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AFK leechers - votekick


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il y a 36 minutes, (PS4)chris1pat8twins a dit :

 Double doors get in my way and prevents me from progressing to the objective. Then bosses like Tyle Regor cannot be fought unless ALL players are there. I’ve had to wait 10 MINUTES before I could fight Tyle Regor.

I’m not talking about Slowpokes. I’m talking about AFK. As in NOT MOVING AT ALL. I’ve spent 15 minutes on a meso fissure exterminate. 15 MINUTES!!! If people want to farm that badly then they can go host a private game. 

I have NEVER encountered a SLOWPOKE during a BOUNTY. NEVER!!! The only annoying people I’ve encountered during Bounties are people WHO DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE BOUNTY. As in, they NEVER run to the yellow circles. NEVER. They run around and even fly around everywhere else but they keep their distance from the circles. I HATE BEING USED. And sometimes missions have been failed because the rescue target would teleport all the way to the LEECHER and the mission would just fail. Some stages are 2 minutes and 30 seconds. That more than enough time for a noob to walk to them. But they NEVER move anywhere close to the yellow circle. So I say that you have to be within the circle to get the rewards unless the stage is completed very quickly. Which 2-3 of them cannot be completed quickly. Sometimes 4 of them. 

If you’re running 60 minute survival then you should be able to host a squad and put it on invite only. Since my suggestions ONLY APPLY TO PUBLIC MISSIONS. 

The excuses people be making are ridiculous. Feels like they are joking half the time. If you got kicked out of a 60 minute survival but kept your 45 minutes worth of rewards. Why should it matter to you? You want to go that far to achieve some sort of goal then you should be playing with friends or recruit. Incomplete would only work on Sorties and those missions take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. 

You're quoting me, yet you fail to see i'm with you on the door problem ... 

I just explained to you in the very same post you quoted there's a matchmaking problem pairing bounties with free roam, yet you failed to adress this too.

As surprising as it might be to you a very massive amount of people fail to use invite only whenever they go on organized squad. That would mean they're in the "public" setting and that means it would impact those squad too.

Pretending i'm all about ridiculous excuses while you keep repeating yourself and don't say anything about what you're quoting is the ridiculous thing here. 

Funny thing, you say it shouldn't impact organized squads yet just after that you talk about organized squad being impacted. You might think it's all about me but if i'm kicked from a squad, the squad is made weaker loosing synergy and they are punished themselves. This is about this Automatic suggestion kicking people after 1 minute. All of those defenders will get hit hard when they realize they're impacted too. 


Oh and as i'm on this road, the longer you get on an endless mission the more affinity and ressources you get from it so YES being kicked at 45 min for a 60 min planned mission is a terrible thing. 

Failing to see all the problems your solution bring to your current problem doesn't make your suggestion good. 


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4 hours ago, (PS4)chris1pat8twins said:

Lol, lol, lol, lol, 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Those got to be the poorest arguments I’ve seen since I’ve been on these forums. “Let me be lazy off your expense or get out”. Gotta try harder than that. 

How about YOU play solo or go to recruit if you’re not going to participate in the objective. Don’t play bounties if you’re just gonna go fish or mine. But you know most people aren’t going to carry you. 

I wasn't making an Argument, i was asking you questions.

The thing is, im not the one thats bothered by "leechers", so you saying "no u" deosn't work here. Since you seem repulsed to the idea of playing solo or in a dedicated squad, it makes me think that you either aren't serious about this and just want to complain for the sake of it, or you want to "troll" and think this is somehow funny, in which case i question i your sense of humor.

I feel that this thread has become more of a one sided yelling contest. Everything that can be said about Vote kick has been said already, there is nothing more to add. Being ignorant deos not help in keeping the discussion going. At this point, i think it'd be best if this thread were locked. Here are two sides,.one  that explains in detail why Vote kick is a bad idea and the other side that keeps demaning Vote kick while ignoring everything else. In case you're not ignoring it, it sure feels like it. I don't intend to put more wood into the fire, since nothing will come from it. Solutions were given: Play in a dedicated Squad, Solo or ignore the "leechers". Its better to suggest how to improve something so a certain negative behavior deosn't happen, then to punish said behavior.

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5 hours ago, AkyFenrir said:

You're quoting me, yet you fail to see i'm with you on the door problem ... 

I just explained to you in the very same post you quoted there's a matchmaking problem pairing bounties with free roam, yet you failed to adress this too.

As surprising as it might be to you a very massive amount of people fail to use invite only whenever they go on organized squad. That would mean they're in the "public" setting and that means it would impact those squad too.

Pretending i'm all about ridiculous excuses while you keep repeating yourself and don't say anything about what you're quoting is the ridiculous thing here. 

Funny thing, you say it shouldn't impact organized squads yet just after that you talk about organized squad being impacted. You might think it's all about me but if i'm kicked from a squad, the squad is made weaker loosing synergy and they are punished themselves. This is about this Automatic suggestion kicking people after 1 minute. All of those defenders will get hit hard when they realize they're impacted too. 


Oh and as i'm on this road, the longer you get on an endless mission the more affinity and ressources you get from it so YES being kicked at 45 min for a 60 min planned mission is a terrible thing. 

Failing to see all the problems your solution bring to your current problem doesn't make your suggestion good. 


1). I haven’t accused you specifically of “ridiculous” excuses. There are lots of people saying things like smoke breaks, bathroom breaks, and one guy said coffee break before. Not on this post but many others.

2). All I said about the vote kick suggestion is that if DE were to implement it then it would have to include that person being AFK for like 3 minutes. Cause I’ve also been kicked out of games the moment I arrived. But I never stand still for more than 30 seconds. And in order to vote kick ALL other players would have to agree. But this is also a function I suggest be in public games only.

3). Now it sounds like you are misunderstanding a few things. The game already has an AFK function where on defense you don’t get the reward if you stand still for over a minute during the last wave. You also don’t get affinity after 1 minute of standing regardless if you are an equinox or whatever with you 4th ability active. Double doors in 2 player squads can be opened by one if the other player was not moving for 1 minute. All I did was ADDED upon an already existing function. Cause Tyle Regor and even Extraction requires ALL players in order for the fight to start. 

4). If those impatient players kick you out of a squad then why should you care if they start crumbling? I’m not suggesting an Auto-Kick function. I said that the ability to Vote Kick becomes highlighted if been AFK for like 3 minutes. Only in public games. So “friends” couldn’t prank you during invite/friends only.

The bounties I’ve already said is complicated but I’m “repeating” myself but with different words and capitalizing key words that cherry pickers out there love to ignore. Such as Frost being a slow frame yet I’m able to travel 10 meters per second while only sprinting with no type of speed mods. 

So even though I’m speaking TO YOU I’m speaking about others who don’t pay attention to every detail. Otherwise I be telling them to “read my other comments” every time they cherry pick a quote from me. 

Texting is a difficult way of expressing emotions cause I’m actually pretty calm. If anything the trolls cherry picking and not even bothering to have a legit discussion just makes me laugh. I’ve discussed these things with other players who suffered from constant vote kicks and leechers. And even they agree with what I suggest. And they are not as good at the game as me despite playing more, longer, and way earlier than me. 

Doesn't matter who I’m talking to cause others will basically misquote me. I’m also trying to make sure you know that I’m not some no life noob screaming my head off about things I know nothing about. 

Be cool and funny if DE made Misery come back and hunts down players who have been AFK for 3 minutes and permanently kills them similar to arbitration where only the other players could bring them back. Including those who STAY outside of the bounty stages for 3 or so minutes.

I’ve tried getting as detailed as I can but it is like people aren’t reading my entire comment and actually processing everything I’m saying. You aren’t the only one quoting me. 

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2 hours ago, LunaSelenis said:

I wasn't making an Argument, i was asking you questions.

The thing is, im not the one thats bothered by "leechers", so you saying "no u" deosn't work here. Since you seem repulsed to the idea of playing solo or in a dedicated squad, it makes me think that you either aren't serious about this and just want to complain for the sake of it, or you want to "troll" and think this is somehow funny, in which case i question i your sense of humor.

I feel that this thread has become more of a one sided yelling contest. Everything that can be said about Vote kick has been said already, there is nothing more to add. Being ignorant deos not help in keeping the discussion going. At this point, i think it'd be best if this thread were locked. Here are two sides,.one  that explains in detail why Vote kick is a bad idea and the other side that keeps demaning Vote kick while ignoring everything else. In case you're not ignoring it, it sure feels like it. I don't intend to put more wood into the fire, since nothing will come from it. Solutions were given: Play in a dedicated Squad, Solo or ignore the "leechers". Its better to suggest how to improve something so a certain negative behavior deosn't happen, then to punish said behavior.

1). If they are gonna do a bounty in public then they need to participate. DE doesn't reward people for standing still during the last wave of a defense or minute of a survival. So why should player be rewarded for not participating in a bounty they chose to go to? 

I mentioned my capabilities as a noob cause some people love throwing the noob excuse while I’m evidence that even noobs can do better than standing still and do nothing.

When I do bounties like in Fortuna, more players means longer bounty and I’m not trying to spend all day on warframe. Not to mention I actually like playing with other people. It is boring playing by myself. I even have a Nidus that can double(or triple during fissures) other players’ power strength. Guy with a Chroma nearly had his head explode when he saw his Vex Armor numbers. But some players don’t engage and it slows the rest of us down. 

Bosses like Tyle Regor, Kela Da Thaymr, and even Jackal requires ALL players to be in the room for the fight to begin. And double doors require 2 people to open but they are running around instead of worrying about the objective, then I’m FORCED to play solo.

Which is why I made suggestions to reduce these issues like double doors being opened by 1. Boss rooms teleporting remaining players. And extraction timer started by one player. 

But the Vote Kick option I simply suggested only can be activated IF a player has been non-moving for 3 minutes. IF DE decided to implement such a function. So players disagreeing are saying they want to be lazy and rewarded at the same time. But if DE made every mission capable of being one-manned in a public game, then most of these discussions wouldn’t exist right now. But some missions require more than one or all to participate. 

Mine are simply suggestions or ideas that DE could think about. Not some demand. I’m simply providing alternatives to the Vote Kick demand while also trying to make such an option more reasonable and fair. 

Edited by (PS4)chris1pat8twins
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On 2019-08-14 at 11:03 PM, Goit said:

Just about had it recently trying to grind rep and in various forms or another and having afk leechers or ultra low level people sponge along and contribute nothing. Just had 3 bounties in a row, with 2 totally afk players and 1 rank 6 with 3 kills and trash talking in the squad chat about how people can leave if it bothers them. Yes, the bounties can still be done relatively easily even though they aren't contributing but that is totally besides the point and it is the principal that these people think they can freeload off the work of other players, without penalty and get away with it because the system for reporting them is such a pain in the arse and what even is the actual penalty for doing it??

There is no reasonable way for players to remedy this. the current method/ 'system' is convoluted and too burdensome. Screenshot and out of game ticket?

Will we ever get a badly needed votekick system? Perhaps one as even as harsh as to remove all rewards from the mission to that point. 

With the recent afk fest of the beach event, my recent sanctuary botting experience and tonight. It's really detracting from the enjoyment of the game. I try to play with friends mostly but that isn't a solution which doesn't damage the game and the player bases experience. 

Please give us votekick initiative for the squad or host

Vote kicks are a bad idea in general. You will get a group of 2 10 year olds vote kicking random people. 

Just make it so if you're afk for 2 minutes, you can still be in the mission but you get nothing as a reward, and it doesn't count as doing the mission. 

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4 hours ago, (PS4)chris1pat8twins said:

Be cool and funny if DE made Misery come back and hunts down players who have been AFK for 3 minutes and permanently kills them similar to arbitration where only the other players could bring them back. Including those who STAY outside of the bounty stages for 3 or so minutes.

Imagine, if you will:

-5th tier bounty in PoE
-Everybody's geared up
-A Loki decides to hide in spawn
-His team is off to do the bounty not even caring if he helps
-Misery and the other acolytes run a train on Loki
-He goes "wtf, why am I dead?"
-No reaction
-"somebody res me ffs", he yelps
-No response
-Loki rage quits
-Goes on forums to complain
-Everybody laughs at him

Is it bad that I want to see this type of punishment implemented? I don't even mind leechers unless it's something like ESO, events or Arby's®.

Edited by Blexander
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The game already has an AFK timer that a vote kick can be added too.

This can’t be abused at all because you won’t get an option to kick anyone unless a player has gone AFK long enough to activate the AFK timer on themselves which will immediately activate a vote kick option for the squad to use at their discretion.


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7 hours ago, kikasnoob said:

The game already has an AFK timer that a vote kick can be added too.

This can’t be abused at all because you won’t get an option to kick anyone unless a player has gone AFK long enough to activate the AFK timer on themselves which will immediately activate a vote kick option for the squad to use at their discretion.


That’s what I’ve been saying every time I see a post about Vote Kicking. I figured AFK for 3 minutes activates it cause that is usually the time it takes to complete missions. I usually get them completed in like 1-2 but 3 is what I mostly get missions like defense done in. Interception if all areas captured takes like 3:20 minutes. So I figured 3 minutes would be the perfect amount of time. Sometimes you may need a bathroom break in the middle of a long grind and that only takes like 1-2 to do unless we are talking more than just a break. 

But people are being paranoid about it and completely ignoring everything I say. Makes me wonder if they are the ones who like to go AFK for 3 or so minutes but don’t want to admit that. But yet their constant arguing against such a suggestion with poor excuses like bathroom breaks definitely speaks volume. 

I’ve discussed this with guys who had been kicked out of games by trolls and even they agree that this idea wouldn’t be a problem. It is no different than going AFK at the last minute of a survival or defense and not getting the reward. Except that I also add that if you are vote kicked out of a mission then you will keep whatever rewards you managed to obtain. But at least other players won’t feel like they are being leeched on. 

But if DE doesn’t want to do something like that, then my only other suggestion is to add a new assassin that specifically hunts down AFKers. People can argue that there is some flaw all they want but most people who AFK don’t come prepared for an assassin that is not some push over like Zanuka or Stalker. And this guy could spawn EVERY TIME someone AFK for 3 minutes. And once they die, it is permanent unless DE wants to make it more like arbitration where their life is in the hands of other players they expected to carry them. And hope that they are forgiving.  

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There is already some kick problem on Derelict key share missions where the mission vote starter quit or lost connection will kick the entire squad out with no rewards. Want to make this problem worst with more kicks?

If kicks will be a thing, it is probably best to have the kicked player forced to "Leave Squad" so everyone can stay in mission in separate sessions, especially with some assassination mission that will not continue the mission with someone AFK/idle near spawn.

Then there is a problem with host migration that might not always work, when the player to kick is the host. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1037365-host-migration-death-fails-to-pause-while-host-migrating/


There are some game bugs where the game is forcing 1 or more players unable to play, and can only go AFK or force quit.



https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1040033-warframe-is-having-huge-problems-with-the-infinite-loading-bugglitch/, When I see an other player have this infinite endless loading problem, as they can use game chat, I see their character as AFK / idling in one spot, while the person is endlessly stuck at a loading screen.

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Several people have already stated the biggest issues I see. It would just get abused. you'd have teams trolling to kick right before extraction started. I've already seen teams that go into missions with not much else to do when I was farming Axi relics on Marduk in the void and will seem helpful all the way until right after the void key is put in. and then they get to the other side of the door and then just sit some where chatting. they even admitted that their goal was pretty much to waste people's time to get them to leave. 

I've even thought in the past that there should be a thing where if you don't contribute you don't get rewards. but I've had it happen numerous times in relic missions where i'll load in and the other 3 are already at extraction with 10 reactant and I've just loaded in (was more common on my old pc) and still have it where we'll be gathering up the last of the reactant and a guy first spawns in and then we go finish the objective, i typically want the extra person to hit 10 reactant for more reward options. (because when the first 3 guys have formas for options, and you're sitting on 20+ blueprints you kinda would rather take the 15 ducats)


don't get me wrong, i'm frustrated with leeches, especially when they're more obvious than most, but truth of the matter is, a vote to kick system wouldn't actually solve as many issues as it'd create. that said I wouldn't mind a kick option while you were in orbit/dojo/any mission start area, because leaving squad then rejoining on 1 of your friends because you end up with a leech or someone unhelpful would be nice, but being able to kick in mission i feel would be way too exploited. 

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Le 15/08/2019 à 12:58, (PS4)chris1pat8twins a dit :

tired of the lazy play solo response. Us real players shouldn’t be forced to solo a game that DE has designed for teamwork because of a few leechers/AFKers. They should be the ones to play solo. 

Tbh i wouldn't even consider WF as a coop game, at least not without friends or family. Afk/Hosting/lack of coop incentive are making this game quite awful to play along with PUGs.

I do enjoy it a lot while playing with wife or friends but i would definitely stop playing it if i was solo only or relying upon one of the worst online hosting mechanics ever. WF suits well 2019 gamers spirit though, most people don't care much about coop nowadays, most of them are quite individualistic or simply don't care about others at all. It may explain why a 4 players game is still working fine - without solo or with much more players, this game couldn't work.

The only way to deal with toxicity (hence lazy leechers since they're part of the global scheme) isn't to hunt them, it never works. The only solution is to make the game impervious to toxic players. More fun, less braindead farm and mandatory coop gameplay - Lots of WF players are playing the game solo, even if playing along with 3 other players. Tbh finding "trolls" isn't rocket science, they're quite often playing the same kind of popular games.

The only thing DE can do is to make their game less attractive to such players. And it won't ever happen.

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1 hour ago, 000l000 said:

Tbh i wouldn't even consider WF as a coop game, at least not without friends or family. Afk/Hosting/lack of coop incentive are making this game quite awful to play along with PUGs.

I do enjoy it a lot while playing with wife or friends but i would definitely stop playing it if i was solo only or relying upon one of the worst online hosting mechanics ever. WF suits well 2019 gamers spirit though, most people don't care much about coop nowadays, most of them are quite individualistic or simply don't care about others at all. It may explain why a 4 players game is still working fine - without solo or with much more players, this game couldn't work.

The only way to deal with toxicity (hence lazy leechers since they're part of the global scheme) isn't to hunt them, it never works. The only solution is to make the game impervious to toxic players. More fun, less braindead farm and mandatory coop gameplay - Lots of WF players are playing the game solo, even if playing along with 3 other players. Tbh finding "trolls" isn't rocket science, they're quite often playing the same kind of popular games.

The only thing DE can do is to make their game less attractive to such players. And it won't ever happen.

I have a Nidus build that allows me to double(or triple in fissures) another player’s power strength. So far I’ve never encountered another one. Multiple Chroma’s and Rhino users’ heads nearly exploded when they saw how much I buffer their power strength. But that is because most players don’t care about teamwork. Not the way I do. I made my Rhino build with a 206% Roar. Which triples all damage including ones from abilities. Some people asked me for my build. Most jumped on the Saryn or Equinox receiving my buff. 

Then missions like fissures to farm for primes is smarter to play public to gain more or better options when the relics are cracked. So obviously most players are gonna want to play public. 

Fissures are where I encounter these players the most which is why I get irritated. Bounties in Fortuna get harder this longer the more players in the squad. I join in a public game expecting other players to actually play the bounty. Not sit back and watch. The suggestions I make only “forces” these lazy players to move towards the bounty stages. If they choose to go slow then they can’t be mad if they get no rewards.

Those who don’t work, don’t eat. Which is gonna be sad for Grendel. 

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