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Warframe needs and pause and a revision ( here humbly/naively is how I think it could be done.<3 DE).


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Firstly I want to say this is a time when  players should be supporting DE. Yes they have made some really bad choices, but they were aiming for the sun here ...we all felt it, the tenocon reveals seemed unreal..that's because in part they were. This game has underlying flaws, maybe DE shouldbhave been focusing on that instead of hype^tm, but I can't blame them for trying to realise what they thought would be game changing content.

So I hvae zero experience in making a game but hear me out. I have an opinion of how DE can fix things. And it kind of underpins a core failure of the game, splitting newplayer vs end- player experience  because currently DE tries to appease both with the same content and its failing. So this is constructive feed back I have:

Firstly have part of the team keep running scarlet spear. Use the feedback to shape the event into something fun and rewarding. As well get nightwave running up again...plz. link them together and show a degree of connectedness.  Have a conversion system for nightwave and event credits after reaching a certain milestone in the event.

Now the important art. The rest of the team should then work on splitting the game.

A) the new player experience.  Leave the game as it is for the most part. Leave the enemy low level cap...but remove the excessive grind because I thing it really impairs the experience. Like brozime has said increase the exp gain by 4x to make leveling warframes not a chore or the equivalent of a job. As well start making all that content accessible. Make the story campaign streamlined so you can finish alot of it off and reach the 2 nd dream by the end of earth. Its engaging and a huge asset. Why hide it?? Make fortuna and POE not teased behind ridiculous daily exp caps...it should take me months to grind this out as a casual player? Let players get amps, focus, basic railjack intrinsics and everything much quicker. But importantly cap the extent of progression to a small amount. Make it a newplayer cap (ph  name lel). All of this provides motivation for reaching the next part. (But it also let's all players access the events which currently they can't).

B) End game: a large portion of the team focuses on the second part of the game. The grindy part. After unlocking arbitrations players can grind for a specializing orokin component that allows you to awaken or upgrade your warframe into an endgame or battle ready frame. This is a crucial point, and I think this should allow the player to access start chart 2.0 with higher scaling content, >70lvl. This transition is important as an battle ready frame (ph name) allows DE not only the ability to provide scaling abilities (why, because no ability should be useless for new content imo) but rework the frames. Which is needed to a grave degree. Most of the team should be on this. It allows for warframe 2.0 and frames to be more standardized and suited for updates, we have a pick and mix of frames. Categorize types based on ultity (I.e tank, buff, healer, dps).Personally I would love to see stronger abilities with flasher animations for all frames "awakened", but I would be happy for just scaling abilities so Vaubans laser isnt a ironic joke (1000 blast damage lel)..or maybe even make them all as well have umbra?The second part of endgame is creating difficult enemies and I'm not talking new types....DE has soooo many wasted assets!! Rhopodopolyst, ghouls, etc. Some enemy types only spawn on certain nodes on certain planets? Why? Bring them back across the 2.0 starchart. Here is another crucial component add AI that actually makes it a challenge!! Add weak points like in the nox. Make shielded enemies have invulnerable shields. Allow arbitration type drones to defend leader type units that could be based of kuva liches (minus the whole requiem bs). Have a unit that dampens warframe abilities or more leech type units, but specific units that you can observe and point out. Make the challenge here. Make it so the fights are engaging and enemies test you. Not just zombie upto your gun with a "plz shoot me" sign. Lastly in this mode the grind can start, make it hard to level up your endgame frames. Make the rest of focus and railjack harder but with rewarding and powerful equipment. Make it feel powerful and fun to play over nerf-balancing, its game and fun is essential.

This game has potential and alot of content in it. If DE hunkered down and started focusing on this kind of rework the game could become more of what it is supposed to be.

P.s Alot of you may disagree.  But this is just a tennos desperate want for a fixed game. Have commit +4 years into it and feel like DE is struggling with the community atm. So here is a possible solution and all I can do to help a game I have enjoyed so very much!

Edited by Azethin
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10 hours ago, Azethin said:

. Yes they have made some really bad choices, but they were aiming for the sun here ..

Aiming for the sun is by itself a stupid choice. 

It's the damn sun! it will burn you if you have shielding enough to even approach it. 




Your suggestions were already made by many others, DE is either incapable or unwilling to address it. 

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vor 4 Stunden schrieb (PS4)Darkrya:

I think the prize goes to Thermia Fractures, I swear that event has been up for a straight year.

Uhm that one comes back like what, every 2 weeks i think? It not jsut goes on and on, it is supposed to come back like the Ghouls, only poor implentation is the scoreboard, nice for people to catch up but unneeded for those who have finished all, it should not show the rewards again for those who finished it simply.

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