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Trading channel bullies


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It has been brought to my attention that there are people in chat threatening new players by saying they will report the new player if the new player does not sell them the item wanted for a lower price. I have had one of my clan mates reported for not lowering his price and their account was banned by DE. What was reported by the player bullying is unknown. Don't we have chat monitors watching for this type of bullying? DE please help keep our game clear of the bullies.  Thank you, Flyonmywall [MR 27]

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Scaring new players by telling them you will report them to DE if they don't lower the price is wrong. I have posted in clan MOTD for all clanmates to get used to screen capture or learn to use the snipping tool. I know we play a video game and this is the nature of the beast, Not all bullies will get caught, but I will give my clanmates the tools to stop it from happening to them again. Thanks for your reply, Flyonmywall [MR 27]

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9 hours ago, Flyonmywall said:

It has been brought to my attention that there are people in chat threatening new players by saying they will report the new player if the new player does not sell them the item wanted for a lower price. I have had one of my clan mates reported for not lowering his price and their account was banned by DE. What was reported by the player bullying is unknown. Don't we have chat monitors watching for this type of bullying? DE please help keep our game clear of the bullies.  Thank you, Flyonmywall [MR 27]

If someone is acting in a way that is not in accordance with the game's rules for conduct, you should take a screenshot and report to support.

No one has their account banned by DE for not lowering a price on an item.

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Yeah, no.if your clan mate got a ban, they were breaking at least one rule. Not lowering a price is in no way against the rules, unless they started at one price and suddenly raised it. Then not giving the original price is a violation of the rules.....

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On 2019-09-19 at 1:25 PM, Xirka said:

Yeah, no.if your clan mate got a ban, they were breaking at least one rule. Not lowering a price is in no way against the rules, unless they started at one price and suddenly raised it. Then not giving the original price is a violation of the rules.....

This right here.

If you anounce a deal and then mid trade one player places a different amount of platinum, you can be reported for scamming.

The reason why notifications for changes and several checks were implemented was because many players were changing the ammounts at the last second, hoping the player would accept the trade, it can still be done, but you get that information on screen.

Regardless, if you try and do something of the sort or if you mislead the user regarding how to obtain a certain item (like saying rhino prime is unobtainable and an event only prime), the player can complain to support, support will help the user by undoing the trade and punishing the scammer, that's why you hardly ever see one.

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On 2019-09-18 at 9:12 PM, Flyonmywall said:

It has been brought to my attention that there are people in chat threatening new players by saying they will report the new player if the new player does not sell them the item wanted for a lower price. I have had one of my clan mates reported for not lowering his price and their account was banned by DE. What was reported by the player bullying is unknown. Don't we have chat monitors watching for this type of bullying? DE please help keep our game clear of the bullies.  Thank you, Flyonmywall [MR 27]

The people in your clan allergic to telling the truth? 

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that why I don't do the trades no more for this always end up the same case of issues which this is why I can't do trading marketing with people for it is not because bullying, for they just don't know how control their other half personality which take for example "Cop's job" which he have to be mean and aggressive but struggled keep his personality in check to love a family then end up loving crime instead doing his job what he pose to do.

This is type of irony I find because in trade market is on the rising price of plat and players just got pretty much aggressive due of they are selling riven mods online like ebay (which illegally trading due violation of contract with DE's paper that players agreed in such as to be), selling their accounts (having the 💩 terrible flashback about WoW), then there is that one moment that people charge their value of these riven mods super high but worthless because the collector want buy them for no good reason but they did it for the fancy pants want to do vid or gag joke running around with and lastly over price riven mod giver which it is just....well putting a point "Why?"  which by mean why "why would you spend 10k of plat on 1 riven mod that actually is only MR 25 when you can't use it if your below mastery rank" this chicken scratch me all 100 ways I don't want bother hearing that but players just do it.

If any of this type again is getting out of hand again, pretty much the enforcement is going be kicking in really deep about this because riven mods is getting out of hand which people's attitude has even more recently change, I am asking what is going on with the communities in chat where the trade is at?  I just am done with toxic players and now revisting the toxic players in trading I am this point done with it


that why I don't do trading no more, just solo farming my bottom off for I am not dealing with toxic players who want glorified themselves in warframe

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