macguffin capacity. I'm sure something like that will probably turn up over time as the writers run out of other ideas. 

If anything I'd expect the Grineer or the Corpus would be far more likely to attempt to create an artificial Tenno. What with the fact that by the time the Orokin figured out how to leverage the Tenno they had, the Tenno they had turned on them and all but wiped them out. Where as the Grineer and Corpus have knowledge of the events but lack the first hand experience and both desire power to control the system. 


But game lore like this is capricious and can and will be written and rewritten to suit whatever the developers feel they require. I mean I could theoretically see a plot line where an Orikin researcher was sufficiently envious of the Tennos power and tried to find a way to bestow it upon themselves, resulting in the predictable hilarity and a season of Nightwave. Not unlike the Silver Grove but less trees? Or when Alad V turned himself Infested for a week 😛

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