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I feel too paranoid to actually rebuild any of my weapons into the new system.


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hace 9 horas, Atsia dijo:

Why? DE isn't obligated in the first place to do anything of the sort when they make big system changes. We at least got something, and most forma-ed builds didn't change at all for the most part.

Thats not an argument. I could say they arent obligated to stay F2P nor add any change to the game too.

U are just having a compliant attitude.

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There's a melee weapon that is more of less future proof, Paracesis. You can put whatever build you can imagine on it and it will fit. No changes to the modding system needed, I see no mention of it here when it is an easy reference for "flexibility" and "future proofing"

If you were using an overpowered weapon and splashed on a riven, you played yourself...I'm not sorry


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What is wrong with you people?  Half of you just joyously celebrate any time part of the player base gets crapped on.  "I'm so glad you people that utilized meta x got nerfed, you totally deserved it, I hope you quit the game, because this game is only for people that think DE can do no wrong."

That's what you people sound like.  It's honestly disturbing.

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I didn't have to change any of my builds. If anything, my builds got stronger.

That being said, I never really cared for Maim Strike, despite how good it was.

3 hours ago, (XB1)TehChubbyDugan said:

What is wrong with you people?  Half of you just joyously celebrate any time part of the player base gets crapped on.  "I'm so glad you people that utilized meta x got nerfed, you totally deserved it, I hope you quit the game, because this game is only for people that think DE can do no wrong."

That's what you people sound like.  It's honestly disturbing.

Simply false. Nobody is celebrating the suffering of other players.

What we are celebrating is that a broken aspect of the game is no longer directing the meta of how to build weapons properly, which becomes a problem for how devs have to balance the game, which then influences how players are required to build in order to succeed in the game.

What we are celebrating is improved build variety and a meta that doesn't rely entirely on one specific mod and playstyle.

I'm finding it especially odd that most people like you are tying the loss of Maim Strike's OP quality to the introduction of the Heavy Attack system and the change to the combo point system. This is objectively better than Channeling, a system that literally everybody saw as useless.

Edited by DrakeWurrum
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Well, I mean, most melee builds still use 4 Madurai polarities, so I'm not finding it that bad. As others have pointed out, most of my investment has been into weapons that I never invested in before. I can only think of one or two cases in which I had to re-forma an existing polarity on a melee weapon after the rework, and one of those was a default polarity.

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3 hours ago, (XB1)TehChubbyDugan said:

What is wrong with you people?  Half of you just joyously celebrate any time part of the player base gets crapped on.  "I'm so glad you people that utilized meta x got nerfed, you totally deserved it, I hope you quit the game, because this game is only for people that think DE can do no wrong."

That's what you people sound like.  It's honestly disturbing.

If that is what we sound like to you, then maybe you're not hearing us right.


I am more concerned with the state of the game than a few toys in my toolbox. You are free to disagree, I can empathize with being upset that your toy was broken, but that does not change my personal opinion. If you can't fathom other people having a different opinion than yours, then honestly I question how well founded your opinion is. There is a logical explanation for everything, if you can't see the logic in the other person's viewpoint then you don't understand the entire situation.

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6 minutes ago, DrakeWurrum said:

I didn't have to change any of my builds. If anything, my builds got stronger.

That being said, I never really cared for Maim Strike, despite how good it was.

Simply false. Nobody is celebrating the suffering of other players.

What we are celebrating is that a broken aspect of the game is no longer directing the meta of how to build weapons properly, which becomes a problem for how devs have to balance the game, which then influences how players are required to build in order to succeed in the game.

What we are celebrating is improved build variety and a meta that doesn't rely entirely on one specific mod and playstyle.

We went from having one meta (hybrid builds with CO and Blood Rush) to having two meta builds (crit with Blood Rush, Crit and base combo with heavy attacks). I fail to see how this update really changed build diversity. If anything, it reduced weapon diversity, as Status-only weapons now have no means by which to keep up with crit weapons, and Hybrid builds pretty much no longer exist. You used to consider using a 60/60 elemental in place of a 90% elemental because of the extra multiplier from CO. Now you only use a 60/60 if you don't have room for a 90%.

So unless DE does more sweeping changes soon, the new meta will stabilize, and it will be mostly Blood Rush builds, with some niche heavy attack builds on certain weapons.

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You people are missing the point.  Why would anyone want to invest time in effort into a system that might get thrown away on a whim?  Weapons in a game about using weapons shouldn't be designed like sandcastles, where they're only good until the tide comes in.  They need to give us proper modularity for a changing system or stop changing the system because it destroys our work.  Several of my best weapons are going to have to be completely changed and I'm going to have to reroll the rivens on those weapons as well.  That's a lot of work AND RNG that I have to fight with and redo, and you think I'm childish for being irritated over that?  

I'm not even upset over maiming strike.  Despite thinking that I wouldn't, I actually enjoy the new melee system, aside from some rather glaring flaws.  I'm irritated because they did very little to compensate us for the massive changes to what we had built, and there's zero way of knowing if it's safe to actually rebuild anything, or if I'm about to spend a bunch of forma for nothing.  Everyone is rebuilding their stuff right now, but what happens when they decide this isn't what they intended either and they just change it all again?  Now you've built the same weapons out to a final build twice and you're reset again and you get 3 forma to cover dozens of build changes.  If they want to keep iterating, fine.  But we need a system that accommodates that, rather than hinders it.  It needs to be either/or because this in the middle BS feels like trash.

For everyone saying "My builds are all fine."  I had 15 Melee weapons forma'd and built for higher level content.  About half of them will need forma added or need to be re-forma'd for them to be where they need to be with the new builds that look optimal within the new systems.  They gave 3 forma for just the Wukong rework.  They changed 2 frames up and every melee weapon in the game.  We still got just 3, and when they reset us again, it will probably be another 3.

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