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Open Call for Warframe Theme Ideas!


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I really want to see a Sharrac based warframe. Clearly Ballas would have experimented on creatures other then Orokin/Dax while creating warframes.  And Sharrac is the best fish in any game. Obviously Ballas knows this as well and would have used them in his attempts at creating an anti-sentient weapon.

Alternate skins could then be based on other creatures that Ballas may have experimented on before humanoids.


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I've always thought a lua based frame could look awesome (potentially corroded, angular gold pieces and chunks of stone). They could be themed around a mix of (just verbal vomiting) the reservoir, the effect of being hidden by the lotus, those cracks in the walls and especially those portals on lua spy. There's a lot of cool abilities you could do in relation to existing lore on lua and the art team could make it look absolutely beautiful. 

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Malphas the conqueror Warframe.  His abilities center around imperialism and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. He has extendable arms that he uses for his abilities, drains brainwaves/bioelectricty to increase damage and give DR. He can drive enimes insane so that they attack each other and grant his allies and himself lifesteal and viral damage. 

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i had this idea a while ago, but never got around to actually draw it with my busy schedule. The theme of the warframe was dps and support with melee. The name I came up with was Armis, last time i checked it meant swords-woman in Latin. She would look like a knight from the crusades times or medieval time period. My know a lot of frames now are already melee oriented, but i thought that this frame could be different. Armis is all about swords and shields. The abilities could involve around getting melee kills and her abilites, that are melee in nature, to buff herself and her allies, kind of like a morale boost. A paladin, but instead of healing like Oberon does, it would just be buffs like increasing attack, crit chance, crit damage, or armor based on what type of melee weapon Armis brings into the mission or could be one of her abilities that she can switch like Ivara. I had ideas for the abilities, but this is just a theme.

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Placeholder name: Trabea  ("shift" in latin)


Power 1: Metamorph an enemy into a different state.

(tap 1 to rotate through options, hold 1 to transform target)

Suggested options: Ice, Stone, Liquid, Vapour, Plasma

edit: The effect should happen slowly to the target with some aoe effects around it while it happens.

Ice just makes it shatter hurting all nearby enemies with pierce/slash/cold when struck,
stone makes it into a blocking wall like atlas does with less health detonates with impact when destroyed ,
Liquid makes into a limited target # hydroid trap,
Vapour turns it into "toxic gas" applying gas and toxin proc to all who pass within,
Plasma makes a fire/radiation trap that sets near things alight with radiation procs.


Power 2: Summon a golem minion from a substance  (max X minions)

(depends what you aim at when using it: infested wall/enemy, corpus wall/robot, grineer/corpus flesh, sentient substance?) so possibly 3-4 ally types, it grabs the textures of the target area to make the golem thing


Power 3: Change yourself into target enemy for X seconds: (stealth option, they wont attack you and you will break the change if they see you attack an ally) also partially heals you.


Power 4: Transform into another warframe, gaining abilities 1-3 of that frame. (not the ultimate)

If you're targetting an ally warframe you will become that frame.

if you target a grineer you will become a random armor/melee based frame

if you target a corpus you will become a random energy /control based frame

target a infested/wildlife you will become a random infested list frame, nidus , excalibur umbra, inaros + others. (the ones that dont fit in armor or energy/control)

Targeting a wall/ground will just return you to your original form.



based on my old post


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Personally, I would love to see a martial arts based warframe focused around mobility and damage. We've seen Atlas punch things, but I would love to see some jumps, kicks, and maybe judo throws. On top of that there could be some energy based attacks or buffs based on Tai Chi. With so many style of martial arts across the globe, I think there are a lot of potential inspiration sources for this theme.

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Name: Simulolyst
I thought of the idea of a sentient converted frame since we're now starting to delve into the lore of the new war, this frame is a union of the main 4 sentient types, oculyst, battalyst, conculyst, and mimics. The name derives from the latin word for together, simul and ending in the assigned suffix for all sentient entities, (lo)lyst.
IMG-20200306-WA0073.jpgThe oculyst is the head of the frame, the oculyst's purpose is scanning and obtaining data, the first ability can do something related to that like exposing some sort of weakness or it can be that you use the first ability and a set of enemies light up and you kill them in order of then lighting up and when you kill all of them in order you gain energy, the arms are controlled by a conculyst, for the second ability it spins damaging everything around it and pulling all the loot towards you like a little whirlwind, the battalyst controls the torso, this can be the frame's 4th ability, it shoots a concentrated beam of sentient energy from the core of its chest dealing high amounts of damage over time, and depending on how much damage you do you get a higher elemental damage resistance for yourself alluding to the battalyst's innate ability to adapt to the element they are being attacked with, and the mimic sentient can be the 3rd ability allowing you to camouflage as one of the enemies from your current sector (if its a corpus mission a corpus, grineer if its on a grineer mission etc) AND for passive, just like a vombalyst if you die you shed ur armor and if you manage to survive for say... 5 seconds, you go back to being normal full hp and full energy but if you die there you go down, this can only be activated once per session And during that time you cannot attack or do anything, u just run around as a spectral image of yourself until you are downed or the time is up.

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Backstory- Not all Operators are created the same. Not all Fight for the same Purpose. Some Merely Fight for the Thrill of it, to be in the Moment. To take in the screams, the gunfire, smoke and explosions. To take in the Experience and simply be one with their weapons. Every fight a new memory, a new lesson learned and sooner or later your Teachers can use a Refresher Course.

Concept - Warframe based on the Idea of Adrenaline, or "Battlefield Momentum". A normally Calm Collected, and Efficient Killer that lives for the Thrill of battle. Preferring to be in the front lines and Surrounded by their opponent. The Longer they engage and stay in that Focused Combat Moment the stronger and more Directed their abilities become, but they also become less Efficient. Swapping from an AoE, Weak and Efficient ability Palette to a Single Target, Fixated, High Damage and High Energy using one as their Battle Momentum Rises.

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I'd love to see a ballerina based frame, dancing majestically over the battle field.

This form of dance often looks easy and elegant but does require a lot of skill which somehow reminds me of the Tenno fighting. She would also be a nice addition to the music frame, Octavia 😉

Here's what my idea for her looks like



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I know this is just the concept phase for now, but I've wanted a Kubrow/Helminth/Werewolf frame named Fenrir for a long time, and have worked on this one for a while. Here's a snip from my compendium post.



So, some people have posted their ideas for a kubrow warframe, a werewolf warframe, a warframe based on Fenrir, and a warframe that uses its health as its ability resource rather than energy. I decided to take a crack at it myself to kind of combine all of this into a single frame. Fenrir's mythology is rather interesting, and references to the mythical wolf have been seen in many games from Final Fantasy to World of Warcraft. It is also what I named my dog. All that said, I figured we are only going to get one chance to do a wolf themed warframe, so I decided to include other wolf mythologies, thus landing in this Norse named lycanthropic helminth warframe with references to Norse mythology and common ideas of a lycanthropic virus spread via bite and blood. So, I hope I do it justice, and I welcome feedback, lore critique, etc.



Fenrir, The Helminth Pack


Quest prerequisites: The Sacrifice (Completed), Howl of the Kubrow (Completed), and Kin with the Ostrons


Quest: By The Light of Lua: Tenno, Master Teasonai requests your assistance. A new threat has arisen on the Plains of Eidolon which requires your immediate attention as well as the keen nose of a Kubrow.


Phase 1: The Creature in the Night


-Next Step: Navigation will have Cetus marked for the next step of the mission. When the player drops into Cetus with By The Light of Lua active and a Kubrow equipped, a waypoint will mark Master Teasonai. Otherwise, they will have no waypoint. The player must speak with him while having a Kubrow equipped, otherwise they will receive normal dialogue. When speaking with Master Teasonai with any Kubrow equipped:


Master Teasonai: “Thank you for coming at once Tenno, and bringing your Kubrow. I fear we will need you both for this task. Something has moved into the plains that I have never seen before. Several recent specimens have come in with terrible injuries. Some I could not save. A new predator has moved into the plains and it’s upsetting the ecosystem. We must track it, capture it, and hopefully rehome it elsewhere. Konzu has also informed me that he has more information for you related to our task.


-Next Step: The player must now speak with Konzu with both “By The Light of Lua” and having a Kubrow equipped to continue the quest. Otherwise, they will receive typical dialogue. When speaking with Konzu with both requirements met:


Master Konzu: Swazdula Tenno! Am I glad to see you. Master Teasonai has informed you of something terrorizing the animals of the plains, but I have heard some more distressing news from one of our informants. It seems animals are not the only thing being hunted out there. “Blood baths”, the described it. Entire Grineer platoons going missing in the night. Not that I care about some missing Grineer. However, this same operative has gone silent. Hopefully it’s just a coincidence, but I need to be sure. Investigate the Hillside Ruin where our operative was stationed.


Next Step: With “By The Light of Lua” active and a Kubrow equipped, the player will have a waypoint for the Plains of Eidolon.  Otherwise, they will just spawn into a typical instance of the Plains. When entering with the required quest and a Kubrow, the map will be in night mode, and remain in night mode for the duration of the mission. This is a separate instance of the Plains, and requires the player to go in solo. No Grineer, Eidolons, or Sentients spawn on this instance of the map. A waypoint will mark the camp near “The Hillside Ruin.”

Master Konzu: The last place our operative infiltrated was the Grineer camp near the Hillside Ruin. Begin your search there.


Next Step: Upon reaching the waypoint, the camp has splashes of blood all over.


Master Konzu: I am starting to like whatever this thing is. Plains living is tough, and the Grineer are definitely finding that out the hard way.


Ordis: “So much carnage. It’s –delightful!- gruesome.”


Operator: “Whatever this thing is, it doesn’t like the Grineer. What could have done-“

Next Step: The Operator’s dialogue gets cut off as something crashes into the player’s Warframe from behind with tremendous force. Cut to the Operator laying of the floor of the transference room of the Orbiter, as if the force actually carried over from the Warframe to the Operator and interrupted Transference.

Other Notes: At this time, all segments in the Orbiter become inaccessible.


As the Operator regains consciousness-


Orids: “Operator, are you okay?! Your transference was interrupted. What happened?”


Operator stands up: “Something attacked me from behind. It even knocked me out of the link through my Transference.”


Ordis: “Operator, we’re receiving a message from Cetus.”


Master Konzu: “Tenno, we were worried when our operative brought back your motionless Warframe. It seems to be unharmed. Maybe a few new scratches. Our operative told me they saw what attacked you. You’re not going to believe it!”


Ordis: “You hear that, Operator?! Your Warframe is safe! Maybe we should try to reconnect with it.”


Next Step: The Somatic Link becomes accessible again. Upon interacting with the Somatic Link, the Operator will regain their link with their Warframe and awaken in an empty instance of The Quills room. The door will be locked to prevent leaving the room. In the room, Konzu, Onkko, and Teasonai are present and the player’s Kubrow is laying on the ground near the Warframe’s feet when it begins to move again.


Onkko: “Ahh, they return.”


Master Konzu: “Welcome back, killer. Do we have a story for you.”


Onkko: “Perhaps Master Teasonai should explain.”


Master Teasonai: “Yes. From what the operative described, this is no ordinary beast I have ever heard of. Kubrows are not native to the plains, and they are not known to walk on their hind legs either. Konzu’s operative said your Kubrow chased it away after it attacked you. Tenno, we must track it and capture it before it can do any more harm to the ecosystem of the plains.”


Onkko: “Now, if you all wouldn’t mind leaving? It seems our special circumstances are at an end.”


Master Teasonai: “Right. Tenno, return to the plains as quickly as you can.”


Next Step: The Creature in the Night completes. Exiting this special instance of The Quills room returns the player to the Orbiter with all segments accessible again.


Phase 2: Hunting the Hunter


Notes: This phase can only be properly activated if the player has a Kubrow equipped. Traveling to Cetus without a Kubrow equipped just puts the player in a normal instance of Cetus, with no waypoint for the quest. If the prerequisite Kubrow is equipped, a waypoint is again placed on Master Teasonai. The player must speak with Teasonai with a Kubrow equipped or else they will just get normal dialogue. When this requirement is met, the following dialogue:


Master Teasonai: “This will be no ordinary capture, Tenno. We still do not know enough about this creature to track it, let alone subdue it. So, first, we need to lure it out so we can study it. Return to the plains, and bring your Kubrow with you.”


Next Step: The player will now have a waypoint for the Plains of Eidolon. Again, entering without a Kubrow equipped will cause the player to just enter a normal instance of the Plains. Entering with a Kubrow will put the player a night locked instance of the Plains without enemies or sentients or eidolons.


Master Teasonai: According to Konzu’s operative, the beast’s favorite prey are Grineer. It seems to be hunting them at the camp near the Hillside Ruins. Return there, and this time, wait in the shadows for the Grineer to send forces to investigate their missing soldier. Then, wait for their presence to lure out our subject.”


Next Step: Upon reaching the specified location to the west of the camp near the Hillside Ruin.


Master Teasonai: “Now we wait. We must be silent, Tenno.”


Next Step: A Grineer drop ship will spawn in with several Grineer. They will drop in closer to the center of the camp, looking around and investigating the area, unaware of the of the player so long as they remain at their location. As soon as the ship leaves, Fenrir spawns east of the Hillside Ruin camp, immediately running in and attack the closest Grineer, drawing their attention.


Note: If the player engage the Grineer before Fenrir spawns, he will not spawn until the player clears the Grineer and returns to their original hiding spot and waits for another drop ship. Further, Teasonai will give the player this dialogue:


Master Teasonai: “You need to wait for our target to be lured out first! You will need to clear the Grineer now and wait for them to send more soldiers again.”


Note: Once the player kills the Grineer, their quest marker will again appear west of the Hillside Ruin camp for them to again return to hiding. Once they return to their hiding spot, another Grineer drop ship will spawn in with more soldiers.


Next Step: If the player waits the appropriate time and Fenrir spawns in –


Master Teasonai: “That is no beast.”


Ordis: “Operator look! That is a Warframe! Look at it –Massacre- move!”


Master Teasonai: “Tenno, you must engage it. It cannot be allowed to escape.”


Note: Once engaged, Fenrir will fight until 50% health in its quadruped form, before disengaging and retreating east with incredible sprint speed. During the fight, Fenrir has access to Tear and Frenzy as well as occasionally using Infectious Bite, knocking the player down and dragging them quickly towards Fenrir, but not performing the lethal bite.


Master Teasonai: “It escaped, but I think we got a good enough look at it to track it to wherever it is hiding. Return to Cetus so we can plan how to capture it.”


Next Step: Hunting the Hunter is completed upon returning to Cetus. Aborting to the Orbiter resets progress. When the player returns to Cetus, a marker will be on Master Teasonai.  Returning to the Orbiter will not reset progress at this point, but the player will need to return to Cetus with a Kubrow equipped to continue the quest. Otherwise, they will not have a waypoint for Teasonai upon re-entering Cetus. From the Orbiter, the name of Phase 3 for the quest “Howl in the Night” will be displayed.  When the Kubrow requirement is met, upon speaking to Teasonai:


Phase 3: Howl in the Night


Master Teasonai: “This Warframe will cause incredible havoc to the ecosystem of the plains if we do not stop it. Its movements remind me of the Kubrows of the forests, which makes me think that is must have a den somewhere near that Grineer camp.  I have marked a cave location where I think it is hiding. I suspect it has cleared the Grineer from there. I have also given you a concoction that should slow it down. A rare purple flower native to earth’s mountains that is very deadly unless used in small enough doses. Your weapons should be able to stun it entirely and perhaps put it to sleep.


Next Step: The player now has a marker for the plains, and again must enter with a Kubrow equipped or be placed in a typical instance for the plains. Returning to the Orbiter will reset progress on this phase of the quest. Leaving the plains at any time by aborting after entering with a kubrow equipped will reset progress on this phase of the quest.


Next Step: In the plains, the player will have a waypoint for the camp near the Hillside Ruins.  Upon reaching the camp:


Master Teasonai: “There, on the ground. Tracks. The Warframe fled in this direction.”


Next Step: A waypoint will now mark the cave near the Hillside Ruin. Upon entering the cave, the player will see blood splatters and marks on the cave walls.


Master Teasonai: “Blood. I was right. This must be its den. Be on guard, Tenno.”


Next Step: As the player travels deeper into the cave, helminth charger kubrows spawn.


Master Teasonai: “Those do not look like any Kubrows I’ve seen. We cannot let them over run the plains.”


After killing several packs of helminth charger kubrows, a loud howl signals Fenrir spawning.


Master Teasonai: “Quickly, subdue it with the paralytic.”


Next Step: This second fight with Fenrir is similar to the last, with it having access to Tear and Frenzy and the non-lethal Infectious Bite. Every 10% of damage that the player does to Fenrir reduces its movement speed by 15% of its total movement speed. Once it reaches 30% health, its movement is stopped completely, and the frame becomes invulnerable to further damage, collapsing to the ground.


Operator: “It’s weakened. Now is our chance to capture it.”


Next Step: An interactive prompt appears on Fenrir when the player approaches it that says “Restrain”. As the player goes to touch Fenrir, white and black void like energy pushes the player back.


Operator: “Void energy? My Warframe can’t seem to get close. Maybe I can try transference with it instead.”


Ordis: “Operator no! Are you insane?!”


Next Step: If the player tries to approach Fenrir and interact with it while in their warframe, the same white and black energy pulse just pushes them back. The player has to drop into operator mode to approach Fenrir. The same prompt displays with “Transference”. When pressed, the screen goes dark. On the screen, the Operator’s face and torso appear, eyes closed, and two wolf heads appear beside their head, one black and one white.


Ballas’ voice: “To think that a child could cause us such trouble. You and your pack won’t be causing us anymore trouble.”


Child’s (Vanar’s) voice: “What have you done with my friends?!”


Ballas’ voice: “Your pets? Dirty, feral things. We… Disposed of them.”


Vanar’s voice: “You’re a monster Ballas!”


Ballas’ voice: “Savage little thing, aren’t you? No wonder you survived in the wilds so long.”


Vanar’s voice: *sobbing* “Hati. Skoll. My friends… My pack.”


Next Step: The player now choses between two options to continue, with a word showing up on each of the wolf heads. On the white wolf head, the word “Ferocity” appears and on the black wolf head the word “Cunning” appears. Operator’s Choices:

White Wolf: Ferocity: “We taught you to never give in. We’ll fight together with new friends.”

Black Wolf: Cunning: “Our pack grows, and we’ll strike when the time is right.”


Ballas’ voice: “Beautiful as always. Such savagery.”


Vanar’s voice: “It. Hurts.”


Male and Female voices: “Fight.”


Vanar’s voice softer: “I’m trying. I’m just so tired.”


Ballas’s voice: “It’s calming down. Take it away for further study.”


Vanar’s voice nearly whispering: “I want to sleep. It hurts and I want to sleep.”


Male and Female voices: “Not yet, little one. Wake up. It’s time to hunt.”


*The sound of metal breaking*



Cutscene: Scene returns to the cave. The operator is kneeling at their Warframe’s feet, and their Kubrow is to their left, crouched as if ready to attack.


Ordis: “Operator, wake up! Operator, it’s awake!”


As the camera turns, Fenrir has stood up over the Operator, looming over them and their Kubrow. The player’s Kubrow gives a bark and growls at Fenrir. Fenrir turns to look at the Kubrow then back at the operator before taking a step back, turning, and running towards the entrance of the cave and disappearing.


Next step: Mission complete screen and player is returned to Orbiter with the following dialogue.


Master Teasonai: “It seems it has escaped again, but we have invaded its den. It will have to find a new home now, hopefully in its natural habitat, wherever that might be.”


Operator: “Back to the forests.”


Konzu: “Then it is the Grineer’s problem now. Thank you, Tenno. It seems Cetus and the Plains are safe again. Relatively speaking.”


Quest Complete screen.  Reward: Fenrir Blueprint.

New Earth Mission Mechanics


Pack Hunting: During Earth's 4 hour night cycle, kubrow dens that spawn in Earth nodes with Grineer Forest tile sets are replaced with helminth dens, which are allied to players. Helminth Chargers spawned by these Kubrow dens are allied to players and attack Grineer. Grineer attacked by these Helminth Chargers become visually infected with a cyst, similar in appearance to the cysts that appear on Warframes. These Grineer have a rare chance of dropping a Fenrir part blueprint upon death.

Warframe Stats and Abilities




This is Fenrir, The Helminth Pack. With a fierce bite, and brutal claws, he tears through his enemies and add to his infectious pack. Will you join the hunt, Tenno?


Concept: Part of this is similar to Khora, part is very similar to Nidus, and some is similar to Atlas, with some hopefully unique differences thrown in to make the concept somewhat original. A Kubrow, Lycan, Helminth, Umbral/not Explicitly Umbral warframe based loosely on the mythology of Fenrir.

Warframe Stats


Health: 300 base, 1050 at Rank 30

Health Recovery: 0 base, +5 per second at Rank 30

Shield: 0

Armor: 300

Energy: 0

Movement Speed: 1.2

Reasoning: I chose these stats for a few reasons. Because this warframe takes a significant amount of visual and lore influences from Nidus, and it has visually exposed helminth parts just like Nidus, I decided to forgo shields for a higher base health, but less health recovery than Nidus. I also chose to use health rather than energy to fuel the frame's abilities. Partly as a balancing aspect, and also as a way to give players the feeling that they are spreading this helminth virus via the "blood" of the frame which fits with the concept of spreading lycanthropy via its blood and its helminth infected bites. High movement speed for both defensive purposes, and because as a lycan themed frame it warranted a faster movement speed.

Passives: Rank Bonuses (Lycan Resilience), Skoll and Hati, and Lycanthrope


Preface: So, many frames have multiple "passive" effects to them, such as how Nidus has unique rank bonuses and Virulence which in itself has two unique passive effects. Fenrir, similarly, would have a few unique passive effects.

Passive 1: Lycan Resilience (Rank Bonuses): Fenrir lacks shields and energy, and instead fuels his abilities using the helminth virus in his blood. Energy orbs picked up by Fenrir will return missing health rather than energy and he has unique rank bonuses.

+10% Health at Ranks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29

At ranks 6, 12, 18, 24, and 30, Fenrir gains +1 health regeneration per second, starting with 0 health per second at unranked and totaling 5 health regeneration per second at rank 30.

Reasoning: I wanted to have Fenrir's rank bonuses to be similar to Nidus, given the lore and theme of the Warframe. Unlike Nidus, I choose not to start Fenrir with self healing at Rank 0. This would be something that would need to be taken into consideration by the player while leveling. The larger health pool should compensate for this fact. Further, going away from using energy, this frame made more sense to me to use its own blood to cast its abilities. However, I did not want to completely neglect the use of one of the game's core mechanics: energy orbs. We have an example already of a frame which makes use of energy orbs to still fuel their abilities while also utilizing an alternative resource pool with Hildryn using her shields and recovering shields when she picks up an energy orb. A health alternative to that then isn't a leap to understand. This would obviously mean that Fenrir would be unable to benefit from Energy Pulse, Energizing Dash, Arcane Energize, Trinity's Energy Vampire, Limbo's Rift, Octavia's Inspiration, etc.


Passive 2: Skoll and Hati: Fenrir’s wild nature means he lacks the ability to equip and command tamed companions or Sentinels. Instead, he is accompanied by two Helminth Chargers named Skoll and Hati which share a single mod table.

Reasoning: Skoll and Hati are a reference to the Norse mythology for Fenrir. In the mythology, they are Fenrir's children. I kind of broke away from that for the sake of game lore to make them friends of the original child used to make Fenrir, insinuating as well that they were kubrows killed by the Orokin that this child had bonded with so strongly that it influenced the shape the Warframe took. We have a frame already that has its own "exalted" pet with Khora and her Venari. Suggestions for a Fenrir themed Warframe before have suggested one single pet either named Skoll or Hati, and the player themselves simply renaming their companion. One suggestion I saw was for a two headed Kubrow named Skoll and Hati. However, we've yet to have a Warframe that lacked the ability to equip the typical companions at all. This is where I came up with a concept to try to place some limits on the frame. By using two separate Kubrows which can be resummoned via his 3rd ability at the cost of some health, these pets were already going to be much stronger than any Sentinel or Companion since they essentially mean Fenrir will never have to be without a companion. Thus, I felt that a single mod table for the both of them was sufficient draw back to balance them against frames like Khora which can mod a companion and Venari, while only being able to resummon Venari. Further, to stick with the wild and feral theme, I felt that not being able to equip a tamed companion or a sentinel was fitting. A wild animal is likely to just destroy a sentinel themselves, and tamed pets don't tend to fit well into the concept of a wild pack. Thus, I settled on this concept, to both incorporate a big part of the Fenrir mythos and at the same time, balance it against companions and sentinels by limiting them both to a single mod screen. However, this single mod screen becomes very important and central to some of the frame's mechanics further down, which I will get to. You can skip directly to "Infectious Bite" to see the details of how I see the single mod screen as paramount to the frame's mechanics.


Skoll and Hati: base stats on both.

Health: 190 (570 at Rank 30)

Shield: 0

Armor: 100

Critical Chance: 10%

Critical Multiplier: 3x

Status Chance: 10%

Slash: 304

Toxin: 45.6


Passive 3: Lycanthrope: When in Operator Mode, Fenrir becomes feral. He loses the ability to operate melee or ranged weapons, stores them, and instead attacks enemies with claw and occasional bite attacks and runs around the battlefield on all fours.

Unique: If the player doesn't equip a melee weapon to Fenrir, he will instead merely use his claws as a unique claw weapon similar to the Garuda's Talons which can be modded like any typical melee weapon.

Fenrir's Claws

Attack Speed: 1.0

Channeling Cost: 5

Channeling Damage: 1.5x

Critical Chance: 10%

Critical Multiplier: 2x

Damage Block: 60%

Leap Attack: 40

Spin Attack: 80

Status: 10%

Wall Attack: 160

Impact: 5

Puncture: 10

Slash: 40

Reasoning: So, keeping with the feral and wild theme, I wanted to make Fenrir feel a lot like Excalibur Umbra in that he becomes more controlled when being paired with the Operator. Rather than sitting idle when the player enters operator mode, that feral side takes over when the frame is left to itself. To set it apart some though from Excalibur Umbra, and to also play up the feral theme, I took some inspiration from Garuda, another gorey and wild warframe. Providing Fenrir with an innate melee weapon in his claws which can be used if not equipping a melee weapon, and which Fenrir will use when the player enters Operator mode, it gives the impression that the dexterity to use typical weapons comes from the Player's control and operation. Further, an innate melee weapon is also vital to his first ability, Tear and Frenzy.

Mechanics details: When in Operator mode, Fenrir can still perform Tear and Frenzy and Lua's Presence on his own and Infectious Bite only if there are less than 4 helminth charger pets on the field, and only against an enemy stunned by observing Fenrir kill an enemy with Tear and Frenzy, the howl from Lua's presence, or Intimidate if active. Fenrir will not change Skoll and Hati's stance while the player is in Operator mode, but will resummon them via Pack Tactics if one dies.

When leaving operator mode, Fenrir will return to being bipedal to use weapons again.

Ability 1: Tear and Frenzy


Ability 1: Tear and Frenzy: 25 health: Fenrir charges enemies in range with furious swipe attacks.


Details: Fenrir will charge forward 6/7/8/10 meters forward with two furious swipes, inflicting 100/150/200/300 slashing damage with 100% status chance to enemies in his path. This ability counts as melee damage, and thus is improved by melee damage mods as described below.

- damage (e.g.,  Pressure Point)

- physical (e.g.,  Collision Force)

- elemental (e.g.,  Shocking Touch)

- critical chance and critical multiplier (e.g.,  True Steel and  Organ Shatter)

- Status chance (e.g.,  Melee Prowess and  Vicious Frost)

- weapon augments (e.g.,  Justice Blades)

- Riven

- Some Conditional Mods (e.g.,  Blood Rush works but not  Healing Return)


Mod effects:

Ability Range affects the charge range, but not the radius of the slash damage.

Ability Efficiency affects base casting cost.

Ability Duration has no effect.

Ability Strength affects Slash damage.


Action description: Fenrir performs a slash with each clawed hand as he dashes forward.

Tear and Frenzy is a full body action, and will interrupt movement as well as reload animations. Takes about 1 second to perform.

Ability 2: Lua's Presence


Ability 2: Lua’s Presence: 50 health: Fenrir lets out a loud howl, increasing melee damage for himself and nearby allies while stunning enemies for a brief time.


Details: Fenrir howls to increase melee damage for himself and allies within 8/10/12/15 meters by 25/50/75/100% for 7/10/12/15 seconds. Melee damage increase is additive with weapon mods. Enemies within range that can see Fenrir are stunned in fear by the noise for 2/2/3/4 seconds, and open to standing finishers. Damage is additive with other melee damage mods.


Mod effects:

Ability Range increases range of allies and enemies affected.

Ability Efficiency affects casting cost.

Ability Duration affects buff duration but has no effect on stun duration.

Ability Strength affects damage bonus.

Concept: Essentially just a howl to provide a damage increase to players and a short stun to enemies. Pretty straight forward, themed for the wolf style of the frame. Honestly, not that much to say or analyze on this ability. Becomes stronger with more allies present.

Action description: Fenrir lifts his head to let out a loud howl. This is a full body movement that will interrupt movement. Takes about 1 second to perform.

Ability 3: Shed


Ability 3: Shed: 75 health to command, 100 health to revive: Hold to instantly summon Hati and/or Skoll. Click to command Fenrir's pack to shed viral spores.


Details: Hold to instantly spawn Hait and/or Skoll from Fenrir's body. Click to command Fenrir's pack to shed viral spores for 60 seconds. Each helminth kubrow under his command sheds spores in a 1/1.5/2/3 meter area that last for 3/4/5/6 seconds, inflicting 60/80/100/120 viral damage with a 25% status chance per second each second while in the AOE.


Mod Effects:

Ability Range has no effect.

Ability Efficiency affects casting cost.

Ability Duration has no effect on this skill.

Ability Strength increases Viral damage on Shed

Concept: Rather than have a cycling ability like Khora to issue several commands to Fenrir's pack, they have two actions split between two abilities, this one and Infectious Bite below. As Helminth Kubrows, I wanted to make use of their infested theme, creating viral spores as if they are "shedding" their infested "fur".

Action description: As the infested can communicate without signs or seeming even without sound, and some lore hints at a hive mind, activating Shed has no action animation. It has no casting time, and can be performed while moving and reloading without interrupting actions.

If resummoning Skoll or Hati, however, this ability has a casting time of 2 seconds which interrupts all movements and reload animations. Fenrir visually tears into his chest to open a wound which Skoll, Hati, or both jump out of to respawn before it visually heals.

Ability 4: Infectious Bite


Ability 4: Infectious Bite: 200 health: Fenrir lashes out with a proboscis and pulls an enemy towards him to perform a devastating bite attack on them. Enemies that die to this attack spawn a helminth charger.

Details: Fenrir's lower jaw splits open to shoot out a proboscis which latches onto an enemy within 7/8/9/10 meters and pulls them towards him, at which point, he grapples them to perform a bite attack on them, inflicting 100/200/300/400 toxin damage and 100/200/300/400 puncture damage, both with a 100% status chance. If an enemy dies to this attack, they spawn a helminth charger. Further, Helminth Chargers in Fenrir's pack, including Hati and Skoll, also lash out at other enemies near them, within 8/10/12/15 meters, drawing them in and also performing bite finishers, inflicting 100/200/300/400 toxin damage and 100/200/300/400 puncture damage, both with a 100% status chance. If no other enemies are around, his pack do not perform their attack. Helminth chargers spawned by this attack share a mod table with Skoll and Hati, but cannot be revived via pack tactics. Only 4 helminth chargers spawned by this ability can be up at one time. Subsequent kills with this ability will not spawn a new helminth charger until one spawned by this ability dies. Fenrir and his pack are immune to damage and stationary when executing this ability. If an enemy is immune to crowd controlling effects or are immune to certain crowd controlling effects due to being crowd controlled by another Warframe, this ability will fail and Fenrir's health will not be consumed. If the enemy is unable to be brought within range because of terrain obstruction or height differences, only the proboscis action will occur, however the bite will not be performed, damage will not occur, and Fenrir's health will still be consumed. The enemy will still enter a downed state. Certain enemies are entirely unaffected by this ability, such as most bosses.

Mod Effects:

Ability Range affects the pull range of this ability

Ability Efficiency affects casting cost

Ability Duration affects status duration

Ability Strength affects Puncture Damage, Toxin damage, and the DOT from the Toxin proc

Concept: I couldn't very well make a lycan/pack warframe without also giving him the ability to add to his pack. I felt it appropriate to make the draw back for this ability to be single target due to its added benefit of being able to spawn additional pets. This makes Fenrir a bit more reliant on building and maintaining his pack. Also, since Tear and Frenzy is a gap closer which moves Fenrir closer to an enemy, I thought it best to make this a gap closer that pulls an enemy closer.

Now, there are a few things to consider when looking at this ability. Yes, I limited the number of chargers Fenrir can create with this ability to 4. This is mostly to prevent clutter and destroying people's game systems. While it would be cool to just be the leader of a massive hoard of helminth chargers, it's easier on everyone playing if it's limited to fewer, but stronger pets. So, I took the route of incorporating Skoll and Hati further by making the chargers created by this ability copies of them and their mods, minus the ability to revive them with pack tactics.

Now, what does that mean for their utility? Well, it means that they are incredibly strong pets, which is why having just 4 instead of the typical 7 that most pet Warframes have felt like better balance. Being unable to be affected by ability mods meant that building Fenrir for a particular ability make up wouldn't make these pets useless, which is an issue we face with some pets like the Rumblers. Instead, since these chargers would be exact copies of Skoll and Hati, including their mods, they can take advantage of things like Link Health, Link Armor, Medi-Pet, Primed Pack Leader, and most notably, Hunter Recovery. Yes, that's right... this ability which consumes health to execute can become a self healing ability as well. Further, they would receive healing also from Fenrir's melee attacks like Tear and Frenzy and Infectious Bite, through Pack Leader/Primed Pack Leader. Also, since Skoll and Hati are considered companions, and not affected by nullifier bubbles and auras, these pets would share that ability, effectively making the primary limiting factor of this ability the cost to cast it. Rather than the pets themselves simply poofing out of existence the moment they impact a nullifier, they instead simply can't be revived like Skoll and Hati. And, since Skoll and Hati are Helminth Chargers, they further benefit from being able to use the Strain set mods. So further synergy becomes possible for healing and % based corrosive damage from the maggots that Skoll, Hati, and subsequently pets created by this ability could make. Since Skoll and Hati do not need to equip Trample of Proboscis to make use of those skills, due to Pack Tactics instead providing upgraded versions of them, this frees up mod space on their shared companion screen to make more room for the use of Strain Set Mods in their build.

Action description: Fenrir's helminth infested lower jaw has the ability to split down the middle, which he uses to latch onto a targeted enemy and pull them towards him. When they are within range, he bites down on them before releasing them in a downed state. Enemies will flail around as if affected by a heat proc while being dragged towards Fenrir. Meanwhile, enemies attacked by his pack are knocked down while being dragged in for their bite attacks.

This ability's cast time varies depending on the enemy's distance, but typically takes 2 seconds for perform. This is ability requires full body animation, and cannot be performed mid air. It will halt Fenrir's and his pack's movement, and interrupt reloading.


Warframe Description


While I'm not artistically inclined, I'm hoping to eventually scrounge enough money together to perhaps see this concept visually "fleshed" out. Until, I can give a verbal description of the frame I have in mind, particularly since much of what I'm imagining is a visual cross breed between several different frames.

First, the concept I am going for is a helminth styled frame like Nidus' base skin crossed with Nezha's Deluxe skin, Inaros Deluxe skin, and Nidus' Deluxe skin. The idea is that Fenrir is a warframe that didn't fully develop an external armor. The top of the helm, with the top "jaw", Skull, and Wolf like ears would all appear to be armor like, however, the lower "jaw", cheeks, and neck, would appear to be helminth, with flesh similar to the base Nidus helm.

Helm: The helm would have two distinctly different styles. The first, is the top of helm would look very similar to Inaros Ramses Helm, with solid, smooth looking metallic features and energy colored neuroptics. The lower jaw, cheeks, and neck would appear more like the helminth infested style, with flesh textures, and make more sense to be able to be able to move and expand open to bite an enemy. The lower jaw is also split down the center so that it can open up to shoot out a proboscis as a mechanic central to Infectious Bite.

Torso: The torso of the frame would be entirely helminth infestation, like Nidus. This is in order to make sense when resummoning Skoll and Hati by tearing flesh out of his own chest to do so.

Arms: From the shoulders down, the arms are entirely armor like with smooth plating similar to Nidus Deluxe (minus the "great old one" eye balls on the shoulders), with the hands clawed.

Legs: From the hips down, the legs would also be armor like, with three stationary "nails" on the feet, similar to Nezha Deluxe's foot design. The legs would be digitgrade like Nidus Deluxe, with a similar smooth plating design, but with the upper flares on the side of the upper thighs rather than on the upper anterior portion.

I know a picture says a thousand words, but I hope some verbal description of the frame can give everyone a good idea of what I'm imagining when it comes to Fenrir's appearance, to give the impression of a hybrid style to accompany the hybrid concept.

Rough, amateur attempt to color something myself *Note: Not my line work. Merely found some line art I liked to try to manually edit and color myself.*:



So yeah, really rough work. The greens you see would be helminth infestation, and the greys and black, more armor like. The yellow would be energy.


Finally, the real reason I want a Kubrow/Helminth/Werewolf frame named Fenrir, and shameless plug of my pretty pupper. His name is Fenrir.


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Gravitas, a gravity based Warframe. Part crowd control part tank style frame. Creates gravity anomalies that buffs himself and stops or redirects enemies and their attacks.


They look regal and eye-catching like there is some invisible force that draws the gaze of all onlookers.


They stood perfectly still on the battlefield all eyes on them and all is quiet for a second before the grineer commander shouts out, and they fire. It's hard to describe what happened next but, after the skirmish, still Gravitas stood there unmoved and searching the scene it seems all the grinder had shot themselves.

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Spider frame with a strong mobility and ambush predator thematic.

  • Wallcrawl type mobility move that targets either a wall or the ceiling nearby. That surface becomes 'down' for the player, and the camera/gravity turn to match that perspective, allowing for some interesting attack angles.
  • Mine-like web ability, allowing the frame to put down multiple traps nearby. Triggering the traps opens the enemy units up to finishers, as well as allows a limited window for the player to teleport to the triggered trap for an ambush attack.
  • Infection style ability where the frame hits a targeted enemy with a debuff. When the affected enemy is slain, spiderling minions burst from the body. These provide small amounts of passive damage/status, and could also potentially automatically leap at targets that have triggered one of the frame's web traps for added damage.
  • Passive would either be something like spiderlings summoned on finisher kills, or a bonus to crit chance if attacking from the wall or ceiling.
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1 skill: copying the abilities of the allied warframe (when copying the first skill, 2,3 and 4 skills change);
2 skill: copying the image of the mob ( the speed of movement is reduced, you can not run, when attacking the image flies);
3 skill: sticks the tail into the ground and hits enemies on the territory (the tail jumps out of the ground at high speed and pierces the enemy) the strength of the tail depends on the melee weapon;
4 skill: summons 4 gargoyles that attack the enemy for a certain time. (each gargoyle's damage is different: fire, electricity, cold, toxin)
passive: at a low health level, it transfers 90% of damage to nearby enemies, turning them into statues and taking % of their health.unknown.png

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An animal based warframe kind of like a druid from warcraft where they shift forms to fill roles. It has 3 forms, Kubrow (tanky low shields high health) , kavat (damage dealing glass cannon), and Tree from (support low damage self sustain). Have the emissive color choose starting form. Thats my idea ive been thinking about it for a few months now

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