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Just did my first Corpus Arbitration...



Yes thats right... my very first..... I've done many Arbitrations before but I've avoided Corpus ones because of obvious reasons...

However this time I decided to ignore the warning and jumped in... with an organised Group....

And holy S#&$.... 9 Digs in some body dies.... which isn't a big deal.... it happens..... I mean it only happened to me once but it does happen... 

So we revive him and do another Dig and bam.... another one bites the Dust.... and half way through collecting the revive tokens another dude bites the bullet....

I managed to revive one of them but then before we could get more tokens another player dies....

Now I wasn't judging.... because I myself was only just barely able to Stay alive.... seriously..... they were dealing so much damage.....and there were Nullifiers and Scrambuli EVERYWHERE !!!

We were forced to leave after only 11 Digs.... Which was still 15K Endo so can't complain, really. 

Anyway.... I was wondering what weapons to use against the Corpus in Arbitrations... ?

I normally run around with weapons that deal chunks of Damage in short intervals.... like shotguns and Snipers.... but in this Arbitration I went with The Amprex....which honestly didn't do too bad but still.... 

What do you guys use Against The Corpus in Arbitrations ? 

BTW I want to say thank you whoever recommended the Synth Set to me... it was so long ago and I don't remember who it was but Thank....

Reloading has always been an issue in high level content and the Synth Set allows me to reload passively while still being able to defend myself/the objective without any down time.... and it only cost me an Exilus Adapter to make it work...

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12 answers to this question

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24 minutes ago, (XB1)Skippy575 said:

Better question: why do you do (...) behind every sentence like it's a period? Been wanting to ask this for a while.

Sadly this is something that doesn't have answer.... I started doing it about 5 Years ago and just didn't stop.... thats all I can tell you about it....

21 minutes ago, (XB1)Baron von Usagi said:

Really any magnetic build should be enough to destroy corpus

Will this also give an Advantage against the arbitration drone's shields ? 

I don't actually know what its resistant to.... never got a chance to scan it bevause I was trying not to die.

17 minutes ago, Ksaero said:

The only reason I hate Corpus Arbitrations is that stupid bugged interaction between Nullifiers and Arbitration Drones which makes all enemies near them permanently immune to abilities.

Yeah I saw some of that too.... can't kill the drone because its being guarded by the nullifier.... but you can kill the nullifier because it's being guarded by The drone.... mean while theres a bursa sneaking up behind you ready to tear you a new Ass Hole and a MoA Shockwave Knocks you off a ledge deactivating any defensive abilities you have on....

LoL.... its a god damn Perfect Storm

Its  not an issue in Grinner and Infested Arbitration because punch through is still useful for hitting the drone hiding behind all the enemies. But in this case punch through doesn't work on Nullifier Bubbles....


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My general rules of thumb for corpus arbitrations:

Always have a high fire rate weapon (akstilleto p, rattle guts, Soma Prime, Supra vandal, etc.) for nullifiers.

Always have a high damage, wide angle weapon(catchmoon, Arca Plasmor, Zarr, Brakk, Mara Detron, Exergis, etc) for drones.

Melee is your utility/panic tool. Use it for healing you (life strike, healing return), the fugitive or excavator (sancti magistar). Or just use it to get stuff done (polearms, heavy blades, hammers).

I’ve found that some melee weapons are really bad to use (low range stuff, you know the drill if you are familiar with the meta). Hammer and polearm zaws seem to do a good job with taking out the drones though. I cannot speak to whips since I don’t use them. Corpus are pretty annoying to fight with melee so I don’t rely on it too much unless I’m in a jam given all the knockdowns, nullifiers, bombs, and sapping fields.

That’s my loadout crafting philosophy for corpus. Do with it as you will.

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1 minute ago, MSEP1 said:

Always have a high fire rate weapon (akstilleto p, rattle guts, Soma Prime, Supra vandal, etc.) for nullifiers.

I noticed the one thing all those weapons have in common is they fire bullets instead of a  Beam...

I bring this because Beam don't seem to behave consistently whenever im not the host.... is this something that also happened to you ? 

3 minutes ago, MSEP1 said:

Melee is your utility/panic tool. Use it for healing you (life strike, healing return), the fugitive or excavator (sancti magistar). Or just use it to get stuff done (polearms, heavy blades, hammers).

Sadly if im using Gara then my melee slot is reserved for The Prisma Skana....... but if im doing survival/Defense then I can use something else. 

6 minutes ago, MSEP1 said:

That’s my loadout crafting philosophy for corpus. Do with it as you will.

This is actually very helpful. Thank You :) 

1 minute ago, LegendaryNeurotoxin said:

Don't forget that Fluctus doesn't give a fluct about many defenses. 

Ah yes.... The Fluctus Rifle (BTW just got a Riven for this thig) 

Okay so I know that this rifle hurts more than its stats would indicate.... but I also heard it can also out right bypass Quick Thinking.....

Is That Right ? :O

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8 minutes ago, Lutesque said:


I bring this because Beam don't seem to behave consistently whenever im not the host.... is this something that also happened to you ? 

Sadly if im using Gara then my melee slot is reserved for The Prisma Skana....... but if im doing survival/Defense then I can use something else. 

Nah, I just don’t like beam weapons. They are boring to me.

Ah, I see you are a fellow Gara user. I normally bring my Kavat along. He does a good job keeping me healed, and you can cast your 2 on him to make him tanky. You can also stack your 4 explosion on him to turn him into a hamster ball of death, which is hilarious to say the least. (And magus elevate is a nice spot heal)

Edited by MSEP1
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2 hours ago, MSEP1 said:

Nah, I just don’t like beam weapons. They are boring to me.

Indeed... the only one I can Tolerate is The Amprex....

2 hours ago, MSEP1 said:

Ah, I see you are a fellow Gara user. I normally bring my Kavat along. He does a good job keeping me healed,

Your Kavat Can Heal You.... ? 


2 hours ago, MSEP1 said:

and you can cast your 2 on him to make him tanky.

I nornally do that but some times he runs off on his own (no attacking precepts or mods) and gets killed.... the only time I realise it is when I can no longer suck in drops....

2 hours ago, MSEP1 said:

You can also stack your 4 explosion on him to turn him into a hamster ball of death, which is hilarious to say the least. (And magus elevate is a nice spot heal)

You can ? 

I tried doing this with The Defectors in Defection missions and it seems like the 2 Million Damage I saved up didn't carry over to the defectors....

Or does each Splinter Storm Charge hold its on Damage reserve ?

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BTW.... I don't remember where I mentioned this but I was wrong about how The Synth Set works....

I used to think the ammo being used to Reload The Weapon came from Thin Air..... turns out I was wrong.... it actually does deduct from your Maximum Ammo....

Sooo... yeah.... thats a thing. It also doesn't work with Long Bows since those don't have Clips at all so theres that too....

All in all if you already use a Robot then The Synth Set is Pretty good....

And if you don't use a Robot.... you can wear half the set on your Warframe and 2ndary for half The bonus.... its going to depend on if you can sacrifice a slot.... and on some builds I can.....

Works great if you're hardcore into Melee....

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40 minutes ago, Lutesque said:

Your Kavat Can Heal You.... ? 


You can ? 

I tried doing this with The Defectors in Defection missions and it seems like the 2 Million Damage I saved up didn't carry over to the defectors....

Or does each Splinter Storm Charge hold its on Damage reserve ?

Hunter Recovery causes pets to heal you when they melee attack. Pack Leader causes you to heal your pets when you melee attack. So kubrows, chargers, and kavats can all heal you if you use hunter recovery. It’s not the most reliable thing, but can heal for most of your health with just Maul installed. If you have Bite, it’ll refill health to max pretty much every time unless you’re playing Inaros.

And to answer your other question, splinter storm instances each have a different charge of damage. When doing the Kavat trick, I find him, cast 4, run outside of the wall, wait for him to follow me which he normally does unless there’s a swarm of enemies, and then detonate. I did that in a +300% strength arbitration and the results where... amusing.

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6 minutes ago, MSEP1 said:

Hunter Recovery causes pets to heal you when they melee attack. Pack Leader causes you to heal your pets when you melee attack. So kubrows, chargers, and kavats can all heal you if you use hunter recovery. It’s not the most reliable thing, but can heal for most of your health with just Maul installed. If you have Bite, it’ll refill health to max pretty much every time unless you’re playing Inaros.

Hmmmmm.... I mean... il try to squeeze it in..... BTW I bought Bite a while back.... I haven't test driven it yet....

8 minutes ago, MSEP1 said:

And to answer your other question, splinter storm instances each have a different charge of damage. When doing the Kavat trick, I find him, cast 4, run outside of the wall, wait for him to follow me which he normally does unless there’s a swarm of enemies, and then detonate. I did that in a +300% strength arbitration and the results where... amusing.

This ia good to know.... I might actually do this on the excavator itself if I need to step away from it...

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