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Open Call for Warframe Theme Ideas!


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A warframe focused on Fluorescent colors and Neon lights, something along the lines of the Fortuna/ Retro-future, cyberpunk and the 2010's TRON aesthetic, with heavy focus on neon tubing or strips of light. I would imagine that this warframe would deal with the absorption and emission of light. 

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I need a Lion warframe to ship It with valkyr, you can name It "king" and have habilities related to the animal, also i'll love if It can change between human form and beast form, have a Roar with a Aggro hability to get the atention of enemies and tank them, boost the attack with low health and have the king power to dominate enemies or can summon kavats like the flamethrower that i dont remember the name

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I'd love to see a warframe that rewards being in the center of action as a pseudo tank. When I say pseudo tank, I mean that alone, this warframe is very weak, but the more enemies that are close to it (excluding operator mode), the more it can buff it's team, as well as leech health and armor from the amount of enemies it can get close to. The reason I think this would be good is to counter enemy scaling without the use of Octavia, while bringing synergy to less used abilities such as Vauban's Vortex and Mag's Magnetize. Literally thematically, the halfway point between Nekros and Wisp, a ghastly creature indeed, but mostly focused on buffing team survivability and damage, based on what it can leech from surrounding enemies, (like Atlas Rubble) in a form of "soul draining" if you will, that ramps up based on people affected similar to Saryn's Spores. I'd imagine that the survivability increase would probably be dampening the corporeality of the team. 

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An Axolotl themed Warframe would be so cool.

It could be quite cute or you could make a mean looking axolotl XD.

Possibly some kind of affinity to water, or it could swim in the air?.

It may also be able to regenerate health (perhaps passively?) like an axolotl can regenerate limbs.

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My vision is for a Warframe called "Unity". She would be like Nova and be able to create wormholes to all players in her squad (no matter the distance) to allow squad members quick exits from battle to safety. She would also be able to create portals around herself to redirect projectile attacks back at enemies. Another ability would be to teleport a shadow of herself to any squad mate instantly to lend support. Mainly a support and rescue warframe.

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A uni-wheeled Warframe like Gizmoduck. (A little esoteric I know). It's lore could be motorcycle/engine related.

Opportunity for the operator, or other Warframe, to ride. May also create an opportunity for different game modes (vehicle combat, racing, Mariokart-esq).

I imagine a cut scene, set in garage, removing a dust sheet to see a Uni wheeled Warframe.

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I would like a 'void corrupted' warframe.

The idea is pretty simple: An unknown prototype warframe that had been lost on an early expedition is re-discovered within the void. It has now grown so corrupted by the void and by battle that its initial form and abilities are lost. The Tenno have rediscovered this powerful frame and can harness the void powers from it.

It could be a warframe that had been sent into the void very early, was void-corrupted, and has fought an undying war against the inhabitants of the void ever since, with the void refusing to allow the warframe to ever truly "die". After years of unending battle, the warframe is a shattered, scarred, and twisted version of what it once was. Void energies keep certain body parts attached, though nearly unrecognizable. 


The frame should be scarred and twisted. Sort of like a distorted version of the various Sentients and Eidelons, except his odd frame and movements are due to being trapped in an endless cycle of death and rebirth within the void, stuck in battle against the creatures and powers of the void, with its old identity lost to time. 

We could give design to a warframe unlike any we've had before, with its form closer to looking like Sentient technology as the void reshaped the warframe, and void lights keeping some limbs attached with void energy, while other limb(s) would be still attached, and look closer to what we "know" warframes to look like (humanoid). Its strength could be derived from the void and able to tap into the void to summon allies to help in battle, and shield and protect himself (and with the right mods, his allies), and of course provide powerful offensive abilities. 


It would be interesting to be able to harness the power of the void, similar to Corrupted Vor, with "Light/Energy" based abilities, with the void energies helping to keep the warframe "together" (again, similar to Vor with his glowing tum tum). [Clearly this would need to fit within the lore and if an abandoned warframe is able to be "corrupted" by years of countless battles, alone in the void, with perhaps and artifact like Vor's Void Key, but something else, helping to keep the warframe alive, but corrupting it over time.]

I feel a mage with some tankiness, similar to Frost or Saryn, would be a good fit, with its tankiness coming from its abilities. 

As a quick shot at abilities: 

1 - Harness the power of the void to heal yourself for X over 3 seconds and provide a void shield that protects from damage and hurts melee attackers. -Medium length CD
2 - A directional teleport of max 25-30 meters that leaves enemies in an area of X meters around the landing spot vulnerable to damage and with decreased accuracy for 2 seconds. -Short CD
3 - Rips a random corrupted void creature into the battlefield to fight for you for 20 seconds. Where the creature is summoned created a blast of pure void energy, dealing X damage. The void creature draws enemy attacks. -Medium CD
4 - Release the void. The energies that keep the warframe together are used to add kinetic damage to the limbs that are connected by void energy. The limbs can attack and perhaps has their own void blast abilities that increase or unlock as you level the warframe. Aside from the limbs attacking, void energies can be fired manually from the frame itself. These devastating void blasts can fire out in unexpected directions before zeroing in on the chosen target(s) and blasting 'em all to Grineer heaven. 


I think it could be interesting to have a warframe which we have little information on, perhaps including the warframes gender. 


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Тьма заслоняет экран. 

Вдруг в абсолютной тишине слышится эхо говорящих на непонятном языке. 

Голоса становились все ближе и экран заполнился вихрем красок. 

Размытые краски не дают понять, кто говорит. 


"- Я понимаю их, это диалект труви." - ошарашенно подумалось мне. 


Слоги стали превращаться в слова, а слова в предложения. 

Из за быстрой речи я сначала понимала только обрывки фраз. 


-Дети.... Защитить.... Но... Как... 

- Разбудить... Ната... Их... 


Картинка не становилась яснее, будто стоял барьер... 

Но речь становилась яснее, а предложения понятнее. 


-Все идет к тому, что мы должны использовать этот шанс. Иначе пострадают Дети и пострадает Лотос. 

-Каждое действие мы должны продумать наперед, ты же понимаешь? 

-Да, мы будем осторожны в своих действиях. От нашего выбора зависит все. 


В это время картинка вдруг стала ясной, слышен был тихий звук, который становился громче. 

-"Что это? " - подумала я. 

Вдруг картинки с ошеломляющей скоростью стали проматываться назад, на какое то время замерли и снова прокрутились вперед. 

За эти короткие мгновения я увидела двух говорящих мужчин, но картинки так быстро сменяли друг друг друга, что черты лица оказались размыты... 

Лица казались знакомыми до боли и чужими одновременно. 

Фон менял свое состояние.

То фигуры были на фоне цветущей чащи, что слышны были даже сквозь какофонию шелест листвы и пение птиц. 

Вдруг день сменялся ночью и задул пронзительный ледяной ветер. 

В метели снега фигуры будто растворялись, но потом мигом сходил снег и было видно приближающиеся грозы. 

Времена года меняли друг друга, но только фигуры оставались на своих местах, будто отдельно взятый эпизод. 

Вдруг все остановилось ровно на том месте, на котором началось. 


-Прежде всего нам необходимо разбудить ее. 

-Нам неободимо подготовить детей к встречи с ней. 


Вдруг картинка стала отдаляться, а звук стал глуше.

Два собеседника продолжали разговаривать, отчаянно жестикулируя. 

Стал нарастать какой то звук и вдруг картинка, которая уже была маленькой точкой, с хлопком канула в небытие... 


Голоса в полной темноте :

-Я думаю, что обряд "Эхо-Сон" должен быть проведен в присутствии детей, ведь нам элементарно не хватит для этого сил. 

-Я с тобою согласен. 

Нужно сообщить в первую очередь о Всеобщем сборе. 

-Как ты думаешь, она будет готова к этому? 

-Я уверен, что она уже знает. Все таки она ее дочь. 

-Мы делаем это ради всех. 

-Хорошо. Тогда об... ляем о начале сбора д... я "Эхо-Сна" и сообщ... м о сущес... овании...иии...


Со звуком произнесенных слов вдруг во тьме стала материализовываться фигура, медленно ко мне приближаясь. 


... И вдруг я ясно увидела яркий грозный взгляд... 


... И шёпотом.. . 


... "Минея!"... 


И фигура стала обрастать тянувшейся к ней тьмой. Эти ошметки обвалакивали ее, словно змеи, пока фигура не исчезла совсем. 

В этой тьме не осталось ничего, кроме горящих в темноте глаз... 




В этот момент я будто очнулась ото сна, открыв глаза я увидела своего варфрейма. 

Это был мой орбитер, слышно было как говорит Ордис. 

"Ордис, я знаю все, что ты хочешь мне сказать" - сказала я себе под нос. 

Нас ждет грандиозная встреча. 

Ребенок, находившийся во сне всю свою бесконечную жизнь. Маленькое Дитя, несущее Хаос. 

Это будет Встреча с дочерью Лотос, потому как только она способна предотвратить войну.. 

Яд против яда... 

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Chemistry frame could be very interesting. If you've seen Dr. Stone, that's what comes to mind as I envision this, of course with less stumbling across nitric acid in a cave and more picking up chemical components from killed enemies as drops.

This would be a very unique and weird frame, unlike anything else in the game. The very base idea I have in mind is that killed enemies drop unique components that only drop for this frame, and once picked up, certain components are consumed for certain abilities and certain damage types.

I.e., if you want the 4th ability to be a big bomb that does blast damage, the Warframe would need to pick up, say, potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur. The components of gunpowder. Press 4, explosion.

Something that I think could be an interesting way to use this premise is to have different factions drop different components, which alters the damage type of the abilities to be one very effective against that faction. So grineer might drop radioactive isotopes or caustic compounds (I.e. sulfur, which the Warframe could turn into sulfuric acid using elements found in the atmosphere), Corpus could drop heavy metals or toxic coolant, infested could drop flammable biomass or volatile fluids, etc etc.

This is a frame that would take a lot of tinkering to effectively design, which is why I think it would be best suited for community design. Players have a great feel for what abilities would be useful and effective, what drop rates would be reasonable, what niches can be filled, etc.

Of course, a chemistry frame could very well be made without my silly scavenging idea, I just think that's good for thematic unity and to make an experience that's wholly unique in the game.

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The Prototype 

Built by the Orokin who discovered transference to experiment with Tenno void abilities without potentially damaging a valuable prime warframe, it's just an infested husk wrapped up in bandages or some kind of hastily fabricated wrappings with various implants and a transference bolt stabbed into it. 

It doesn't have any abilities of it's own, but you can choose four of your operator's focus abilities to channel through as powers and one waybound ability to set as it's passive, allowing for a huge amount of customization and providing more synergy for the focus system. 


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Me and a friend of mine was talking about a full Artillery frame. With the first three abilities being different turrents or large caliber weapons and the fourth ability being a defensive wall with Artillery fire shooting from it or around it.

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Ars - Art based Warframe

Description: This is Ars, the Artist, the Creator. Watch as she paints the battlefield red and sends the enemy back to the drawing board.

Passive: Portrait & Landscape - Ars focuses intensely on her surroundings, placing emphasis on enemy or environment, revealing enemy locations to allies or turning hazards against her foes. 

1) Sketch: Ars scans her enemies or environment depending on her passive, reducing enemy armor/health/shields or buffing ally defenses in the area accordingly.

2) Trace: Ars traces herself or enemies in the area depending on her passive. Upon recasting Trace after tracing herself, she reappears at the targeted location in a flash of imagination, erasing enemy weapons and disabling powers and auras.  Tracing enemies reduces their mobility and ability to deal damage. 

3) Pallet Swap: Ars cycles her equipped weapon's mod config forward by one and places the "Imagination" or "Potential" buff on herself and allies, depending on her passive; increasing the magnitude of their equipped mods or eliminating the need to reload entirely. Hold to swap the state of her passive.

4) Redraw: Ars releases her inner talent and redraws the battlefield, refreshing all active ally buffs or enemy debuffs, depending on her passive, with a chance of erasing all sketched enemies and reconstituting those that have been traced as allies.  Warning: Redrawing something too many times may lead to the loss of the original idea and could lead to "Drawing a blank", you have been warned.

Note: This is my first submission on the forums, I hope everyone likes it. Happy 7th cycle everyone! ^_^


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6 hours ago, [DE]Helen said:


We’re calling upon the Warframe community to create the next Warframe! You can stay up-to-date on the design phases in the official Community-Designed Warframe thread.

The theme is the foundation of every Warframe’s design. Over the years, we have seen countless fantastic ideas in the Fan Concepts subforum and across the Internet. That creativity is what we’ll need to breathe life into this Warframe! Share with us a Warframe theme you’d like to see inspire the next design.

How to submit:

In this thread, share a description of a Warframe theme that you would like to see in-game!

We aren’t considering Abilities during this design phase. First, it’s all about a strong theme! Expound your idea and make it the best it can be.


  • One submission per player.
  • Theme can’t be changed after it is submitted. You may edit your post to make small changes like fixing typos. "Reason for edit" will be reviewed.
  • If there are duplicate theme submissions, only the one that was first posted will be considered - we’ll be watching!
  • Theme idea must be original. Your submission can be from a post you made elsewhere as long as it’s your own!
  • Details like back stories might be altered by the Dev Team as needed to ensure consistency with Warframe’s overall design.
  • Concept art can be included in submissions but will not be considered in the final design or when selecting the final theme.
  • Do not reserve spots in this thread.
  • Only post submissions in this thread.
  • Submissions that do not follow these guidelines will not be considered.
  • Chosen submission becomes property of Digital Extremes.

We understand that we can’t avoid duplicate Warframe theme submissions, so please do your best to submit a theme that has yet to be presented, and we’ll do our best when sorting through to ensure there is a fair opportunity for all!

Selecting the Final Theme:

Call for submissions will close on Thursday, March 19 at 1:00pm ET.

After reviewing all theme submissions, the Warframe Team will choose a Top 10 to present to the Design Council!

The Design Council will then vote to determine the winning Warframe theme. Design Council voting will begin on Friday, March 20 at 1:00PM ET and run until Thursday, March 26 at 1:00PM ET.

After the Theme is Chosen:

Community artist, Eornheit will create the Warframe’s official design based on the chosen theme! Once the design is complete, we will make an open call to the community once again to design the Warframe’s Abilities. Follow each phase here!

The community-created Warframe’s name and final design will be revealed on Saturday, July 11th during the TennoCon 2020 Live Stream!


Let us hear your Warframe ideas, Tenno!

There should be a warframe that uses their health for abilities similar to hildryn with her shields 

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A chemist Warframe. Use 1,2 or 3 to mix something in your erlenmeyer flask and click four to throw or hold to drink it

If the max. amount of chemicals is just three per flask you get one Frame, with 12 different skills. (And if it depends on the order how everything was mixed together you get even 54.)

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A shapeshifting frame would be cool, i am thinking melee focused mecha kubrow/kavat form, corpus/grineer/infested leaper form for stealth and some kind of vehicle/skimmer for speed. Bonus points if other tenno can ride any of the forms.







Please let me play as a transformer.

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