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Toxic lich hunter bullies are spreading "badwill", ban them.


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3 minutes ago, Aldain said:

Hey guys, apparently I've learned I'm all the evils of this forum for opposing the system's pointless deaths and not just accepting that the system is flawed and that it should be.

Where might I go to acquire minions to be the nemesis the forum deserves?

Try Monster Hunter World (the Felynes are adorable) or Dragon's Dogma?  Not only are the pawns there reliable, but they'll take part time jobs and bring back money if you're not busy bossing them around.  Personally I'm fond of my murder of deinonychus in Ark.  They're nowhere near as durable as a rex, but a rex can't swarm an enemy like a flock of shrieking feathered scythe wielding piranhas.

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3 hours ago, Aldain said:

Hey guys, apparently I've learned I'm all the evils of this forum for opposing the system's pointless deaths and not just accepting that the system is flawed and that it should be.

Where might I go to acquire minions to be the nemesis the forum deserves?

Well, apparently I'm sick in the head and incapable of forming my own opinions unless I play Conclave, or shell out money to see a movie which I can see will suck from the previews.

I wouldn't say I'm evil, but hey, I'm the most evil thing to exist on the internet. A guy with opinions contrary to others. We should team up or something.

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Just now, EmberStar said:

a flock of shrieking feathered scythe wielding piranhas.

Oh, you've given me an idea for my EVIL LAIR MWHAHAHAH!.

Now to find a contractor willing to build a tank for holding Piranhas, and of course I'll also need to find health insurance for them, after all those things can hurt people.

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1 minute ago, T.Hoagie said:

I wouldn't say I'm evil, but hey, I'm the most evil thing to exist on the internet. A guy with opinions contrary to others. We should team up or something.

YES, the most EEEEEVIL of things on the Earth, A DIFFERING OPINION HAVER!

Join me, and we shall rule the forums! It shall be a place where all have the right to an opinion, and discourse is not through insults and demands, but civility and compromise.


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3 hours ago, Aldain said:

YES, the most EEEEEVIL of things on the Earth, A DIFFERING OPINION HAVER!

Join me, and we shall rule the forums! It shall be a place where all have the right to an opinion, and discourse is not through insults and demands, but civility and compromise.


So who is going to forge the one Warframe to rule them all?

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2 minutes ago, Aldain said:

YES, the most EEEEEVIL of things on the Earth, A DIFFERING OPINION HAVER!

Join me, and we shall rule the forums! It shall be a place where all have the right to an opinion, and discourse is not through insults and demands, but civility and compromise.


Truly a devious stratagem! I, contrarian Tenno, shall join you in this endeavour! We shall disagree on many things, AND NOTHING SHALL PREVENT US FROM CALMLY DISCUSSING OUR DIFFERING OPINIONS!


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3 hours ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

It's already here..... Ash prime silly boasting his trusty daikyu and nikana prime into battle 

I would have pegged Inaro's Prime (eventually) with Prime level pocket sand, bow to him or be forever blinded!

3 hours ago, Aldain said:

I think I have a sledgehammer in my garage...you have a power drill by any chance?

We'll also need some plywood, a few metal coat hangers and some gum.

We're trying to forge the godliest of Warframes, not another Old Blood update lol

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In the fantastically unlikely event anyone was wondering what I meant by "Ark deinonychus" and actually cares: 


And here, at about 30 seconds in (and a few places after that.)  They're the feathered punk looking ones leaping on the rex and causing it to have a Very Bad Day.


PS:  Are we trying to derail the thread to death now?  I can't really tell.

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Just now, Iamabearlulz said:

Truly a devious stratagem! I, contrarian Tenno, shall join you in this endeavour! We shall disagree on many things, AND NOTHING SHALL PREVENT US FROM CALMLY DISCUSSING OUR DIFFERING OPINIONS!


EXCELLENT, more comrades in the fight for the EEEEEEEEEEEVILS of civil debate!

We shall assemble in my Lair once the contractor returns! 

His wife is having a baby so I gave him 3 weeks leave to be with his wive and child, after all, those are important times for a family.



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Just now, EmberStar said:

Are we trying to derail the thread to death now?  I can't really tell.


Honestly I'm just play-acting this way out of boredom, I essentially ran out of f-bombs to give from another similar topic so I decided to be my special brand of evil.


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Just now, Test-995 said:

by derailing thread, mod would lock this mess.

Clever strat i'd say.

It's the only way to stop this madness. We're not getting any new opinions here anyway, nobody's going to read 26 pages of this nonsense just to get up to speed. It's like those people who try to get you to watch One Piece, ain't nobody got time for that!

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1 minute ago, Test-995 said:

by derailing thread, mod would lock this mess.

Clever strat i'd say.

Drat he's on to me.


...Also don't forget to tip the driver, I have her on salary but the extra pay helps her immensely.

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1 minute ago, Iamabearlulz said:

It's the only way to stop this madness. We're not getting any new opinions here anyway, nobody's going to read 26 pages of this nonsense just to get up to speed. It's like those people who try to get you to watch One Piece, ain't nobody got time for that!

But if it's called "One Piece" it should be simple, right?  (quickly checks)  Ohhhh....  It's one of those anime series like Pokemon where it's been running for decades and there's about six hundred episodes, isn't it?  o.O

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2 minutes ago, EmberStar said:

But if it's called "One Piece" it should be simple, right?  (quickly checks)  Ohhhh....  It's one of those anime series like Pokemon where it's been running for decades and there's about six hundred episodes, isn't it?  o.O

Six hundred episodes... if you skip all the filler and non-canon stuff.


4 minutes ago, Aldain said:

Drat he's on to me.


...Also don't forget to tip the driver, I have her on salary but the extra pay helps her immensely.

Surely we cannot give up when we're so close to finally destroying this thread once and for all!?

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3 minutes ago, EmberStar said:

But if it's called "One Piece" it should be simple, right?  (quickly checks)  Ohhhh....  It's one of those anime series like Pokemon where it's been running for decades and there's about six hundred episodes, isn't it?  o.O

Don't even ask how many chapters the manga has, I think the series has been running for at least 60% of my life.

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1 minute ago, Iamabearlulz said:

Surely we cannot give up when we're so close to finally destroying this thread once and for all!?

Fear not! The Bus of DOOOOOOOOOM has defense measures, we will be able to crush this thread from within it's safe confines!

...At least unless a Supermod shows up, then they will haul us off to forum jail, thankfully I know a good lawyer.

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2 minutes ago, Aldain said:

Fear not! The Bus of DOOOOOOOOOM has defense measures, we will be able to crush this thread from within it's safe confines!

...At least unless a Supermod shows up, then they will haul us off to forum jail, thankfully I know a good lawyer.

Then I go with you... To the DOOOOOOOOOM Bus!

Upvoters! Execute order 660!

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6 hours ago, Remedyheart said:

You would east another player's time and force him into extra missions with the threat of bans and reports for the mere request of "Hey buddy can you grt rid of your lich? We've been fighting him for 3 minutes now. I need to kill my own lich. Thanks."

Look, no-one would ever be banned for asking for help or kindly suggesting something. That is absurd. The point is that currently there are two valid answers to the question above: (1) "sure, coming", and (2) "no, not stabbing him now". And despite what anyone might feel, both really are valid and ok game choices.

The problem is what happens after a player answers "no". Or ducking the chat by not answering at all, which has become more common due to the "toxicity risk".

Because currently there really is only one answer to that "no", and it is "ok" (in some form or other, like "awww, ok then"). And this is also the common response (many just starts moving towards extraction). But some players just can't help themselves and starts bullying, harassing and threatening the "no"-player. And at times that goes way beyond what I think is a bannable offence. So it is up to any player in the squad to decide if they want to go through the trouble of taking screenshots and reporting the potential offense to DE (I do have a sh-tload of screenshots, but thought the forum would be a better place to handle this problem).

In most of the cases I've "experienced" the victim has been someone other than me, more often than not a lower-MR player (who understandably wants to keep his lich at a lower level and/or figure out the next requiem before stabbing). For a lower-MR player this easily becomes a vicious circle, by being bullied to stab his lich the lich levels up, and the player has to resort to public missions to get help, where he/she again is subjected to abuse to be forced to level up the lich even further. This is classic bullying and group mobbing against a weaker victim, and it just has to be stopped (anyone defending such behaviour should be ashamed). High MRs just respond to bullies either by giving them "the silent treatment" or by answering something like "my lich - my decision - back off", which in most cases make the bullies back off.

Edited by Graavarg
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2 minutes ago, Iamabearlulz said:


Nononono, the Bus of DOOOOOOOOM, not the DOOOOOOOOM Bus, that would be a silly name.

Also don't forget to buckle up, the roads can be very dangerous.

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What's the point in avoiding the lich? That's a selfish act in my opinion. You're basically preventing others from getting a chance to fight their own liches. This is why I feel forced to go solo once my lich gets annoyed enough. Getting the lich to lvl 5 should be the top priority cause after that his rage meter won't reset and you can have him spawn more frequently to try parazon mod combinations.

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