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not receiving correct amount of intrinsics


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just noticed it myself in my mission summary said i got 16 points in intrinsics but then went to my intrinsics and only had 11 i had 6 before i ran ogal cluster then minhast station so i did  2 missions and only got 5 out of the so called 16 least to say im pretty pissed

seen a few bug reports on pc with most people saying they received half of what summary says so some think its down to boosters not working right but as Ive said i received 5 out of 16 so clearly not half

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just did 2 missions on Saturn first mission 5 intrinsic points then continued straight into next mission and got 11 intrinsic points went back to hosts dry dock left dry dock and returned to orbiter got another mission summary screen saying i received 21 intrinsic points? went to my intrinsics got 11 had 0 before so i have absolutely no idea what BS im receiving as i cant find any sort of pattern or continuity between what the summary tells me i receive and what i actually get

P.s added bonus got a reactor which says adds 12 avionics capacity installed it go to avionics 11 capacity i had 0 with old reactor removed all avionics default reactor capacity 30, vidar reactor mk1 with +12 capacity 41.......well done clearly some one in developing cant count

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This has been an issue since Railjack started, and I've yet to see an answer from DE (or maybe it's being posted somewhere else?).  I've got varying intrinsic rewards versus what end of mission says I'm supposed to get. I've received anywhere from 1/4 to 3/4 of what end of mission says I'm supposed to get.  Any help DE?

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Here's another thing, they aren't adding up, in another words lets say you have 5 points left over from doing stuff, you play a mission and you get 6 more, so when you get back should be 11 right, WRONG, it only shows your most current points which would have been the 6 there is something diffidently wrong. 

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For whatever reason, it only seems to add intrinsics/resources to your pool after you've gone back on the orbiter.


Going back to drydock has never added to my number of intrinsics/resources.  Going on another mission never has.  But quitting the game and logging back in always works, and going back to the orbiter and checking my intrinsics then has worked all but one of the times I've tried.  I'd thought I was missing stuff from not refining (or whatever), but it just took a while to show up.


Kinda wonder what actually triggers resources being added to the account.

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Anyone know why intrinsics are not adding together, as I said above I've had left over intrinsics (5) gone on a mission got 6 but when I go back to the orbiter it only shows my current amount of 6 instead of adding them together and adding up to 11 anyone have any ideas why this is happening?

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It really becomes frustrating because right now unless you play a really long game you don't get the amount you need to progress, now some people are saying it is adding up and if so someone needs to explain this, yesterday I did two long missions, the first one I got 26 points, then of course I go to profile, then intrinsics and it showed me 26 points, played my second game got 21 points, went back to the orbiter, intrinsics and it showed me 21 points explain that one??

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Not entirely sure what the issue is here with intrinsics but its getting pretty frustrating. I checked and had 92 intrinsics before running quick mission on earth proxima, got back to my dry dock and now i only have 84. It was a low lvl mission so i didnt have to use any revives or anything.

 I noticed the same thing yesterday but thought well maybe i was just incorrect about the number of intrinsics i had but nope it appears thats i sometimes lose intrinsics. I can live with maybe not getting the amount of intrinsics that it states at the end of a mission but losing intrinsics is not cool at all. I got affinity booster just to help with farming intrinsics which looks like might have been a waste of plat because im not sure if i can continue to grind if im going to lose more intrinsics than i get on some missions

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Yeah, frustrating annoying bug.  It seems to me that the bonus intrinsic earned after mission ends is not added at all after you return to dock.  You only get what was earned during the mission.  Grrr....

I also noticed during squad play when you are NOT the host and it's not your railjack, that returning to obiter pulls up the mission reward screen.  The host will see the mission reward screen when his ship returns to the dock but the client doesn't until his return to orbiter.

Hence for those farming intrinsics, it's better to kill fighters quickly and then abort, since you don't get the bonus from completing the mission anyway.


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2020-01-13 at 3:35 PM, pewpew. said:

bump, this is still happening  i started a game and had 32 then i did a mission and got 54 from it then wen t back to my dry dock and looked at the number and it was at 54 so it didn't add the 32 from before

From what I understand, the end of mission screen doesn't start at 0, so you didn't earn 54 in the mission.

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  • 1 year later...
On 2020-01-15 at 8:02 AM, (XBOX)R3d P01nt said:

From what I understand, the end of mission screen doesn't start at 0, so you didn't earn 54 in the mission.

This is still happening right now, the mission result screen starts counting at the wrong number or something and it always vastly overstates the intrinsics earned!
What makes it even worse is there is a second counter next to it that shows a number out of 1000 (for me its 1000 anyway).

Like it will show "intrinsic points earned: 300     700/1000"
This makes me think I got 300 and my total should now be 700 but in reality my actual intrinsics will be like 300 and the 700 number is just something totally wrong/broken.

One of the worst things you can do to someone is "here have this whole chocolate bar" and then when they reach out you break off one small cube and give them that.
Please DE, this is just some incorrect calculations on the end screen and it's been going on for a long time.

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