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What is the point of DE making a thing about us being able to report bad behavious, disgusting chats and so forth if they never do anythign about it.  I have reported lots of people for swearing all the time, for having dodgy names and even for sexual things they have said.  But they are still rampant, the same people.  Customer care my ass

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Easy were , if swearing gets under your skin so much toggle on chat filters , now I dont quite get the part with doogy names but I dont think that is ban worthy , if things like this bother yo uso much just put em on ignore list and be done with it .

I dont think people should get banned over such things , instead try to grow a thicker skin , life aint going to go easy on you , you know that right .

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2 hours ago, ---Lady-Rebecca--- said:

Customer care my ass

Seems like you've learnt something from them 😁

But jokes aside, if you want to stay sane, don't take randoms from the internet seriously. If you don't like something, just scroll on. You don't have to report them, argue with them, just don't bother. Sure, you can certainly keep reporting them, if they hit a certain low they will be punished, but they are just not worth you to get that upset about them.

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players have told me they were going to rape me in game or kill my family, i have a thick skin but swearing constantly at me for nothing is not on or threatening me and my family or people who think its funny to have 'theytouchkids' as a name.

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1 hour ago, ---Lady-Rebecca--- said:

players have told me they were going to rape me in game or kill my family, i have a thick skin but swearing constantly at me for nothing is not on or threatening me and my family or people who think its funny to have 'theytouchkids' as a name.

Okay, that's not exactly what I had in mind when you said they were swearing... Just keep reporting those filth, hope the ban hammer hits them hard. Make sure to save a screenshot about the conversation and send support that too.

Edited by (PS4)Viveeeh
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On 2019-09-17 at 7:06 AM, ---Lady-Rebecca--- said:

What is the point of DE making a thing about us being able to report bad behavious, disgusting chats and so forth if they never do anythign about it.  I have reported lots of people for swearing all the time, for having dodgy names and even for sexual things they have said.  But they are still rampant, the same people.  Customer care my ass

Some things require multiple reports from more than one person before they'll take action.  Other things, take one report with a good screenshot of the chat for them to take action, it all depends on the context and severity. 

In regards to your comment here 

2 hours ago, ---Lady-Rebecca--- said:

players have told me they were going to rape me in game or kill my family, i have a thick skin but swearing constantly at me for nothing is not on or threatening me and my family or people who think its funny to have 'theytouchkids' as a name.

Screenshots of the chat should have been enough to create some kind of action. 

How do you know DE hasn't done anything towards these players or if they simply use mule accounts to avoid detection?

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If another user is sending you threatening messages in game, screenshot it and send it in with a support ticket. This sort if behavior is not something that's tolerated, and a support ticket is probably the quickest/most thorough way to report this sort of behavior and get it in front of a customer support representative's eyes.

If it's happening in the forums, use the report button (flag on mobile, slightly greyed out link on desktop) on their part to bring it to moderators' attention.

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