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Pvp - Noticed Any Changes Now?


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I dont like pvp.

So  besides duels they added conclaves.

Peopel got  their pvp they were  asking for.

However - im starting to notice increasing number of messages about it - as  you could predict will happen before pvp was added.
Things like:

"Which frame/weapon is best for pvp".

"Frame xxx is too op in pvp" or " too weak".

"X skill needs to change for pvp".


Even noticed once "When do they add pvp weapons".

Its liek  the more  pvp related content you add, the more they start to demand and want.

First it was so that "  we could have fun with friends or spend time"

and now its reaching " this needs to change for pvp and need mroe pvp content".


Already waiting for the  increasing flood of "nerf" or "boost" threads for pvp.

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I don't know what you expected. It would be the same the other way around. Throw a mini game where you're fighting against AI exclusively in a PvP game, and people who like it will ask for more. Don't blame the player, blame the game(or the dev in this case).

There have been countless games that lost their integrity and direction because they wanted to appeal to everyone. Only the devs and publishers of these games have the power and the responsibility to say "enough is enough". Most people are naturally egoistical and self-centered, ones with a competitive mindset even more so - that's unfortunately the world we live in. But yeah, the most outrageous idea regarding PvP I've seen to date on here would've been to put an arena right on the sun. Yup, in the middle of the system map, cause you know, it's srs bzns.

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Lol. Frames are abilities are rarely used fluidly in PvP. You're seeing a small handful of people who were worked because they were careless, or the other person was lucky and picked up energy. 


I honestly don't bother slotting more than a single ability due to how rare I find myself using an ability. I just keep saryn's venom because it's cheap and can be used as a tracking mechanism. 

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I think added/allowing friendly Tenno competition was just to allow world pvp, I also think you're just over reacting to this. 


1. I don't see them making 1 frame the most Overpowered frame just for conclaves nor nerfing some cause of the Conclaves.


2. I don't see any problems with any weapon of choice. Faced each "OP weapon" still can come up top with a crappy MK1.


3. If people use skills to win they deserved it.  You only get so much energy from the orbs if you weren't the first to get to the location to bad.


People are going to argue over this but I don't see DE or the individuals in charge of PvP nerfing weapons/frames just cause of it. 

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I paid as a founder and I want more PvP. The conclave was an awful bone. PvP needs to be done right and then I'll be happy.


I paid as a founder and I want the core mechanics of the game to be fixed and balanced. Update 10 was full of content with not enough fixes. The core mechanics need to be done right and then I'll be happy.

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I paid as a founder and I want more PvP. The conclave was an awful bone. PvP needs to be done right and then I'll be happy.

Wasn't the big topic... Like... DE sort of caved and added PvP, when it wasn't being added in the first place?

They didn't want it because it's incredibly hard to balance it?

Not saying you should settle, but you should be happy you got something.

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PVP in this game is LOL.


Basically whoever gets the first shot in is most likely the winner. I had some guy taunt me into coming to his Dojo to battle him. Went there lost the first round (my first duel ever) finding that melee was the only real option. So next round he got his face smashed and again after that. Next round we both died neither could rez and it was GG. Just another glitch that likely won't be fixed unless the forums blow up because of it.

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It's hard to not ask for more.


I wasn't for or against it to start, but now that it is in I'm pretty happy with it.


All guns have stats for both normal and Conclave stats, so I'm guessing those will be tweaked accordingly.


Nothing has changed in the normal game because of it. 

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I like how people judge other people based on conclave rating. I'm going to get as big a number as possible and be the biggest baggage I can be. That'll show them.


Yeah the winners that recruit for Tower 3s requiring "1k conclave or higher ONLY" are kind of sad. They really need to tweak the rating system or simply hide it outside of actual PvP environments. 

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I dont like pvp.

So  besides duels they added conclaves.

Peopel got  their pvp they were  asking for.

However - im starting to notice increasing number of messages about it - as  you could predict will happen before pvp was added.

Things like:

"Which frame/weapon is best for pvp".

"Frame xxx is too op in pvp" or " too weak".

"X skill needs to change for pvp".


Even noticed once "When do they add pvp weapons".


Its liek  the more  pvp related content you add, the more they start to demand and want.

First it was so that "  we could have fun with friends or spend time"

and now its reaching " this needs to change for pvp and need mroe pvp content".


Already waiting for the  increasing flood of "nerf" or "boost" threads for pvp.


PvP has only a few people from DE working full-time on it, the rest of the team works on polising every other aspect of the game.


Don't rustle your jimmies over something you don't like, it's not like those 2 guys working on PvP would make much of a difference for your grinding experience.


Let the people enjoying PvP actually enjoy it, if you don't like it then don't do it :)

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