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Parazon wasted potential


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The Parazon its a perfect complement of the operator gameplay (they even have an animation for finishers, try with a thrall), because it gives a chance to fill 2 main things who are missing fot them Real finishers (and steakth kills) and the possibility to finaly have access to radar and gather things. The Parazon (live) has 6 slots, 3 for requiems, 3 for hacking or mercy kills. I think 7 or 8 slots is what we need, 3 for requiems and more slots (4 or 5) to decide wich approach we want on gameplay, with new parazon mods, who would be like a lite version of mods like enemy / loot radar or fetch / vacuum and maybe other things that would fit on there.

Not only operator players would benefit from this, but frame players would also benefit with a lite version of those kind of mods, because companions die easily or because some people just don't want to deal with companions at all. Some people quit on arbitration when their pet die, some people hate to bring companions to eidolon fights, and a large list of more reasons.

Also, with a lite like version of those mods we ensure the possition of animal instinct, loot detector and more.

I can't see how this would harm any gameplay style, win / win for everyone.


Just like the old days

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Eh since all Mercies are finishers but finishers are not mercies the Mercy mods are pretty much dead in the water as far as I'm concerned, too niche. Getting something gingerly down to 5% of its health to open up a QTE for a chance at maybe something happening.... nah 

So I'd definitely welcome more mod variety, I mean the hacking mods are pretty OK but I don't really "need" any of them. 

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1 minute ago, Oreades said:

Eh since all Mercies are finishers but finishers are not mercies the Mercy mods are pretty much dead in the water as far as I'm concerned, too niche. Getting something gingerly down to 5% of its health to open up a QTE for a chance at maybe something happening.... nah 

So I'd definitely welcome more mod variety, I mean the hacking mods are pretty OK but I don't really "need" any of them. 

Other than thralls, the threshold for making a target "mercy possible" seems too low.  If you're teamed then there's almost zero chance you'll be able to reach the target and activate the finisher before weapon / power AoE damage or stray shots from a pet ("I'm helping!"  *bang!*) kills it.  I slotted mine with Intruder, and the mods that grant a chance to auto-hack and try again without getting exploded if the hack fails.  They're not great, but at least they work on something that's consistently present in missions.  And the hacking minigames are all pretty "meh," so even the small chance to just skip them is at least a bit useful.

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1 minute ago, EmberStar said:

Other than thralls, the threshold for making a target "mercy possible" seems too low.  If you're teamed then there's almost zero chance you'll be able to reach the target and activate the finisher before weapon / power AoE damage or stray shots from a pet ("I'm helping!"  *bang!*) kills it.  I slotted mine with Intruder, and the mods that grant a chance to auto-hack and try again without getting exploded if the hack fails.  They're not great, but at least they work on something that's consistently present in missions.  And the hacking minigames are all pretty "meh," so even the small chance to just skip them is at least a bit useful.

Yeah I farmed a lot of the blood for X mods back when I thought that finishers and mercies where the same thing because DE never really did a good job making that clear. Think it was a few hours before I actually managed to get Blood for Energy to drop and I ran off all giddy thinking "OMG this actually might be great in super specific niche scenarios!" aaaaand then it became painfully clear that no, mercies and finishers are indeed two different mechanics and these mods are about as close to useless as it gets. 

Thankfully it dropped just before I got a wisper about a buying it for plat because I'd have hated spending plat on that nonsense only to find out that.... yup they just aren't in any way practical. 

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

I think it's terrifying that "operator players" and "frame players" are two different things to you

But they are 2 different gameplay that coexist, some people don't deal at all with operators and sometimes operator players just leave the frame on the first room and from there is just operator, frame gameplay already has utility mods for radar + gathering, but if you don't wanna use your frame you don't have choice rather than jump on it, look the map, gather things and then exiting. I know it maybe looks trivial, but sometimes doing that put you on danger and this idea aim to avoid that and delivering something wanted of r the community for a long time, universal fetch/vaccum

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...what does Vacuum have to do with the Parazon? How do any of those things match what the Parazon is? You can't call something wasted potential if there was never potential for it in the first place and it also implies a finality in a feature that Warframe simply does not have.

Operators are a compliment to the frames, not a replacement or meant to in any way match them.

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13 hours ago, peterc3 said:

...what does Vacuum have to do with the Parazon? How do any of those things match what the Parazon is? You can't call something wasted potential if there was never potential for it in the first place and it also implies a finality in a feature that Warframe simply does not have.

Operators are a compliment to the frames, not a replacement or meant to in any way match them.

Thats why I used "potential". The parazon was intended to res teammates too, if they are aiming to bring "utility" things on the parazon, I can't see why universal vaccum and loot/enemy radar can't fit on there, considering the fact that right now, using that kind of mods on frames are a wasted slot in most cases. That's why intruder is a parazon mod right now.

"My warframe is the hand and I am the will"

Frames are the compliment to surpass the weakness of the tenno. And people who enjoy more the operator gameplay rather frame gameplay would benefit too, because the parazon give us the oportunity to use mods (at least utility ones).

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