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One Time Mods


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There are some mods that players can currently only get one of unless they buy them from another player. Mods such as the Umbral and Sacrifice mods aswell as the Amalgam mods from Thermia Fractures.

A while back they introduced the ability to buy quest warframe parts from Simaris, this allowed getting multiple of quest frames which was impossible before.

Would it make sense to allow multiple of these currently one time mods?

One example of where I'd find such an addition useful can be seen with the Umbral set, I have never upgraded my Umbral Intensify as with it unupgraded I can run all 3 Umbral mods and thus get the best set bonus. If we were able to have multiple Umbral mods I would be able to have one stock version and one upgraded version which would work better for different builds.

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I'd say ideally we need the ability to adjust the rank of mods on the fly so we don't need multiple copies of them in the first place.

If there is a balance concern for it then I'd even take it as an unlock from a +1 rank on the mod (the cost rank 11 would be on a 10 rank mod).

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28 minutes ago, trst said:

I'd say ideally we need the ability to adjust the rank of mods on the fly so we don't need multiple copies of them in the first place.

If there is a balance concern for it then I'd even take it as an unlock from a +1 rank on the mod (the cost rank 11 would be on a 10 rank mod).

i think i remember seeing a prototype for this at some point in a devstream or on steve's stream(maybe it was pablo's?) before the entire quarantine stuff started so i think it's in work stuff but i assume pushed back for now

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1 hour ago, PhiThagRaid said:

One example of where I'd find such an addition useful can be seen with the Umbral set, I have never upgraded my Umbral Intensify as with it unupgraded I can run all 3 Umbral mods and thus get the best set bonus. If we were able to have multiple Umbral mods I would be able to have one stock version and one upgraded version which would work better for different builds.

Yeah, that's problematic. People who made Umbra frames before the Umbra Forma told me it's more practical to max out your Umbral mods, and equip not fully ranked copies of other mods.

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Just an idea I came up regarding how they can be obtained:

Given that all these one time mods so far have been variations on other mods, a sacrifice of the base version could be used to create the special ones.

The Umbral and Sacrifical mods could have some interaction with Umbra or Starchild version of Ordis.

Amalgam mods could be a trade we do with Alad V, or some interaction with those combination-door rooms in the Gas City tileset, now that amalgam experimentation is going on there.

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On 2020-05-12 at 7:43 AM, trst said:

I'd say ideally we need the ability to adjust the rank of mods on the fly so we don't need multiple copies of them in the first place.

If there is a balance concern for it then I'd even take it as an unlock from a +1 rank on the mod (the cost rank 11 would be on a 10 rank mod).

This discussion has been going on since "Update 7" was the "New Hotness".

Never gonna happen.

Great idea!

But apparently not.

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On 2020-05-12 at 2:37 AM, PhiThagRaid said:

There are some mods that players can currently only get one of unless they buy them from another player. Mods such as the Umbral and Sacrifice mods aswell as the Amalgam mods from Thermia Fractures.

A while back they introduced the ability to buy quest warframe parts from Simaris, this allowed getting multiple of quest frames which was impossible before.

Would it make sense to allow multiple of these currently one time mods?

One example of where I'd find such an addition useful can be seen with the Umbral set, I have never upgraded my Umbral Intensify as with it unupgraded I can run all 3 Umbral mods and thus get the best set bonus. If we were able to have multiple Umbral mods I would be able to have one stock version and one upgraded version which would work better for different builds.

You can't sell those mods, your example with simaris don't apply, because you can sell the frames for credits. It would be better if somehow DE would allow to unrank mods (and focus nodes for the people who maxed them all), rather than your suggestion.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2020-05-16 at 12:37 AM, nslay said:

Umbral, Sacrificial and Thermia Fracture mods from Simaris for 100,000+ standing a piece.

EDIT: This is just an idea.

Exactly this for Umbral and Sacrifice was just released, nice. Now only looking for the amalgam update somehow.

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