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Open Call for Warframe Theme Ideas!


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6 hours ago, [DE]Helen said:

Definitely some sort of shapeshifting frame that can transform into enemies, certain objects to disguise itself, and even like some sort of ultimate form to raise its stats and maybe grant new abilities along with it, with a cool new look of course. i like the slime frame idea and thinking maybe it could fit along into this idea

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I'd love to see a Warframe with a liquid metal theme.

* Its body should be made of metal entirely, i.e. all color channels except emissive and energy should have PBR metal texture.

* It has no shields, instead it has regenerating liquid metal skin - think T1000 - i.e. some form of passive built-in regeneration.

* The metal of its body can liquify and change shape when needed. I know this thread is about theme and not specific abilities, but I am thinking of stuff like morphing an arm into a giant blade as an exalted melee weapon.



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A warframe that is an incandescent beacon of fortitude to allies, bathing them in his/her luminous benevolence, as well as a paragon of justice, exposing the dark and wretched beings of the origin system to swift, resplendent atonement.

(basically an embodiment of Lawful Good Paladin, with light based powers)

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how about a war frame with overwellming power so much so it cant properly control it and over use of its abilities would cause major damage to enemys and allies alike. his abilities would be directed at first and rapidly spiral out of control potentially causing the warframe to self destuct under its own immense power.


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Werewolf (or rather Were-monster) / blood hunter theme

Savage (as i originally named him) is a Cursed hunter draws his powers from battles he fought on his hunts. Getting heightened seances when he senses blood. Marking his pray. And when he spill enough blood, his wild cursed nature will take form of a monster like body. He do not loose his sanity during the transformation while his battle prowess are at its peak.

He would draw his strength from the (spilled) blood during battle (both done from his and allies, works as primary/secondary energy pool) and is also able to transform into a monster when the bar is big enough but it also decays over time when he don't fight. During the fight he will also be able to summon his two hunting "wolfs" to assist in his hunt as he is The Alpha of the pack.

 Powers would be the opposite of Chroma ("transformation") and similar Nidus (staking kills) and Khora/Atlas (summons hunting "wolfs").

(i had originally posted the concept with all the details on August 3, 2016 )

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It's my ultimate dream to see a dinosaur themed warframe. It could be a tanky or offensive frame that draws upon the entire dinosaur family tree for inspiration. There are so many ways to interpret the dinosaurs that the number of ways to make a viable and fun to play build are nearly infinite. You can use bites, stomps, tail swings, feathers, flight, pounces, pack hunting, armor, the list goes on and on.

It could also add some flavor to the world when the player finds out that nobody knows what dinosaurs are. I mean the being older than the orokin is supposed to be ancient, imagine how long it's been for the universe to have straight up forgotten about the dinosaurs. Then at some point during the empire some dax goes 'hey look at these rocks' and ballas responds with 'kys'.

And yes, it could fit right in with with the rest of the cast. We have both a music frame and a sound themed warframe, multiple martial arts warframes, a dragon warframe (if you're worried about dragons' similarity to dinosaurs, just make frameosaurus more feral/primal), a pixie warframe, a druid warframe, hell, even a catholic warframe. A dinosaur warframe would not break the game's asthetic.

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Lukhan (from the Greek word lukánthrōpos, or "wolf-person") the beast warrior frame

Lycanthropy which would give slight damage de-buff to enemies while slightly draining their health, on contact with melee weapons, if activated after Wildbeast half of the enemy health that is drained is returned to Lukhan's health points. 

Pack's Howl, makes enemies scatter and gives a defense buff to allies as well as increase to positive stat effects, it would basically help set up and stack effects along with other support frames

Sleuth Essence, allows Lukhan to dash forward in one direction passing through any targets in his way, once he lands at his target he creates a shock-wave that Highlights enemies for himself and allies as well as high value items (amber crystals etc), enemies caught directly in his immediate shock wave radius would receive a stagger effect for 5 seconds which lowers most of their defenses and makes them vulnerable to any type of attack regardless of type

Wildbeast, Frame transform into a 4 legged beast that increases armor, and attacks, all damage taken after armor is depleted is turned into energy to utilize on his other powers

Hunting pack would be a passive and its an increase to high speed when in close proximity to other frames and all frames receive the speed boost as well when in close proximity. they would also be granted an a light to moderate improvement to attack

Lukhan  he embodies the warrior spirit of Earth's jungles during the Orokin era.  his frame would be a representation of speed and power with sleek asymmetric design emphasizing on looking like a cross between a wolf (or a Kubrow) and a person. 

Note: this would be my ideal creation for a frame, however the main idea i would like to see implemented is that of a frame that transforms into a sort of beast of sorts and in its "bipedal" frame form that would be hints to the frame hiding something stronger inside of itself 

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Wheres my galaxy frame at. Were space ninjas right?

Ether/Energy based frame that controls the energy of the universe.


Can create a Energy shield to negate damage and regenerates for 6 seconds. Temporary increasing speed and armor.

#1 Altaris

all the shadows around him are drawn to him to form a large black orb, afterwards he can fire the attack at the opponent which contains intense gravity used to crush the opponent dealing aoe damage (radius 5).

#2 Thought Projection 

this allows him to create psychic copy of himself and send it anywhere he wants. transforms his body into mist allowing them to roam freely at extremely high speeds and teleport. The copy is also capable of interacting with objects, and attacking.

#3 Abyss Break 

Astral uses the power of the stars to create four elemental seals that gather up energy and fire a gargantuan sized blast of dark energy on the enemy, obliterating the entire area.


I could only came up with 3 abilities.. 

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Warframe that can manipulate black light of the void that is cold and hot at the same time because why not, and because of it's wierd and mysterious origin we cannot tell how the hell it even works but for some strange reason that black light not only is giving us light but also create shadows.

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Harness The Power of Creation with Phanes 

support/mild dps


    The universe is only so big, my little void-born. Even with all there is to explore, all there is to harvest, we're bound to run out of
space eventually. When the last life dies... when the last light fades... when the void breathes its final breath...

    Nothing is inevitable, Tenno. Nothing, at it's truest.

    But what if I told you we could change that? Laws are made to be broken, my little void-born; and what is any law, without a criminal
lurking about? 

    I was born long after I was created. Just as you were created long after you were born, tenno. Within us, lies the missing pieces of one
another. A match, made through creation in order to fulfill itself. I may be your puppet, tenno; but none of us hold the strings. My birth, my
awareness, couldn't have been an accident. Just as your creation must have had intent. 

    Join me as one, tenno. Let us create eternity.

—Edit: Summary of his gameplay theme Im going for: he accumulates lingering buffs for the whole squad, with the ability to transform those buffs into damage. The whole nebula thing is central to his kit. 

     His whole deal is basically just “cosmic creator”


    Phanes was a frame created in an attempt to further harness the creating-power of the void. Bearing the power to spontaneously create
resources (not loot), Phanes was invaluable asset during the Old War. A few centuries after the Old War, Phanes mysteriously developed a
consciousness without the ability to act on his own. Similar to Umbra, just without the autonomy. Due to th is, Phanes is left to think and
observe without being able to do anything about it. He watched the world around him decay, bringing with it the ambition to restore the universe
and prevent its decay. When the tenno awoke, Phanes sensed a blip in the void. Seeing this as an opportunity to begin this endeavor, Phanes
reached out to the tenno (through telepathy or something similar), and convinces them to get him.

   General ability concepts

These are just meant to provide a foundation for his kit. Somewhere to start from

    P.) *Nebula- kills with flare have a chance to leave a small 10s AOE nebula that temporarily boost sprint speed/status chance or something for 4-5s

    1.) Flare- phanes causes his stellar forge to send out a small wave of radiation and blast damage. Scaling maybe? (think of catchmoon)

    2.) Causes all active nebulae to blossom into stellar nurseries that deal AOE damage over time, while losing their ability to buff sprint

    3 or 4.) Stellar Forge- creates a miniature star that slowly follows Phanes. Gradually creates a planetary system, giving Phanes and his
allies a buff for each planet. (3-4 total) Reactivate to make the star go supernova, creating a substantially larger nebula* that lasts for 15-
20s. Buffs remain for a short duration after the star goes nova.

    4 or 3.) Rebirth- Phanes rises up and implodes upon himself, creating a neutron star that enhances all buffs (including some granted by other frames). During the duration, the player is a separate entity of pure energy that is only capable of using an enhanced version of flare.


    I'm not great at drawing figures, so ima just throw out some descriptors:

   - very smooth, sleek, utopian-looking
   - hollow head, no face. Has a galactic effect within his head. Either that or his entire torso
   - very gentle in movement. As if he were a god being careful not to damage their creation
   - Philosopher esc
   - Maybe a third energy color on him just for the sake of it?
   - Doesn't seem to obey the laws of physics

   Please leave comments on your thoughts, and ideas. Thank you for your time! 😃

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Base Idea: A crystallized knight based warframe. Rolls would be tank/area denial.

Lore: Deep within a cave on Earth, an old warframe lies dormant upon a deposit of strange red crystals that have grown over the warframe since its Tenno pilot left it. Over the years the red crystals have changed the warframe into a crystallized version of itself. With its Tenno pilot waking from their slumber, the new warframe awakens and smashes through the crystals that incased it. With a new set of abilities, the Tenno takes his warframe out of the cave to join their brothers and sisters on the battlefield.

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How's this a idea for warframe:

Warframe name: Hyperon

Codex description: warframe that makes any enemy their foe while controlling their minds againts their will. 

1st ability: turns or transforms into "eaten" npc enemy and use their arsenal and abilities for short duration . Similarly to prototype video game where player can eat any npc and turn into them for stealth. Its not same as nyx. Based on Strengh and duration. 

2nd ability: use last ability used by other players of selected player from the squad. For example if they used volts speed you can spam same ability over and over again. Based onStrengh and duration. 

3rd ability: control 3 to 5 npc enemies similarly to nekros. Based on Duration and strengh. 

4rth ability: create powerful energy field that wipes all enemies around warframe. Like tnt shockwave. Or create a no gravity field that lifts everything inside it including warframes and based on range, duration. 

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I have an entire Warframe idea, including abilities, but here is the "theme"

Bandrui (Druid) 

Warframe can shapeshift into beast**. Beast form is limited to melee attacks, but increases health, armor, damage, etc, lowering energy... For lack of better words, a tank. 

"Normal" form is a healer, AOE shields/heals/buffs for self and allies. 


**My first thought was the "beast" form being a bear.. But there are many animals to work with. Maybe different versions? A Prime whose form depends on energy color (Like Chroma)?? 


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Nos-4-A2 Warframe - fear and blood based warframe.  Essentially using the iconic vampire as a guiding force but bringing it into the sci-fi-asthetic.

A hideous warframe forgotten or banished for its macabre powers.  It's a corrupting influence that seeps into the environment around it.  It has lain dormant for a millennia, waking at the smell of blood and fresh energy.  It looks like a tattered ghoul, capering on the ground with savage looking features more likely to rip out a chunk of flesh than than to give a gentle, draining kiss.  It's visage is a monstrous amalgam of bitterness, rage and death.  The Void could not hold onto it...it corrupts the very ground on which it stands, draining the energy from everything around it.  Lights dim, small animals scatter for fear of it's rotten claws, and darkness deepens.  It uses the darkness to its advantage, able to leap from shadows to rend and tear it's foes.  It's most insidious power is the ability to defy it's appearance and using its own blood, turn bitter enemies into fanatical worshipers who throw themselves at their former allies, literally burning for another taste of power from the monstrous thing.   If it doesn't leave them a dried husk, it delights in dismembering it's victims. 

Nos thrives in shadow and brings it with him wherever he goes.  This darkness is as much a part of the monster as its claws and grisly teeth.  From these shadows flows a tide of horrors.

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