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The Atlas augment is really nice based on the tests i did, the problem is the pain and energy consumption from the fact that petrify cost 75 every time, and you need at least 20-25 enemies to get the amount of rumble required and then keep it up 'cause it rans out really quick, sure it allows you to punch enemies without worrying about energy but then with 1400 rumble, you spend more in the end than using only the first ability a few more times. (That's why i think he needs a rework so he can use more the synergies).

The Saryn one, to be hontest i like the fact that the enemies are highlighted in green so you can differenciate them, but still sounds weak, what would be nice is if it had some kind of wall hack or glowing enemies, not just new markers in the map, i don't rely on the map, i see the game. (This could lead to a redesing of the minimap, or maybe the entire HUD).

Then the Valkyr augment, it's nice "but", ¡¡it still has the growing energy drain!!! With that it's just like having a nerfed hysteria: an insane cost of energy and now a cooldwn, thanks... (By the way, i can still red crit without the augment).

The nidus augment, this one is the best of all this 4, but the majority of missions and the new enemy scaling make it worthless. (If 100 mutations were enough for most of the content that warframe offers, then 300 are just too many, this will only benefit those 5 hours survival runs and still you have the 30 seconds cooldown, when in those levels you can die in less than 5 seconds).

To sum up i would like to say that no one has enough space to fully test this amount of augments, an augment slot should be on the way now.

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24 minutes ago, IvanMortem said:

The Saryn one, to be hontest i like the fact that the enemies are highlighted in green

That is about all the mod does, highlight enemies in green instead of the usual red you get from Primed Animal Instinct. Well, that and take up a mod slot - but you will have a free slot anyway, since you cannot use a much better augment (Venom Dose) together with it.

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If it's an exilus mod weakness shouldnt be the problem, usability is. 40m radar when every enemy dies anyway is useless.

Kinda like with Novas Portal augment. It's a speed buff and that's it. The buff itself doesnt matter really but it isnt like you get the buff and then .1 seconds later you lose the buff.

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2 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:

It does nothing and prevents you from using an actually good augment. Peculiar Bloom is a better mod than this.

How does it prevent you from using a good augment? It's bad so dont use it?

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1 minute ago, Traumtulpe said:

It does nothing

Sorry, I made a mistake there; It actually downgrades you radar from 63m to 40-45m (capped at 45 with ability range).

That is because you use Primed Animal Instinct anyway, and could replace Revealing Spores with Enemy Sense.

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21 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:

Sorry, I made a mistake there; It actually downgrades you radar from 63m to 40-45m (capped at 45 with ability range).

That is because you use Primed Animal Instinct anyway, and could replace Revealing Spores with Enemy Sense.

I think you're wrong about a lot of things. This augment is created for the convenience of those people who do not touch the ability 4. You see an enemy on the minimap that currently has spores, which means you can spread them by killing this enemy. Yes, lighting through the walls would be much better, but I think that's good enough too.

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1 minute ago, Traumtulpe said:
I have good news for you: Spores already does this by default (kinda). It constantly deals damage, and you can see the damage numbers through walls.

Well, I meant that the enemy silhouette will give you knowledge of what type of enemy is currently under spores. But not the point. The good thing about green radar is that you don't need a spin camera to see the damage figures and you can immediately head in the right direction.

It just gives you a certain playstyle. And I think that's good enough for exilus.

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5 hours ago, IvanMortem said:

The Atlas augment is really nice based on the tests i did, the problem is the pain and energy consumption from the fact that petrify cost 75 every time, and you need at least 20-25 enemies to get the amount of rumble required and then keep it up 'cause it rans out really quick, sure it allows you to punch enemies without worrying about energy but then with 1400 rumble, you spend more in the end than using only the first ability a few more times. (That's why i think he needs a rework so he can use more the synergies).

I really wish it was an Exilus augment instead. As it is currently, I have max efficiency on my Atlas and Path of Statues, but I'm willing to give up streamline or fleeting for this augment because it does sound really good. I think it synergizes well with path of statues so you don't have to spam 3 as much. But yeah, as lvls get higher the longer you're in a mission, rubble becomes harder to maintain so I do agree that Atlas does need a rework even if it's just QoL.

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All of them but Saryn's sounds like cool on surface level but I don't think any of them really add to their kits in any meaningful way.

With atlas you already go major punchy boi and can kill pretty much anything with the right mod setup.  I'm still not a fan of how most of his kit works and interacts with itself.  I guess it makes the memey one punch man builds more viable.  Buuuut eh?

Valks seems like a joke.  But a really bad joke.  She literally has never struggled with damage on her 4.  It still drains her energy despite having a cooldown now.  lolwhy.  Also, if you ever actually struggle with crits for some reason they fixed that with the ability to toggle between your weapons while keeping exalted mode active.  So you could easily setup mods that let you crit more when you have more status effects on an enemy already.  I might've just considered this mod alone to temp not have to worry about my energy.  Like straight up make it a panic button if something could ever top a warcry build's level of survivability.  But nope.  hilariously bad.

Nidus's mod is redundant.  Which is better than Valks just giving a worse 4th ability I guess.  But.  300 stacks?  so he can have a cooldown on his passive?  Nidus ALREADY struggles to die.  And is very much not relevant in most content because Nidus needs time to get to peak status.  And most content doesn't have you sit in missions forever.

Saryn's is just...I don't know.  Feels like a feature that should just exist in the base kit by default.  At least it's an exalus mod..


Personally here's what i'd do for 3 of the mods keeping their theme/main idea intact:

Rubble heap: Atlas no longer loses rubble passively.  Doubles the current rubble cap.  Landslide does 2x damage and travels farther.  Gains a new slam when using landslide in the air.  AoE briefly hard CC's enemies.  Costs x amount of rubble to do the slam.  Slamming on petrified enemies amplifies the CC range of slam.

Enraged:  Hysteria no longer drains energy and is now on a cooldown system.  Base 15 seconds but duration can scale that up to a cap of 30 seconds.  Auto triggers hysteria when you take fatal damage (this can only happen once per revive.) Automatically always crits.  Finishers that kill the target refreshes the duration.

Abundant mutation:  Starts the mission with 200 stacks.  Undying does not trigger until under 100 stack threshold.  Triggering undying Boosts stack gains by 2x during the undying effect.


My biggest annoyance with Atlas's passive is that you lose it passively for literally no reason.  Even at max rubble he's still a pale comparison to most recognized "tank" frames.  His passive really doesn't net him anything over the top to warrant a drain.  On top of the passive drain I really don't understand why he has such little armor from benefitting from it.  The man is a literal golem made of stone.  He should be one of the most survivable things in the game.  The changes address these issues along with tapping into his cc based play and giving him a new dynamic to his melee combat that's literally not just mashing your 1 key.

Hysteria as i've said never struggles with damage.  But you know leaning into more crits is a door they opened so im taking it.  People REALLY dislike the passive and increasing drain she got.  The augment tries to appease these people by tricking them with a double whammy of having both a cooldown AND a drain.  Since most people who bother playing Valkyr these days primarily for a warcry build hysteria's invulnerable state isn't enticing and her exalted weapon simply lacks the efficiency for a mob clearing game.  We can match and outpace it's damage and aoe with just melee weapons.  So I opted to just turn her augment into a panic button that leans into the fact that she kind of revolves around finishers.  This way there is a chase gameplay wise for people if they want to relive the old days of staying in hysteria forever.

Nidus's augment fix was a very simple and straight forward one.  As I said Nidus isn't relevant because it takes time to build him up.  So this straight removes it.  With the balancing side that he doesn't get immediate access to his undying passive.  However once he DOES get access to his undying passive he can more easily maintain his stacks in content that ACTUALLY can dent Nidus enough to worry about death.  I suppose DE might see this as a straight power increase and "augments aren't supposed to do that" but DE has already broken that rule with several other frames.  If Nidus suddenly became relevant I doubt that would break the game in any meaningful way.  But i'm screaming into the void here.

As for Saryn's...yeah.  No clue.  Wouldn't know what to add to the kit that would both be an addition to it and also make a Saryn choose it over her already decent augments.


TLDR:  Augments are a lazy low effort inclusion that have next to no meaningful value for the frames they are for.  DE pls.

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