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Improvements to Railjack


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Hey there! Experienced Railjack player here looking to give his feedback regarding the current state of it, and I'd like to throw out my intrinsics just to show it's not just hot air.

Now that that's out of the way, there's a few things I'd really like to address. (This won't include bugs, as those aren't intended features)

Vidar reactors being the only real endgame option is pretty distressing. I don't really mind the fact that they're hard to obtain,or even the fact that they're randomly generated between 30-100. But I do mind that the other reactors absolutely fall behind them in every way. With a good engineer you have all the Flux capacity you could ever need even if you spammed Void Hole/Munitions Vortex and cleared out the mission quickly. A good engineer cannot give me Avionics,so there's just too big of difference between the Vidar and the Lavan/Zetki.

I believe a potential solution to this problem would be to add a Flux regeneration passive to the reactors, with Vidar having the lowest and Zetki having the highest. This could at least give people some sort of reason to use it

Additionally, for Vidar Carcinnox , they seem to be one of the only guns with quadruple the damage falloff that other guns have (2000-4000) when the other carcinnox all have 500-1000, I'm not sure if it's intended, but if it is, I'd like to hear the reasoning for it.

Also, for all that is holy let us use Dirac to increase our wreckage capacity space, 30 is not enough.  Between Exo Outriders, Crewships, and Mission Success rewards,Veil nodes can easily give 6-7 Wreckage a run, and if you just so happen to get a Vidar reactor on the mission success screen ,it gets auto scrapped if you happened to hit 30 before that time.

At the very least,after the mission ends let us please choose which of the wreckages to scrap ourselves rather then just losing out on it all.

As you see above, I have relatively high intrinsics, but what feels extremely terrible about it is that I don't really...need any of those intrinsics at later play.
Current missions basically revolve around using Void hole, Munitions vortex,sweep fighters,and repeat.
I don't have to drift like I used to, or ram anything, the bonuses I've gotten are very minimal to say the least, and none of the 10 intrinsics hold any practical use for speeding up my mission at this point,par maybe the remote engineering which could let my engineer focus on being a flux battery.
The current state of intrinsics basically gives the best bonuses in the first 4 levels and everything after is just mediocre at best with very few exceptions.

We get a lot of it, far too much even to the point it's not balanced with the low mod costs and the low grid costs, on the road to level 10 Intrinsics I have already maxed every grid, and every potential mod and variation with over 100,000 Dirac to spare. There has to be an alternative use for this resource.

The Grind/The Rush Repair
The grind seems to be relatively fair, although I'd like to question why majority of the rarest of drops drop from the non-elite enemies, examples of this are Void Hole dropping solely from Exo Outriders, not Elite Exo Outriders.
What bothers me most about the grind is that if you have 50 plat you can absolutely ignore any resource costs of a wreckage.
It isn't that we don't get enough resources, but it leaves a terrible taste in my mouth to see someone completely ignore the resources costs for something.
To my knowledge the only time that similar happens is when you buy an entire warframe and usually the cost justifies the grind,but in late game Railjack, 50 plat vs all those resources is almost a no brainer (Unless you've no lifed it)

Nullifier/Healing Bubbles
These were one of the ones that were extremely aggravating when first starting the Veil in Railjack,and continue to be a problem. I'm not sure if it's still the case that only the host can see the giant nullifier-like healing orbs shot from crewships. But if you're using a low fire rate gun you have 0% chance of breaking through it. (This problem would be fixed if others can see the nullifier bubbles,though)

My biggest gripe with them is their ability to block absolutely every projectile coming their way. It is beyond frustrating to get into the big gunner 5 seat and go to use a Dome Charge laser only for it to be blocked by a huge bubble,  and if you're not the host you're just there wondering why you're point blank shot didn't hit your target.

It also isn't very clear that these are what are healing the units in the area , it'd be extremely beneficial if the first time one appears in a mission for Cy to make a little remark about a crew ship laying down a healing aura. I know most of my friends who first timed in the veil with me were extremely frustrated on sideguns about their inability to kill anything without understanding why.

Looting is absolutely the worst thing in a mission,and without void hole,trying to find the drops with a CHUNK of a Railjack is painful, there's always going to be a question in peoples minds if they missed that one rare mod because one of their side gunners took out a Kosma Cutter and we weren't able to see the Zetki Bulkhead it dropped (Either from it straying off too far, or the pilot just not being able to see)

Please either severely increase the loot range of vacuum, or mark mods on the map so that people are able to see them within a large radius.

Most of the avionics feel good to use and I have no complaints about aside from maybe their low dirac cost to max out.
The ones that feel absolutely terrible though are all of the Archwing avionics,as well as the resistance to certain element avionics

100m is not enough for the archwing mods to be usable, it's a laughable distance and no archwing boarder/skirmisher will ever be that close to the ship ,especially if the pilot is agile.

There is absolutely no use for using the resistance mods as it stands,as Hull weave and Bulkhead are all the resistances you'd ever need on your Railjack, please consider changing them to adding the damage type instead,so people will actually care about the status of their weapons.
(Example, changing Ablative Shell to +% Chem damage to Side guns)

Ship Functionality
Final point for now and probably one of the least important, would be the ability to change both side guns to different guns, I know a lot of my gunners would have preferred a different gun,and the engineer on downtime enjoys gunning. So having the ability to match their preferences would've definitely been ideal.

Thank you, and please let me know if I missed anything, I'm really loving the Empyrean update and would just love to help polish it to make it a product people can be happy with, I'm not a very big forum poster so the format may be off but I appreciate if you read through it.

PS. Getting an "Unidentified item" from a derelict and getting nothing from the end of the mission sucks, please clarify or fix ♥


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There is something wrong with the descriptions of the range of the Avionics.

Tether says it has a blast of 200m but when I see it blow up I go "that's more than 200m...".

Same with the timers.

Same with the actual speed of the Railjack because from what I tested, the speed is actually 1/3 of what is in the UI.

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7 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

There is something wrong with the descriptions of the range of the Avionics.

Tether says it has a blast of 200m but when I see it blow up I go "that's more than 200m...".

Same with the timers.

Same with the actual speed of the Railjack because from what I tested, the speed is actually 1/3 of what is in the UI.

Potentially! I actually haven't been able to test the whole range thing myself and just am taking it at face value. But that very well could be the case.

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Railjack rank 6777 overall i have found Railjack fairly well balanced for rewards, however why are basic starter resource in the rewards tables rubedeo really shouldn't be there however titanium should. This is my second problem titanium costs are 33% to 50% to high on salvaged items 15,000 titanium is to high when i'm get 1500 with a resource booster per mission. Rush bots are reasonably priced used 7 when i found out i Didn't need to despair at grinding huge amounts of titanium Copernics and carbides.  but i would rather put my plat into slots, not repairs. 3rd grippe DE you let yourselves down not explaining some parts of railjack building and farming extra reckage slots is one such let down were you should have told players this option was available. I can't speak for all but we generally don't mind buying if it for reasonably priced things that help and is our choice  Well back to grinding the 30000 titanium i need. Oh one last grippe we DON'T GET ALL RESOURCES back on scrapping parts we already funded . Sorry if this seems to ramble i'm not good a writing

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14 minutes ago, Gwyndolin-chan said:

i like a lot of this. i also wish there was a way to do something similar to "Valence Transfer" for Kuva weapons but for the wreckage part loot in RJ.

Agreed! Nothing is more frustrating then making a 28% damage bonus Vidar Carcinnox only to drop a 29% one moments later and have to regrind it all

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5 hours ago, (PS4)camwyn-xenos said:

Railjack rank 6777 overall i have found Railjack fairly well balanced for rewards, however why are basic starter resource in the rewards tables rubedeo really shouldn't be there however titanium should. This is my second problem titanium costs are 33% to 50% to high on salvaged items 15,000 titanium is to high when i'm get 1500 with a resource booster per mission. Rush bots are reasonably priced used 7 when i found out i Didn't need to despair at grinding huge amounts of titanium Copernics and carbides.  but i would rather put my plat into slots, not repairs. 3rd grippe DE you let yourselves down not explaining some parts of railjack building and farming extra reckage slots is one such let down were you should have told players this option was available. I can't speak for all but we generally don't mind buying if it for reasonably priced things that help and is our choice  Well back to grinding the 30000 titanium i need. Oh one last grippe we DON'T GET ALL RESOURCES back on scrapping parts we already funded . Sorry if this seems to ramble i'm not good a writing

Personally I don't think we should be getting 100% of the resources back when we scrap the things we funded, we made that decision to fund it and if we got every resource back then it'd be the easiest grind in the world;get the requirement for one gun, get a better one,break down and repeat.If you're going to break something down and try to turn it into something else you won't get everything back, so I feel that mechanic makes sense at least.


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14 minutes ago, realmzjetter said:

Just get rid of Failjack, problem solved.

I really like what they were going for with Railjack,although I do understand that the community needed something different rather then another grindfest for the sake of being a grindfest. Hopefully it was them trying to push content for the game awards and not what they actually wanted to put out,so they can fix things after their vacation at least a little.

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Overall I don't like railjack. The idea is cool but the way they went about it is bad. Its a huge mess and what bothers me the most is that its a really endgame thing. Getting the resources already takes alot of time but that can be finished when you are done with the star chart but grinding that 6 million credits is stupidly much. Sure for the people that play this game every day and don't have other responsibilities its easy as heck, but if railjack really is supposed to be the future of warframe why isn't it more accessible to all players and not only the diehards? Also why do you need to build it in your clan while you still need to build your own? Just doesn't add up. But honestly I'm about to drop warframe all together, they finally add new content but make it more annoying to grind with every single update. 

Edited by (XB1)x EmperorYuji x
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On 2019-12-25 at 9:38 AM, YamaXenuz said:

Additionally, for Vidar Carcinnox , they seem to be one of the only guns with quadruple the damage falloff that other guns have (2000-4000) when the other carcinnox all have 500-1000, I'm not sure if it's intended, but if it is, I'd like to hear the reasoning for it.


I do think that was intentional at some point. My guess is that DE was testing Raijack with those ranges but decided to make grinding a living hell so people pay to progress quicker, nerfing everything in the process. Vidar Carcinnox was a oversight on their part during these nerfs. 

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1 hour ago, Anthraxicus said:

I do think that was intentional at some point. My guess is that DE was testing Raijack with those ranges but decided to make grinding a living hell so people pay to progress quicker, nerfing everything in the process. Vidar Carcinnox was a oversight on their part during these nerfs. 

Hopefully, it's practically a no brainer to use it over other guns right now.

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