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Kuva Lich system is extremely anti-newbie


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After beating my first Kuva Lich and starting a second I've completely ignored it, you literally can't be forced into the missions so I don't get what the issue is.  If something is over your head then don't do those missions, what's so difficult about this?

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I like the lich idea and think it could use improvement, but the community voted no on improvement and no on liking it. So basically it’s going to not change for 6-9 months (to be fair they’ll put 1 change in and if that does not fix it...) then be removed. They’ll probably put the guns in a new location at some point.

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On 2019-11-02 at 9:25 PM, soluuloi said:

The only requirement is you need to have completed The War Within. And boy, The War Within, similar to most story quests in this game, can be done at a very early mr and are relative easy.

But to get to The War Within, you need to complete many other objectives first. Namely, you need to get Uranus, which requires you play through a bunch of the content across 9 planets: Earth, Venus, Mercury (Venus and Mercury because you need to complete Suisei on Mercury to progress past Earth), Mars, Phobos (Phobos to progress past the Mars Junction), Ceres, Jupiter, Europa (half of it, up to Baal) and Saturn. You also need to complete at least one mission in the Void (Teshub), and complete the Archwing, Stolen Dreams, and New Strange quests (among others).

I couldn't tell you how long this might take because I did all this content long before Junctions were introduced, but the roadmap seems to lay things out in a way that makes players have some decent level of gear and experience before getting to The War Within.

Perhaps they could be taxied to certain locations (I'm not sure how this works post-Specters of the Rail), but in order to be asking for this they would need to be looking to shortcut a natural progression. And in that case, they're kind of intentionally venturing to the deep end, so that's on them. If you manage to unlock most of your Starchart and are still a newbie without a snowball's chance against the Thralls and Liches, you've done something very wrong.

Edited by SenorClipClop
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12 hours ago, NoFace851 said:

thank you for this stupid system, i'm MR8, not a single prime, and i killed this larvling because well, it's an enemy and nobody told me what would happen, now, I, who is struggling with level 40 enemies, have a #*!%ing lich that keeps stealing me, and i didn't even start to farm kuva missions because i was not aiming for that at this moment, i was planning to get some prime weapons but NO, now i have to farm those stupid mods, in those missions with a 30% chance because i can't do flood BECAUSE THEY ARE LEVEL 80-100. What's wrong with de? i'm not a veteran and i'm not at endgame, why am i supposed to be forced to farm those stupid requiem mods? can i message their support to just remove that lich out of my game? i don't even want its rewards, just out of my game

My best advice is get some people to accompany you. For frame, try Nezha with Reaping Chakram for big damage burst to enemies and damage reduction

Divine spears (4) + Blazing Chakram (2) to impaled enemies  = GG

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It was with Kuva Liches and then Railjack that the enemy difficulty reached heights it was so silly that it made sorties feel.. dull lol. They really do need to balance out the difficulty better but the rewards for the sortie aren't worth it 75% of the time for the hassle so I guess I should just be happy it is the way that it is now.


First of all, they needed to allow people to be able to opt out. Either because you made the mistake of opting in without knowing just how out of control it could get and perhaps you're just not ready for it ( you also can't be blamed for this considering the lack of any real explanation of what is going on. ) and because of the random weapons and the most glaring thing is the lack of an real reward to converting a Lich. What was that? You can get the weapon you needed or better stats for a weapon you already have, an ephemera or..... you just have to convert the lich to have a npc you'll never see and when you do they're around for 5 seconds. There's no value to converting, none. It turns a scenario where if there is nothing to be gained from your lich, you're wasting your time and resources killing something you're not getting any benefit from.


The fix also doesn't work. I for the life of me can't get someone to trade me ANY kuva kohm. I don't care about the stats so long as it is of the two elements I'm willing to experiment with but either people aren't playing the content OR the trading is too complicated because maybe I see someone offering the weapon in trade but I have a lich active so can't trade for it. You also have to navigate someone maybe not wanting those stats you have or the element so it turns into a garbage tier riven trade scenario and I don't know what they were thinking with that "fix" as it puts a lot of unnecessary work on the part of the player base for them not working through this themselves.

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The content you need to tackle right before the war within is level 30, the war within is level 20 and the missions you can get a lich are level 20. Yet, the lich missions are level 50 and the missions needed for the cards to beat a lich are level 60.

People can beat the war within and not be ready, numerically, to beat the kuva lich. Raw experience cannot be used to beat them. You need the right mods, formas and orokin reactors/catalysts to beat higher level missions than the missions you were beating directly before.

If the larvling itself was on the same power tier as the thralls and spawned at level 60 with a group of level 50 underlings, then it’d be it’s own check for whether the player can deal with it after “opting in”.

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